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The picture below shows how a hot balloon works.

Summarize the information by selecting and

reporting the main features. Write at least 150 words.

The diagram illustrates the structure of a hot air balloon and its working mechanism.

Overall, there are several main parts of the hot air balloon namely the envelope, the skirt, the burner and
the basket. Moreover, how the hot air balloon flies is supported by the circulation of hot air.

When it comes to the construction of the hot air balloon, there are four main parts. The largest part of the
aircraft which looks like a balloon is called an envelope. The fabric is woven in panels, two of which make
up the gore and all of the gores form the balloon shape when fully inflated. On the top is the parachute
valve to open or close as a seft-sealing flap which allows hot air to escape in a controlled manner. In
addition, a skirt connected to the bottom section of the envelope creates a stovepipe effect when the
burner right below is running, mixing propane with air to channel the hot air into the balloon and improve
fuel efficiency. The last part is a rectangular basket, where passengers can have a seat in the hot air

In terms of the working mechanism, the air in the balloon being heated is lighter than the cool air outside.
Therefore, the entire structure is lifted by a buoyant force.

The diagram shows the design of a modern landfill for household waste. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
What is the starting and ending point of the process?
Is this process Circular (Acyclic process, with the same starting and ending points) or Linear (Linear process,
with separate start and end points)?
How many steps are there in total?
Is this process purely natural or man-made?
Is anything added in the process?
What is the function of each step/phase?
Is there a relationship between the steps/stages?
At the end of the process, what product is produced?

The diagram explains the way in which a modern landfill is constructed for household waste.

Overall, there are several stages in the process namely construction, usage, and closure,
beginning with digging a man-made hole and ending with emitting gases of household refuse.

The first main stage of the process is how a landfill system is built. The process commences with
the construction of a large hole dug out of a site with natural rock underneath. Subsequently, a
layer of clay and unspecified synthetic substance are respectively added onto the hole in order to
prevent toxic substances from leaching into the surrounding soil. Following this, there is the
construction of a drainage tank, which is a box-shaped compartment dug through two
aforementioned layers, and a system of drainage pipes is also installed.
In the next stage, how household waste is processed is illustrated clearly. When the hole is filled
up with household waste, the leachate will be extracted into the tank and then flow through the
liners. Until the rubbish is converted into a mud-like compound, the hole is sealed by another
layer of clay, and gases are emitted through the pipes to the outside.

The diagram below shows the development of cutting tools in the Stone Age. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The diagram below show the development of the horse over a period of 40 million years.
The evolution of the horse, with particular emphasis on the changing foot structure.

The diagram illustrates how cutting tools in the Stone Age developed between 1.4 million years
ago and 0.8 million years ago.

Overall, a cutting tool was refined from a simple fragmented piece of rock to sharper and more
sophisticated tools with the most noticeable being the size and the smoothness of the surface of
the cutting tools.

The overall length of the 1.4 million-year-ago cutting tool was roughly 7-8 centimeters, which was
not as long as the 0.8 million-year-ago version, approximately 10 centimeters. The former was a
jagged piece of rock with no identifiable shape. Specifically, its front and back views were
somewhat asymmetric, and looking at the side view, it had a thick shape and a blunt edge.

