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Name: Jenny Rose F. Baltazar

Course&Section: BEED 2B
Instructor: Ma’am Susan Nanglihan




After having seen the coverage of the two science components, what have
observed in the content outline for each topic: matter and Living Things and Their
Environment? Let us understand the framework by answering the following
questions that refer to the two areas of discipline and how they move along in
progression from lower to higher grade level.
Let us make a comparison of the similarities of the two. Agree or disagree to
the observations and explain or elaborate further.

Statements about(1) Matter and (2) Agree Disagree Explanation

Living Things in their Environment
1. In both topics, the concepts in  Because grade 3
grade 3 are simpler than grade pupils learn simpler
4 than grade 4
2. There is a consistent title of the  Yes there is because
major topic from Grade 3 to there is allotted
Grade 6. topics and
competencies to
every grade.
3. The area on Living Things and  They also focus on
Their Environment focused on organisms.
three kinds of living things:
Humans, Animals and Plants
4. The Chemistry components of  Because these are
Elementary Science revolve the grades that can
around Matter that understand about
progressively advance in chemistry.
complexity from Grade 3 Grade
5. In the elementary science  Because they are
framework, Chemistry which is still young to learn
considered by many as difficult about chemistry
subject is taught in Grade 3. and they need to
deepen their
6. Elementary Science should  Yes because it will
lead learners to scientific deepen their
literacy knowledge about
In summary, what do you understand of a spiral progression curriculum in
science for the elementary grades?

 In my own understanding regards to the spiral progression

curriculum in science for the elementary grades is that it starts
with the very simple information or from the basic method. Then
it will go to the next level of information. My point is, there is a
step by step process until it will go to the difficult stage and
meet the target of the spiral progression curriculum.

Test your Understanding about the Science Framework from Grades 3 to Grade 6
specific to Chemistry (Matter) and Biology (Living Things and their Environment) by
encircling the letter of the correct answer.
1. B
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A

Part I. Chemistry (Matter)

Module I Properties of Matter

Look closely at the picture below and read the information. Do you think
science learners will be able to predict the answers to the questions given below?

1. What will happen to the paper towel inside the glass when it will be
submerged upside down in the basin of water?
 The paper towel inside the glass will not get wet.

2. Will the paper towel inside the glass stay dry for a long time? Why?
 Yes, it will stay dry for a long time because the water will not get
inside of the glass.
Activity 2: Classify objects and materials into Solid, Liquid and Gas


1. Classify the materials listed below into solid, liquid or gas. List the names of
the objects or materials where they approximately belong. Give reason for
grouping them together.

Oxygen bottled milk bag cotton

block of wood air sweat oil

Classification Materials Reason for

of Matter grouping
Solid bag Block of cotton They have
wood different shapes
and definite
Liquid Bottled sweat oil They are the
milk flowing objects
that takes the
shapes of its
Gas oxygen air It cannot be seen
but we can feel it

You will further understand about the states of matter, by doing these

1. Make a list of objects that you see at home and in your environment. From
the list, identify 5 solids, 5 liquids, 5 gasses and 5 objects which you are in
doubt of its classification. Make an explanation for your grouping. You may
write your answers in the table format below.

5 solid objects 5 liquid objects 5 gas objects 5 unclassified


-spoon -water -air -energy

-vase -coffee drinks -carbon dioxide -time
-empty bottle -vinegar -natural gas -gravity
-notebooks -milk -oxygen -magnet
-salt -cooking oil -water vapor -music

Reason for Reason for Reason for Reason for not

groupings groupings groupings including in the
 They have  They can  They solid, liquid, gas:
different take cannot
shapes shapes see but we  It is hard
and into each can feel to
different container. it, smell it explain if
volume. through it
the use of classified
our if it is
senses. not
yet they
are all

2. Research on the web about QUARKS. Share your findings.

According to Wikipedia, Quark is a type of elementary particle
and fundamental constituent of matter. Quarks is combine to form
composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are
protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei. All commonly
observable matter is composed of up quarks, down quarks, and

 Answer the questions below.
1. What is the best way to teach the concept – state of matter to let students
have a firsthand experience and make them understand better?
In my own opinion, the best way to teach the concept-state
of matter to let students have a first experience and make them
understand better is through experimentation.

2. What state of matter, do you consider difficult to teach? Why?

In my own opinion, the state of matter that is difficult to
teach is the gas because it is difficult for them to understand it
and hard to identify the state of gas.

Let Us Reflect!
As a future teacher, what insights have you learned from lesson 1? You may
include science processes that your future learners may need.
 As a future teacher, I learned that it is important to know the
state of matter. It is important to use objects for them to easily
understand the examples of solid, liquid, and gas if it is needed.


Activity 1:
Look at the picture shown below.

1. What five objects can you identify floating above water?

 I can see plastic bottles, plastic bags, broken umbrella, bottles,
and cans that are floating above the water.

2. What five objects can you infer that sank at the bottom of the water?

 I can infer iron, objects that are made from metals, heavy objects
like bottles, broken glass and plates that sank at the bottom of
the water.

