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How to Empower Women in the Workplace

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How to Empower Women in the Workplace

When you empower a woman, you empower a whole society. Women’s rights

activists have for a long time spoken on equal rights and opportunities for women in the work

environment. The 7 suggestions made, address the issue of women empowerment both in

their work and personal lives. They simply address equality and diversity that can help

women thrive in a patriarchal society dominated by men. The suggestions are focused on

both the present and current, which makes it efficient in implementing changes to improve

women’s empowerment. The report given by PwC, gives a picture of issues women face in

the workplace (Energy Resourcing). By knowing this, appropriate solutions can be generated

to improve the lives of women.

In addition to the 7 suggestions made, I would also recommend supporting businesses

run by women. The support can be through making donations or investments in their

businesses to help them grow. Additionally, by training women to boost their leadership,

sustainability, and self-expression skills, will ultimately boost their confidence and make

them take up big roles like running their own businesses. Another issue that has been going

on for long is violence against and harassment of women. The elimination and prevention of

violent acts against women like sexual harassment at work, is a great progress towards

women’s empowerment. By eliminating these, women will feel much safer in the workplace

and this can help boost their productivity.

The debate on women’s empowerment has been going on for a while now, and with

time they have gathered many supporters who make their voices heard. Empowerment is a

work in progress so I cannot safely say that women’s equal rights in the workplace is assured,

comparing to that of the male counterparts. It is a work in progress since each day we see

women taking up leadership roles, and higher paying jobs once dominated by men, however

this has not been fully achieved. A report by world bank shows that, about 2.4 million women

around the world, still do not have equal economic rights as men (World Bank press release,

2022). This clearly shows there is still much to do if we are to achieve gender equality.

Achieving gender diversity in the workplace is not only fair, but also a right thing to

do. Employers should ensure there is a fair representation of women as well as men, at the

workplace. A Gallup study shows that, a company that hires a demographically diverse

workforce, can ultimately improve the financial performance of the company (Badal, B. S.,

2014). Diversity at the workplace is important because it will make the employees feel valued

and accepted for who they are, and this will boost their desire to be more productive.


Badal, B.S. (20 January 2014). The Business Benefits of Gender Diversity. GALLUP.

Energy Resourcing. Empower Women in your workplace. Available at:

The World Bank. (1 March 2022). Nearly 2.4 Billion Women Globally Don’t Have Same

Economic Rights as Men. Press Release.



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