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To avoid detection from Spanish authorities and the friars

✓ After finishing his medical course at UST, decided to complete his studies in Spain
✓ “Secret Mission”
✓ Which other Rizal’s biographers (including Austin Craig and Wenceslao E. Retana) never mention in their
✓ With the approval of his older brother Paciano
1. to observe keenly the life and culture
2. languages and customs
3. industries and commerce
4. governments and laws of European nations
5. to prepare himself in the mighty task of liberating his oppressed people from Spanish tyranny
✓ He used the name Jose Mercado
✓ A kind Jesuits priest gave him a letter of recommendation of their Society in Barcelona

May 3, 1882: departed on board the Spanish steamer

Salvadora with the following route: Manila – Singapore – Colombo – through the Suez Canal – Naples and Marseiles –
✓ During his voyage to Singapore, there were 16 passengers five or six ladies, many children and the rest is
✓ He was the only Filipino, the rest were Spaniards, British and Indian negroes
✓ Donato Lecha, the captain of the ship

May 3, 1882: Rizal departed on board the steamer board SALVADORA for Singapore. Uncle Antonio Rivera, Paciano, and
his sisters, and some close friends knew of his departure
✓ Paciano gave him P700, Saturnina gave him a diamond ring
✓ An allowance of P35 per month was promised by Paciano through Uncle Antonio
✓ Rizal saw Singapore and was impressed by its progress and beautiful sights, He admired the confidence of
the natives of Singapore with their government
✓ Rizal stayed at Hotel de Paz for his two day stop over at Singapore, he transffered to Djemnah, a French
steamer bound to Europe
May 11, 1882: Jose Rizal left for Europe on board the French Steamer DJEMNAH
Djemnah was larger and cleaner than Salvadora, carried more passengers
✓ He tried to speak French, after a week he reached Point de Galle, that afternoon they sailed and docked
at Colombo Ceylon
✓ The steamer crossed the Indian Ocean to Cafe Guardrail in Africa, the trip was difficult because of a stormy
weather. Rizal was sea sick
✓ On June 2 he arrived at the terminal of Suez Canal, enjoyed and was thrilled by the historic waterway
June 11, 1882: Rizal reached Naples, this Italian City pleased him because of its business activity, its lively people, and its
panoramic beauty.
✓ Night of June 12, the steamer docked at the French harbor of Marseilles, he visited the Chateau d’ If,
where Dantes, the hero in The Count of Monte Cristo was imprisoned.
✓ He stayed three days in Marseilles, enjoying every day of his sojourn
✓ At Marseilles, Rizal took the train to Barcelona
✓ Rizal reached his destination – Barcelona on June 16, 1882.
✓ Rizal found Barcelona to be a great city.
✓ With an atmosphere of freedom and liberalism, and its people were open-hearted, hospitable and
✓ The Filipinos in Barcelona, some of whom were his schoolmates in Ateneo, welcomed Rizal.
✓ They threw a party for Rizal at their favorite café in Plaza de Cataluna.
In Barcelona, Rizal wrote a nationalistic essay entitled “Amor Patrio” (Love of Country).
✓ He wrote this essay on the request of his friend, Basilio Teodoro Moran, publisher of the first bilingual
newspaper in Manila, the Diariong Tagalog on August 20, 1882. (Spanish and Tagalog)
✓ He wrote this essay using the pen name Laong Laan. The essay caused quite a stir among the readers in
the Philippines
✓ The Editor of Diarong Tagalog, Francisco Calvo, congratulated Rizal for the article and requested him for
more article.
✓ In response to his request, he wrote his second article Los Viajes (Travels)
✓ His third article was Revisita de Madrid (Review of Madrid). Unfortunately, it was returned to him because
the Diarong Tagalog had ceased publication

Rizal Move to Madrid

✓ Rizal received a sad news about the cholera that was ravaging Manila and the provinces
✓ On a letter he received from Paciano dated September 15, 1882, the Calamba folks were having afternoon
novenas and nocturnal procession, praying to God to stop the dreadful epidemic
✓ Another sad news he received was from Chengoy (Jose M. Cecilio) telling how Leonor Rivera was getting
thinner because of the absence of a love one
✓ Upon Paciano’s advise, Rizal left Barcelona in the fall of 1882 and established himself in Madrid, the
capital of Spain
✓ At Madrid he enrolled at the Universidad Central de Madrid (Central University of Madrid) on November
3, 1882
✓ There he took two courses: Medicine and Philosophy and Letters.
✓ Aside from his studies, Rizal also took painting and sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos
✓ Rizal also took private lessons in French, German, and English;
✓ Rizal led a Spartan life in Madrid. He lived frugally, spending his money only on food, clothing, lodging,
and books.
✓ His only “vice” was taking part in the Madrid Lottery.
✓ He spends his leisure time reading and writing at his boarding house, attending reunions with fellow
Filipino students and practicing fencing and shooting.

