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No. The foreclosure is not valid.

Generally, the Quieting of Titles is a remedy for the removable

contract of chattel mortgage is binding upon of any cloud, upon a doubt or uncertainty with
contracting parties which in this case are A and respect to the title of the real property.
B, applying the doctrine of estoppel. However, The following are the requisites that must be
as far as the law and third persons are present in order that a suit for quieting of title
concerned, it is void because the house is still would prosper: REFER TO WALL
considered as an immovable property under No. Pedro has no right to recover possession of
Article 415 of the New Civil Code whether the the cow without paying the amount of P20,000 to
house was constructed on a rented land or on a Juan despite the fact that the cow was stolen
land belonging to the owner of said land. from him.
The New Civil Code provides that when an
Consequently, the requirement of Rule 39 of the owner had lost a movable or had been
Revised Rules of Court with regards to unlawfully deprived thereof as when it has been
publication in the newspaper of general stolen, but a subsequent possessor acquired it
circulation as condition precedent to public sale in good faith at a public sale, the owner cannot
of real property must be complied with. obtain its return without reimbursing the price
Otherwise, the sale without any previous paid for the thing.
publication in a newspaper of general circulation
is void. Therefore, the foreclosure of the chattel In here, Juan acquired the stolen cow in good
mortgage and its subsequent sale made by the faith at a public sale and consequently, his
sheriff is void. possession of the cow is equivalent to title.
Thus, Pedro must reimburse the purchase price
Since the bad faith of one is neutralized with the of P20,000 to Juan to obtain the return the cow.
bad faith or the other, then both should be The following are the causes/sources of co-
considered in good faith. Thus, Article 448 of the ownership:
New Civil Code should be applied regarding the a. By law: This means that there must be a law
right and obligations of the parties. that will govern the application of co-ownership.
For example, in case of co-ownership of
In this case, the landowner Yani has right to earnings by a man and woman whose marriage
appropriate what the garage that was built but is void, or who are living together without the
has to pay the necessary and useful expenses benefit of marriage provided that there is no
to the owner of material Xirco. Alternatively, Yani existing and valid conjugal partnership. In such a
may sell the land to the owner of materials Xirco. case, their properties shall be considered
However, Xirco cannot be obliged to buy the conjugal property which are deemed coowned.
land if the value thereof is more than that of the Likewise, in case of co-ownership of party walls,
garage that was built in which case, Xirco may the cost of repairs and construction of party
be obliged to pay the rental on the land based walls will be borne by all the owners of the lands
on the agreement of both parties, or if there is a or tenements having the party wall in their favor,
disagreement between the parties, the Court will in proportion to the right of each.
fix the terms
b. By contract: This means that there must be a
If formed on the sea within the jurisdiction of the contract which will become the law between the
Philippines or formed on lakes or navigable or parties. Obligations arising from contracts have
floatable rivers, the island belongs to the State the force of law between the contracting parties
as provided under Article 464 of the New Civil and should be complied with in good faith.
Code. Unless
the stipulations in a contract are contrary to law,
On the other hand, Article 465 of the New Civil morals, good customs, public order or public
Code states that if formed on non-navigable or policy, the same are binding as between the
non-floatable rivers, in which case is nearer in parties.
margin to one bank, the island belongs solely to For example, a stipulation in a contract of sale of
the owner of nearer margin. However, if it is a parcel of land entered into by buyers, A and B
equidistant or equal in distance, the island shall indicating therein an agreement to share in the
be divided longitudinally in halves and thus, purchase price of the subject land and not to
each owner of the bank gets half.
