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1. Személyi adatok, személyes informaciok 1.01. Személyi adatok » Alapszdkincs absence [‘ebsons] 1715 tévollét, hidnyzds A new teacher was appointed during his absence adult 'edalt} 1371 felnétt Children may come with an adult. age [erd3] 403 kor The age of the girl is unknown. born [bo:n] 1334 saiiletett He was born in Germany. boy [boi] 511 fit The boys’ restroom is opposite the girls. female [‘fizmerl] 1702 _nénemii, néi The female babies receive pink blankets. gentleman [‘dgentimon]. ir(iember),férfi__The gentleman took off his coat and handed it to gentlemen 1583 the lady. girl (gatl] 400 lény My youngest child is a gir to identify far'dentifar] #53 azonos{t;felismer The girl identified the coat as hers. individual [,indr'vidsual] egyén; személyi-_ A good teacher treats students as individuals. 1. Személyi adatok, személyes informaciék 837 ség kid (kid) 1703 gyerek Kids enjoy visiting the zoo. lady ['lerdi] 975 hilgy, asszony, n6 The lady at the bank said hello to the gil. male {merl] 1253 himnemii; férfi, There are more male students than female ones fit in the class. man [men]. men 95 férfi; ember Man is the opposite of woman. name [ner] 300 név Do you have the same name as one of your parents? person [‘pa:sn] 346 személy;ember Only one person at a time may enter the room. sex [seks] 1241 nem You can now find out the sex of your baby before itis born, sir [s3:] 595 ur, uram It’s polite to call strangers ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam.’ status ['stertos] 1280 helyzet, stdtusz Her status in society changed after she had written a book title (tartl] 965 térsadalmicim He uses the title Sir’ before his name. woman [‘womon]. women né, asszony The old man married a young woman. 139 youth (ju:8] 1659 ifftikor; fiatals4g He learned wisdom in his youth so he could make better decisions as an adult. 1.01. Személyi adatok » Kiegészité szdkincs absent [ebsont] 4007 _-idnyz6, tdvol__Two pupils were absent yesterday. marad6 birthday ['bs:@der] 2601 sziiletésnap My birthday is on the 22nd of June. chap [tJeep] 3598 fick6, pasas John isa very friendly chap. deaf [def] 3006 siket if you cannot hear, you are deaf. duke [djusk] 2568, earl [a:l] 3226 ethnic ['e@ntk] 3319 fellow ['felou] 3077 female ['fizmerl] 2305 gender [‘dsenda] 3632 guy [gai] 2527 identification {ar,dentrfr'ker fn] 3335 identity far'dentati] 2203 infant (‘infant] 3086 junior [‘dsumnia] 2962 lad (leed] 2577 male {merl) 2205 self [self], selves 2448 senior ['siznia] 1342 signature ('srgnatfa] 4448 surname [‘ssineim] 4330 teenager ['ti:znerd3a] 3978 youngster (‘jansta] 3379 herceg grof nemzetiségi, nép- fick6, alak nénemi; nd nem, nemi alak, pasas azonosités, személyazonosit6 okirat identitds, énazo- nossig kisgyermek, csecsemé, fiatal, fiatalabb, kezd6, junior fii, fiatalember férfi nmaga, az énje id6sebb, feljebb- val6, végz6s aléirds vezetéknév tizenéves, tinédzser gyerkée, kamasz ‘A duke is a man of very high rank, just below that of king or queen. ‘An earl is a man of high social rank who rules territory for the king. The cultural festival celebrated a variety of ethnic origins. That fellow is a great football player. Most of the cooks are females in this hotel. Do you know what gender the baby is? That guy is friends with my brother. Can | see some identification, please? During his teenage years, he questioned his identity. This product is not suitable for infants. The firm is takirg on a new junior employee. A group of lads were playing football on the street. According to the survey, males earn more than females. I think a job gives a person a sense of self. Only senior pupils are permitted to go out at lunchtime Everyone has a unique signature. Smith is a very common surname. Talking to teenegers can be very difficult sometimes. His youngster is going to the local primary school. 