HEALTH8 Q2 Module1 v1-2

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8 Department of Education

National Capital Region


Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health

Second Quarter – Module 1: Family Life
Courtship, Dating and Marriage

Writer: Maria Justine Robles

Cover Illustrator: John Orville Munar

City of Good Character 0


What I Need to Know
FAMILY is a small unit where socialization starts to give direction in improving one's
character and to be a responsible individual.

Love, integrity, and honesty start in the family where every part has his/her own task to
carry out in the accomplishment of a healthy family life.

Do you know how your mother and father met and established your family? Were you
able to hear their love story?

Family is viewed as a place where you can act naturally, acknowledged for what you
are. Help and supports you when you are encircled by issues. It encourages you endure
through tough times and brings happiness and satisfaction into your life.

Have you imagined yourself going through a process of dating, courtship, and marriage?

This module is designed for you to identify the various concepts in having a successful
family life in the future such as courtship, dating and marriage.

This Module contains:

Lesson 1: Courtship, Dating and Marriage

After going through this module, you are expected to;

1. explains the definition and importance of courtship and dating in choosing a lifelong
partner H8FH-IIa-24; H8FH-IIa-25
2. analyzes behaviors that promote healthy relationship in marriage and family life H8FH-
3. describes the factors that contribute to a successful marriage H8FH-IIb-28
4. Define the terms – love, infatuation, courtship, dating, going steady, engagement,
marriage, and lifelong partner
5. Compare love from infatuation
6. Identify and explain the ff:
a. different courtship traditional practices in the Philippines
b. importance of courtship and dating and its risks
c. Enumerate behaviors that promote healthy relationship
d. Enumerate the factors that contributes to successful marriage

City of Good Character 1


What I Know
The result of pre-test will check your prior knowledge and understanding on this module. Read
and understand each question. Choose from the words inside the box below. Answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It is described as admiration to someone that may include the desire to get to know that
person better.

2. It is a state of being completely carried away by the unreasoning passion or love.

3. A feeling of intense affection for another person.

4. It is a social activity which involves two or more people generally assessing each other’s
suitability for a potential relationship.
5. It is a stage o not simply knowing the person but also a test of compatibility between the two
6. It is a period of agreement entered between two people on love for them to be able to know
each other and their families well enough to be sure that they are ready for lifetime commitment.
7. It is considered as the most enjoyable human relationship and the most significant event that
may happen to one’s life.

8. The smallest and integral part unit of society

9. It allows to you explain to someone else what you are experiencing and what your needs are.
This act not only helps to meet your needs, but it also helps you to be connected in your

10. Characteristics of being faithful, loyal, and true to a relationship or to parents

City of Good Character 2



1 Courtship, Dating & Marriage

In this unit you will know that the progress of romantic relationships between two
individuals are made from various stages. As these two people enter relationship, they will
become acquainted with one another through dating, make their relationship restrictive by going
steady and get ready to enter marriage through engagement. And it will provide you with a
deeper understanding of the idea of marriage.

Direction: Read the article about Love and Infatuation. And answer the questions

Is it Love or Infatuation?
Infatuation is an instant desire. It is one set of glands calling to another. Love is a
friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows, one day at a time. Infatuation is
marked by a feeling of insecurity. You are excited and eager, but not genuinely happy.
There are nagging doubts, unanswered questions, little bits and pieces about your
beloved that you would just as soon not examine too closely it might spoil the dream. Love is
quiet understanding and the mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It gives you
strength and grows beyond you to bolster your beloved.
You are warmed by his/her presence even when he/she is away. Miles do not
separate you. You want him/her nearer, but near or far, you know he/she is yours and you
can wait.
Infatuation says, "We must get married right away! I can't risk losing you!" Love says,
"Be patient. Do not panic. Plan your future with confidence." Infatuation has an element of
sexual excitement.
If you are honest, you can admit it is difficult to be in one another's company unless
you are sure it will end - in intimacy. Love is the maturation of friendship. You must be
friends before you can be lovers. Infatuation lacks confidence. When he/she is away you
wonder if he/she is cheating.
Sometimes you check. Love means trust. You are calm, secure, and unthreatened.
Your beloved feels that also and that makes him/her even more trustworthy. Infatuation
might lead you to do things you will regret later but love never will.
Love is an upper. It makes you look up. It makes you think up. It makes you a better
Guide Questions:
1.What can you say about the article?
2.What does it want to tell you?
3.What lesson can you get from the article?

