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Speaking part 2&3

STT Topic Vocab/Structure

1 Describe a positive change that you made in your life

Part 3
1 Is it easier for young people to change?
2 Is it easy for old people to change?
3 How can people change their daily routine if they want to?
4 What are the disadvantages when people keep making

2 Describe a way/change that helps you save a lot of time

Part 3
1 What can people do to save time?
2 Does technology help people save time? How and why?
3 Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching
children to save time?
4 Do people who can manage time well become successful more

3 Describe a famous city that you think is interesting

Part 3:
1. What advantages can tourism bring to a city?
2. Why do some young people like to live in cities?
3. Do most elderly people live in the city or in the countryside?
4. Do you think well-developed tourism will have negative effects
on local people?
4 Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved
Part 3:
1. What ambitions do children usually have?
2. Why care about some people who are very ambitious in their
3. Why don’t some people have dreams?
4. How do people balance work and life?

5 Describe a place in the countryside that you visited

Part 3:
1. Is there anything special about the countryside in Vietnam?
2. What do people usually do when going to the countryside?
3. Do you think people will live in the countryside in the future?

6 Describe a situation when something in your house was broken

and then repaired
Part 3:
1. What are the common home appliances that people use these
2. Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?
3. What can people do to protect their equipment from technical
4. When an electronic item of yours does not work, would you
repair it or buy a new one?
5. Are you good at handling problems on your own?
6. Are IT-related jobs valued more by society?
7 Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event
Part 3:
1. How can parents help children to get organized?
2. On what occasions do people need to be organized?
3. Does everything need to be well prepared?
4. Do people need others’ help when organizing things?

8 Describe an interesting discussion that you had with friends

Part 3:
1. When do children normally form their own views?
2. Do children have strong opinions?
3. Should parents request their kids to obey them?
4. In what industries do you think communication is a necessary

9 Describe a lesson that you remember well

Part 3:
1. Which can help you remember things better, words or photos?
2. Why do some people have better memory?
3. Why can some people remember some little things in life?
10 Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you
Part 3:
1. Have you ever given clothes to others?
2. Why do people dress casually everyday but dress formally at
3. Why do people from different countries wear different clothing?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing
uniforms at work and school?

11 Describe a person you only met once and want to know more
Part 3:
1. How do people make friends in VietNam?
2. On what occasions do people like to make friends?
3. Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when
making friends?
4. What qualities make true friends?

12 Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

Part 3:
1. When do people normally send gifts to others?
2. Do people give gifts or red packets on traditional festivals?
3. Is it easy to choose clothes as gifts?
4. Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?
13 Describe a special cake you received from others
Part 3:
1. What are the differences between the special food in Vietnam
and foreign countries?
2. Do people usually cook special food in Vietnam?
3. Should special food be easily available?

14 Describe a story someone told you and you remember

Part 3:
1. Do young children like the same stories as older children?
2. How has technology changed storytelling?

15 Describe a thing you cannot live without except cell phone or

Part 3:
1. Why do you think teenagers always want to have the latest
devices such as the iPhone?
2. Why do they often buy a new one even though they already
have one?
3. What do they do with the old one after buying a new one?
4. How hard is it for parents to convince their children not to buy
an expensive phone?
16 Describe a long walk you ever had
Part 3:
1. What outdoor activities do people like?
2. What are the differences between the outdoor activities
children did in the past and now?
3. Is leisure time important to everyone? Why?
4. Do women have more leisure time than men?

17 Describe a useful skill you learned from an older person

Part 3:
1. What can children learn from their parents or grandparents?
2. From whom can children learn more, parents or grandparents?
3. What kind of help do you think older people need?

18 Describe something you did that helped you to learn another

Part 3:
1. What difficulties do people face when learning a language?
2. Do you think language learning is important? Why?
19 Describe an apartment or a house that you would like to live in
near future
Part 3:
1. What kinds of apartments are most popular?
2. What are the differences between houses that young people
and old people like?
3. What are the differences between apartments and houses?

20 Describe a time you visited a new place

Part 3
1 Which do you prefer, living in a city or only visiting it as a
2 How do young children react when they go to school for the
first time?
3 How do young and old people react differently to new things?
4 Why do some people want to go to college far away from

21 Describe a rule (in school or work) that you don’t like

Part 3:
1. What are the rules students should follow at school?
2. Are the rules at school good or bad?
3. Do people often violate the rules in VietNam?
4. What rules should children follow at home?
22 Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with
Part 3:
1. What kinds of people are easy to get along with?
2. How do leaders get along with their subordinates?
3. Do people have time for themselves nowadays?

23 Describe a toy that you often played with as a child

Part 3:
1. What kind of toys was famous in your childhood? How about
these days?
2. Do you think parents should buy more toys their children or
they should spend more time with
them instead?
3. Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?
4. How do advertisements influence children?

24 Describe a song that you think is interesting

Part 3:
1. Why are music competitions popular in VietNam?
2. What kinds of music do people like?
25 Describe a time when you received something without having to
pay for it
Part 3:
1. Do you like giving gifts?
2. What gifts would parents give to children?
3. What factors do parents consider when choosing a gift for
4. What kinds of free gifts do they give? Why do people feel
happy when they receive free gifts?
5. Do you think our government should provide free gifts for our

26 Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a
lot of time
Part 3:
1. What can people do to save time?
2. Does technology help people save time? How and Why?
3. Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching
children to save time?
4. Do people who can manage time well become successful
more easily?
27 Describe a situation when you had to spend a long time in traffic
Part 3:
1. Which vehicles are more likely to be in a traffic jam, cars or
2. If you were in a traffic jam, would you prefer to be in a car or a
3. What do you think of people who always drive their car, even
when they could just as easily
use public transportation?
4. Do you feel that traffic congestion in your hometown is better,
or worse than it used to be?
5. Do you think only the government has the power to manage
the problem of traffic jams?