1.02. Allampolgarsag és nemzetiség » Alapszdkincs American {a'merskan] 580 amerikai British ["britaf] 271 English {'mglif] 462 European [,juars'pi:an] 366 foreign [‘foran) 691 brit angol eurépai kiilfoldi, idegen He has only lived in the US for five years, but his American accent is very strong. I find British humour very funny. English humour can be very dry. European food varies greatly. She enjoys learning foreign languages. & EB s = 3 = s € 5 ei ay 2 & = 8 o> S & 5 8 a k acid 1. Személyi adatok, személyes inform French [frent[] 662 francia German [‘ds3:man] «20 német Irish [arryj] 1735 ir Japanese {dsepa'niz] japan 1958 Russian ['rafn] 1938 orosz Scottish [skotrf] 1139 skét Soviet ‘savviat] 1034 szovjet | really like French fashion. German dassical composers are famous throughout the world. The Irish “anguage is different from English We ate sushi in a Japanese restaurant. Russian films are often sad comedies. English people sometimes have difficulties in understanding Scottish accents | lived in -he Soviet zone of Berlin asa kid. 1.02. Allampolgarsdg és nemzetiség » Kiegészité szokincs African (‘eftikan) 2223 afrikai Arab ['erab] 3396 arab Asian (ern) 3723 dasiai Australian [o'strerlion) ausztral 3209 Chinese [tfar'nizz] 2302 kinai Dutch (datf] 3316 holland Greek [gritk] 2888 gordg Indian [‘indian} 2433 indiai Italian [r'teeljon] 2357 olasz native [‘nertiv] 3250 sziil6-, anya-, Roman [‘rouman] 2213 rémai Spanish |'speentf] 2612 _spanyol Welsh [well] 2502 walesi, velszi 1.03. Csaléd » Alapsz6kincs to adopt [a'dopt] 1283 Grdkbe fogad, adoptal baby [’berbi] 91 (kis)baba birth (b3:6] 1719 sziiletés brother ['brada] 927 fivér child [tfarld], children 119 gyermek dad (deed) 1441 apa, apu, papa daughter (‘do:to) 902 _—_‘ldnya (vkinek) family [‘femali] 219 csalad father ['fa:da] 404 apa | have never been to the African continent. Tea is often served with Arab food. The Asian continent is the largest in the world. Australian beaches are popular holiday places. Many people find it hard to learn Chinese. Dutch cheese has a good reputation. Moussaka is a Greek dish. There are a lot of Indian restaurants in London. Italian wires have a very good reputation. He returned to live in his native country. The Roman Empire grew quickly. Madrid is the Spanish capital. Welsh cities sometimes have very complicated names. Both children are adopted. John’s new baby is just eight weeks old. David was present at the birth of all his children. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Both of her children are now living abroad. | call my father Dad. My daughter is now living in Germany. Anew family has moved into the neighbourhood. He is the father of two young children generation [,dseno'rerJn] _nemzedék The younger gereration have travelled abroad ~ 1487 more than their parents. 3 grandfather [‘grenfa:do] _nagyapa My grandfather is almost 90 years old. 2 st S grandmother nagymama The children often see their grandmother. = ['grenmada] 4172 g husband [’hazband] 929 férj Susan's husband is an engineer. = mother {'made] 343 anya My mother has just turned 50 years old. & mum [mam] 1238 anya, anyu, mama Mum is the oldest in her family. 3 parent ['pearant] 551 sziilé I met Paul's parents for the first time last week. = sister {'ststa] 1171 lanytestvér Natalie is Jane’s elder sister. & son [san] 669 fia (vkinek) I have two sons and one daughter. & wife [warf], wives 559 feleség My wife is a teacher. = E g 1.03. Csaléd > Kiegészité szokincs = aunt [arnt] 2658 nagynéni have an aunt in America. si childhood (tfarldhud) 2573 gyermekkor Thad a very happy childhood. 