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A p p ro a c h t o t h e E D

Patient with “Low-Risk”

Chest Pain
Joshua M. Kosowsky, MD

 Chest pain  Low risk  Emergency department

There is abundant evidence to guide the management of patients with chest pain with
a confirmed or reasonably suspected diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS),
but when it comes to the patient with “low-risk chest pain” in the emergency depart-
ment (ED), there is limited evidence to support one approach over another. As a result,
the evaluation of low-risk chest pain represents a distinct challenge for the emergency
physician. Missing a diagnosis of ACS is, of course, undesirable. At the same time, the
overuse of technology can result in misleading test results in populations with a low
incidence of coronary disease.
For emergency physicians in most developed countries, chest pain is a high-
frequency, high-risk, chief complaint. US statistics show that in 2007, there were
approximately 5 million visits to the ED for chest pain.1 Although more often than
not the cause of chest pain turns out to be benign, emergency physicians cannot
dismiss the possibility of a life-threatening condition, such as ACS. Historically,
anywhere from 2% to 4% of cases of acute myocardial infarction (MI) are missed
on initial presentation to the ED. Missing the diagnosis of MI continues to be an
area of high medico-legal risk in emergency medicine, accounting for nearly 20% of
closed malpractice claims.2,3 More important, it is of clinical significance that patients
who are discharged with a missed diagnosis of MI have a 30-day mortality risk 2 times
greater than those who are hospitalized.2 Acknowledging that not all patients with
chest pain can be referred immediately to a cardiologist or admitted to the hospital,
emergency physicians have developed strategies for stratifying patients into various
risk groups.
The term “low-risk chest pain” does not mean the same thing to everyone. Risk
stratification is, by definition, relative to the outcome of concern. Outcomes refer-
enced in the cardiology literature include a diagnosis of MI during a particular clinical
encounter, the need for urgent coronary revascularization, the presence of coronary

Department of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 10 Vining Street, Boston,
MA 02115, USA
E-mail address:

Emerg Med Clin N Am 29 (2011) 721–727

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722 Kosowsky

artery disease (CAD), an eventual diagnosis of cardiac ischemic disease, death from
MI, and general mortality. Depending on the setting, these are all valid outcome
measures, but for a patient arriving in the ED, the risk of most immediate concern is
whether the presenting symptoms are manifestations of ACS, or what may be termed
the “incident risk” of ACS.
The incident risk for a particular ED visit is determined from a combination of
a patient’s demographic risk and the clinical presentation. Generally speaking,
a patient’s demographic risk has to do with the likelihood that the most common
substrate for ACS, namely, CAD, is present. For an individual patient, the likelihood
of CAD can be assessed by the traditional risk factors uncovered by the Framingham
Study, which include having a first-degree relative with a history of early-life MI, male
sex, advanced age, hypertension, smoking history, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and
a family history of early CAD.4,5 However, although the Framingham score may be
useful for predicting future lifetime risk of CAD-related outcomes, studies have shown
that a new complaint of chest pain puts that individual at higher short-term risk than
any of these historical factors. For example, in men, a family history of early CAD
and diabetes increased the relative risk of ACS, but only slightly in comparison with
a chief complaint of chest pain and electrocardiogram (ECG) changes.6 Thus, an over-
emphasis on demographic risk to the exclusion of the clinical presentation may result
in either undertesting or overtesting.
Although specific definitions of risk categories vary widely, it is generally accepted
that patients at “low risk” for ACS can be adequately managed without the need for
inpatient hospitalization or the direct involvement of a cardiologist. Over the past 2
decades, the advent of accurate biomarkers for myocardial injury, such as creatine
kinase MB fraction (CKMB) and troponin, have allowed for the development of proto-
cols to “rule out” MI within a relatively short period. At the same time, a range of
provocative tests, from exercise treadmill testing and stress echocardiography to
nuclear imaging studies, are being made available from the ED at many institutions.
Emergency physicians are beginning to adopt the practice of using these tests to
risk-stratifying patients on the basis of the presence or absence of inducible myocar-
dial ischemia. Most recently, the advent of high-resolution coronary computed tomog-
raphy angiography (CCTA) allows us to evaluate a patient’s coronary anatomy with an
accuracy rivaling that of cardiac catheterization. How to integrate these technologies
into clinical practice continues to be the subject of considerable debate in the emer-
gency medicine community. In particular, the appeal of high-tech diagnostics must be
counterbalanced by the acknowledgment that most of the time, the vast majority of
“low-risk” chest pain patients will do well regardless of which strategy is adopted.