3. Why do think some objects are found on the surface and some at the

 I think it is heavy and maybe there is no space above the water

that’s why it goes to the bottom.

4. Enumerate five more materials found in your home that float and sink.
 The five materials can be found at home that float and sink are
spoon, plastic cup, plastic bottle, round bar, and vase.

The following activities shall be assigned as performance tasks.
Enhance your learning by writing a 200 word essay on the following given
topics. Choose only one.
1. From garbage to food or from food to garbage!
2. Effects of improper disposal of decaying materials on health.
3. Survival during typhoons and floods.
4. How will you survive flood applying the principle of buoyancy?

You may write your essay on the box.

Effects of Improper Disposal of Decaying Materials on Health

Improper disposal of decaying materials can greatly affect our health

that can cause severe illness into our body.
We can get this illness into the food that we eat and we smell causing by
the bacteria. We can see these bacteria in a food that is spoiled; there is a
mold on its surface that causes foods to decay, foul odor or bad odor there is
worm and bubbles. And we all know that there is a tendency that we can
suffer to disease that causes weakening of our body and make you sick,
cholera which is it is a serious bacterial disease that can cause severe
diarrhea and dehydration, diarrhea which discharge you from the bowels
frequently and in a liquid form, and food poisoning it is an illness that cause
by bacteria or other toxins in food, typically with vomiting and diarrhea.
But we can avoid these kinds of illness or sickness if we are aware to
the food that we eat. It is better to check it every time we want to eat foods
and even in a drinking water or other kinds of drinks. Our health is our
wealth, so it is very important to give care into it.


 Discuss or explain the following(five points each)

1. How does decomposition help in the recycling of nutrients among
living things and their environment?
Decomposition help the recycling of nutrients among living
things and their environment through the help of the
decomposers that can recycle dead plants and animals into
chemical nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen that are released
back into the soil, air, and water as food for living plants and
animals. So, decomposers can recycle dead plants and animals
and help keep the flow of nutrients available in the environment.

2. Why do plastics take longer time to decompose compared with a box

made of cartolina?
Plastics take longer time to decompose compared with a
box made of cartolina because these materials do not exist in
nature and there are no naturally occurring organisms that can
break them down effectively. The chemical bonds in plastic
materials are not accessible or familiar to bacteria in nature.

3. Why do we float easily in sea but not in a freshwater swimming pool?

We float easily in sea than in a freshwater swimming pool
it’s because objects float better on a dense surface, they float
better on salt water than fresh water. The denser the salt water,
the easier it is for objects to float on top.


Group the following household materials given below according to their
respective use. Give an appropriate heading for your grouping.

Sugar candle wax shampoo

Face powder lotion tomato sauce
Vinegar cologne fish sauce
Soap cooking oil

Personal Hygiene
Face powder

Kitchen Materials
Cooking oil
Tomato sauce
Fish sauce

Candle wax

1. What are your bases for grouping the different samples?

My basis for grouping the different samples is, others can found
and use in kitchen and then the other group is that we I can see and
use it in bathroom and others are for body use.

2. Are there certain precautions to follow when using the listed materials to
keep us safe?
Yes, there is.

Perform the next activity. Choose at least 5 household materials or
consumer products with their labels at home.

Activity 1. Household Materials: Useful or Harmful

1. Study each sample label for the consumers as a product or material. Take
note if there are precautions or warnings for the consumers.
2. List and classify each material as to useful or harmful. Explain or give
3. Record your results in a matrix found below.
Name of Label whether the Give the reason for classifying
Household & product is Useful;, such product, Harmful, or
Consumer Harmful, or Doubtful Useful or in Doubt.
 lotion useful It is useful because it can
make my skin lighter and
 Colgate useful It is useful because it helps
my teeth stronger and whitens
my teeth.
 Cooking oil useful Useful because it is use in
cooking foods.
useful Useful because it is use to
 Bath soap make our body clean and kill
 Muriatic acid Useful and harmful It is useful in cleaning walls,
floors and bowl but it is also
harmful we keep in touch it
within our skin.

1. Which among the materials or products do you always use at home?

I usually use lotion, bath soap, colgate for my personal hygiene
and cooking oil in cooking.

2. Is it important to be aware of the labels of household materials and

consumer products? Why?
Yes, it is important because it will help us to avoid using those
kinds of products for our health safeties.

3. What is the importance of being knowledgeable about the proper use of

household materials and consumer products?
The importance of being knowledgeable about the proper use of
household materials and consumer products is it helps us to respond
to any objections properly. Whether it’s about the price of the
product or a comparison to a competitor, knowing about the product
allows you to explain the value in your own product

4. As a student, what can you do to control the hazardous effects of some

materials used at home and in the environment?
As a student, I can control the hazardous effects of some
materials used at home and in the environment by selecting and
using multipurpose cleaners, buying the least harmful products, use
preventative measures, and use alternative or less toxic homemade

To further elaborate your knowledge about useful or harmful materials, do
activity below:
 In the matrix are useful materials/products that are known to be
useful to man. How can these materials become harmful to man?
Explain your answer.