10 conceive{kan'si:v] 3875 megfogan The baby was conceived when they were on holiday. cousin [/kazn] 3139 unokatestvér My oldest cousin is 30 years old. daddy (‘deedi] 3102 apa,apu.papa _Daddy is another word for father, used by children. divorce [dr'va:s] 3387 elvalds, valés My brother is ge:ting a divorce from his wife grandchild Corentfarld), unoka My youngest grandchild is coming to visit soon. grandchildren 4169 granddaughter lényunoka. Her granddaughter has just finished school. [‘graendo:ta) 4170 grandparent nagysziil6 Grandparents are important members of most. (greenpearont] 4173 families. grandson [‘grensan] 4174 fidunoka Our grandson is about to start university. heritage [‘hertid3] 363 brokség Customs are very important to our cultural heritage. to inherit [infhertt} 3913 6rdkél Anna has inherited her mother’s blue eyes. mummy [mami] 3092 anya, anyu Susan calls her mother Mummy. nephew ['nevju:} 4252 unokadcs Two of my nephews live in Australia, niece [niss] 4259 unokahtig 1'm looking forward to seeing my new niece on Sunday. pregnancy [‘pregnansi) _ terhesség My sister gave up drinking and smoking during 3046 her pregnancy. pregnant [‘pregnont] 3+48 terhes My sister gave up smoking when she became pregnant. related [rr'leitid] 677 Susan and | are related through marriage. = rokon, rokonség- 3 ban lévé ‘E _ telation {rr'lerfn} sos rokon(s4g); My relations are coming to visit on Saturday. . kapesolat ‘E relative [relauv)2590 rokon ‘Almost all of Jane's relatives came to her birthday 3 party. twin {twin} soz iker-,ikertestvér John and Marie are twins E uncle (ankt) 2457 nagybécsi Uncle John is my favourite uncle. % wedding ['wediy} 2551 eskiivé ‘The wedding will be on a Saturday. ~~ widow ['widau) 3708 éavegy She has been a widow for five years now. 3 = ‘S 1.04. Kiilsé megielenés » Alapsz6kincs ‘E toappear{a'pra)3z3.——tdinik, dszike He appears to be very nice. 3 appearance {e'prarans} kills, megjelenés Appearance is very important in this job. S874 toattract fatrekt} 1617 vonz 1am not physically attracted to him. attractive [o'trektry] 1916 vonz6 | find him very attractive. beautiful (bjustfl] 120 gyényérdi My boyfriend has given me a beautiful diamond necklace. bright [brast] 1664 vildgos, csillogs His eyesare bright blue. fat [Feet] 2955, kévér She is on a diet because she thinks she is too fat. fair [feo) 724 vilégos, széke She has very fair hair and blue eyes firm [fa:m] 1406 kemény, szilérd The seat was too firm for me huge [hju:ds] 1376 hatalmas She looked at me with her huge green eyes. image [‘umidg] 1024 kép The image in the mirror is reversed. little (nt, smaller, kiesi When my son was little, he broke his leg. smallest 274 mark [mack] 1672 folt, jel She was born with a small mark on her head nice {nais] 950 szép,kellemes, That boy has a nice smile, kedves, csinos old [auld] 135 ids, oreg My grandfather is very old. pretty [‘priti] 2641 esinos, szép All the girls in the Smith family are very pretty short [Jost] 447 alacsony, révid He is shorter than the other players in his team. small [smorl] 182 kicsi The girl is quite small for her age. style [starl] 899 stilus, divat She wears clothes that are now in style. tall {tor] 1910 magas In general, men are taller than women. thin (@1n] 1632 vékony, sovany Have you noticed how thin her arms are? tiny [tarni] 1823 kiesi, pici Babies have tiny fingers. ugly ['agli] 4364 cstinya That hat is really ugly. young [jan] 253, fiatal Her mother was very young when she had her first child. 1.04. Kiilsé megjelenés » Kiegészité sz6kincs attraction [s'trekjn] 3207 beauty [just] 2188 blond {bIond] 4058 to curl {kstl) 4080 curly [‘kstli] 4081 elegant [‘elrgont] 3691 to frown [fraun] 3774 make-up ['merkap} 4241 naked (‘nerkrd] 3663 neat (nist) 3929 plain [plern] 2901 powder [‘pauda} 4297 vonzeré, vonza- lom szépség szdke génddrédik, gondorit gondér elegans rosszall6 képet vag, szemoldokét ‘ésszehtizza smink meztelen csinos, 4polt, rendezett egyszerd, jellegte- Jen, nem szép piider He felt an instant attraction towards her. Her beauty is striking. ‘Most of my relatives have blond hair. 1 wish my hair didn’t curl so much. Ive always wanted curly hair. Her choice of clothing is very elegant. 1 knew my father was annoyed because he frowned at me. My wife doesn’t wear much make-up. They ran into the sea half naked. A neat appearance is very important. Asa child, she was quite plain. I need to buy more face powder. 