Decades of literature have showed that although no one element of the history is suffi-
ciently sensitive or specific to rule in or rule out ACS, there are associations between
the quality of chest pain symptoms and the likelihood of ACS. Typical symptoms of
ACS include pressurelike chest discomfort; radiation to the arms, neck or shoulders;
and associated shortness of breath, diaphoresis, nausea, or anxiety.7,8 Less typical
symptoms include chest pain that is sharp, stabbing, or influenced by position or
inspiration. Although less commonly associated with ACS, as many as 1 in 20 patients
ultimately diagnosed with acute MI will present with atypical features.9–11
There are several recent studies highlighting the limited value of presenting symp-
toms for making the diagnosis of ACS12; however, such studies reduce a patient’s
narrative to a checklist of items, falling well short of what the experienced clinician

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The ED Patient with “Low-Risk” Chest Pain 723

garners from even the most cursory history. In fact, a physician’s overall clinical gestalt
turns out to be one of the best predictors for ACS. A good history remains the corner-
stone of diagnosis and, along with the ECG, should serve as a guide to any further
diagnostic workup.


Virtually all patients who present to an ED with chest pain will have an ECG performed
as part of their initial evaluation. In response to guideline-recommended door-to-ECG
times of 10 minutes for patients with ST elevation MI (STEMI), most institutions have
developed protocols for patients with chest pain or any ischemic equivalent to receive
a screening ECG at or around the time of triage. It must be appreciated, however, that
a single ECG represents only a snapshot in what may be a dynamic process in the
case of ACS. In patients with hyperacute symptoms, initial ECG findings may be subtle
or nonexistent; the hallmark of ACS is that ECG changes tend to evolve over a period
of minutes to hours.13,14 In fact, even among patients who ultimately rule in for MI, an
initial “diagnostic” ECG is more the exception than the rule.15 For this reason, the
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Clinical Policy Committee recom-
mends that for patients with suspected ACS, the ECG be repeated at an interval of 30
to 60 minutes.16


Cardiac biomarkers, although variable in their sensitivity and specificity for ACS,
remain an important diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the patient with “low-risk”
chest pain. In the first few hours after symptom onset, myoglobin has the highest
sensitivity of all traditional biomarkers, but with low specificity. After 6 hours, CKMB
and troponins have the same sensitivity but with far higher specificity than myoglobin.
Earlier generations of troponins and CKMB assays achieve near 100% sensitivity at 12
hours.17–20 Newer generation troponin I and T assays have demonstrated superior
sensitivity, approaching a 94% to 96% at 2 to 4 hours, with 97% to 99% negative
predictive value.21 This makes detection of acute MI possible earlier than ever before.
On the other hand, several caveats are in order. Just as with the ECG, one must take
into account the timing of symptoms relative to biomarker measurements. For the
patient with chest pain who has been constant for hours or days, it may make abun-
dant sense to rely on a single measurement at or near the time of presentation. On the
other hand, for patients whose symptoms are intermittent, the biomarker stopwatch
would need to be reset, so to speak, with every recurrence of chest pain. Similarly,
if symptom duration is so brief (eg, less than 15–20 minutes) that no significant
myocardial injury results, no number of biomarker measurements will be suffice to
rule out the possibility of ACS. In that sense, unstable angina remains a clinical diag-
nosis, although it should be acknowledged that the absence of biomarker positivity
portends lower risk (Fig. 1).
On the other side of the coin, it needs to be recognized that not all positive troponins
represent ACS. Leaving aside the issue of truly “false positive” results (which are
exceedingly rare), it has become increasingly clear that not all myocardial damage
detected by highly sensitive biomarkers is in fact caused by ACS. In fact, in a typical
ED population, elevated troponin levels may be more commonly associated with non-
ACS diagnoses (such as congestive heart failure, renal failure, and sepsis) than ACS
itself.22 That said, patients with an elevated troponin, regardless of diagnosis, have
higher in-hospital mortality rates and therefore cannot be considered “low risk” in
any real sense.23

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724 Kosowsky

Fig. 1. Myocardial infarction biomarker kinetics.


