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3. Kornyezet 3.01. Varos, Africa [‘efrrka] 1382 America [a'mertka] 1084 Australia [o'strerlia) 1980 border (‘bo:da] 1917 bridge [brids) 1575 Britain [orutn] 405 capital [keeprtl] 621 city ['siti] 366 country [’kantri] 199 county [‘kaunti] 679 district [‘distrikt] 1192 England ['inglond) 458 Europe ['juarap] 622 France [fra:ns] 928 Germany [‘d3:mani] 1047 Ireland [‘araland] 1159 island [‘atlond] 1093 Italy (ali) 1957 Japan [d3o'peen] 1605 land {lend} 525 park [pack] 962 region ['rixdgan] 204 regional [‘rzdsonl] 139% Scotland ['skptlend] 868 town [taun] 485 UK [,ju: er] 640 USA [,ju: es 'er] 1942 idék, orszag » Alapszokincs Afrika Amerika Ausztrdlia hatar hid Nagy-Britannia fovéros véros orszég; vidék megye korzet, keriilet Anglia Eurépa Franciaorsz4g Németorsz4g frorszdg seiget Olaszorszdg Japan orszdg; vidék park vidék, régi6, kérzet regiondlis, kérzeti Skécia varos Egyesiilt Kirdlysdg USA 3. Kérnyezet Africa is the second largest continent in the world after Asia. The United States of America consists of fifty states. Australia is the world’s smallest continent. France shares a aorder with Germany. They built a new bridge to cross the river. Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. The capital of France is Paris. London is a very big city. He lives in a very big house in the country. A county used tc be under the rule of a count. A district of a country usually has its own local government. England is a part of the United Kingdom. Europe is one of the seven continents of the earth. Paris is the capital city of France. The capital city of Germany is Berlin. The island of Ireland is divided into two parts, the Republic of ireland and Northern Ireland. An island is a piece of land completely surrounded by water. Italy borders France, Slovenia, Austria, and ‘Switzerland. Japan consists of many islands. The government wants to introduce the new law throughout the land. The kids enjoy playing football in the park. A region can be a collection of smaller units of land, or one part of a larger area. There can be strong regional differences within a country. Scotland is the northern third of Great Britain. The house was just five minutes outside of town. The term UK refers to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. USA stands for the United States of America. 3. Kérnyezet village ('vilids] 835 falu village is a community which is smaller than a town or city. Wales [werlz] 1202 Wales Wales is in the western part of Britain. 3.01. Varos, vidék, orszdg > Kiegészité szokincs abroad [o'bro:d) 2376 ——_—kiilféldén, James travels abroad regularly. kiilfoldre Asia [‘exJ9] 2812 Aasia Asia conta ns more than 60 per cent of the world’s population. avenue [‘evonju:] 3725 sugériit,fasor The avenue was lined with brightly painted houses. borough ['bara] 3212 valasztékeriilet, They lived in a quiet borough in the north of the keriilet city. California [kale'fo:nio] Kalifornia California is a state in the USA that has many 3391 tourists. Canada [‘kenads) 2871 Kanada Canada has two official languages, English and French. China ['tfarna] 2108 Kina Beijing is the capital of China. continent ['kontinant] 3742 Egypt [‘isdsrpr] 3408 global [‘gloubl} 2526 India ['mdia) 2086 Iran [1'ram] 3646 Iraq [r'ra:k] 2724 Israel ['1zrer!] 2725 Korea [ka‘ria] 3789 local [‘laukl] 3020 overseas [,ouva'si:z] 3096 Pakistan (,pekr'sta:n) 3936 Poland [‘pauland] 3556 province ['provins] 2692 Russia ['rafa] 2247 Spain {spemn] 2177 foldrész, konti- nens Egyiptom globals, vilég- India Iran Irak Tzrael Korea helyi atengerentiilon, a tengerentilra Pakisztdn LengyelorszAg tartomany Oroszorszg Spanyolorsedg Europe is one of the seven continents of the world. Egypt is a country in North Africa. There are many signs of global climate change. Hindi and English are the official languages of India. The capital city of Iran is Tehran. Iraq has the second highest oil reserve in the world, after Saudi Arabia. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Korea is currently divided into two countries, North Korea and South Korea. Her sons attend the local primary school More and more people travel overseas to find work. Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan. Poland entered the European Union in 2004 The Province of Northern Ireland is the only province under British rule today. Russia is the largest country in the world Spain shares borders with Portugal, France, Andorra, Gibraltar and Morocco. territory [terotri] 2100 _teriilet, KOrzet Vietnam [viret'nem] 3991 Vietnam air [ea] 583 leveg6 atmosphere [‘etmosfia] _ Iégkor 1998, bank (bank) 452 folyépart, topart, drokpart; taltés channel [‘fenl] 1775 csatorna cloud [ktaud] 2469, felhé earth [2:6] 1148 aFéld, fold environment kérnyezet [un'vatranmont) 783 environmental kérnyezet-, [myairon'mentl] 1316 _kényezeti field [fisld) 549 mez6, széntofeld forest [‘forist] 1236 erdé ground [graund] 504 fold, talaj hill (hat) 1270 hegy hole (houl] 1474 lyuk, godér ice fats] 2311 jég lake [lerk] 1959 6 mountain (‘mavntan] 1541 hegy natural [‘neetfral] 606 természetes, természeti pool [pu:!] 1826 tavacska, to rain (rem) 1633, esé river ['rva] 995 folyé rock [rok] 1198 szikla, kézet, ko tenger sky [skar] 1830 & égbolt snow [snau] 2802 hé Jéjaras > Alapszokincs The country was split into three territories. Vietnam is said to have a population of more than 84 million. 3. K6érnyezet {needed to get some fresh air, so | went outside. Air pollution changes the characteristics of the earth’s atmosphere. We walked for rriles across the sand banks. The English Channel separates Great Britain from the North of France. The sky was blue and there was not a cloud in sight. More than 70 per cent of the earth’s surface is covered by water. Use your bags more than once to help protect the environment. The government decided to take action against pollution and environmental damage. The cows were grazing in the field. There are wild animals to be found in the forest. The ground was very hard after the winter. The children took turns rolling down the hill. The holes in the park were caused by animals. It became much colder, turning water to ice. A lake is smaller than an ocean. Mount Everest is the world’s highest mountain, Coal is a natural resource. Walking in the forest, we found a small poo! full of crabs. They went out in the rain and got wet. The River Nile is the longest river in the world and about 6670 km in length. Stones and rocks usually differ in size. Ships travel on the sea. The sky was blue with white clouds. The children could not go to school until the snow was cleared. 3. Kérnyezet star [sta:] 1121 stone [staun] 1011 sun [san] 986 temperature ['tempratf] wm urban ['s:ban} 1990 valley [‘veli] 1983 water ['worta) 262 wave [weiv] 1747 weather ['weda] 1773 wind [wind] 1311 world [wa:ld} 155, csillag ké nap hémérséklet vérosi vélgy via hullém id6jards szél vilég They were lying on their backs and looking up at the stars. The man threw a large stone through the window. The sun is the earth's primary source of energy. Temperature is normally measured in degrees. An urban area describes that of a city or town. Wales is famous for its various valleys and hills. Water is essential to human life. The boat moved along on the waves of the sea. While we were on holiday in Spain, the weather was very warm, Strong winds have blown down some trees. There are seven continents in the world. 3.02. Taj, éghajlat, idéjaras » Kiegészité sz6kincs bay [ber] 2464 beach [bi:tf] 2033 canal [ka‘nael] 3055 cliff [kluf] 3600 climate [‘klarmat] 2765 coast [kaust] 2003 conservation [.konso'verfn} 3138 countryside [kantrisaid) 2385 desert [‘dezat] 3504 farming [‘fa:min] 3414 flood [flad} 4140 forecast [‘forka:st] 4144 to freeze [fri:z], froze, frozen 3629 aba! part csatorna szikla, szirt, készikla Klima, éghajlat part megérzés videk sivatag gazdalkodés, mezigazdasig drviz. elbrejelzés fagy We saw the bright lights of the next town across the bay. We had lunch at the beach so we could play in ‘the ocean. He sat on a bench by the canal, watching the water flow by. Jenny's mother warned her to be careful near the edge of the cliffs I could net live in Egypt - the climate is too hot. We flew to Ireland and travelled along the west coast by car. Wildlife conservation is an important environmental task. | have always wanted to build a large house in the countryside. A desert is an area which receives very little