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Review Test Submission: MDSL804D-Lean Supply Chain Management-Jan 22
Assignment 2

User Ashu Kansal

Course Sem3.Lean Supply Chain Management
Test MDSL804D-Lean Supply Chain Management-Jan 22 Assignment 2
Started 08/05/22 13:43
Submitted 08/05/22 14:59
Due Date 15/05/22 23:59
Status Completed
Attempt 59 out of 100 points
Time 1 hour, 15 minutes
Center for Continuing Education - UPES
Lean Supply Chain Management
Assignment 2

Total Questions: 56
Total Marks: 100
Assignment Information :

The examination will consist of only Objective type (multiple choice) questions requiring
candidates to Mouse-click their correct choice of alternatives against the related question
number. The questions would carry 1 to 5 marks each depending on the difficulty level of
the question as indicated in the table below:

Difficulty Level of Questions:

1 Mark - Direct, Memory based

2 Marks - Memory & Conceptual
3 Marks - Conceptual & Analytical
4 Marks - Analytical based on understanding of concepts
5 Marks - Application based on understanding of concepts
• The question paper will be for 100 marks and considering marks allotted to each
question, the total number of questions would be around 56.
• There will not be negative marking for wrong answers.
• In case candidate does not want to attempt the question he I she should not mouse-
click any option.
• The students are allowed to save the responses and come back later to resume,
complete and "Save and Submit" the assignment. However, if the Due Date has
expired, then the assignment will not be accessible and will be marked as zero. In
such cases, the student can re-attempt the assignment allocated after enrolling in the
subsequent Semester.
• Once submitted, that answer sheet cannot be retreieved for any editing. The
student has to initiate a new attempt (if allowed), if he has submitted the assignment
by mistake.
• The students are normally allowed 3 chances to attempt and submit the
assignment. The number of attempts availed is displayed under the "Test
• The Highest Grade of the 3 attempts shall be considered for grading.
• The assignments are auto evaluated, and hence no chance of re-evaluation/re-
totalling is allowed to the student.
Results All Answers, Submitted Answers, Incorrectly Answered Questions
• Question 1
4 out of 4 points

Which of the following is the most critical part of the lean?

Selected Answer: That people are involved and respected

Answers: That people agree to the lean program

That operators are trained and giventhe time to work on the program

That management is trained so they can train everyone else

That people are involved and respected

• Question 2
0 out of 4 points
Check the following statements for being applicable to JIT
Selected Answer: Useful in high product variety environment

Answers: Useful in high product variety environment

pushes inventory through the inventory process

seeks to reduce inventory

will overcome poor component manufacture

• Question 3
4 out of 4 points

Key to re-structuring the supply chain is the need to examine the types of relationships
between partners such as suppliers and distributors. Researchers have found that low cost
is the main driver in managing supply partnerships and a restructuring will often require
companies to:
Selected Answer: All of the above

Answers: Reduce their number of suppliers

Focus on core competencies

Develop strong partnership relationships

All of the above

• Question 4
0 out of 4 points

Which of these could be used to combat Mura

Selected Answer: 5S,TPM,Setup Reduction,Flow,Pull and Kaizen

Answers: 5S,TPM,Setup Reduction,Flow,Pull and Kaizen

Takt Time,Heijunka,Flow,Pull and Six Sigma

Takt Time,Flow,Pull and Improve Safety

Standard Work,5S,TPM,kaizen
• Question 5
1 out of 1 points

Value stream mapping is an application of process mapping, developed to apply

_______principles to process improvement.
Selected Answer: Lean

Answers: Mangement


Supply Chain
Cycle Time
• Question 6
1 out of 1 points

What does CSF elaborates?

Selected Answer: Critical Success Factor

Answers: Creative Success Factor

Critical Success Factor

Critical Source Factor

Creative Source Factor

• Question 7
1 out of 1 points

What is the name given to a stamp used to form or press sheet metal into parts.
Selected Answer: Die

Answers: Stamp



• Question 8
1 out of 1 points

A Japanese term for collecting data and facts at actual site

Selected Answer: Genchi Genbutsu

Answers: Muda

Genchi Genbutsu


• Question 9
1 out of 1 points

What is the name given to large electronic sign board that provides real-time operational
performance and system status information?
Selected Answer: Andon Board

Answers: Andon Board

Heijunka Boards
Space Markings

• Question 10
0 out of 1 points

Which among the following is not the characterstic of Capital Market?

