Bahasa Inggris Niaga Tugas 1 Tuton

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Untuk TUGAS 1 ini anda akan diberikan pilihan topik untuk membuat sebuah essay dengan

panduan sbb:

1. Buatlah essay dengan paling tidak 4 paragaph (1 buah paragraph awal, 2 buah paragraph

isi dan 1 buah paragraph penutup).

2. Tulislah jawaban anda dalam rentang antara 200-250 kata.

3. Jawaban essay diketik dan dikirimkan ke Forum Tugas dalam bentuk Word dalam waktu 2


C. To be First Mover in a business, you do not have to have market analysis.

Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

I chose to discuss the topic

A first mover is a service or product that gains a competitive advantage by being the first to
market with a product or service. Being first typically enables a company to establish strong
brand recognition and customer loyalty before competitors enter the arena. Other
advantages include additional time to perfect its product or service and setting the market
price for the new item.

I don't agree that being the first mover does not use market analysis because market analysis
is an important thing that must be done because it becomes the basis and foundation related
to subsequent marketing strategies.

Market analysis is an activity of analyzing or organizing to study various problems regarding

market conditions.

To be able to become a reliable businessman, the main condition is that you must be able to
do a good and precise market analysis.

Many people say that market analysis is an important part of marketing management.
By doing a good and precise analysis, you will be able to better understand the real market
conditions so that the strategies taken to market your business products will work well, so
that your business profits will increase.

Thus, business success will affect how well and precisely market analysis is carried out.

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