City of Good Character 3


What’s New
Direction: Share the similarities and difference of friendship and dating. Write it on the spaces
provided. Answer the following questions.

Activity 1

Think about it!

Friendship Similarities Courtship
1.When do you think does friendship
transform into courtship?

2.What are the points to consider

during courtship?

3. What do you think happens after


What is
It As you keep on exploring your sexuality during adolescence stage, you create various
types of friendships. Some of these friendships may get progressively turn into serious ones. You
may start to create romantic feelings towards someone else. Then friendship may turn into
Love and Infatuation are both intense emotions that one feels for another person. These
feelings are most often confused for each other by many people. But the two feelings differ in their
actuality of love, intensity, and outcome.

INFATUATION or crush is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoning

passion or love. Infatuation usually occurs at the beginning of relationships when sexual attraction
is central.

LOVE can be described as a feeling of intense affection for another person. It is most
often talked about as an emotion between two persons.


Definition It Is the state of being completely lost in An intense feeling of deep
the emotion of unreasoning desire. affection.
Symptoms Urgency, intensity, sexual desire, Faithfulness, loyalty,
anxiety, high risk choices, reckless confidence. Willingness to make
abandonment of what was once valued. sacrifices for another. Working
at settling differences. Able to
compromise so that either both
win or at least give the other
person's opinion a chance.

City of Good Character 4


Person to person Reckless commitment to satisfy one's Commitment to another.
all-consuming lust. Genuine intentions. Think about
other person's feelings before
Feels like All-consuming euphoria like A deep affection, contentment,
recreational drug use (addictive confidence. Partners
chemical reactions in the brain), communicate and negotiate
stupidity (cupidity). Can risk everything appropriate expectations.
for the next hit of adrenalin. Requires a lot of selflessness
and polite assertiveness. You
are loving your best friend.
Result Emptiness, consequences of choices Security, peace, a solid
made while under the influence of mind- partnership which can provide
numbing temporary lust. the ideal atmosphere to raise
confident, secure children.
Effect Being controlled by brain chemistry, not Contentment, stability.
the heart, loss of ability to make rational
evaluations of what is true, valuable
and worthy.
Interdependency Cannot be sustained without some Partnership. Can lead to
portion of love and physical attraction. codependency if not tempered
Desire to be always close to that person with self-awareness and self-
at any cost. guide
Time Period Takes off fast and furious like a spark in It will deepen with the passage
dry grass burns out quickly and can of time.
leave feelings of emptiness.
Commitment This is temporary in life and goes off This feeling may continue
after some period. throughout one's life.
Bottom Line Infatuation is delusional. Not real. Love is unconditional and the
real deal.
Patience Infatuation is of the now. Love is a gradual process. It
happens over time.

Now that you defined love and infatuation and their differences, let us go on to the next
What is a life partner? A life partner is an individual whom you may develop and create
experiences with as you age. Beside your family, this individual may fill in as a consistent source
of adoration, love, care, solace, support, and friendship.

That is the reason picking a life partner is a significant choice to make and should be made
after a long period of knowing a potential partner.

COURTSHIP is the period in a couple's relationship which precedes their engagement

and marriage, or it is an establishment of an agreed relationship of a more enduring kind.

City of Good Character 5


During courtship, a couple gets to know each other and decide if there will be an
engagement or such agreement. A courtship may be an informal and private matter between two
people or may be a public affair or a formal arrangement with family approval.
Here are different traditional practices of courtship in the Philippines:
Region / Location Traditional Practice/s
“Tapat” – to be in front of the woman’s house likely the same as “harana”
and the “balagtasan” of the Tagalogs.

