Philo Reflection Paper

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My reflections in the said lesson were:

According to my beliefs, spirituality is a state of mind or a transcendental willpower that does not
originate in human beings. This word has a strong connection to the heart, soul, and spirit. It also has a
connection to inspiration because it is an invisible and enigmatic force in the universe. The word inspire
relates to the breath, which has long been associated with life and spirit, as stated in his piece "Deeply

Integrity, often known as moral uprightness, is the trait of being honest and possessing strong moral
principles. To uphold oneself to continuously high moral and ethical standards is typically a personal
decision. In my opinion, when you are not held accountable, integrity shows itself most clearly.
According to a common definition of integrity, having integrity means acting morally even when no one
is watching. It is important to emphasize that boldness and taking responsibility for your actions are two
qualities that characterize a person of integrity.

To me, being a patriot is standing by our nation through good and difficult times; to never give up on our
country; raising the flag to express respect and allegiance to our nation; and paying tribute to all those
who have served in its defense, alive or dead, active or retired.

Patriotism entails defending and cherishing our nation, even when through challenging or trying
circumstances. Even when things are not going your way or how you would like them to, you still love
our nation. Dedication to our nation is supporting it in all circumstances and working to improve it.

Excellence to me means having high expectations for oneself but also believing that every situation
offers a chance for improvement. The first challenge I run into with these ideals is how different people
define excellence. The school's definition of excellence serves as one possible illustration. I find it very
offensive to say that "we recognize others' successes." Can someone genuinely say whether I'm good or
not? I don't believe that other people can judge whether or not I'm good.

A repeatable, scalable system can be built using core values as one component. By simply applying the
principles to new situations that arise, they empower individuals inside your organization to make wise
decisions on their own. Your organization's basic values will eliminate obstacles and foster individual

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