28 Describe something you do that you think is important for

keeping fit and healthy
Part 3:
1. How do people generally stay healthy in your country?
2. How can parents guide their children to build health?
3. Do you think it is the best for students to exercises several
time a week?
4. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
5. What kinds of sports are popular in VietNam?
6. Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
7. What else can people do to keep fit besides sports?
29 Describe a family member you might like to work with in the
Part 3:
1. What kinds of family businesses are common in VietNam?
2. Why do people want to do family business?

30 Describe a special day out which didn’t cost very much

Part 3
1. How do people spend their leisure time in VietNam?
2. How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure
3. Do you think only old people have time for leisure?

31 Describe an important event in your life that you celebrated

Part 3
1. Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?
2. What kinds of events do people usually celebrate?
3. Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people
or just a few people?
4. Do people often celebrate festivals with families?
32 Describe a neighbor you are interested in
Part 3
1. Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?
2. How can people improve their relationships with neighbors?
3. How do children build relationships with others in a
4. Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
5. How can big business help local neighborhood
6. Is it true that young people don’t get along with their
7. What negative impact technology has on our community?

33 Describe an important river/lake in your country

Part 3:
1. Do people like that river in your country?
2. What kind of water sports do you like?
3. Do you think children should learn to swim?
4. How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?
5. Why people felt relax beside river?

34 Describe a quiet place you like to go to

Part 3:
1. Is it easy to find quiet places in your country? Why?
2. Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?
3. Why are there more noises made at home now than in the
4. Which place is quieter, the city or the countryside?
5. What are the negative effects of noise pollution?
35 Describe something that surprised you and made you happy
Part 3:
1. How do people express happiness in your culture?
2. Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?
3. How can people be happy?
4. Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?

36 Describe a competition (e.g. music, cooking, sport) you would

like to take part in
Part 3:
1. What are the contests commonly seen on TV programs?
2. Why are competition shows popular?
3. What kinds of industries need competition? Why?
4. Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete
with others in companies?

37 Describe an invention which changed the world in a good way

Part 3:
1. What is the most helpful innovation at home?
2. What household appliances make us lazy?
3. What kind of invention can be used at school?
4. Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?
38 Describe a time when you helped a child
Part 3:
1. Do you often help kids? How?
2. Do you think people will do a lot of volunteering to help their
3. Who benefit more from the volunteer services, the volunteers
or the people helped?
4. What can schools do to develop students’ awareness of

39 Describe an occasion when you lost something in a public place

Part 3:
1. What kinds of things do people usually lose?
2. What do people often do when losing things?
3. Is it an effective way to use rewards to find lost things?
4. What kinds of people may lose things often?

40 Describe a traditional product made in your country which you

Part 3:
1. Why do traditional products attract tourists?
2. What different types of traditional products are produced in
your country?
3. Why do people like to buy imported products?
41 Describe something you do that can help you to concentrate in
work or study
Part 3:
1. Is it important for children to learn how to concentrate?
2. What can employers do to help employees concentrate?
3. What kinds of jobs require higher concentration at work?
4. Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate?
5. What kinds of distractions are bothering you in your life?

42 Describe a time when you use your mobile phone for something
Part 3:
1. What do people generally do with their mobile phones?
2. Is it good to call late in public?
3. Is calling the most important function of a mobile phone?

43 Describe a time when you were very busy

Part 3:
1. Do you like to be always busy?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages when people
keep busy?
3. Do you think children should learn through playing games or
under pressure?
4. What kind of pressure people may experience at work?
44 Describe a popular/well-known person in your country
Part 3:
1. What kinds of people are popular at work?
2. Are bosses more popular than employees at work?
3. Which one is more important, keeping a good relationship with
colleagues or doing well at
4. What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?

45 Describe a friend you enjoy talking with

Part 3:
1. Is it better to communicate face to face or online? Why?
2. Do you think it is impossible to make real friends on the
3. Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some people?
4. What do you think it takes to become friends?
5. What do you talk about with your friends?
6. Do you think you can be friends with strangers?
7. How should you treat a stranger?

46 Describe a difficult decision you made that had a very good result
Part 3:
1. What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives?
2. Which is easier: making a decision by yourself or making a
decision after group discussion?
3. Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parent's
47 Describe a time when someone asked you for your opinion
Part 3
1. Have you ever asked someone for his/her opinion?
2. Why do some people react impolitely when listening to
someone’s story?

48 Describe a place you have visited that you would recommend as

a good place to live
Part 3
1. If you had a chance to live anywhere in the world, where would
it be?
2. What are the good qualities of a good place?

49 Describe an occasion when somebody said something positive

about some work that you
Part 3:
1. Will you be affected when hearing a number of negative
2. How will you react when someone pays you a compliment?
3. Why are negative feedbacks as important as positive feedback
at work?
50 Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to
Part 3
1. What jobs are well-paid?
2. What are the changes in working conditions?
3. What are the impacts of the epidemic on the work

51 Describe a person you follow regularly on social media or other

Part 3:
1. What can people do on social media?
2. Do you think older people and younger people will use the
same kind of social media
3. Do older people spend much time on social media?
4. Are non-social media like television and newspapers still

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