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An Cheng 26/11/2021

Grade 11

Study outline

Study ID: Bremner et al. (2003): Stress, PTSD and

memory problems related to reduction of hippocampal
The aim of the study To measure the volume of the hippocampus based on the
theory that prolonged stress may reduce the volume of
hippocampus due to increased cortisol levels.

Procedure 1. Participants → Veterans & Female adults who had

experienced early childhood sexual abuse (some had
posttraumatic stress disorder).
2. MRI scans made of brain of participants.
3. Participants completed memory tests.

Results & - Deficits in short-term memory (STM).

Implications - Hipp. was smaller in PTSD patients than in control
group → Veterans with most memory problems also had
smaller hipp.
- Clear correlation between nº of years of abuse, memory
problems & hipp. volume.
- People with PTSD often suffered from other psych.
disorders → Played a role on brain changes.

Evaluation - Very small sample → difficult to say anything definite

about relationship trauma vs hipp. volume.
- There could be ALTERNATIVE explanations to
differences in hipp. volume → Depression.
- Nevertheless → Reduction of hipp. volume in combat-
related PTSD has been replicated.

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