Circulo Hispano-Filipino
✓ Shortly after arriving in Madrid in 1882, Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano-Filipino, a society of liberal
Spaniards and Filipinos.
✓ As a member of this society Rizal wrote a poem entitled “Me Piden Versos” (They ask me for Verses)

Financial Worries
✓ Because of drought and locust the harvest of rice and sugarcane failed in Calamba.
✓ The manager of the Dominican-owned hacienda increased the rentals of the lands cultivated by the Rizal
✓ Due to this the monthly allowances of Rizal in Madrid were late in arrival and there were times when they
never arrived.
On June 24, 1884 because Rizal was broke,
✓ he was unable to eat his meals for the day.
✓ He attended his class in the university with an empty stomach.
✓ Rizal even participated in a Greek language contest and won the gold medal.
✓ Fortunately, in the evening, Rizal was the guest speakerat banquet held in honor of Juan Luna and Felix
Resurreccion Hidalgo, where Rizal was able to eat dinner

Completion of Studies
✓ The academic year 1884-1885 Rizal passed all subjects leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine.
✓ Rizal completed his medical course in Spain. He was awarded the Degree of Licentiate in Medicine by the
Universidad Central de Madrid on June 21, 1884.
✓ The next academic year (1884-85) he studied and passed all subjects leading to the Degree of Doctor of
✓ However, he was not awarded his Doctors Diploma because he did not present his thesis nor paid the
corresponding fees
✓ Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy and Letters and was awarded the degree on June 19, 1885, his
24th birthday
✓ By obtaining a degree in Philosophy and Letters, Rizal became qualified to be a professor of humanities in
any Spanish university.
✓ He did not bother to secure the post-graduate degree of Doctor of Medicine because it was also good only
for teaching.
✓ Rizal knew, however, that with his brown color and Asian racial ancestry no friar-owned university or
college in the Philippines would accept him in its faculty staff.

Rizal’s first visit to Paris

✓ was mistaken by Parisians as a Japenese
✓ food, drinks, hotel accommodations, etc…were too high
✓ After studying at the Central University of Madrid, Rizal, who was then 24 yrs old, went to Paris to
acquire more knowledge in ophthalmology

Rizal as Mason
✓ While he studied in Spain, he joined Masonic Acacia Lodge in Madrid
✓ “Dimasalang”
✓ Rizal in Berlin

Reasons for staying in Berlin:

1. To gain further knowledge in Ophthalmology
2. Further his studies of sciences and languages
3. Observe the economic and political conditions of the German nation
4. To associate with famous German scientists
5. To publish his novel Noli Me Tangere

Rizal’s Darkest Winter

✓ The diamond ring was in the pawnshop
✓ Could not pay his landlord
✓ Scrimp eating only one meal a day
✓ Clothes are old and threadbare and washed them himself


The Tour Begins
✓ Dawn of May 11, 1887
✓ Their destination is Dresden (one of the best cities in Germany)
✓ Rizal interest in botanyand studied numerous plant
✓ They visited Dr Adolph B Meyer
✓ Visited Museum of Art - “Prometheus Bound”
✓ Met Dr. Jagor then visits Leitmeritz (Litomerice, Czech Republic) to see Blumentritt
✓ They sent to wire Blumentritt because of their coming
✓ Stopover to Teschen (Decin, Czechoslavakia) after leaving Dresden, Rizal and Viola sent wire to Blumentritt
as Dr Jagor suggestion
✓ They sent to wire Blumentritt because of their coming
✓ Stopover to Teschen (Decin, Czechoslavakia) after leaving Dresden, Rizal and Viola sent wire to Blumentritt
as Dr Jagor suggestion
✓ At 1:30 pm of May 13 1887 at railroad station of Leitmeritz , Czech Republic
✓ They stay May 13 – May 16 1887