-The suitor begins singing a romantic song, then the courted lady responds
1. Ilocos and by singing too.
Tagalog Regions
Rooster courtship – the rooster is assigned to be the "negotiator", wherein
the male chicken is left to stay in the home of the courted to crow every
single morning for the admired lady's family.

2. Bulacan “Naninilong” – which means serenading from the basement. At midnight,

the suitor goes beneath the nipa hut, a house that is elevated by bamboo
poles, then prickles the admired woman by using a pointed object to catch
the attention of the sleeping lady, after they converse in whispers.

3. Kalinga “Ca-i-sing” to Ifugaos, “Ebgan” to Kalingas, “Pangisto” to Tingguians

where a man and a woman are separated into "houses".

Ato – house of males, Olog or agamang – house of females

The man visits the woman’s house to sing romantic songs and the woman
reply to these songs also through singing. The courtship ritual
is guarded by the elders who inform the parents of both parties about the
progress of the courtship process.

4. Batangas * through gestures and actions

– being serenaded with Tagalog love songs
– serves the family of the woman by doing household chores such as
chopping wood, fetching water, cleaning the surroundings, etc.

*when in woman’s house, suitor’s practices “Mano po”, seated with proper
distance, not too close to each other as they are being watched by the

5. Pangasinan * “Taga-amo” or tamer – a form of love potions or charms which can be

rubbed to the skin of the admired. It can also be in the form of drinkable

*Palabas” – meaning show or drama, wherein the suitor pretends to commit

suicide if the lady does not confess her true feelings.

6. Apayao *“Mahal-alay” – a practice that allows a man and a woman to sleep

together during the night. This form of courting assists in assessing the
woman’s feeling for her lover.

7. Palawan *“Pasaguli” or the use of love riddles – the purpose is to assess the
sentiments of the parents of both suitor and admirer.

City of Good Character 6


*”Pabalic / pabalik” – is done after to settle the price in a form of dowry
that will be received by the women from the courting man.

8. Visayas In Cebu
“Balak” – a form of serenading
-write love letters that are sent through a trusted friend or relative of the
-Presents for the admired and also to her relatives
*Love potions – to win the affection of the woman.

In Leyte, they perform

*“Pangagad or paninilbihan” – instead of dowry, wherein the suitor
accomplishes household and farm chores that normally lasts for
approximately a year before the man and woman can get married. Also
referred as “subok”

* “Pamianan” in Bicol
9. Mindanao *“Palabas, sarakahan tupul, or mapagsumbahi” – practiced by the
Tausugs of Mindanao.

A suitor would threaten to stab his heart while in front of the courted
woman’s father. If the father of the woman refuses to give her daughter’s
hand to the suitor, the suitor is smitten by a knife.

* For Bagobos – sends a knife or a spear as a gift to the home of the

courted woman for inspection. Accepting it is equivalent to accepting the

*Pre-arranged marriages and betrothals are common to Muslims.

These formal engagements are arranged by the parents of men and the
women. This also involves discussions regarding the price and the form of
the dowry.

Courtship Practices at the Age of Technology

• A suitor can court a woman with cellphones. Frequent texting and calling one another
develop their feeling of belongingness until such feeling develops into a deeper
relationship resulting to love.
• A man can court a woman through Facebook, Twitter, Skype or other social networking
• You should be careful and responsible for everything you post in social media.

It gives one a 1. Courting gives time to understand one

chance and time another.
Why is it important to to get to know 2. 2. It reveals the interests, likes, and
people undergo courtship? better the dislikes limitations, and other aspirations
character and in life.
background of 3. It allows people to decide whether they
one’s future want to be committed
4. It develops security, understanding and

City of Good Character 7


Is a social activity which involves two or more people generally assessing each other’s
suitability for a potential relationship. Dating can also be enjoyed as part of an already active
relationship. The word dating comes from the arranging of a time and date of meeting.