water. Farming is an important economical factor. Floods are predicted for the south of England. It is going to rain tomorrow, according to the forecast. The ground freezes when the weather becomes very cold in winter. geography [dsi'ngrafi) 4152 horizon [he'rarzn] 3906 island ['atland] 4210 isle [arl] 3426 landscape ['lzendskerp] 2398, marine [ma'ri:n] 3656 moon [mu:n] 2787 mud [mad] 3661 ocean ['sufn] 3171 oxygen [‘okstdson] 3205 pit [pit] 3023 planet {‘plaenit) 3259 pole [paul] 3119 pollution [pa'lu:fn) 2279 pond [pond] 3447 resource [r1'so:s] 891 rural [‘ruaral] 1650 sand [send] 2615 shadow ['feedou] 2174 to shine [fain], shone, shone 3360 shore [fot] 3686 slope [sloup] 3271 soil [sotl] 2059 storm [sto:m] 3034 stream [strizm] 2649 foldrajz horizont sziget sziget taj tenger-, tengeri hold sar écedn oxigén godor, akna bolygé sark(pont) szennyerés, szennyezbdés 16, tavacska készlet, erdforrés vidéki homok drnyék ragyog, fénylik (tenger)part, tépart emelked6, lejté talaj, fold vihar patak, folyam | studied Geography at school. We were sitting and watching the sun go down below the horizon. Malta is an island in the Mediterranean, which used to be a British colony. The Isle of Man is an island off the coast of England, Scotland is characterised by its beautiful landscape. Marine biology researches animals and plants in the ocean. There is a full moon tonight. Aiter playing football in the rai were covered in mud. the children | want to discover what is at the bottom of the ocean. Oxygen is a gas which is vital for human life. The coal mine needs to open a new pit. Venus and Mars are planets. The North Pole is the most northerly point on earth. Air pollution has risen due to the large amount of cars on the roads. Susan has a lovely fish pond in her back garden. Coal and oil are natural resources. Rural areas are far away from large cities. Walking across the beach, | could feel the sand between my toes. The sun shone through the trees, casting shadows onto the grass. The sun is shining in the wide blue sky. We walked along the shore and the water covered our feet. The road was 07a steep slope, which caused cars to go faster. The soil was very wet after so much rain. People had to stay at home because the storm was so bad. At the end of the garden, there is a small stream. 3. Kérnyezet 3. Kornyezet tide {tard} 3468 tropical [‘troprkl] 3984 universe ['ju:niva:s] 3043 animal ['zenim!} 725 apple [‘epl] 2555 bear [bea] 3364 bird [ba:d] 1190 branch [bra:nt{] 1305 at [kat] 1038 chicken [t1ktn] 3130 cow [kau] 3069 dog [dog] 915 duck [dak] 3759 8 [eg] 1669, fish [f1f] 1062 flower (‘flaso] 1410 fruit [frust] 1956 to grow [grau], grew, grown 586 growing [‘graurn] 1731 growth [arau6] 363 horse (ho:s] 905 human ['hju:mon] 615 leaf [lif], leaves 1960 lion [aren] 3539 drapély (apély/ dagaly) trépusi vildgegyetem, univerzum llat alma medve madar ag macska tyik, esirke tehén kaatya kacsa tojds hal virdg gyiiméles névekszik, terem; termeszt névekvé névekedés, fejlédés 16 emberi levél oroszlén Water reaches its highest level when the tide is high Alot of different fruits grow in tropical areas. The universe refers to everything that exists, including the stars and planets. 03. Névények és dllatok » AlapszOkincs Many people do not like to think about hunting animals. She picked the apple off the tree and ate it. There are not many bears here anymore. Birds fly south in autumn because of cold weather and a shortage of food. Tree branches are often bare in autumn. The cat caught all the mice on the farm. People often wonder what came first — the chicken or the egg. The cow was white with black patches. The dog chased the cat around the garden. We were watching the ducks swim around in the pond. Every morning, the farmer collected eggs from the hen house. He put food in the water for the fish every morning. Paula received cards, chocolates and flowers for her birthday. To stay healthy, you should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Plants need water, light and air to grow. Children in our school learn how to treat growing. plants. Water is necessary to a plant’s growth. Ahorse’s height is measured in hands. The human body consists mainly of water. Many trees lose their leaves in