✓ Conversation of Burgomaster and Rizal and admire Rizal
✓ May 16 at 9:45 am left Leitmeritz
✓ Letter to Blumentritt written on Viennaon May 24 1887 by Rizal and Viola to the daughter of the
professor Blumentritt
✓ Letter to Blumentritt written on Brunn Austria on May 19 1884
✓ They went to Dr. Willkomm, professor of natural history in University of Prague.
✓ They visited: Tomb of Copernicus, Museum of Natural History, Bacteriological Laboratories, Cave of
San Juan Nepomuceno
✓ Rizal wrote a letter to Blumentritt and he told him that he forgot his diamond stickpin at his room in
Hotel Krebs.
✓ Nothing important happened in this city according to Viola.
✓ On May 20, they arrived in the “Queen of the Danube”.
✓ He met Norfenfals, great novelist in Europe. He admired Rizal.
✓ Rizal received his lost diamond stickpin.
✓ They stayed in Hotel Metropole.
✓ they visited : churches, museums, art galleries, theatres, public parks
✓ they met 2 good Austrian scholars who are friend of Blumentritt: Masner and Nordmann
✓ on May 24, they rode on a river boat to see Danube River.
✓ the river trip ended in Lintz. They traveled overland to Salzburg and to Munich.
✓ In Munich, they stopped for a while to taste the famous beer assumed as best in German
✓ Went to Nuremberg and was impressed by the manufacture of dolls.
✓ After Munich they visited Ulm the cathedral of this city was the largest.
✓ Viola recalled Rizal climbed its many hundred steps, ascended without resting and was not tired
upon reaching top.
✓ Then Rheinfall
✓ They saw “the most beautiful waterfall in Europe”
✓ They crossed the border Schaffhausen, Switzerland
✓ They stayed there from June 2-3 1887
✓ They continued their tour to Basel, Bern & Laussane
✓ They crossed the foggy Leman lake to Geneva.
✓ One of the most beautiful cities in the world.
✓ June 19,1877, Rizal’s 26th Birthday
✓ Spent 15 days in Geneva
✓ On June 23, They parted ways: Viola returned to Barcelona and Rizal went to Italy


✓ In another letter to Blumentritt dated Geneva June 19, 1887.
✓ Rizal said he was in favor of holding an exposition but ‘not an exposition of odd individuals, showing our
country men as a curiosity to entertain the idle individuals of Madrid.
Rizal in Italy from Geneva (Rizal went to Italy)
Rizal visited: Turin, Milan, Venice, Florence

RIZAL REACHED ROME ( June 27, 1887 )

✓ Called the “Eternal City” and also called the “City of the Caesars”
✓ Describing to Bluementritt, the “grandeur that was Rome”, he wrote on June 27, 1887.
✓ Rizal astonished on everything he saw around him. And as a native people in a small island, Rizal feels like
he was in a sanctuary.
✓ Rizal already seen the: The Capitolium, The Tarpeian Rock, The Palatinum, The Forum Romanum, The
Amphitheatre. Etc.
✓ Rizal said that everything was glorious except the cafés and the café singers


✓ Rizal visited for the first time the Vatican, the “City of the Popes” and the capital of Christendom.
✓ Rizal was deeply impressed by the magnificent edifices, particularly of: St. Peter’s Church, St. Peter’s
Square, Papal Guards and the Vatican.
✓ “I am tired as a dog”, he wrote to Bluementritt, “but I will sleep as a god”.
✓ He prepared to return to the Philippines. He had already written to his father that
he was coming home.
True that he studied abroad, acquired the lore and languanges of foreign nations, and enjoyed the friendship of many great
men of the Western World. But he remained at heart a true Filipino with an unquenchable love for the Philippines and an
unshakable determination to die in the land of his birth.
August 1887
Thus, after five years, of memorable sojourn in Europe, he returned to the Philippines, and practice medicine in Calamba. He
lived the quiet life of a country Doctor.
Decision to Return Home
Because of the publication of the Noli Me Tangere and the uproar it caused among the friars, Rizal was warned by Paciano
(his brother), Silvestre Ubaldo (his brother-in-law), Chengoy (Jose M. Cecilio), and other friends not to return home.
Reasons of Rizal
1. To operate on his mother’s eyes;
2. To serve his people who had long been oppressed by Spanish tyrants.
3. To find out for himself how the Noli and his other writings were affecting Filipinos and Spaniards in the
4. To inquire why Leonor Rivera remained silent.
Letter in Blumentritt
“ Your advice that I live in Madrid and continue to write from where is very benevolent but I cannot accept it. I cannot endure
the life in Madrid where everything is a voice in a wilderness. My parents want to see me, and I want to see them also. All my
life I desire to live in my country by the side of my family. Until now I am not Europeanized like the Filipinos of Madrid; I
always like to return to the country of my birth.”
June 29, 1887
“ On the 15th of July, at the latest”, he wrote, “I shall embark for our country, so that from the 15th to the 30th of August, we
shall see each other”.
Delightful Trip to Manila
✓ Rizal left of by train
✓ Marseilles, A French Port which he reached without mishap.
July 03, 1887
There were about 50 passengers, including:
✓ 4 Englishmen
✓ 2 Germans
✓ 3 Chinese
✓ 2 Japanese
✓ Many Frenchmen
✓ 1 Filipino (Rizal)