For patients with “low-risk” chest pain with no evidence of ongoing myocardial
ischemia or infarction after serial ECGs and biomarkers, provocative testing is often
used to assess for “inducible” ischemia. EDs that have “chest pain units” or ED obser-
vation units are able to achieve nearly 100% compliance with stress testing of patients
with “low-risk” chest pain.24–25 Although American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association guidelines recommend that such patients “may be considered for
an early stress test to provoke ischemia . [and] to assess for obstructive CAD,”26 there
is no randomized-trial evidence to support this as universal practice. For one thing,
once a patient has “ruled out” for MI with serial biomarkers, the likelihood of an impor-
tant ACS-related outcome (eg, STEMI, cardiac death) is exceedingly low, so that
further risk stratification is inherently difficult. Furthermore, in those studies that have
managed to stratify these already “low-risk” patients on the basis of provocative
testing, the vast majority of ACS-related outcomes come in the form “urgent revascu-
larization,” begging the question of whether those procedures do not simply represent
the natural history of a positive or nondiagnostic stress test in the modern era of inter-
ventional cardiology. At the end of the day, stress testing in patients with “low-risk”
chest pain is relatively low yield in terms of altering subsequent management.27,28 It
is certainly the case that patients who have negative results from the ED can be safely
discharged home29–31; however, the same is true for patients who are discharged
home without additional testing, but with reasonable outpatient follow-up.32
Exercise treadmill testing (ETT) is the most commonly used provocative test, and its
utility has been tested in a variety of cardiovascular disease populations, most notably
as a means of stratifying patients following MI. Overall, the sensitivity (68%) and spec-
ificity (77%) of ETT for CAD is limited, with even lower performance in women. For
patients with certain baseline ECG abnormalities, utility is rather limited. In an ED pop-
ulation of patients with low-risk chest pain, ETT results have been correlated with
cardiovascular outcomes, but absolute rates of coronary events are low in this popu-
lation regardless. As such, stress testing is prognostic only in those patients with
a high pretest probability of CAD.32

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The ED Patient with “Low-Risk” Chest Pain 725

Although operator dependent, the reported sensitivity and specificity of stress echo-
cardiography (Stress Echo) for CAD are than standard ETT.33,34 As with other imaging
techniques, the presence of inducible wall-motion abnormalities are highly sensitive
for significant CAD. Additionally, echocardiography provides information on valvular
function and contractile performance that may be useful in certain clinical circum-
stances. Disadvantages of Stress Echo include operator dependence and technical
limitations owing to body habitus.
Radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging (rMPI) involves the use of an injectable
radioisotope (such as thallium or sestamibi) to image myocardial perfusion both at rest
and with exercise or following a chemically induced ischemic challenge (eg, dipyrida-
mole, persantine, or adenosine). rMPI is generally more expensive and more time-
consuming than Stress Echo, and the procedure entails a modest radiation exposure.
The results are less operator dependent, however, and when combined with single-
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging, the sensitivity for signifi-
cant coronary stenosis approaches 90%.
Over the past decade, it has been demonstrated that high-resolution coronary CT
angiography (CCTA) can approach traditional angiography in defining coronary
anatomy. For example, Hoffman and colleagues35 found that CCTA can identify the
presence of and extent of CAD in 80% to 94% of patients. In practice, technical limi-
tations can degrade CCTA image quality, and radiation exposure is a legitimate
concern in younger patents. Most important, however, standard CCTA provides no
information about myocardial perfusion per se. In other words, although the absence
of significant CAD makes ACS extremely unlikely, the presence of CAD does not imply
that the patient’s chest pain was cardiac in origin.


Patients who present to the ED with chest pain (or its equivalent) but have no electro-
cardiographic changes or elevation in cardiac biomarkers after an appropriate interval
can be considered low risk for ACS. Combined with a low demographic risk for CAD
(eg, using Framingham criteria), such patients can be said to be “low risk” for a subse-
quent coronary event. Whether there is a role for further risk stratification with provoc-
ative testing and/or coronary imaging before discharge remains open to debate.


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