winter and start to grow them again in spring. A lion is a large wild cat that can run very fast. mouse [maus}, mice 2966 nature [‘nertfa] 620 plant (plant) 773 rabbit (‘reebrt] 3183 species ['spi:fi:z], species 1165 tree [tri:] 766 vegetable ['vedstabl] 2989 wild [warld} 1860 wing [wr] 1914 wood [wud] 1573 egér természet névény nydil faj fa wildség vad sedmny erd6; fa(anyag) We could not tel if it was a rat or a mouse living in our garage. She has always wanted to live in the countryside, surrounded by nature. | bought Susie a plant with pink flowers for her birthday. Her child has a pet rabbit named Fluffy. There are many species of cat. The children climbed the trees in the garden. Potatoes and green beans are vegetables. Awild dog was killing the sheep. The bird's wing was injured and it could not fly Yesterday, | tooka long walk in the woods with my dogs 3.03. Névények és dllatok > Kiegészité szokincs beak [bisk] 4052 bean [bim} 3863 breed [bri:d} 3727 breeding ["brisdig] 3728 bush [buf] 3996 cattle [eel] 3057 core [kar] 2516 cotton ['kotn] 3305 creature [‘kri:tfa] 2386 cricket [‘krkit] 2654 crop (krop] 2771 eagle [‘izal] 3689 feather [feb] 4136 fur (far) 4148 grain [grein] 3328 grass fara:s} 2152 csér bab fajta, tenyészet tenyésztés bokor (szarvas)marha cesutka gyapot, pamut (@i6)lény, teremt- mény tiies6k termés sas toll bunda, prém (gabona)szem ts Eagles have very sharp beaks for killing prey. Beans are a good source of protein. What breed is your dog? He is a Labrador. He knows about horses because his dad has a breeding company. We have a very large bush at the bottom of our garden. The cattle got into the neighbour's farm. He finished eating and threw the apple core into the bin. The T-shirt was made of pure cotton. The small creature hid under the rock. it was dark and the only thing to be heard was the crickets. Because of the heavy rain, the crops are not turning out well this year. Eagles are large birds that build their high trees. Feathers are very good for keeping birds warm and dry. Rabbit fur is incredibly soft to the touch. The grains of rice fell onto the floor. The cows eat grass. 3. Kérnyezet 3. Kérnyezet horn [ho:n] 4192 human [(‘hju:mon) 2679 insect ['insekt) 3534 nest [nest] 3930 nut [nat] 4263 oak [auk] 3803 organic [2:'geentk] 3552 palm [pa:m) 3607 pet [pet] 3809 pig [pra] 3174 to plant [pla:nt] 3024 potato [pa'tertou], potatoes 3176 rat [reet] 3263 root [rut] 2172 rose (ravz] 2325 seal [si:l] 4438 seed {sid} 2742 sheep [Jisp]. sheep 2851 shell [fel] 2852 snake {snetk] 4302 jer ['sparda] 4310 stick (stak] 3111 tail {ter!] 2748 timber ['trmba] 3112 wildlife [‘warldlarf] 3709 wooden [‘wudn] 2596 szary, aganes ember, emberi Keny rovar feszek dié télgy organikus, bio- palma kedvenc, hazidllat malac, diszné iiltet, vet burgonya patkany gyikér rézsa foka (veté)mag birka, juh héj;kagyls Kigyé pok gally, vessz6, bot farok fa, szdlfa vadvilég fa-, fab6l késziilt Deer are animals that have horns. According to some scientists, this disease can be fatal in humans. hate it when insects fly around my head. Birds build nests to hold their eggs. Lots of nuts are very healthy to eat We planted oak trees along all the streets. She tries to eat organic foods because they do not contain chemicals. The sea was blue and the palm trees were shaking gently in the wind. | have always wanted to have a pet rat. The large pig was lying there all day, covered in mud. The children planted some flower seeds in the garden. Potatoes grow in the ground. Rats are small animals that are said to carry disease, The roots of the large oak tree were beginning to break through the concrete. The rose is the flower of love. Seals are mammals that live by the sea and eat fish, | planted some flower seeds in a pot and hoped that they would grow. The sheep stayed in the field with the cows. You should take the shell off before you eat the peanuts. Some snakes are poisonous. Spiders aren't insects but arachnids. They used sticks of wood for the fire. The dog wagged its tail with excitement. He needed some timber and bricks to build a house. There isa lot of wildlife in the local park, such as birds ard ducks. The wooden door was very heavy.

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