At, Saigon, on July 30, RIZAl transferred to another steamer Haiphong which was Manila-bound and left on August 2, to
Arrival in Manila
Near midnight of August 6, the Haiphong arrived in Manila. He found Manila as the same as when he left it five years ago.
✓ Old Churches and buildings
✓ Same holes in the roads
✓ Boats in Pasig River
✓ Heary Walls surrounding the city
Happy Homecoming
✓ On August 08, he returned to Calamba. His family welcomed him affectionally, with plentiful tears of joys.
✓ In Calamba, Rizal established a medical clinic. His first patient was his mother, who was almost blind.
✓ His family became worried about his safety. Paciano did not leave him to protect him from any enemy assault.
✓ News of the arrival of a great doctor from Germany spread far and wide. Patients from manila and other Province flocked
to Calamba.
✓ He was called “Doctor Ulliman” because he came from Germany.
✓ Within a few months he was able to earn P900 as a physician. By February, 1888, he earned a total of P5000 as medical
✓ He failed to see Leonora Rivera.
Storm Over Noli
✓ Governor General Emilio Terrero (1885-88)
✓ Contained subversive ideas

✓ Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez, Fr. Jose Bech, Fr. Federico Faura

✓ “Everything in it was the truth.”

✓ “You may lose your head for it.”

Mean while, as Rizal was peacefully living in Calamba. His enemies plotted his doom.
A few weeks after his arrival, a storm broke over his novel. One day Rizal received a letter from Governor General Emilio
Terrero (1885-88) requesting him to come to Malacanan Palace.
Rizal went to Manila and appeared at Malacanan. When he was informed by Governor General Terrero of the charge, he
denied it, explaining that he merely exposed the truth, but he did not advocate subversive ideas.
The governor general asked the author for a copy of the Noli so that he could read it.
Rizal visited the Jesuit fathers to ask for a copy he sent them, but they would not part with it. The Jesuits, especially his former
professors – Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez, Fr. Jose bech, and Fr. Federico Faura – were glad to see him.
Fortunately, Rizal found a copy in the hands of a friend. He was able to get it and gave it to Governor General Terrero.
The governor general, who was a liberal-minded Spaniard, knew that Rizal’s life was in jeopardy because the friars were
powerful. For security measure, he assigned a young Spanish lieutenant, Don Jose Taviel de Andrade, as bodyguard of Rizal.
Governor General Terrero read the Noli and found nothing wrong with it. But Rizal’s enemies were powerful.
The report of this commission was rafted by ts head, Fr. Salvador Font, Augustinian cura of Tondo, and submitted to the
governor general on December 29. It found the novel to contain subversive ideas against the Church and Spain.
When the newspapers published Font’s written report of the censorship commission, Rizal and his friends became
apprehensive and uneasy.
The banning of the Noli only served to make it popular. Everybody wanted to read it. News about the great book spread
among the masses.
Attackers of Noli:
Father font printed his report and distributed copies of it in order to discredit the controversial novel.
Another Augustinian, Fr. Jose Rodriguez, Prior of Guadalupe, published a series of eight pamphlets under the general heading
Cuestiones de Sumo Interes (Questions of Supreme Interest) Copies of these anti-Rizal pamphlets written by Fray Rodriguez
wre sold daily in the churches after Mass.
Defenders of Noli:
Marcelo H. del Pilar, Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor , Graciano Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce, and other Filipino reformists in foreign
lands, of course, rushed to uphold the truths of the Noli. Father Sanchez, Rizal’s favorite teacher at the Ateneo, defended and
praised it in public. Don Segismundo Moret, former Minister of the Crown; Dr. Miguel Morayta, historian and statesman; and
Professor Blumentritt, scholar and educator, read and liked the novel.
A brilliant defense of the Noli came from an unexpected source. It was by Rev. Vicente Garcia, a Filipino catholic priest-scholar,
a theologian of the Manila Cathedral.
Father Garcia, writing under the penname Justo Desiderio Magalang, wrote a defense of the Noli which was published in
Singapore as an appendix to a pamphlet dated july 18, 1888.