divide it for a period of 10 years is valid and will repaired substantialy to its state poor to ih
result to co-ownership of the land. damage or destruction; or
(2) That damage or destruction to the project
c. By succession: This applies in case of has rendered one-half or more of the units
intestate heirs before partition, the successional therein untenantable and that condominium
estate being a co-ownership prior to partition. owners holding in aggregate more than 30%
For example, the property left by decedent T, interest in the common areas are opposed to
before the same is partitioned, is owned in repair or restoration of the project or
common by the decedent's heirs X and Y. Thus, (3) That the project has been in existence in
co-ownership is created. According to the law on excess of 50 years, that it is obsolete and
co-ownership, each of the co-owners X and Y uneconomical and that condominium owners
may at any time demand partition of the thing holding in aggregate more than 50% interest in
owned in common. the common areas are opposed to repair,
restoration or modelling or modernizing of the
d. By chance: As in the case of hidden treasure, project or
when the discovery of such is made by chance (4) That the project or a material part thereat has
on the property of another, one-half of said been condemned or expropriated and that the
hidden treasure shall go to the finder and the project is no longer viable, or that the
other shall go to the owner of the property from condominium owners holding in aggregate more
where it was than 70% interest in the common areas are
found. opposed to continuation of the condominium
For example, if F discovers by chance a bar of regime after expropriation or condemnation of a
gold in the land owned by O, F will be entitled to material portion thereof; or
one-half as the one who discovered it and the (5) That the conditions for such partition by sole
other half will go to O being the owner of the set forth in the declaration of restrictions duly
land from which it was discovered. As such, the registered in accordance with the terms of this
gold Act have been met
bar shall be co-owned by the two in equal No. The fact that a co-owner redeems a co-
shares. owned property in its entirety, shouldering the
expenses therefore, does not make said co-
e. By occupation: As in the case of hunting owner the owner of it all. The redemption made
expedition where a wild beast was caught by by him does not put an end to the existing state
several persons provided that there is an of co-ownership. The property remains to be in a
agreement, express or implied. condition of co-ownership. The redemption of
For example, hunters C and D went to a hunting property, however, entails a necessary expense.
expedition and was able to kill a wild boar. Co- Necessary expenses may be incurred by one
ownership is presumed because of an implied co-owner but this is subject to his right to collect
agreement between the two hunters. reimbursement from the remaining co-owners.

f. Testamentary disposition or Donation inter As to the fruits received, the New Civil Code
vivos provides that a possessor in good faith is entitled
to the fruits received before the possession is
According to Sec. 8 of the Condominium Law, legally interrupted. Consequently, the fruits
when several persons own condominiums in a received by Farmo as possessor in good faith
condominium project, an action may be brought should be retained.
by one or more such persons for partition by As to the pending fruits, the New Civil Code
sale of the entire project, as if the owner of all of provides that a possessor in good faith shall
the condominiums in such project were co- have a right to a part of the expenses of
owners of the entire project in the same cultivation and to a part of the net harvest in
proportion as their interests in the common proportion to the time of possession. As such,
areas. Provided, however. That a partition shall Farmo will be entitled to a part of the net harvest
be made only upon a showing: in proportion to the time of his possession up to
(1) That three (3) years after damage or the time his
destruction to the project which renders a possession was legally interrupted by Xander.
material part thereof unfit for its use prior
thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or
As to necessary expenses, the New Civil Code The following are the different classes of
provides that a possessor in good faith is entitled possession:
to a right of reimbursement and right of a. Possession in one’s own name or possession
retention. Thus, the cost pertaining to the tilling in the name of another. Possession in one’s own
and cultivating of the agricultural land are name is evidenced by a rightful claim to a thing
considered itself. For example, when a person registered or
necessary expenses that would entitle Farmo for obtained title to a parcel of land in one’s own
reimbursement or retention pending such name. On the other hand, possession in the
reimbursement. name of another presupposes that the
As to useful expenses, the New Civil Code possessor has no rightful claim to a thing. For
provides that a possessor in good faith is entitled example,
to a right of reimbursement, right of retention in a contract of agency, a person, acting as an
and a limited right of removal of such useful agent, was authorized by the owner-principal to
improvement. Ergo, the cost of the fence, possess his property for purposes of
farmhouse and fruit-bearing trees are administration.
considered useful expenses which entitles b. Possession in the concept of an owner or
Farmo to a right of possession in the concept of a holder.
