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2. Lakékérnyezet 2. Lak6kérnyezet 2.01. Haz, épiilet > Alapsz6kincs address (a'dres] 1694 block [blok] 1779 to build (brid), built, built 46s building (‘brldin) 468 castle [‘ka:sl] 1898 construction Ikon'strakjn} 1576 domestic [da'mestrk] 1517 estate [r'stert] 1442 facility [fe'stlati] 1135, flat fleet] 1582 garden ['ga:dn] 785 gate (gert] 1046 home (haum] 244 house (haus) 156 kitchen [krtfim] 1252 to let [let] let, let 358 station (‘ster[n] 934 step [step] 819 2. to accommodate [o'komadert] 3476 accommodation fokomo'derfn] 2196 cim haztémb, épillettmb épit, létestt épillet var, kastély épités, épitkezés hazi, haztartési birtok; lakételep felszerelés, kert kapu, bejérat otthon, haz, lakas haz konyha kiad dllomés Iépeséfok Haz, épillet > Kiegészité szokincs elszAlldsol, elhelyez széllés What is your new address? Everyone had to leave the office block because of the fire They are planning to build a bigger house next year. The building is very run down and badly needs to be restored. The king and queen lived in a big castle The university is under construction and due to be finished by 2010. Susan usually carried out her domestic duties, such as shopping and cleaning in the morning. The large country estate used to belong to their family for decades. There are cooking facilities in most apartments. | recently moved out of my parents’ home and into my own flat. The garden was full of beautiful flowers and plants. There are two security cameras at the front gate of the building. Thank you for welcoming me into your home. Alan and Ann are building a new house in the country. Rita was preparing the dinner in the kitchen while Nick was entertaining the guests. 1am letting my house to three students for the summer. The train left the station on time. Mind the step! Foreign students will be accommodated in student rooms. Accommodation in the city centre is quite expensive. apartment [a'pa:tmant] 7 brick [brik] 2944 cardboard ['ka:dbo:d] 39 ceiling ['sis) 3001 cell [sel] 860 column (’kolam) 2145 complex [‘kompleks] 2947 corridor [‘korido:] 2950 cottage (‘kotids] 2345 isposal [di'spauzl] 3314 domain {da'mein] 3407 downstairs [,daun'steoz] 107 elevator [‘elrverta] 4115 entrance [‘entrans] 2617 exit [‘ekstt] 4129 fence [fens] 3415 garage ['gaera:3] 3238 doors [,n'do:z] 4202 andlord [‘lendlo:d] 2578 lease [lits] 3162 mall {mo:l] 4242 mortgage ['mo:gid3] 2634 neighbour [ne1ba] 2021 lakés; lakosztély tégla karton mennyezet. cella, zarka oszlop. pillér épiiletegyiittes folyosé hézik, villa, nyaralé eltavolitas, rtalmatlanitas teriilet, birtok aféldszinten, Jenn; lefelé, le lift bejérat kijérat kerités gardzs bent, a hzban; be,ahdzba hécitir, fObEc16 bérleti szerzédés bevasdrlékézpont jelzdlog, jelzAlog- kélesin szomszéd J am looking to buy a bigger apartment because, as of January, | will be working at home. A large red-brick house stood before them. | need about ten cardboard boxes to keep my books in. The living-room ceiling is very high, which means the room is quite difficult to heat. In the abbey, tourists are allowed to visit the cells. The roof of the temple was held up by white stone columns. 2. Lakékérnyezet The complex consists mainly of offices. My office is at the very end of the corridor on the ieftthand side. We have a small cottage in the countryside, which we visit in summer. The disposal of some chemicals should be carried ut in accordance with regulations. He acts as though the office was his private domain. If you go downstairs, you'll find his office The elevator is not working at the moment, so we have to walk up all those stairs! There are two main entrances — the front entrance and the side entrance. There are four emergency exits in the building. There was a large fence separating the neighbour's gardens. tn winter, the car is parked in the garage. Let's go back indoors to drink our coffee. The landlord received complaints about noise from the neighbours. John signed a three-year lease when he moved into his flat. Liz does all her shopping at the mall. The couple applied for a mortgage to buy their first house. often cannot sleep at night because my neighbour makes so much noise 2. Lakékérnyezet neighbourhood kérnyék, szom- [nerbahud] 4257 szédsig palace ['peelas] 2090 palota pole [paul] 3099 pézna, karé rent [rent] 2541 Takbér residence [‘rezidans] 3621 lak¢hely, tartéz- kodasi hely resident [‘rezidant] 2211 _(helybeli) lakos, laké residential (,rezi'denfl] _laké- 2908 roof [rusf] 2055 teté swimming pool ('swimi tiszémedence, pusl] 4335 uszoda tenant [‘tenant] 2179 laké terrace ['teres] 3276 hazsor tip {trp} 2209 szemétlerakéhely tower [‘tava] 2288 torony villa (vila) 3584 villa There are lots of cafés and bars in the neighbourhood. ‘At the palace, the king and queen sat down to eat. dinner. There is a 10-foot high electricity pole in our garden. The rent is more expensive in bigger houses than in smaller houses. He took up permanent residence in the United States. The local residents complained about the noise from the school. Emily and Bob live in a residential area where mostly families or elderly couples live. The hole in the roof caused terrible problems. when it rained. Our neighbours have a lovely swimming pool in their garden. 