Selected Answer: Variable

Answers: Dynamic



• Question 11
1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is the feature of customer values?

Selected Answer: Subjective

Answers: Rational



• Question 12
1 out of 1 points

There are how many steps in new product development?

Selected Answer: Eight

Answers: Four



• Question 13
1 out of 1 points

Who viewed that the greatest waste of all is overproduction?

Selected Answer: Wantuck

Answers: Ohno


• Question 14
1 out of 1 points

Rule One of Spear & Bowen’s DNA of the Toyota Production System: “All work shall be
highly _____________as to content, sequence, timing and outcome.Fill the blank
Selected Answer: Specified

Answers: Sorted



• Question 15
1 out of 1 points

There are how many rules of Kanban from TPS

Selected Answer: 6

Answers: 4

• Question 16
1 out of 1 points

Who identified the ten Critical Success Factors for the implementation of e-commerce in
Selected Answer: Gide and Soliman

Answers: Womack and Jones

Hunt and Weintraub

Coronado and Antony

Gide and Soliman

• Question 17
1 out of 1 points

Which company pioneered the kanban technique ?

Selected Answer: Toyota
Answers: Toyota


General Motors

• Question 18
1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is the approach to inventory management used in Lean

Selected Answer: All

Answers: Cycle


Safety Stocks

• Question 19
0 out of 1 points

Place the odd one out

Selected Answer: Producing

Answers: Receving



• Question 20
1 out of 1 points

A commercial building used for storage is called

Selected Answer: Warehouse

Answers: Production Department

Maintenance Department


• Question 21
1 out of 1 points

Who proposed the strategic activities of environmental focus?

Selected Answer: Burt and Dobler

Answers: Womack and Jones

Hunt and Weintraub

Coronado and Antony

Burt and Dobler

• Question 22
1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is NOT an area of waste identified by Toyota?

Selected Answer: Over-staffing

Answers: Waiting time



• Question 23
0 out of 1 points

The inputs to a transformation process include all of the following except

Selected Answer: People

Answers: Material



• Question 24
1 out of 1 points

For survival and sucess lean is a

Selected Answer: Cooperative process

Answers: Cooperative process

Cohesive process

Conducive process

Separative process
• Question 25
1 out of 1 points
A visual aid chart used to breakdown types of problems into several categories by
frequency of occurrence is called
Selected Answer: Pareto Chart

Answers: Group Chart

Pareto Chart

Check Sheet

Check List
• Question 26
1 out of 1 points

What are the cultural features of Mass Production?

Selected Answer: All

Answers: Loyality



• Question 27
1 out of 1 points

Who developed Toyota Production System (TPS)

Selected Answer: All

Answers: Eiji Toyoda

Taiichi Ohno

Shingeo Shingo

• Question 28
1 out of 1 points

Which is not the stage of team as proposed by Bruce Tuckman

Selected Answer: Non-Performing

Answers: Forming



• Question 29
0 out of 1 points
Lean production delivers the products to market compartively
Selected Answer: At Similar Pace

Answers: Faster


At Similar Pace

Very Slower
• Question 30
0 out of 1 points

______________is the sum total profit a firm could gain from a customer if it developed a
Selected Answer: Strategic Value

Answers: Customer value

Strategic Value

Value Traits

• Question 31
1 out of 1 points

Volkswagens starts production from which city?

Selected Answer: Wolfsberg

Answers: Paris



• Question 32
0 out of 1 points

In which year preventive maintenance was introduced in Japan the very first time?
Selected Answer: 1950

Answers: 1950



• Question 33
1 out of 1 points

Who proposed the first team stages model?

Selected Answer: Bruce Tuckman

Answers: Bruce Tuckman



• Question 34
0 out of 1 points

Which one does not use operations management?

Selected Answer: Supermarket

Answers: Supermarket



• Question 35
0 out of 1 points

Who proposed the perfection as the fifth lean principle ?

