Reaction Paper

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Agas, Patrick C.

BSCE – 4A CE – 433
Report #3

Reaction Paper about Transportation Engineering

I learned in the report about the transportation engineering system is giving a very
important part of our lives. It is how we get around and how we get to where we need to
go. Without it, we would be very limited in what we could do and where we could go.
The transportation engineering system is made up of many different parts, all of which
work together to get us from one place to another. The first part of the transportation
system is the infrastructure, which includes the roads, bridges, and tunnels that we use
to get around. The second part of the transportation system is the vehicles that we use
to travel on the infrastructure. The third part of the transportation system is the people
who operate the vehicles and the people who maintain the infrastructure.

The transportation system is a critical part of any society. Because, it is responsible for
moving people and goods from one place to another. The efficiency of a transportation
system can have a significant impact on a society's economy and quality of life. The
most important thing is that transportation systems are safe and efficient. They should
be able to move people and goods quickly and without incident. When transportation
systems fail, it can have a devastating impact on a country's economy and its people. It
also helps in reducing pollution and traffic congestion. I also learned how importance of
in each types of transportation System and has different ways moving of people, goods,
vehicles to ensure the safety when travel.

Highways and Roads system: This is the most common type of transportation system. It
is used to move people and goods from one place to another by means of a network of
roads. The advantages of road transportation are that it is relatively cheap and it can be
used to move large amounts of people and goods. The disadvantages of road
transportation are that it can be slow and congested, and it is susceptible to weather

Railways: This type of transportation system uses a network of railways to move people
and goods from one place to another. The advantages of rail transportation are that it is
relatively fast and it can move large amounts of people and goods. The disadvantages
of rail transportation are that it is expensive, and it can be susceptible to weather
Air transportation System: This type of transportation system uses a network of airports
to move people and goods from one place to another. The advantages of air
transportation are that it is fast and it can reach remote areas. The disadvantages of air
transportation are that it is expensive, and it can be susceptible to weather conditions.
Oil pipeline: a pipeline used to transport oil pipeline, line - a pipe used to transport
liquids or gases; "a pipeline runs from the wells to the seaport"
Water transportation: This type of transportation system uses a network of waterways to
move people and goods from one place to another. The advantages of water
transportation are that it is relatively cheap and it can reach remote areas. The
disadvantages of water transportation are that it can be slow and it is susceptible to
weather conditions.
Traffic Control System: traffic management or is a system that supervises the
movement of people, goods or vehicle to ensure safety and efficiency.
Automated Transport Systems: is a system where the driver or the operator of the
vehicle is partially or fully replaced by an advanced system consisting of computers,
The importance of transportation system cannot be overestimated because it plays an
important role in our life by making things easier for us. To ensure the transportation
system is well-made and maintenance for the society, the Transport Engineer is the one
who maintain it. They are in charge of organizing, designing, and supervising the
building and upkeep of civil engineering projects related to transportation networks,
such as highways, bridges, stations for public transportation, railroads, airports, and
harbors. They seek to reduce harmful emissions while maximizing traffic flow, mobility,
and safety across all transportation systems. Through their transport planning,
engineering design and operation, they can give us efficient way of living and improve
the economic growth of our country.

Therefore the transportation engineering system is an important part not just in the
transportation infrastructure but also in our country and people. it helps in Improving the
health of an individual is critical to the overall well-being of any country. Transportation
engineers contribute significantly to reducing injuries among road users by providing
safer roads, better roads with less congestion and more efficient systems for moving
people around communities. Transporting people safely is also important for health
reasons. While some accidents may not be preventable, many accidents can be
avoided if proper precautions are taken at all times during transport. Safety is also
important for businesses because it reduces business losses due to lost time from injury
or death caused by traffic accidents. In order for individuals to become independent
citizens of their country, they must be able to read maps and understand directions on
how to get from one place to another safely without getting lost or getting into an
accident while driving themselves or riding in a carpooled vehicle with someone else
who has learned how to drive safely as part of their education at school or college.

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