1am looking for tenants for my new house. The houses on the terrace were all two-storey houses, They took the broken washing machine to the tip. The bells in the church tower rang in the afternoon. David’s parents have a large villa in France. 2.02. Helyiségek és berendezésiik » Alapsz6kincs bathroom ['ba: fiirdészoba 2942 bed [bed] «2s agy bedroom ['bedrusm] 1697 hélészoba cabinet [‘kebinat] 1515 fidkos szekrény, iivegszekrény chair [tfe9] 1146 sxék desk [desk] 2005 fréasztal door [dot] 335 ait entry [‘entri] 1519 bejérat, eldtér Their house is huge; they have four bathrooms. | heard someone at the door while | was still in bed The bedroom was painted a bright yellow to match the bed. We keep all of our medicine in the bathroom cabinet He sat on the chair next to me. He sat at his desk to work on his computer. suddenly, there was a knock at the door You can eave your umbrella at the entry. floor {flor} 896 padié, emelet hall [ho:1} 904 elécsarnok, hall, elészoba key [ki:] 1490 kules szoba, helyiség s2ék, ilés, ildhely room [ru:m] 267 seat [sist] ‘293 sheet [Jit] 1592 lepedé sable ['terbl] 461 asztal coilet [torlot] 3098 illemhely, mosd6, we wall [worl] 695 fal sindow [‘windau} 572 ablak vard (ja:d] 1530 udvar, kert th [ba:8] 2659 fiirdékéd, fiirdé bell [bel] 2983 cesengé carpet [‘ka:pit] 2602 szényeg, joset [‘klozit] 4068 beépitett szekrény cooker "kuka] 4071 tiizhely upboard [’kabad] 3743 szekrény urtain ['ks:tn] 2608, fiiggony decorate [‘dekareit] _diszft; fest, tapétaz secoration [,deka're1jn] — dekordci6, disz; diszités, festés soorway ['dorwer] 3758 bejérat srawer [drat] 4108 fidk Sidge [finds] 4146 hiitészelkerény “orniture ["fs:nit{a] 2573 biitor, berendezés seating ["histin] 3636 fiités Most of the floors in the house were made of wood, He stood in the hall and waited for Andy. Ray seemed to have lost his keys. The room was decorated with many paintings. He sat on the floor as there were no seats left in the lecture hall. Our new sheets are made of the finest cotton. The table came with four matching chairs. The toilet is upstairs, the first door on your left. 2. Lakékérnyezet The walls were quite bare, so they bought three new pictures to hang up. She looked through the window, but there was nobody home. The cats walked freely around the yard. 2.02. Helyiségek és berendezésiik » Kiegészité szdkincs Iran the water into the bath, and just as | got in, the telephone rang. The bell rang as soon as | had started to cook. The red wine fell onto the new carpet. You can hang your clothes in the closet. ‘Turn the cooker off when you are finished. He placed the pasta, rice and other carbohydrates in the cupboard. The curtains were too thin and did not keep out the light The children love decorating the tree at Christmas. They sell beautiful table decorations. He stood in the doorway until | invited him to come in. Which drawer do you keep the napkins in? Is there any more milk in the fridge? The furniture in the apartment was quite old, so they decided to replace some of it. It was a little cold, so | turned on the heating. 2. Lakékérnyezet to house (hauz] 2014 interior [in'traria] 3425 lift Cafe] 2963 lock [lok] 2247 mirror {'mira] 2236 oven [avn] 4273 refrigerator {ri'fridsoreita) 4413, shelf [felf], shelves 3107 shower ['/ava] 3831 stairs [steoz] 2372 stove [stavy] 4323 switch [switf] 3571 upstairs [,apsteoz] 3197 befogad, szAllast ad belsé, belsé rész, belsé-, Tift ar tikér sit hiitdszekrény pole zuhany, zuhanyz6 lépes6 kélyha, tiizhely kapesol6 fenn, az emeleten; fel, az emeletre 2.03. Haztartas >» Alapsz6kincs board (bo:d] ose box [boks] 990 clock [klok] 2664 cover ["kava] 1809 to fix [f1ks] 1347 household [‘haushuld] 1790 object ['obdstkt] 1151 lamp [lemp] 3431 package [‘pekid3] 1478 stuff [staf] 1526 deszka doboz, lida éra fedél, borité, fed6, takaro megjavit, rendbe hoz haztartas targy lampa csomag. cuce ‘The apartment was designed to house two adults: and one child. The outside of the house was old but the interior was quite modern. | usually zake the lift as | am too lazy to take the stairs. Although | had a lock on the door, he was still able to get in. It is said that if you break a mirror, you will have bad luck for seven years. The oven needs to be cleaned. We bought a new refrigerator in the sales. The shelves were bare; it was time to go shopping. 