Term 1 Lesson Plan Health Education

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Lesson Plan 1

HP23101 Health Education 5

Mathayomsuksa 3 Semester 1 Academic Year 2018
Unit 1 Topic: Ages and Development
Time: 6 Periods
Teacher: Mister Christian Basilio Salarza Date 14 May – 18 June 2018

1. Competency Objective: 1. Comparing the changes in; Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social,
And Intellectual aspects of the stages of life of human beings.
2. Content:
Knowledge: 1. Infancy
2. Preschool age
3. School age
4. Adolescence
5. Adulthood
6. Old age
Infant, emotion, intellect, physical, social, maturity, development, distinguish, aspect,
Infant (n.)
My cousin’s son is still an infant.
emotion (n.)
She was attempting to control her emotions.
intellect (n.)
He was a man of action rather than of intellect.
physical (adj.)
He’s in for any physical challenges.
social (adj.)
Alcoholism is recognized as a major social problem.
maturity (n.)
It will take a lot of years before a baby elephant reaches maturity.
development (n.)
She traces the development of the novel.
distinguish (v.)
Almost all teens are able to distinguish fantasy from reality.
aspect (n.)
They built a greenhouse with a southern aspect.
influenced (v.)
A lot of factors influenced that child which resulted to him being rebellious.

3. Enabling objective
1. Students will be able to differentiate the physical, mental, emotional aspects of
each age group.
2. Students will be able to pronounce vocabulary and the proper terms being used
in the lesson.
3. Students will be able to list down and distinguish the different aspects of the
age groups.
1. Speaking skill
2. Thinking skill
3. Writing Skill
1. Class Participation
2. Responsibility
3. Punctually
4. Procedure
Start by telling the students about the 6 age groups and ask them what they know about
the age group mentioned. ;
- What do you know about the age group Infancy?
- Do you have any idea about the preschool age?
- What often do you observe about the people in the school age?
- Can you tell something about Adolescence?
- Do you know what the difference between adulthood and old age is?
Let the students think what they know about each of the age group. Also give them the
vocabularies that is essential to the lesson.
Review the vocabulary list. After reviewing adviser tell the students to read all 4 aspects
of each age group. Adviser must explain to the students all the 4 aspects of a certain age group
before proceeding to the next age group. (note: Explaining each age group in proper sequence is
a must)

1). Ask the students some questions about the age group Infancy.
- Can you describe how the physical aspect of an infant develops?
(An infant’s body follows a certain development patterns: from head to
toe and from the midriff to the hands and feet.)
- How many months would infants start to differentiate their mothers’ faces
from the others and start imitating voices?
(7-11 months)
- In the social aspect of an infant, in the first 4-7 months, what would
infants begin showing their mother?
(interest and connection)
2). Ask the students some questions about the age group Preschool age.
- Can you describe development of head in the physical aspect of preschool
age group?
(Skull circumference of the children in the age group gradually extends
but remains 10 percent smaller than the adult head.
- In the mental and emotional aspects, what do the children mostly do if
they are unsatisfied?
(writhing on the floor or screaming loudly)
3). Ask the students some questions about the age group School age.
- In the physical aspect of the age group, in what constant rate does the
head circumference expands?
(1 centimeter per 3 years.)
- In the social aspect of the age group, in what do the kids become attached
to causing them to be a bit more distant to their families?
(They become attached to their peer groups and feels stronger connection
to friends and teachers.)
- In the intellectual aspect of the age group, what ages do the schoolers
reach where they learn how to plan and improve creativity?
(Ages 10 – 12 years old.)
4). Ask the students some questions about the age group Adolescence age.
- Give a single sentence to describe the development of the physical aspect
of the adolescence age group.
(Significant changes in teenagers occur in height, weight, and the skeletal
and endocrine systems.)
- In mental and emotional aspects of teenagers, what do you sometimes call
the inconsistency of the teenager’s mood?
(Storm and Stress)
- What are the ages of the people belonging to the adolescence age group?
(13 -19 years of age)
5). Ask students some questions about the age group Adulthood.
- How many period is adulthood divided? Name them and tell the specifics
for each period.
(2 periods: Young adulthood for people aging 20-39 years old and
Middle-age adulthood for people aging between 40 -59 years old.)
- For the mental and emotional aspects of this age group especially for the
middle-age adulthood, the urge to recapture their youth and the
accompanying emotional swing is called?
(Golden age or sometimes called midlife crisis)
6). Ask students some questions about the age group Old age.

Each student does more book activity in the workbook on page 2-5. Students pair up and
choose then design a space probe project of their own. Rewrite a scenario then present in front of
class. Ask all students to take turn asking question and fill out the missing information
Wrap Up
Summarize what they learned.
- Can you help me summarize what we learned today?
- What about vocabulary?
5. Materials/Resources
1. Power Point/ Word cards
2. Handout
3. Topic conversations
4. Paper + color pen.
5. Books / Worksheets
6. Evaluation

Assessment Instrument Criteria


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Comments: (Administrators)

Report after learning

EN23211 English Skills 6 Mathayomsuksa 3


1. Effect of learning

2. Problem

3. Recommendation

………………………… Teacher
(Miss Joy Bangthamai)

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