1. Rizal cannot be an “ignorant man”, as Fr. Rodriguez alleged, because he was a graduate of Spanish universities
and was a recipient of scholastic honors.
2. Rizal does not attack the Church and Spain, as Fr. Rodriguez claimed, because what Rizal attacked in the Noli
were the bad Spanish officials and not Spain, and the bad and corrupt friars and not the Church.
3. Father Rodriguez said that those who read the Noli commit a mortal sin; since he (Rodriguez) had red the novel,
therefore he also commits a mortal sin.
While the storm over the Noli was raging in fury, Rizal was not molested in Calamba. This is due to governor General Terrero’s
generosity in assigning a bodyguard to him. Between this Spanish Bodyguard

What marred Rizal’s happy days in Calamba with Lt. Andrade were :

1. the death of his older siste, Olimpia, and

2. the groundless tales circulated by his enemies that he was “a Germany spy, an agent of Bismarck, a Protestant, a Mason,
a witch, a soul beyond salvation, etc.
Rizal had to leave the Philippines because he had already been a marked man for the friars. With a heavy heart, he left the
country for his own good and the safety of the family, and friend. (February 3, 1888).


✓ The friars asked Governor General Terrero to deport him, but latter refused because there was no valid charge against
Rizal in court.
✓ Rizal was compelled to leave Calamba for two reasons:
1. his presence in Calamba was jeopardizing the safety and happiness of his family and friends.
2. He could fight better his enemies and serve his country’s cause with greater efficacy by writing in foreign
countries. A POEM FOR LIPA
Before Rizal left Calamba in 1888 his friend from Lipa requested him to write a poem in commemoration of virtue of the
Becerra Law of 1888. He wrote a poem this was THE HIMNO AL TRABAJO (Hymn to Labor).He finished it and sent to Lipa
before his departure from Calamba.

✓ The theme is that everybody – man, woman, maiden, child – has a role to play in building society.

✓ The poem is composed of four conversational verses as reflections of the duties and responsibilities of the members of
the society ranging from the men’s work, wive’s dedication, and maidens allure down to the childrens eagerness to grow.
Hence, this poems is by a chorus that signifies the courage and the love of country of Filipinos during the time of the
national hero, Jose Rizal

December 29 1887 - The Permanent Board of Censure headed by Fr. Salvador Font issued a judgement absolutely prohibiting
the circulation of the Noli Me Tangere in the Philippines. Upon the recommendation of the Governor General, Father Font
said ”…..Aside of attacking directly, as you have seen your Excellency, the Religion of the state, instructions and respectable
persons for their official character, the book is replete of foreign teachings and doctrines; and the general synthesis of the
same to inspire among the loyal and submissive sons of Spain in these distant islands, profound and furious hate to the
mother country…’

Febuary 3 1888 - Rizal, after staying in the Philippines for almost six months, left Manila for Hongkong, bringing with him
P5,000 which he earned from his medical practice.
February 3, 1888

✓ Rizal left the Philippines half-sick anddisillusion.

