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J. Gonzales Street, Brgy.

4, Tanauan City
TANAUAN INSTITUTE, INC. Batangas Philippines 4232
“Quality Education with Quality Service” Tel. Nos.: (043) 778-1742 / (043) 784-1611

Detailed Lesson Plan

Teacher: Jick R. De Guzman Subject: Science 7

Objectives  Describe ways of acquiring knowledge and solving problems.
 Describe the components of scientific investigation .
 Make inferences about some observation.
Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of scientific ways of acquiring knowledge
and solving problems.

Performance Standard Conducts simple investigations through the inquiry approach using local
available materials.

Learning Competency Describes the components of an investigation such as research problem,

hypothesis, method for testing hypothesis and conclusions based on
evidence .

CONTENT/TOPIC Scientific Investigation

LEARNING Science 7 For lifelong Learning Technology Used:
RESOURCES Science 7 page 71 - 75 Technology used in
Book publisher; (ICS) Instructional experiments include
Coverage System Publishing, Inc. pendulums, microscopes,
Author ; Amelia M. Mapa, Ph.D and telescopes, particle
Leticia T. Mc Intosh accelerators, lenses,
mirrors, and sensors.
Technology is then used to
analyze the data we collect
in those experiments,
usually with computers.
Materials Power point and Book

Values Integration Doing physical activities, like walking, running, or swimming, is a good
way to burn calories and keep oneself healthy. What are other things that
you can do to keep yourself fit.
PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
ELICIT A. Classroom Routine:
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance The topic was tackled
B. Review yesterday is all about the
The teacher will call one student to give logical process or the
short recap on what was the topic yesterday scientific method
ENGAGE Teacher group the students and present a The students proceed to
series of puzzle picture of some areas their respective groups and
where results of scientific investigation they trying complete the
have enriched our scientific knowledge and puzzle picture.
our quality.

EXPLORE The students are doing the

task was giving by the
J. Gonzales Street, Brgy. 4, Tanauan City
TANAUAN INSTITUTE, INC. Batangas Philippines 4232
“Quality Education with Quality Service” Tel. Nos.: (043) 778-1742 / (043) 784-1611

The teacher ask students to get one whole

sheet of paper. They are going to analyze
what have they observed in the picture of
two pot. And they are going to write on a
one whole sheet of paper.
EXPLAIN The teacher call somebody to present the The students listen to
output. discussion.
Here are the components of an
investigation not necessarily in
chronological order.
a. Research question (based on
b. Independent variable (manipulated
c. Prediction/ inference ( based on
d. Dependent variable ( what is being
e. Control variable (factors kept constant)
f. Experimentation (testing the hypothesis)
g. Acceptance or rejection of hypothesis
( proving or not proving hypothesis)
Observation as a science skill and
observation is process of using one senses
(sight,hearing,touch,smell,and taste) to
gather information. Observation are also
done as you proceed with the scientific
investigation usually under the
experimentation part.Observations are of
two types; qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative observations describe how
something looks, feels, behaves, and
smells. Quantitative observations describe
something with numbers.Accuracy is the
extent to which measurement approaches
the true value. Precision is the degree of
exactness of a measurement. p
Making Inferences is mistaken for an
observation you observe that you have
coins in your pocket because of metal
tinkling sounds you heat.that is what is
your brain tells you. That is an inference if
you take it out and see the coins, then that
is an observation. Inferring and observation
can be very similar and difficult to
distinguish from each other. You might
want to remember this. We observe with
our eyes ( and other senses) while we infer
with our minds. An inference is an
interpretation of an observation based on
evidence and prior knowledge.presenting
and Interpreting data the first steps is to
organize your data to help you understand
them. Data tables, tables and graphs are
helpful tools for organizing data. Results
should be presented in an easy to
understand way. Data tables you have
gathered materials and set up your
experiment. But before you start you need
to plan a way to record what happens
during the experiment. By creating a data
table, you can record your observation and
J. Gonzales Street, Brgy. 4, Tanauan City
TANAUAN INSTITUTE, INC. Batangas Philippines 4232
“Quality Education with Quality Service” Tel. Nos.: (043) 778-1742 / (043) 784-1611

measurements in an orderly way.