1.05. Jellem és temperamentum » Alapsz6kincs abil y [a'brati] 1059 able [‘exbl] 329 attitude [‘atrtjusd] 1035 behaviour [br'hervjo] 888 capable ["kerpabl] 2000 character [‘kerakta] 909 clever ["kleva] 3131 confidence [‘konfidans] 4185 famous [‘fermas] 1604 funny [ani 2080 képesség, tehetség képes (vmire) hozzéallés, bedllitotts4g magatartas, viselkedés j6 képességii, hozzdért6 jellem okos, iigyes magabiztossig hires vieces, mulatsdgos His academic ability is rather impressive. Jam afraid that | am not able to help you with this problem. A positive attitude in a test is important. Such behaviour is simply not acceptable! You are a very capable worker Being shy is very out of character for him. She is a clever student who always does her homework. Luke lacks confidence when he speaks. One of the most famous sights in London is Buckingham Palace The show was very funny. x 3 S & E g = 8 g = 3 & 5 g a ~ 2 s $ 8 = 5 £ 5 g a 1. Személyi adatok, személyes informaciék popular {‘popjala} 1055, shy [far] 4446, skill [skrl] 908 unable [an'erbl] 1636 will [wl] 1692 népszeri félénk, seégyenlés iigyesség, készség képtelen akarateré Anita was very popular in school. | used to be quite shy when | was younger. His football skills are great. She was in such shock she was unable to speak for five minutes. If you have enough will, you will succeed! 1.05. Jellem és temperamentum > Kiegészité sz6kincs bad-tempered [,beed'tempad] 4048 to behave [br'herv] 2599 brave [brerv] 3858 calm (ka:m] 4014 capability [,kerpo'brlati] 3269 careless (‘kealas] 4060 cheerful (‘t{rafl] 4027 conduct [‘kondakt] 2375 confident [’konfidant) 20 courage ["karid3] 3746 crazy ['krerzi} 3881 curious [kjuarias] 3401 to dare [dea] 3308 determination [di,ts:mr‘nerfn] 2873 discretion [di'skrefn] 3757 dishonest (dis'onist] 4103 enthusiasm [in'@ju:ziezom] 2025 enthusiastic (in Qju:zi'estik] 4128 fame [ferm] 4132 rosszkedvii viselkedik bétor nyugodt: képesség gondatlan, figyelmetlen vidém, élénk magatartés, viselkedés magabiztos batorsdg Griilt, bolond kivanesi, furcsa mer, merészel elhatarozas, eltdkéltség diszkrécié, tapintatossag beestelen lelkesedés lelkes hirnév He is very bad-tempered in the mornings. if he does not behave better, he will be sent to his room. He was a very brave soldier. ‘She was a very calm baby. Both teams have the capability to win today. My son is never careless with his possessions, She's not normally so cheerful. A code of conduct regulates the way our staff behave. He appears to be very confident, but he is really very shy, When suffering from cancer, it takes a lot of courage to stay positive. My mother is driving me crazy! 11am very curious to know how long they have been together. | didn’t dare to jump off the tree [finished it through sheer determination. | will not tell anybody —you can rely on my discretion. 1 don't like people who are dishonest. You can see the enthusiasm in her eyes when she speaks about the project. The class are very enthusiastic about their science project. Fame wes never important to him, though he did enjoy it. generous [‘dsenaras] 252 gentle ['dsentl] 2806 gently ['dgentli) 2352 habit [habit] 2395 hero [‘hrarau}, heroes 2624 honest [mist] 2831 humorous ['hju:maras) 193 humour [*hjusma] » impatient {1m'per{nt] nability [,1no'bilati] 4200 Aindness [‘kaindnas] 4220 lucky [aki] 2275 mad [med] 2729 modest [‘modist] 2359 patient [‘perfnt) 4272 sersonality [,p3:so'neloti) 188 ride (praid] 3027 proud [praud] 2739 reliable [rr'larabl] 34151 reluctant [r1'laktant] 3679 reputation [,repju'terfn} 406 rude (ru:d) 4424 sensitive {'sensatrv] 2547 sincere [sin'sta] 4449 skilful [‘skslft) 4452 skilled [skild] 3964 nagylelkii, bokezii finom, kedves finoman, gyengé- den szokés hés észinte humoros humor tiirelmetlen tehetetlenség, képesség hidnya kedvesség, jéindulat szerencsés Griilt, diihés szerény tiirelmes. személyiség biiszkeség biiszke megbizhaté vonakod6, kelletlen hirnév goromba, tapintatlan érzékeny, kényes; fogékony észinte tigyes, gyakorlott képzett, szakis- merettel rendel- kez6 My grandmother is always very generous to me con my birthday. Chris has a very gentle manner. The mother gently placed the baby in the bed. She has a very kad habit of biting her nails. Hamlet is the hero in one of Shakespeare's plays. To be very honest, ! am not interested in politics. {like reading humorous stories. datok, személyes informaci6k She has no sense of humour! There is no need to be so impatient. Their inability to get on is causing problems. 