✓ Zafiro - the vessel he ride on.
✓ The vessel arrived in Amoy (Xiamen), China but Rizal did not land because of his frail health, the city's rainy
weather and the reportthat the city was dirty.
In there Rizal studied the Chinese life.
Rizal observe the following:
✓ The Chinese New Year
✓ Chinese theaters
✓ The Marathon Lauriat Party
✓ The richest older in Hongkong. The DOMINICANS
✓ The cemeteries in Hongkong
FEBRUARY 22, 1888, Rizal left Hong Kong on board the OCEANIC
The Land of Cherry Blossom
✓ Rizal arrived at Yokuhama on Feb. 28 1888
✓ He stayed at the Grand Hotel
✓ The next day he went to Tokyo and stayed there from arch 2-7
✓ Later he moved over to the Spanish legation on invitation of its secretary, Juan Perez Caballero. He
✓ accepted the invitation since staying with the Spaniards would save him money and he believed
✓ that he had nothing to hide from them.
Rizal was impressed of Japan's culture:
✓ the beauty of the country ( plants, flowers, gardens, mountains, rivers)
✓ kimono
✓ hospitality
✓ gift-giving
✓ politeness thru bowing
✓ few beggars on the streets; few thieves
✓ clean houses
✓ The Japanese are happy and industrious people.
Rizal took time to learn the language and customs of Japan. He was embarrassed because he looked like a Japanese but could
not speak Japanese.
Seiko Usui or Osei-san
✓ Daughter of a former Samurai who become a proprietor of a bazaar in Tokyo.
✓ She was a culture women who worked at the Spanish consulate.
✓ Rizal's love for O-Sei-san made him almost change his mind.
✓ For 45 days he stayed in Japan.
Rizal left Yokohama on APRIL 13, 1888 on board the steamer BELGIC bound for USA
✓ Rizal boarded the Englsih vessel, Belgic on April 18, 1888.
✓ Rizal reached SAN FRANCISCO on Apr. 28, 1888.
✓ Dubbed America as "A motherland for the poor who wish to work".
✓ He described America as a great country, but it has many defects too. They do not have real civil liberty.
✓ When he was asked by Jose Alejandro about his impression of the country, he stated: AMERICA IS THE LAND
He lived in London from May 1888 - March 1889. He chose it for 3 reasons:
1. to improve his knowledge on English
2. to study Dr. Antonio de Morga's book SUCCESOS DE LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS, which is found in the British
3. London was safe from the Spaniards.
✓ He worked in the British Museum Library, studied, copied, and published Morga's book
✓ He stayed as a guest of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor.
✓ By May, he moved to a boarding house owned by the Beckett family.
✓ Because he was an excellent linguist, he became good friends with Dr.
✓ Reinhold Rost, a Sanskrit scholar, the greatest scholar of that centum. He even spent time with him.
✓ Rost was impressed with his manners and called him "UNA PERLA DE HOMBRE" or Pearl of a Man.
Asociacion La Solidaridad (Solidaridad Association)
- a patriotic society, which cooperate in the crusade for reforms, was inaugurated on December 31, 1888, with the
following officers:
President: Galicano Apacible
Vice President: Graciano Lopez Jaena
Secretary: Manuel Santa Maria
Treasurer: Mariano Ponce
Accountant: Jose Ma. Panganiban
By unanimous vote of all members, Rizal was chosen honorary president
January 28, 1889
- Rizal wrote a letter addressed to the members of the Asociacion La Solidaridad
February 15, 1889
✓ Graciano Lopez Jaena founded the patriotic newspaper called La Solidaridad in Barcelona La Solidadridad
✓ fortnightly periodical which served as the organ of the Propaganda Movement
Its aims were as follows:

1. to work peacefully for political and social reforms

2. to portray the deplorable conditions of the Philippines so that Spain may remedy them
3. to oppose the evil forces of reaction and medievalism
4. to advocate liberal ideas and progress
5. to champion the legitimate aspirations of the Filipino people to life, democracy and happiness
Los Agricultores Filipinos (The Filipino Farmers)

- Rizal's first article which appeared in La Solidaridad which is published on March 25, 1889, six days after he left
London for Paris
Reasons Rizal stopped writing for La Solidaridad:

1. Rizal need to work on his book

2. He wanted other Filipinos to work also
3. Rizal considered it very important to the party that there be unity in the work
4. Marcelo H. del Pilar is already at the top and Rizal also have his own ideas, it is better to leave del Pilar alone
to direct the policy
May 6, 1889
- opening of Universal Exposition of Paris, the greatest attraction of this exposition was the Eiffel Tower, 984 feet
high, which was built, by Alexander Eiffel, celebrated French engineer.
MARCH 19, 1889
- the same day when he arrived in Paris from London, Rizal organized his paisanos (compatriots) into a society
called kidlat Club
Kidlat Club
✓ purely a social society of a temporary nature
✓ founded by Rizal simply to bring together young Filipinos in the French capital so that they could enjoy their
sojourn in the city during the duration of the Universal Exposition.
✓ Rizal was enchanted by the dignified and proud bearing of the American Indians in a Buffalo Bull show
Indios Bravos (Brave Indians)
✓ replaced the ephemeral Kidlat Club
✓ its members pledged to excel in intellectual and physical prowess in order to win the admiration of the foreigners
✓ practiced great the use of the sword and pistol and Rizal taught them judo. an Asian art of self—defense he learned in
Sociedad R.D.L.M. (R.D.L.m Society)
✓ a mysterious society founded by Rizal in Paris during the Universal Exposition of 1889
✓ its existence and role in the crusade reforms are really enigmatic
✓ Of numerous letters written by Rizal and his fellow propagandists, only two mentioned this secret society, as follows:
1. Rizal's Letter to Jose Maria Basa, Paris, September 21, 1889
2. Rizal's Letter to Marcelo H. del Pilar, Paris, November 4, 1889
- RIZAL Made up his mind to return to Manila.
The decision was spurred by the following:
1. to confer with Governor Despujol regarding his
2. Borneo colonization project
3. to establish the La Liga Filipina in Manila
4. to prove that Eduardo de Lete was wrong attacking him in Madrid that he (Rizal). Being comfortable and safe in Hong
Kong, had abandoned the country's cause
✓ Rizal's bold return to Manila in June, 1892 was his second homecoming
✓ Rizal firmly believed that the fight for Filipino liberties had assumed a new phase: it must be fought in the Philippines not
in Spain. "The battlefield is in the Philippines," he told countrymen in Europe, "There is where we should meet...
✓ There we will help one another, there together we will suffer or triumph perhaps."


✓ a remote town in Mindanao, a small pueblo
✓ bought and invest in agricultural lands about one kilometer away from Dapitan
✓ In this chapter reveals an aspect of his lighter side
✓ was brought under a maximum security to the steamer S.S. Cebu headed by Capt. Delgras on the 15th of July, 1892,
which sailed to Dapitan.
✓ He lived in the house of the commandant, Captain Carnicero.
✓ The relations between Carnicero and Rizal were warm and friendly.
✓ Rizal admired the kind, generous Spanish captain.
✓ He then wrote a poem, A Don Ricardo Carnicero, on August 26, 1892 on the occasion of the captain's birthday.

Rizal as Physician
✓ practiced medicine, helped to cure people
✓ most were poor, even gave free medicine
✓ Studied medicinal plants of the Philippines
✓ He operated on his mother’s right eye
✓ Rizal’s fame as a physician, particularly as an eye specialist spread far and wide
Rizal as an Expert Surveyor

✓ Rizal held the title of expert surveyor (perito agrimensor), which he obtained in Ateneo.
✓ He applied his knowledge of engineering by constructing a system of waterworks in order to furnish clean water to the
✓ Without aid from the government, he succeeded in giving a good water system to Dapitan.
Community projects for Dapitan

✓ Constructing the town’s first water system

He spent many months draining the marshes in order to get rid of malaria that infested Dapitan.
✓ Equip the town with its lighting system, it consists of coconut oil lamps placed in the dark streets of Dapitan
✓ He remodeled the town plaza in order to enhance its beauty.
Rizal as Teacher

✓ established a school: started with 3 pupils, increased to 16 later to 21

✓ did not collect tuition fees, instead he made them work in his garden, fields and construction projects in the community
✓ Encouraged to play games in order to strengthen their bodies (gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, stone-throwing,
swimming, arnis (native fencing), and boating
Rizal’s contribution to science
✓ Conducted anthropological, ethnographical, archaeological, geological, geographical studies
✓ Rizal found a rich virgin field for collecting specimens. With his baroto (sailboat), he explored the jungles and coasts,
seeking specimens of insects, birds, snakes, lizards, frogs, shells and plants. He sent these specimens to museum of
Europe. In payment for these valuable specimens, the European scientists sent him scientific books and surgical

Rizal as farmer

✓ Devoted much of his time in agriculture

✓ Bought 16 hectares of land in Talisay
✓ Where he built his home, school and hospital
✓ Planted cacao, coffee, sugarcane, coconuts and
fruit trees

Rizal as businessman
✓ Made business ventures in fishing, copra, and hemp
✓ Organized cooperative for farmers

Adios Dapitan

✓ On July 31, 1896, Rizal’s four-year exile in Dapitan came to an end.

✓ At midnight of that date, he embarked on board the steamer Espana.
✓ Almost all Dapitan folks, young and old, were at the shore to bid him goodbye.
✓ As the steamer pushed out into the sea, Rizal gazed for the last time on Dapitan with his hands waving in a farewell salute
to its kind and hospitable folks and with a crying heart filled with tears of nostalgic memories.

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