List of Useful When and how can the materials/product

Materials/Products become harmful? Explain
Powder detergent We use powder detergent in washing our
clothes and it is harmful to man when we
accidentally rub it in our eyes.

Insecticide We use insecticide in killing insects at home

and it is harmful into our health if we smell
it. Use facemask if we’re going to spray.

Alcohol We use alcohol to kill bacteria especially

today’s pandemic and it is harmful to man if
we accidentally rub it in our skin that there
is a wound.

Body spray/ We use perfumes when we go outside the

perfume house or going to an occasion and it is
harmful to man if it makes our body

Face powder We use face powder in beautifying and it is

harmful to man if we feel irritation.


Answer the questions below.

1. Why is there a need to read and understand products labels before buying or
using them?
It is important to read and understand products labels before
buying or using them because it help us make informed decisions
towards choosing our own products and also to make ourselves safe and

2. How will you teach about the products or materials which the students are
doubtful whether these are useful or harmful?
In teaching about the products or materials, you should research
about the products and give evidence that can you’re your students
believe what you teach since you have proof on how the product is
useful or harmful.


Make a concept map on mixtures and their characteristics.


Substance Mixtures of Substances

(Fixed composition) (Composition varies)

Elements Compounds Heterogeneous Homogeneous

(These are homogeneous)

Suspensions Solutions

MODULE 1: ASSESSMENT TASKS: (Questions in Chemistry)

Instructions: Write the letter of the best answer on the space provided
before each number.
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. A

Module 2. Changes that Materials Undergo (Grade 3)


A. Identify the changes that take place in matter by matching column A with
column B. write the letter of your choice on the space provided before each
1. A
2. B
3. E
4. C
5. D

B. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. B
2. D
3. D

C. Answer this question:

How does knowledge of change of state of matter help you in your everyday
Water is very convenient for explaining change of state. We see
water as solid, liquid, and as gas in daily life. As a solid we call it ice. To
change state to liquid is to melt ice. To boil water changes state from
liquid to gas this happens at 100 degrees Celsius. We can go in other
direction by condensing steam to liquid and freezing liquid to ice.




1. A farmer says that he makes charcoal for daily needs. What changes have
occurred from the source of charcoal until it reached a kitchen? Describe the
changes that are useful and harmful in the process of charcoal making.
As a wood is heated, it absorbs heat and is dried, giving of
moisture in the form of water vapor. Once the wood is dry, it begins to
decompose, giving of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other
chemicals. But the harmful process in making charcoal is primarily due
to the smoke that is produced when the charcoal is burned; increase
the number of cases of pneumonia, stroke, heart disease and lung

2. Water undergoes evaporation, condensation and freezing. How important are

these processes to life on earth? Make a diagram of the water cycle on the
space provide below.

evaporation transpiration


A. Reflect on this: “In a leadership seminar, a facilitator displayed a crisp one

piece of a Php500.00 bill and asked who wanted the money. Everyone in the
audience raised their hands. Then she crumpled the bill and asked the
same question. A few raised their hands. Then she rolled and stepped on
the bill several times making the bill dirty and asked the same question.
Only two hands were raised.” If you were one of those left who raised the
hand, why do you still like to get the bill? Relate this to yourself and to the
lesson on physical change of matter.
If I am the one who left to those who raised their hands, I will
still get the money because its value did not change, it is still php
500.00 bill though it is dirty and crumpled but the value did not

B. Essay: (five points each for correct answer given)

1. When do we consider a change of material as beneficial? Describe five

We consider a change of material as beneficial by recycling
plastic bottles turn to flower vase, old news papers turn to paper bag,
old shirts turn to pot holder, turning off appliances when not in use,
turning of engine of the vehicle while waiting at a traffic signal.

2. Why should you be selective in using materials from our environment?

We should be selective in using materials in our environment to keep
ourselves away from danger and harm.



A. Look around you. Observe keenly. Give common examples of useful and
harmful chemical changes due to the process of oxygen and application of
heat that can affect people’s daily lives and the environment.

B. Multiple Choice: Select the best answer among the choices given in every
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D

1. Why do cooks recommend placing peeled apples and bananas in
pineapple juice before mixing them with other ingredients when
preparing fruit salad?
Cooks recommend placing peeled apples and bananas in
pineapple juice before mixing them with other ingredients when
preparing fruit salad to keep apples and bananas from turning brown
and soggy.

2. Why do women use vitamin C enriched cream in their faces as part of

their beauty regimen?
Women use vitamin C in their faces a part of their beauty
regimen because it helps the skin appear smoother and firmer by
activating cells.

Answer the following questions:
1. What do you think is an efficient way of separating solid garbage
components of school wastes?
The efficient way of separating solid garbage components of
school wastes is recycling the empty bottles and other kinds of trash.

A. If you are to teach this topic, are you going to provide your learners the
procedure in the activity? Why or why not?
Yes, because it is very important to give the procedure for them to
make the activity easy and have an organize procedure when they going to
do it in their own.

B. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer in the given
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. D


Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. C

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