However, there was a further refinement to the cutting tool 0.8 million years ago. Viewed from the
front, the cutting tool was identified as a teardrop-shaped knife, which was quite rough in the front
and fairly smooth in the back and the side. Moreover, its side changed significantly to a sharp-
edged and pointed tool.
The diagram shows the components of a neuron and how it works. Summarize the information by selecting
and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant
The diagram depicts the construction of a hot air balloon and its working mechanism.
Overall, the construction consists of several parts, including the envelope, the skirt, the burner and the
basket. It is also clear from the diagrams that the mechanism of a typical hot-air balloon involves the
upward circulation of hot air.
As can be seen from the picture, the balloon, also called the envelope, is the largest part and this is a
combination of multiple strips of fabric called gores. These gores are made by many nylon panels sewed
together. The gores altogether form the balloon shape when fully inflated. On top of the envelop is a
parachute valve, whose function is to open or close like a sealing flap. This allows hot air to escape in a
controlled manner. The skirt is at the base of the envelope and the inside is made from a flame-resistant
material to withstand the heat from the burners. The burners are fixed to a metal frame below the skirt
and above the basket, which provides seats for passengers and the propane cylinders. These burners
function as an engine, mixing propane with oxygen to generate hot air for the balloon.
As for the working mechanism, hot air is fed into the envelope by the burners. The hot air inside is lighter
than the cold air outside, thus providing a buoyant force to lift the entire structure.
Mechanism (n): cơ chế hoạt động Strips of fabric (n): những mảnh vải sợi
Circulation (n): sự lưu thông Sew (v): khâu vá
Withstand: chịu đựng Function (v) hoạt động, vận hành
Metal frame: khung kim loại Buoyant (adj) có thể nổi được
Cylinder: ống trụ

The given diagram compares stone age cutting tools at 1.4 million and 0.8 million years ago.
Overall, the later one appears to be bigger in size and its shape was also better refined with sharper, more
uniform edges and a pointed end.
To begin with, tool A, dated 1.4 million years ago, has a height and width of about 7.5 and 3 centimeters
respectively, and is around 1-2cm thick. From the front view, there were large random cuts which created
rough edges and a tapered end. From the other sides, similar cuts can be seen, and a sharp end was
formed at the top of the tool.
Turning to Tool B, we can see that after 0.6 million years, the cutting tool had doubled in size, with a
height of about 10 centimeters and a width of slightly over 6 centimeters, whereas it retained a similar
thickness. A look from the front and the back of tool B reveals that its outer shape became significantly
finer with a sharp pointy top and a smooth curved bottom. Its side view also witnessed a remarkable
transformation which made the tool take the shape of a leaf with a sharp edge running across the tool.
Refined (adj) Được cải tiến nhờ các thay đổi nhỏ A height of 10 cm Chiều cao 10 cm
Uniform (adj) Đồng bộ A width of 5 cm Chiều rộng 5 cm
A pointed endMột đầu nhọn Thickness (n) Độ dày
Cut (n) Vết cắt Fine (adj) Mịn, mượt mà
A rough edge Một cạnh gồ ghề To take the shape of sth Có hình dạng giống
cái gì
Tapered (adj) Thu hẹp dần về một đầu

