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Jawaban UAS Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Dianti Nur Azizah

NIM : 20210208004

Prodi : Manajemen Pagi 2021


1. A 6. B

2. D 7. C

3. D 8. D

4. B 9. C

5. E 10. B


1. B 6. D

2. C 7. C

3. A 8. C

4. C 9. A

5. C 10. A




1. Yes, it's true, Mrs. Hartati likes gardening

2. When Mrs. Hartati has free time

3. She planted some flowers and watered everyday

4. Mrs. Hartati's garden flowers such as roses, jasmine flowers, orchids, sunflowers and some other
beautiful plants

5.What is meant is some flowers and other beautiful plants planted by Mrs. Hartati.

1. His hobby is gardening

2. The flower always i water 
3. My father is a farmer
4. Bejo want to pick a flower
5. His father is a gardener


1. A country is a distinct territorial body or political entity. It is often reffered to as the land of an
individual's birth, residence or sitizenship.

2. 1. Read and Understand the Job Description.

2. Select Relevant Work Experience and Skills.

3. Use Numbers When Describing Jobs.

4. Career Goals / Career Objectives in CV


“Marketing director with 20 years of experience in marketing and sales. Successfully created and
implemented marketing policies, increased sales by 40%. Have excellent management and
interpersonal skills.”

3. What is Landmark?

This is a recognized artificial or natural feature that stands out from other environmental features
and visible from long distances. Landmarks are often used as navigation tools. This also applies to
smaller features and features that are used as national and local symbols. Landmarks can be
anything ranging from buildings, waterfalls, mountains and even rivers.

What is a monument?

This is a structure that was erected to commemorate an event or a person and has now gained
relevancy to a social group in major ways. This can be cultural heritage or historic times due to
historical, technical, artistic, political and architectural importance.

4. Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods
or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser or a mobile app.

5. Cambridge Dictionary : Reported speech is a description of what someone has said without using
the exact words used.

British Council : Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this, we
can use direct speech or indirect speech.

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