reimbursement if Xander decided to retain such Possession in the concept of an owner is shown
improvements. Pending reimbursement, Farmo when a person shows through his possession
is entitled to retain said land. Farmo may that he is the owner of the property making other
likewise opt to remove such useful people believe that he is owner thereof. For
improvements provided that it would not cause example, A constructed a building on a piece of
damage the land. land and proceeds to collect rents after leasing
the constructed building. On the contrary,
As to ornamental expenses, the New Civil Code possession in the concept of a holder is
merely affords a possessor in good faith a illustrated in usufruct where the usufructuary is
limited right of removal. Therefore, the cost of merely holding a thing for enjoyment of its fruits,
the flowering plants and natural ornamentation however, the ownership thereof pertains to the
will not be reimbursed to Farmo but he has the naked owner.
option to remove such provided no substantial c. Possession in good faith or possession in bad
injury is caused. However, if Xander retains for faith. Possession is deemed in good faith when
himself the ornament, he must refund the the possessor is not aware that there
amount spent by Farmo. exists in his title a defect which invalidates it. For
example, when a person is in possession of a
As to necessary expenses, the New Civil Code stolen movable property without knowledge of
provides that a possessor in bad faith is entitled such fact. Conversely, possession is deemed in
to a right of reimbursement only. Thus, the cost bad faith when a possessor is aware of that
pertaining to the tilling and cultivating of the there exists a defect in his title which invalidates
agricultural land are considered necessary it. For example, when a person knows that a
expenses that would only entitle Farmo for parcel of land has been previously sold to
reimbursement. another person.
As to useful expenses, the New Civil Code
provides that a possessor in bad faith is not
entitled to any right. Ergo, the cost of the fence, EXAM
farmhouse and fruit-bearing trees incurred by Aristotle and Plato are partly correct. The New
Farmo will not entitle him for reimbursement and Civil Code provides that none of the co-owners
removal. shall be obliged to remain in the co-ownership
As to ornamental expenses, the New Civil Code and it is the right of the co-owner to ask for
merely affords a possessor in bad faith a limited partition of the co-ownership at any time. One
right of removal. Therefore, the cost of the exception to this rule is if the co-owners agreed
flowering plants and natural ornamentation will to keep the thing undivided which period shall
not be reimbursed to Farmo but he has the not exceed ten years.
option to remove such provided no substantial
injury is caused. In this case, the agreement of Socrates, Aristotle
and Plato to keep the thing undivided is valid
only for ten years. In excess thereof, the In this case, the vault containing the old Banco
agreement is not valid. Therefore, Socrates can de las Islas Filipinas has been long buried and
get out of the co-ownership only after ten years thus, the BPI cannot succeed by inheritance.
to receive his 1/3 share of the property.
The ownership of the vault together with notes
Since Tured, the owner of the lot, acted in bad and coins can now be legally considered as
faith and Bannuar is a builder in good faith, Art. hidden treasures because its ownership is not
454 of the NCC shall apply which provides that apparent. The contractor Ador is not a
the rights and obligations of the parties are trespasser therefore entitled to ½ of the hidden
governed by Art. 477 of the NCC. treasure. Bona the owner of property is entitled
to the other half. Since the notes and coins have
Thus, the owner of the land shall pay the value historical value, the government may acquire
of the materials or return the materials and them at their just price which in turn will be
obliged for the reparation of damages in any divided equally between Ador and Bona.
event. On the other hand, the owner of the
material can remove the materials with the right The machineries are movables. In order that a
to be indemnified. machinery may be classified as movable under
Art 415 of the NCC, the following requisites must
Carl cannot obtain a certificate of title on the be present: (a) The machinery must be placed
accretion on the south of the sea because it is by the owner of the tenement; b) an industry or
part of public dominion owned by the State. works must be carried on the tenement; (c) the
Thus, it is outside the commerce of man and machinery must be intended for such industry or
cannot be appropriated and acquired by works; (d) the machinery must tend directly to
prescription. meet the needs of such industry or works.