4s Jill still in the shower? ‘She walked down the stairs and into the living room. My parents still have an old-fashioned stove in their kitchen. The light switch was childproof. Upstairs, there was one bathroom and two bedrooms. The chopping board is kept in the kitchen. The family packed all their possessions into cardboard boxes. Neil looked at the clock and realised he was going to be late for the meeting. The book had a hardback cover. The lock on the door needed to be fixed. In the Smith household, everyone helps clean up after dinner. She enjoyed collecting unusual objects, such as rare stones and old coins. The lamp was on for two hours. The package has been delivered today. Can | leave my stuff at your house overnight? szalag, ragaszt6- sealag tape [terp] 1710 2.03. Haztartas > Kiegészité szokincs to absorb [ab‘sa:b] 2992 baggage [‘biegids] 4019 pogaydsz, csomag tobe rid of (bi'rrd av) megszabadul 3030 vmitél/vkitél bin (bmn) 4032 szemetes; tart, tarol6 blade (blerd) 3994 penge +o brush [braf] 3489 tisztit, (le)sopér bubble ["babl] 4057 buborék cloth [ko] 339 rongy container [kan'tetna] 4006. tarol6, tart6 directory [da'rektari] 3755. telefonkényy, cimjegyzék dust [dast] 3073 por envelope [‘envaloup] 3762 boriték fan [feen] 2061 ventilator; legyez6 faucet [‘forsxt] 4135, csap zarbage [‘ga:bids] 4150 szemét not (not) 4221 csomé id (ld) 4227 fedé pack [peek] 2736 csomag, serpenyé, lébas fenykép pan [pen] 4274 ahoto ['favtou] 3554 +o polish ['pol:f] 4291 _fényestt, csiszol pot [pot] 2904 fazék, edény; bogre, kanna rope [roup] 3454 kotél co rub [rab] 3362 dorzsdl, toro! rubbish ['rabr{] 3363 hulladék, szemét felsziv, magaba sziv Plants absorb water through their roots. 1 used tape to scick the two pieces of paper together. 3 8 o = & s 2 e Ro} 5 3 a We have a baggage storeroom, if you would like to leave your bag. Linda was glad to be rid of the children for a couple of hours. The bins need to be emptied. Be careful — this blade is very sharp! She brushed off the dust from the furniture. My son loves blowing bubbles in the bath. He took a damp cloth and cleaned the table. You'll find an empty container for your lunch in the cupboard. He eventually found the doctor's number in the telephone directory. The furniture was covered in dust. The postman put the envelope into the letterbox. The fan in the kitchen makes a lot of noise at night. The faucet drips at night. Could you take out the garbage? There is a knot in the chain of my favourite necklace. Have you seen the lid for the jam? ‘Amrit could not find her pack of cigarettes anywhere. | hate washing pans after dinner. My mother keeps all the photos of us as babies in an album. The table has been polished to a beautiful sheen. Kate cut the vegetables and put them into the pot of water. The sailor tied the boat to the side of the pier with a rope and came ashore. She rubbed the window dry with a cloth. Mum asked me to take out the rubbish. 2. Lakékérnyezet sack [seek] 4428 scissors ['sizoz] 4435 screw [skru:] 4437 soap [soup] 4303 spray [spret] 4313 strip [strip] 3273 suitcase [‘su:tkers] 4328 to sweep [swi:p], swept, swept 2805 thread [6red] 4349 to throw sth away [,erau atwerl, threw, thrown 4250 tidy ['tardi} 4352 tin (un) 3113 tissue ['ufu:] 2925 ‘towel [‘taual] 4360 tray [tre1} 3983 untidy (an‘tardi] 4353 to wash [wof] 2027 to wipe [warp] 3261 wire ['wata] 2933 to wrap [reep] 3204 zak ollé csavar szappan spray csik b6rond sopor cérna, fonal kidob rendszereté konzerv, konzervdoboz papir zsebkendé toralkoz6 talea rendetlen ‘mos, megmos, kimos letorol kabel, vezeték, drot becsomagol Father Christmas is said to carry a sack of presents. | seem to have lost my blue-handled scissors. It comes with eight screws for putting it together. My husband gave me some lovely soaps for my birthday. Bathroom cleaner often comes in a spray. We took home a strip of wallpaper to see if it matched the carpet. Your suitcase must not weigh more than 20 kilos. He took the broom and swept up the broken glass. You have a piece of thread hanging from your coat. My grandfather never threw anything away. My sister is much tidier than me. All that was left on the shelf were two tins of beans and a tin of fish. He handed her a tissue and tried to cheer her up. Is it possib e to hire towels at the swimming pool? She came to the table with a tray of drinks. Our boss doesn’t like our desks to be untidy. Don’t forget to wash your hands before eating. | wiped the table and counter with a damp cloth. The wire stretched between the living room and. the kitcher Sarah wragped the Christmas presents in red and gold paper.

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