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As a future educator, knowing how to use technology is very important in teaching and

learning environment. Technology provides access to numerous resources instantly and can

store all the needed data into one location. To use technology effectively we must make sure

we are using the right technology just like teaching students, we must use laptop so that we can

see, hear and observe our students. In technology we can organize our work in time because

there is a calendar application that we can use to remind us appointments and topics. In using

technology,we can teach and learn even if we are at home. We can message and talk to

everyone with the use of social media. There are many applications that could help us in

making a creative and informative lessons to make our class enjoyable and students would

enjoy learning too.

I’m so thankful for this topic because I learned some applications that could help me in my

teaching journey someday. I believed that technology is one of the tools that is helpful in my

teaching and learning process because we are now in a digital world especially that we are

having pandemic this time. As we observe, everyone, every school is using online teaching and

learning that’s why it is best for me to practice skills to enhance my computer skills and

technological skills.

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