1. Személyi I value kindness above everything else {am usually quite lucky in competitions. Don't get mad ~ it was an accident. Nicole is very modest about her results Thank you for being so patient with me. In my opinion, personality is much more important than looks. | felt a great serse of pride as my brother accepted his award. | am very proud of the good work my father did for the community. He is not reliable because he is rarely on time I'm very reluctant to leave my job. That newspaper has a bad reputation. When you complain, there is no need to be rude. He is sensitive ta what other people say about him, Do you think his apology was sincere? She is a skilful driver. The business requires highly skilled employees. 1. Személyi adatok, személyes informaci6k sophisticated {so'fistrkertid) 3190 strict (sterkt] 2221 suspicious [sa'spr{as] 4331 sympathetic [|stmpo'Betrk] 4339 talent [‘zelont] 2859, unfriendly [an'frendli] 4373 unwilling [an'wiluy] 4376 willingness ['w1lmnas] 4391 wise [warz] 3282 1.06. Vallas, hit, erkolcs belief [br'lisf] 1422 to believe [br'lisv] 279 Christian (’krtst{an] 1331 Christmas [‘krismas] 1266 church [t{sztf] 433 duty ('djuti] 953, to exist [rg'z1st} 993 existence {1g'z1stans] 1581 existing [1g'z1stin] 1179 faith (fe18] 1869 freedom ['fizdam] 1624 god [god] 2011 good [gud] 3153, hell (hel] 1872 help [help] 1023, Jesus ['d3izzas] 1952 kifinomult, fejlett stigort gyantis, gyanakvé megérté, egyiitt- érz6 tehetség bardtsdgtalan vonakodé, nem hajlandé hajlandéség, szolgilatkészség béles, okos hit hisz. keresztény kardesony templom; egyhéz kotelesség Iétezik, van létezés lkte26, fennall6, meglevé hit, bizalom szabadség isten_ j6, erkélesés, becsiiletes pokol segitség Jézus It isa very sophisticated machine, but easy to use. 1 do not like that teacher because she is so strict. Her husband is getting suspicious. You could be more sympathetic about the problem. 1am a man of many talents. Our new neighbours are very unfriendly. He is unwilling to take the risk. My children’s willingness to help was sweet. That wasa very wise decision Alapsz6kincs She has a strong belief in God. | do not believe it! A Christian organisation raised money for the poor. He looks forward to spending time with his family at Christmas. There is a meeting held in the church every Saturday and Sunday. It is our duty to protect our children. My dad says ghosts do not exist. Many people question the existence of God. Any existing problems will be solved. The family is of the Christian faith. Everyone should be allowed the freedom of choice and speech. | pray to God every night and ask him to protect my family. My grandfather has always tried to lead a good life. Working with her the last couple of weeks has been hell. | do not know what | would have done without your help. Jesus is believed to be the son of God. moral [‘moral] 1931 erkélesi religion {r1'dson] 1963 vallds religious [rr 1d3es] 1590 _valldsos responsible {n'sponsabl] _ megbizhat6 1182 shall [fot] 526 fog tenni vit (régies) spirit (‘spirit] 1321 szellem, Iélek true (tru: sos ha truth [tru:6] 1293 igazsdg Itis your moral obligation to give the police that information. His religion has only one god 1am not very religious, but my parents attend church every Sunday. She is very responsible for a girl her age. “And you shall know the truth and truth shall make you free.’ john:32 The owners claimed that there was an evil spirit in the house. He remained true to the values of his religion. There is some truth in what he says. 1.06. Vallas, hit, erkélcs » Kiegészit6 sz6kincs abbey ['ebi] 3598 apatsag being [bis] 2107 lét, Iétezés; lény bible [baxbl] 