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Name of the student: Duration: 45 Mins

Class :

Roll No. :

Name of the school :

1) Languages known : _______________________________

Telugu Hindi English

2) What was the grade attained in the Annual exam?

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D

3) What is your opinion about the introductory session of your English language class?
A. Good
B. Satisfactory
C. Neutral

4) Which of the following components used for listening skill was beneficial to you?
A. Content B. Method C. Technique D. Human/ Non-human Resource
D. Approach F. Evaluation

5) Which of the following components used for speaking skill was beneficial to you?
A. Content B. Method C. Technique D. Human/ Non-human Resource
E. Approach F. Evaluation

6) Which of the following components used for Reading skill was beneficial to you?

A. Content B. Method C. Technique D. Human/ Non-human Resource

E.Approch F. Evaluation

7) Which of the following components used for writing skill was beneficial to you?
A. Content B. Method C. Technique D. Human/ Non-human Resource

E.Approch F. Evaluation

8) Which of the following contents used for your listening skill proved beneficial?

A. News B. Stories C. pronunciations D. Dialogues / conversations

E. Response F. Instructions

9) Which of the following contents used for your speaking skill proved beneficial?

A. Re-telling Story B. Elocutions C. Discussions D.


E. Information gaps F. Role-play G. Conversation

H. Picture narration

10) Which of the following contents used for your Reading skill proved beneficial?

A. Comprehension B. Locate keywords C. News Reading

F. Instructions E. Paragraph reading F. Story reading

11) Which of the following contents used for your Writing skill proved beneficial?

A. Paragraph writing B. Letter writing C. Composition

D. Note making E. Dictation

12) Which of the following methods used for your listening skill was beneficial to you?

A. Audio visual B. Audio-Lingual C. Analyzing the content

D. imitation E. Lecture and Discussion

13) Which of the following methods used for your Speaking skill was beneficial to you?

A. Lecture cum Discussion B. Direct C. imitation D. Audio-Lingual

14) Which of the following methods used for your reading skill was beneficial to you?

A. Lecture cum Discussion B. Direct C. News Reading D. Analyzing the


15) Which of the following methods used for your reading skill was beneficial to you?

A. Direct B. Summarizing the text C. Grammar Translation

16) Which of the following technique used for your listening skill was beneficial to you?

A. Narrative B. Role-play C. Listen & Follow D. Picture Narration

G. Summarizing

17) Which of the following technique used for your speaking skill was beneficial to you?

A. Narrative B. Role-play C. Listen & Speak

D. Question and Answers E. Discussion

18) Which of the following technique used for your reading skill was beneficial to you?

A. Read and follow B. Role- play C. Summarizing

D. Locate keywords E. Read in portions

19) Which of the following technique used for your writing skill was beneficial to you?

A. Write & Follow B. Note Making C. Dictation

D. Fill in the blanks E. Dialogue writing

20) Which of the following Resources used for your listening skill was beneficial to you?

A. Human Resource B. Role – play C. Television

D. Audio-Recording E. Listen & Write F. Read aloud

21) Which of the following Resources used for your speaking skill was beneficial to you?

A. Human Resources B. C. Paired work

D. E. F.


22) Which of the following Resources used for your Reading skill was beneficial to you?

A. Human Resource B. News paper C. Reference book

D. Black board E. Summarizing

23) Which of the following Resources used for your writing skill was beneficial to you?

A. Sheets/ Handouts B. Copy writing blogs C. Grammar writing

D. Word webs E. Paraphrasing F. Dictation

24) Which of the following Approach used for listening skill was beneficial to you?

A. Communicative B. Cognitive C. Eclectic

25) Which of the following Approach used for speaking skill was beneficial to you?

A. Communicative B. Cognitive C. Eclectic

26) Which of the following Approach used for reading skill was beneficial to you?

A. Structural B. Commutative C. Cognitive

D. Eclectic

27) Which of the following Approach used for writing skill was beneficial to you?

A. Structural B. Communicative C. Cognitive D. Eclectic

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