It is a form of courtship consisting of soci

al activities done by two people, as partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. And
it refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity, together,
as a couple.
a. Standard date b. Double date c. Group date
– involves two people – two couples go on a – where any number of
date at the same time couples can enjoy a
and place date

Dating in a relationship is important because it allows you to get to know the person you
are in a relationship with, while having a good time. Dating helps to reveal any potential problems
you may have if pursuing a more serious relationship with a person, and it sets the foundation for
However, dating has its own risks like Date rape, use of illegal drugs, Early and
unwanted pregnancy and Fall prey to thieves, robbers, kidnappers, or other types of

At times, dating even the people you think you know maybe risky if they are just pretending
to be trustworthy but really have bad intentions. It is always important to be cautious and

Going steady is a period wherein the relationship between two people remains strong
and well. It is a significant stage and one must not get into it except if one sees the other as a
potential life partner.

ENGAGEMENT a period of agreement entered between two people in love for them to be
able to know each other and their families well enough to be sure that they are ready and are
suited for life-long companionship. It provides opportunity to develop interpersonal skills useful
before and even within marriage.
Time of understanding and devoting much time to explore each other’s strengths and
weaknesses so they could adjust to one another. It is a part of preparation before marriage.

is the most enjoyable human relationship. It is the most significant event that may happen
to your life. It takes only two people, a man, and a woman to unite and make a successful
relationship as married couple

City of Good Character 8


It is a lifelong partnership of a man and a woman, who understand, respect, care, and love
each other. It is a bond between two people who continue to grow and develop their best qualities
as human beings.

It is not a mere contract but an inviolable social institution. Its nature, consequences and
practices are governed by law and not subject to stipulation except that the marriage settlements
may to a certain extent fix the property relations during the marriage. (Civil Code of the

Filipinos view marriage as a sacrament and a lifelong commitment. Husband and wife
work for the successful and harmonious relationship at home and among family members.

Factors Necessary to Consider in Choosing a Lifetime Partner to Work Out for

Successful Married Life

Did you know?

Marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered in
accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life.
It is the foundation of the family and an inviolable social institution.
The Family Code of the Philippines sets eighteen (18) as the age of majority of the Filipinos.
However, for marriages between the ages of 18-21, the written consent of the parent is required.
Without the written consent, the marriage is voidable.
A person who is between the ages 21-25 is obliged to ask their parents or guardian for advice and
must make a sworn statement that advice was sought and given.
If there is no parental advice or if the advice is un-favorable, the marriage license is issued only after
three months after the publication of the application for the license.
The marriage of persons who are below 18 years of age is void (not lawful, not legal) and therefore,
no true marriage took place.

City of Good Character 9


What’s More
Activity 2 Comparison Chart
Direction: Complete the table below.
Way of Courtship
Meet the parents
Place of courtship
Physical Contact
Behaviors of a woman
Span of time

Guide Questions:
1. What time of your life would you prefer courtship? Why?
2. Is it necessary to undergo courtship? Why?
3. Why do you think courtship at present times is faster and easier than before?
4. Which do you prefer, courtship before or at the present times? Support your answer.

Activity 3: My Future Married Life

Direction: Accomplish the checklist below.
Here are the factors that one should possess to have a successful marriage. Now, think of
yourself as a married woman/man right now and discuss briefly how each factor can be
developed and improved.

Factors to a successful marriage Checklist ✔✔✔




Economic Readiness

Physical Maturity



City of Good Character 10


What I Have Learned

Put a check mark (✔) on the lists of topics/matters that have been discussed on this module.

As individuals build a more profound relationship with others, they start to consider
searching life partner. Life partner is a non-relative who might be a consistent source of
adoration, love, care, solace, support, and friendship.

Love and infatuation are both intense emotions that one feels for another person. These
feelings are most often confused for each other by many people

Courtship is the period in a couple's relationship which precedes their engagement and
marriage, or it is an establishment of an agreed relationship of a more enduring kind.

Dating is the phase when two individuals start to find out more about one another. It is a
social activity which involves two or more people generally assessing each other’s
suitability for a potential relationship.