The diagram illustrates the evolution of horses after 40 million years, focusing on the changes in foot
Overall, as the animal grew more prominent in size, their feet elongated and broadened and their paws
were eventually replaced by sole hoofs.
Eohippus, which existed around 40 million years ago, is distinguishable by a much smaller body compared
to the modern horse. Its tail and legs were relatively shorter, and there were 4 thin phalanges on each
paw. 10 million years later, the evolution resulted in the appearance of Mesohippus, which had a slightly
larger body and a longer tail. Moreover, the foot had by then lost 1 toe and the middle one became
larger. Notably, the Mesohippus had an additional tuft of hair on the neck which would later turn into the
horse’s mane.
15 million years ago, the Merychippus appeared. This prehistoric horse more resembled the modern
horse however was marginally smaller in size and still possessed 3-toed paws. It had considerably heftier
digits compared to its predecessor, a larger tail and a thicker mane on the neck. Finally, the horse today
emerged with a bulkier body, a full mane, a thicker tail and all 3 phalanges fused into a single hoof.
Hoof (n) Móng ngựa, dê,…
Phalanx (n) (singular)Xương ngón tay, ngón chân
Phalanges (n) (plural) Xương ngón tay, ngón chân
Tuft of hair (n) Chỏm tóc, chỏm lông
Mane (n) Bờm sư tử, ngựa
Prehistoric (adj) Tiền sử
Predecessor (n) Tổ tiên, tiền bối, người tiền nhiệm
The image depicts the biological makeup of a nerve cell, also known as a neuron, and its operation. At a
glance, the neuron appears to function similarly to how an electrical wire works, by sending electric
currents that correspond to various actions to other cells in the body.
In detail, each neuron is a component of the nervous system, and comprises of a cell body, or soma. The
soma, as represented by the circle in the diagram, is surrounded by a network of dendrites, which receive
information from other cells. This information, upon passing through the neuron’s cell body, would begin
being transmitted on the neuron’s axon.
The axon, as the next important piece of the neuron, directs the signal from the soma to muscles, glands,
or even other neurons. Each instance of a message being dispatched this way is called a neural impulse –
in essence, an electrical current traversing the axon. To expedite this process, each axon may be shielded
by a number of Myelin sheathes, here depicted as capsule-like shapes.
When the neural impulse has made its way past the axon, it arrives at the terminal buttons – the neuron’s
final element. These buttons establish connections with other cells, and as the name implies, they deliver
the signal to the destination cells of the message’s journey.
Biological makeup (n.): Cấu tạo sinh học Instance (n.): Trường hợp, tình huống
Nerve cell (n.): Tế bao thần kinh Dispatch sth (v.): Gửi đi sth
At a glance (adv.): Nhìn thoáng qua Traverse sth (v.): Đi xuyên qua sth
House sth (v.): Chứa sth bên trong Expedite sth (v.): Tăng tốc sth
Transmit sth (v.): Truyền đạt sth (thông tin) Shield sth (v.): Bao bọc sth
Direct sth (v.): Dẫn đường sth Capsule-like shape (n.): Hình con nhộng
1. Soma/cell body
Nằm giữa neuron và được dendrites bao quanh
Dendrites nhận tín hiệu từ các tế bào khác
Gửi tín hiệu cho axon
2. Axon
Có Myelin sheath bao bọc và tăng tốc độ truyền tín hiệu
Là nơi tín hiệu được truyền đi
3. Terminal buttons
Là điểm đến cuối cùng của tín hiệu ở neuron
Truyền tín hiệu cho tế bào khác
2. Gợi ý giải đề IELTS Writing Task 1
 At the center is a soma/cell body
 Surrounding the soma are dendrites → receive messages/information/signals from other cells
 2nd important component: Axon → pass/direct/transmit/transfer M/I/S from the soma to other
neurons, muscles or glands. Each instance is called a neural impulse
 Each axon is shielded by a no. of Myelin sheathes, which also expedites neural impulses
 When neural impulse → an electrical signal/electric current traverse the axon to the 3rd important
component: Terminal buttons
 Terminal buttons form junctions with other cells → deliver message to cells at the end of the
signal’s journey

The given diagrams provide an illustration of a modern landfill for household wastes. Overall, a
typical landfill is a man-made hole dug on a solid, two-layer base in which household refuse is kept and
toxic liquids are removed from the landfill by the use of a system of pipes.
The construction of a landfill commences when a large hole is dug out of a site with natural rock
underneath. The bottom of the hole is thereafter covered with a layer of clay and another layer of
unspecified synthetic substance. A drainage tank which is a box-shaped compartment dug through the
two aforementioned layers and a set of drainage pipes are also installed.

When used, the landfill is filled up with household waste, with the leachate being extracted and
eventually flowing out of the site in liners. Once the rubbish has been converted into a mud-like
compound, the landfill is sealed with clay, and gases that are emitted as a result of the conversion is
eventually pumped out to an unspecified zone.

The given diagrams depict the development of a Stone Age cutting tool between 1.4 million years ago
and 0.8 million years ago.

In general, over the given time frame, the Stone Age cutting tool has been refined from a simple
fragmented piece of rock to a sharper, more sophisticated one.

The cutting tool from 1.4 million years ago was a jagged piece of rock with no identifiable shape. Its
front and back side were somewhat asymmetric, and looking at the rear view, we can see that the tool
was thick, and its edge was quite blunt. The overall length of the tool was about 7-8 centimeters.

Further refinement was made to the 0.8-million-year-old stone cutting tool. The tool was 2-3
centimeters longer, and it was shaped to more or less resemble a primitive, teardrop-shaped knife that
was quite rough in the front and rather smooth in the back. The tip of the tool was pointed, and its
edge appeared to be relatively sharp compared to its earlier, 1.4-million-year-old version.

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