Selected Answer: Both

Answers: Womack



• Question 36
1 out of 1 points

What term is for Use training, communication, and other organizational methods to
continuously perform all 5 Ss.
Selected Answer: Sustain

Answers: Sort



• Question 37
5 out of 5 points

In a PERT/CPM network, computing the critical path requires

Selected assigning the earliest finish time for an activity as the earliest start time for
Answer: the next
Answers: determining the total project duration

assigning the earliest finish time for an activity as the earliest start time for
the next

that the latest finishing time for an activity not delay the overall project
beyond initial expectation

a sophisticated and complex computer program

• Question 38
0 out of 5 points

Which of the following scenarios is best suited to use an X-bar and R chart?
Selected The machine capability is wider than the specification
Answers: A smaller sample size is needed

It is necessary to know when to investigate a process for causes of


The machine capability is wider than the specification

An acceptable quality level must be established

• Question 39
0 out of 5 points

What was the rationale behind introducing the Global Data Synchronisation Network in
Selected To create standards for sharing information about products
Answers: To speed up e-commerce interaction

To allow trading partners to manage each other's supply chain

To create standards for sharing information about products

To provide a common pricing structure taking currency fluctuations into

• Question 40
0 out of 5 points

A contingent approach to lean thinking suggests which one of the following?

Selected You focus on a rigorous application of the classic lean tools of the Toyota Production
Answer: System
Answers: You adopt a prescriptive approach to your lean implementation

You do not make detailed plans but implement lean in an organic way

You focus on a rigorous application of the classic lean tools of the Toyota Production

You adapt your implementation approach to fit your operation's particular

• Question 41
2 out of 2 points

Which methodology uses the DMAIC steps?

Selected Answer: Six Sigma

Answers: Lean

Design of experiments

Total Quality Management

Six Sigma
• Question 42
2 out of 2 points

A marketing philosophy summarized by the phrase 'a stronger focus on social and ethical
concerns in marketing' is characteristic of the _________ period.
Selected Answer: societal marketing

Answers: production



societal marketing
• Question 43
2 out of 2 points

”Quality is conformance to specifications”-This definition of quality is from point of view of

Selected Answer: Manufacturer

Answers: Customer


Quality Circle Forum

• Question 44
0 out of 2 points

An effective JIT effort should result in increased

Selected Answer: delay time

Answers: costs

delay time


queue time
• Question 45
2 out of 2 points

What term describes a vertical expansion of job duties in order to give the worker more
Selected Answer: Job enrichment

Answers: Job enlargement

Job rotation

Job enrichment

Job design
• Question 46
0 out of 2 points

When performance managing an electronic-supply chain management (e-SCM),

measurement frameworks provide categories and examples of metrics. What would Return
on Investment be a metric of?
Selected Answer: Supply chain partnership

Answers: Delivery performance

Supply chain partnership

Cost in supply chain

• Question 47
0 out of 2 points

Which of the following is not an element of the marketing mix?

Selected Answer: Pricing.

Answers: Promotion.

Target market.

• Question 48
2 out of 2 points

The opposite of Single Piece Flow is

Selected Answer: Batch and queue production

Answers: A chaotic system

Multiple piece flow

Batch and queue production

Shared services
• Question 49
2 out of 2 points

A Six Sigma Green Belt practitioner constructs a control chart to display a process mean
and its outer limits. In such a chart, what does UCL stand for?
Selected Answer: Upper Control Limit

Answers: Upper Cycle Length

Upper Control Limit

Upper Cycle Limit

Upper Control Length

• Question 50
2 out of 2 points

In Spear & Bowen’s four rules of the Toyota DNA, any improvement must be made in
accordance with what?
Selected Answer: The scientific method

Answers: Standardised processes

Reference to customer value

Company strategy

The scientific method

• Question 51
2 out of 2 points

______ is a document that provides a framework and objective for an improvement project.
Selected Answer: Project Charter
Answers: Goal Statement

Business Case

Project Charter

Project Scope
• Question 52
2 out of 2 points

What is added to The Japnese Way,to make the trust:The Toyota Way
Selected Answer: Constant Improvement

Answers: Continous Improvement

Constant Improvement

Continous Innovation

Constant Innovation
• Question 53
0 out of 2 points

Which is the correct statement?

Selected Answer: Mura and Muri together creates Muda

Answers: Mura ,Muda and Muri are connected

Mura creates Muri

Muri creates Mura

Mura and Muri together creates Muda

• Question 54
0 out of 2 points

How is the current inventory is indicated visually?

Selected Answer: Bar Chart

Answers: Standup meeting

Bar Chart

Kanban Card

• Question 55
2 out of 2 points

“3PL” involves using a supplier to provide _______ services.

Selected Answer: logistics
Answers: marketing



contract manufacturing
• Question 56
2 out of 2 points

According to Leone and Shultz (1980), the law-like generalization 1 explains that ___________
has a direct and positive influence on total industry (market) sales.
Selected Answer: advertising

Answers: increased consumer demand.


increase in urbanization.

Sunday, 8 May 2022 14:59:58 o'clock IST

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