3406 Biblia, biblia bishop [bifep] 2338 pilspok to bury [eri] 2763 eltemet cathedral [ke'Gi:dral] 3000 székesegyhaz, katedrdlis Catholic [‘kee@alrk] 2707 __katolikus chapel [‘tfaepl] 3299 képolna charity [tfereti] 2145 _j6tékonysdg, jétékonysdgi intézmény(ek) Christ [kraist] 2071 Krisztus Christianity (crsti'enoti) kereszténység 387 commitment elkdtelezettség [ka'mutment] 1497 devil [‘devl] 3607 ordég, stan to devote [dr'vaut] 3506 _szentel, dldoz Easter [‘issta] 3890 hiisvét fate (fert] 3321 sors {An abbey is a place where the faithful live and work. The Bible says that Adam and Eve were the first human beings on Earth. This handbook is a real bible for beginners in computer programming. The bishop helped the sick children. Her great-aunt died on Friday and was buried on sunday. The cathedral is the largest church in the area. Catholic families celebrate Christmas every year. The university Fas its own chapel. Any profit made will be given to charity. Christ is said to be the son of God. Christianity had a difficult beginning. His commitment to his family is touching. The Bible teaches about hell and the devil. She decided to devote her life to God. Many people eat chocolate eggs at Easter. Fate is something that is beyond human control. cidk lyes inform. , személ 1. Személyi adatok, 1. Személyi adatok, személyes informaciok fault [fort] 2232 ghost [gaust] 3633 have to [hav ta] 4183 heaven [’hevn] 2782 holy [‘houli] 2830 honour ['ona] 2528, immoral [1'moral] 4197 Jew [dgu:] 3427 Jewish [‘dguzxf) 3428 Lord lo:d] 3652 loyalty [‘Ioralti] 3654 maker ['merka] 3249 mass [mas] 2029 myth [m6] 3546 obligation [,oblr'ge1jn} 2317 parish [‘paerrf] 2126 Pope [paup] 3670 to pray [prer] 3177 prayer [pres] 2798 to predict {pri'dikt] 2414 priest (prisst] 2691 sin [stn] 3832 soul [soul] 2452 spell [spel] 3967 spiritual [‘sprritfual] 3366 temple [‘templ] 3572 hiba szellem, kisértet kell mennyorszig, szent, szentelt becsiilet erkélestelen asid6 zsidd az Ur, Uram hiiség, lojalitas teremté mise mitosz, monda Kételezettség, Ktelesség plébénia, egyhéz- kozség papa imédkozik ima, imadsdg megjésol, megjévendél pap, lelkész bin lélek vardzslat szellemi, lelki; atszellemiilt templom It is your own fault you have been punished — you should do what | tell you to do! It is said that a ghost walks around the school at night. You have to be good if you want to go to heaven. Heaven is said to be a place of perfect happiness. The priest held out the holy water. Defending his country was a matter of honour. Stealing is immoral Ron is not a practicing Jew although his family is Jewish. He has a Jewish background. Lord, hear our prayer. Loyalty to his religious faith is important to him. | believe in God, maker of heaven and earth. Mass is held in the church at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. daily. Greek myth explains the origin of the world through the deeds of gods and heroes. They are under no obligation to pay you as you never signed a contract. Every year, there is a festival organised in my local parish. The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. She prayed for the happiness of her family and friends. I said a prayer, asking God to help me through my tests, The end of the world has been predicted many times. The priest holds a service every morning in the church, The man went to church to learn about sin. After being sick for a long time, his soul is now at peace. The local people blamed their bad luck on spells. He went to church because he wanted to feel spiritual. Beijing has many beautifully restored temples. universal [ jusnt'vsis!] 3116 virtue ['vatfuz] 3117 wonder ['wanda} 3283 worship [‘ws:fip] 4395 egyetemes, univerzélis, mindenre/ mindenkire kKiterjed6 erény csoda istentisztelet Love is a universal feeling. ‘A person who has virtue is somebody that has good moral qualities. There are seven Wonders of the World. ‘Achurch is a place of worship. datok, személyes informaciok 1. Személ

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