Declamation Piece Mechanics and Criteria

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By: Leomicio Offemaria Corpuz

Three days! Three long days! No food. Not even a single drop of potable water to drink. Have
you ever tried arguing with your belly? I tell you. This one is a pain in the neck… always complaining.
I should eat this. I should eat that. Why? Do you have money to spend? None?! Then, sssshhh.
Be quiet!
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Manuel/Manuela Bilibit … princess/prince of the
slums of Intramuros and heiress/heir to the throne of the overpopulated Metropolitan area. Come on,
let’s take a walk…
Do you see that tall building with a big clock? That is City Hall, our favorite recreation place.
Many of us sleep near there at night. But, every now and then, we need to run because our loyal guards
would see us. If caught, they would put us behind bars for vagrancy. Not far is the Philippine General
Hospital. I went there the other day to visit another noble man like me. He died while falling in-
line… waiting for medical assistance. Doctors and nurses did not even lift a finger to help. If you are one
of us, people just wouldn’t care.

But despite of what this kingdom has to offer, I still feel it’s not worthy of my presence. I feel
like puking and vomiting just trying to think how our leaders are running the state. No job for me!
Nowhere to go! No clothes to wear! No food to eat! Ahhhhh! This world is unfair. You have more than
enough while we have nothing. Now is the time to revolt against this society of scalawags. See to it that
the air force is ready. Launch the ships for battle. Prepare our men for ground assault. Children of the
slums of Manila…
arise and join me in combat. Attack!
What is this?
Alas, a haven of food to eat! Left overs! Rotten left overs! With these I feast competing with the rats.
Thank you, my beloved leaders, for your help. Thank you, my countrymen, for your compassion. Thank
you, my dear friends, for your love. May the good Lord bless you all!
Ahhhk… Ahhhk… Ahhhk…

1. There shall only be one (1) contestant per grade level allowed.
2. The official Declamation Piece is entitled _________________.
3. Delivery should last for 5-7 minutes only.
4. Participants shall memorize their pieces and present on the day of the event.
5. No Visual effects and background music are allowed to enhance the performance. Make-up and
costume however are encouraged.
6. Upon submission of the results to the committee, judges’ decision shall be considered final and
7. Only three (3) student declaimers shall be awarded as Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-
Up. The rest Will be given Certificate of Participation and a consolation prize.

Criteria for Judging

a. Over-all interpretation 40 %
(voice, facial expression, gesture and movements)
b. Pronunciation, Intonation and Fluency 30%
c. Mastery of the Piece 15 %
d. Stage Presence 15%
TOTAL 100%

They’re chasing me, they’re chasing, no they must not catch me, I have enough money now, yes enough
for my starving mother and brothers.

Please let me go, let me go home before you imprisoned me.

Very well, officers? take me to your headquarters. Good morning captain! no captain, you are mistaken,
I was once a good girl, just like the rest of you here. Just like any of your daughters. But time was, when I
was reared in slums. But we lived honestly, we lived honestly in life. My, father, mother, brothers,
sisters and I. But then, poverty enters the portals of our home. My father became jobless, my mother
got ill. The small savings that my mother had kept for our expenses were spent. All for our daily needs
and her needed medicine.

One night, my father went out, telling us that he would come back in a few minutes with plenty of foods
and money, but that was the last time I saw him. He went with another woman. If only I could lay my
hands on his neck I would wring it without pain until he breaths no more. If you were in my place, you’ll
do it, won’t you Captain? What? you won’t still believe in me?. Come and I’ll show you a dilapidated
shanty by a railroad.

Mother, mother I’m home, mother? mother?!. There Captain, see my dead mother. Captain? there are
tears in your eyes? now pack this stolen money and return it to the owner. What good would this do to
my mother now? she’s already gone! Do you hear me? she’s already gone. Am I to be blamed for the
things I have done?
The Lost Girl

I am a girl, young in heart and in mind… I am carefree, I enjoy doing nothing but play,play and play…I
seldom go to school but hmp! nobody cares! Instead,you will see me roaming around standing at the
nearby canto, or hanging around at the sari-sari store standing beside the jukebox stand…

One day I asked I asked my mother to teach me how to behave,to live, and appreciate all the beautiful
things in life.

Would you like to know what she told me?

She said…

" Can’t you see, I have to hurry up for my majong session! "

So I turned to my father to console me. But what a wonderful world word he did tell me…

" Child, I have to finish my overtime work…Here’s 500 pesos, go and ask your teacher about that

Sadly,I attended my class… But I heard nothing but the echoing voice of my teacher,torturing me with
her words…

" Hey yo lazy girl! Why waste your time studying those things? When up to now you can’t even multiply
seven by nine? Go home and don’t bother me!!!"

I am lost…confused…I don’t know what to do with myself…

Where are my parents to guide me?

My teachers to give me inspirations?

My friends, when I play? I’m lazy and irresponsible.

When I try to study, I get punished for not being able to answer.

Where now…I’m confused…

Somebody, please help me…

You say that the world is beautiful, why is it treating me this way?

Hear me please!

Help me please!

Help me…

I am lost

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