Engagement – a period of agreement entered between two people in love for them to be
able to know each other and their families well enough to be sure that they are ready
and are suited for life-long companionship.

Marriage might be characterized dependent on various cultures, traditions and belief.

Filipinos view marriage as a sacrament and a lifelong commitment. Husband and wife
work for the successful and harmonious relationship at home and among family

A successful and healthy marriage is depicted as a responsibility between two

individuals who keep an open communication and offer time and shared objectives in
fulfilling their responsibilities. It is likewise healthy when married couples have great
decision-making and conflict-resolution skills.

What I Can Do
Activity 4: Verse It Out!

Direction: Choose only one verse that best suits your principles about marriage. Put a ❤️
on your chosen verse.

1. Mark 10:6-9 - "But at the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For
this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two
will become one flesh. So, they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has
joined, let man not separate."

2. 1 Corinthians 7:3 - “The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise
the wife to her husband.”

City of Good Character 11


3. Qur’an [24:32] - “You shall encourage those of you who are single to get married. They
may marry the righteous among your male and female servants if they are poor. GOD
will enrich them from His grace. GOD is Bounteous, Knower.”

4. Qur'an [30: 12] - “He has planted affection and mercy between you”.

After choosing a verse that best suits your

principles about marriage, make a short reflection
from your chosen verse. Write it on a separate
sheet of paper.

Multiple Choice
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer of the statements / questions given.
1. Which is not an ingredient of a happy married life?
A. Commitment B. Fidelity C. Betrayal D. Communication

2. What is the right age Filipinos to enter marriage, as set by the Family Code of the
A. 30 B. 18 C. 16 D. 25
3. The Tausug tribe has different type of courtship wherein the suitor trying to strike his heart if
the father is not willing to give her daughter what is this??
A. Pangalay B. Balagtasan C. Ca-i-sing D. Mapagsumbahi
4. In Region 4 this is one of their courtship that the people used love riddles to catch the feelings
of the girl?
A. Pamianan B. Pasaguli C. Pabalik D. Pangagad
5. It is means serenading from the basement.
A. Mahal-Alay B. Paninilbihan C. Palabas D. Naninilong
6. It is described as admiration or someone that may include the desire to get to know that
person better.
A. Attraction B. Love C. Infatuation D. Care
7. It is a state of being completely carried away by the unreasoning passion or love.
A. Attraction B. Infatuation C. Dating D. Care

City of Good Character 12


8. A feeling of intense affection for another person.
A. Attraction B. Love C. Infatuation D. Care
9. It is a social activity which involves two or more people generally assessing each other’s
suitability for a potential relationship.
A. Attraction B. Love C. Infatuation D. Dating
10. It is a stage o not simply knowing the person but also a test of compatibility between the two
A. Attraction B. Courtship C. Infatuation D. Dating

Additional Activities

Activity: It is a Love Story

Direction: Think of a successful married couple you know. One couple is married for ten
(10) years, they may be your parents, guardians, grandparents, auntie and uncle, relatives,
neighbors, or your friends.

Interview them. Get some information about how they keep their marriage successful and healthy
in terms of the four (4) criteria given below.

Couple A: (names)

Years of marriage:
On how they keep an open communication:

On how they share time and goals in fulfilling their responsibilities:

On making decisions:

On how they resolve conflicts:

Guide Questions:

1. What do you think made the marriage successful? Explain

2. What are the things that you learned while doing the activity?

City of Good Character 13



Rosenberger, Ledda G., Fajardo, Jemima Katrina C., Badong, Tristine Ann A., Rosaroso, Bernadette B.,
Camiling, Mark Kenetth S. Living with Music, Art, Physical Education, & Health. Vival Group, Inc. 2017

Department of Education, Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material. First Edition, 2017


Infatuation vs Love:

Family Code:


Is it love or infatuation?


City of Good Character 14


Development Team of the Module

Writer: Maria Justine Robles

Editors: Jovita Consorcia F. Mani
Cover Illustrator: John Orville Munar
Layout Artist: Maria Isabel G. Tutor
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jovita Consortia Mani


Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character 15


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