Graphs/Charts - a graph is a chart or
drawing that show the relationship between
changing things. They are the diagram
displaying the relationship between
numbers or amounts. Common graphs use
bars, lines, or parts of a circle display data
graphs are useful tools for presenting
information. A graph is a pictorial
representation of numerical information.
Types of graph and charts
A bar graph is used to compare at least two
different things based on one
characteristics. It consist of two axes and a
series of labeled horizontal or vertical bars
that show different values for each bar. The
number a long aside of the bar graph are
called the scale. A line graph is used to
display data that shows how one variable
( the dependent variable) changes in
response to change in another variable ( the
independent variable)like bar graphs ,
circle graphs can be used to display data in
a number of separate categories however
circle graphs can only be used when you
have data for all the categories that make
up a given topic.Scientific Investigation
and Scientific knowledge
A. Science and the food we eat - science
plays an important role in the things we use
or consume every day. Research in food
technology has created new ways of
preserving and flavoring what we eat. Food
processing and food prevention techniques
transform raw animal, vegetable or marine
materials into tasty
B. Science and consumer products -
research in industrial chemistry has created
a vast range of plastics and other synthetic
materials. These products have thousands
of uses in the home and in industry.
Synthetic materials are easily formed into
various shapes and can be used to make
machine, electrical, and automotive parts,
scientific and industrial instruments,
decorative objects, containers
C. Science for healthier, longer lives -
research in biology also resulted in the
development of some technology that helps
human life.
D. Science for environmental protection -
research on the negative effects of scientific
discoveries have increased our
environmental awareness.
E. Science Investigation using indigenous
local materials - are you fond eating “halo -
halo”?usually one of this components is
nata de coco. Nata de coco is that chewy
whitish translucent jelly - like substance
fermented from coconut water or milk
coconut water is simply a waste material in
market places after cracking the coconut
J. Gonzales Street, Brgy. 4, Tanauan City
TANAUAN INSTITUTE, INC. Batangas Philippines 4232
“Quality Education with Quality Service” Tel. Nos.: (043) 778-1742 / (043) 784-1611

shell to get and grind the coconut meat.

ELABORATE What is the significant of scientific The main purpose of a
investigation in your every day life ? scientific investigation is to
build knowledge. Through
observation and
researchers can find
explanations for natural
phenomena and apply their
findings to solve real-world
1. Two types of observation? 1. Qualitative observation
2. Three types of graphs? and Quantitative
3. What are the scientific investigation and observation
scientific knowledge? 2. Line, Bar and circle
3. Science and the food we
eat, Science and Consumer
Products, Science for
healthier longer lives,
Science for environmental
protection and Science
Investigation using
indigenous or local
EVALUATION 1. Which would be best describe an 1. B
inference? 2. B
A. A question post by a scientist before an
investigation. 3. C
B. An interpretation based on observation and prior 4. C
knowledge. 5. D
C. A conclusion based on the experimentation
D. Exactly the same as the observation
2. 2. What is the scientist doing when he
arranges the results of an experimentation in an
organized way?
A. Manipulating variables.
B. Interpreting data.
C. Developing hypothesis.
D. Making predictions.
3. 3. Why do scientist make a chart or a graph
A. To collect data.
B. To change the data.
C. To interpret data.
D. All of the above.
4. 4. Which is an example of inference
A. The leaves on the tree are moving.
B. The dog is barking
C. The wind must be blowing because the leaves are
D. The roses smell sweet.
5. 5. Some students were looking at the cracks
on the road. Which of the following statement they
made is an observation and not an inference?
A. The crack is twice as long as its width.
B. Earthworms could have caused the crack.
C. The crack would get bigger over time.
D. The crack would have been caused by the
EXTEND Make some research about Properties of The students copy their
Matter and write on your assignment assignment.

Prepared By: Teacher: JICK R. DE GUZMAN Signature:

Noted By: Principal K-12- ISIDRO D. ENRIQUEZ Signature:
J. Gonzales Street, Brgy. 4, Tanauan City
TANAUAN INSTITUTE, INC. Batangas Philippines 4232
“Quality Education with Quality Service” Tel. Nos.: (043) 778-1742 / (043) 784-1611

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