However, the accretion on the east of the river,
assuming the requisites of alluvion are present, As such, the machineries are clearly movables
Carl is ipso jure the owner of such accretion. In as they were installed by the lessee Baldwin and
order that he can acquire a certificate of title, he not the owner of the building Amado.
should comply with all the procedures dictated
under PD 1529 in order for the judicial The following are the remedies available to a
confirmation of his title over the accretion. property owner or possessor in order to protect
his ownership or possession:
The wooden image of the resurrected Christ a. Accion interdictal or summary ejectment
belongs to Alnos. proceeding which is either forcible entry and
The New Civil Code provides that one who is in unlawful detainer for the recovery of material
good faith employs the material of another in possession of property;
whole or in part in order to make a thing of a b. Accion publiciana is a plenary action to
different kind shall appropriate the thing thus recover better right of possession;
transformed as his own indemnifying the owner c. Accion reinvindicatoria an action for recovery
of the material for its value. The wood shall only of ownership;
be considered as accessory. d. Writ of preliminary mandatory injunction is an
order prohibiting an action to preserve the status
Applying the foregoing, the wood which was quo while the underlying court case is
owned by Pino was transformed by Alnos to a decided;
wood sculpture. The wood is considered merely e. Writ of possession is a writ of execution
as accessory. Hence, by applying the principle employed to enforce judgment to recover
that accessory follows the principal, the wooden possession of land.
sculpture shall belong to Alnos. However, he f) Replevin or recovery of personal property
must indemnify Pino for the value of the wood.
Patrimonial property refers to those property of
The New Civil Code defines hidden treasure as the State which are not intended for public use
those money, precious objects and jewelries in or for public service or for the development of
which the ownership of which does not appear. national wealth, as well as those property of the
LGUs which are not intended for public use.
The New Civil Code provides that river beds C. Yes. The value of the standing crops must be
which are abandoned through the natural pro-rated depending upon the period of
change in the course of waters ipso facto belong possession and the period of growing and
to the owners whose land are occupied by the producing the fruits.
new course in proportion of the areas lost. Anthony is entitled to a part of the net harvest
The owners of the land adjoining the old bed and a part of the expenses of the cultivation in
shall have the right to acquire the same by proportion of his period of possession.
paying the value thereof which shall not exceed Therefore,
the value Carlo may appropriate them.
occupied by the new bed.
A. The platform is an immovable property by
Applying the foregoing, the rights of each destination. It was intended by the owner in a
claimant are as follows: fixed placed in a river or a coast. The New Civil
a. Melchor has no right to the ownership of the Code provides that docks and structures which
abandoned river bed. However, being the owner although floating are intended by their nature to
of the adjacent land, shall have the right to remain at a fixed place on a river, lake or coast
acquire proportionate part of the abandoned bed is
by paying the value thereof which shall not immovable.
exceed the value of the area occupied by the
new bed since Carlos is the owner of the B. With respect to the equipment, the same are
abandoned bed. immovable property. It is intended to meet the
b. Carlos is ipso facto the owner of the needs of the industry undertaken by Langis
abandoned river bed. His right of Petroleum Company. The equipment partakes
ownership is limited to the right of Melchor to an immovable by destination.
compel him to sell a proportionate part of the
abandoned bed. The living quarters if attached to the immovable
c. The government has no right over the platform with permanence becomes an
abandoned river bed. However, the new bed immovable as well.
running through the estate of Carlos became
part of public dominion.
C. The trees, plants and vegetables and flowers
are also immovables having been planted in the
A. Yes. Anthony can acquire of the property by garden area. Art. 415 of the NCC provides that
acquisitive prescription which requires just title trees, plants and growing fruits while they are
and good faith. There was just title because a attached to the land or formed an integral part of
deed of sale was issued in his favor even though the immovable are immovable properties.
it was forged, which he was not aware of.
No. Where a lot and improvements thereon were
However, Anthony needs to possess the land in mortgaged by the deceased parents, a co-
good faith for a total of ten years to acquire ownership existed among the heirs during the
ownership. Since he possessed it only for one period given by law to redeem the foreclosed
year and even if he adds the eight-year period of property. Redemption by one during this period
possession by Carlo, the period is still short of would inure to the benefit of all.
the ten-year requirement.
Yes. Where the heir purchased the property
from the mortgagee (to whom the property was
B. No. Carlo cannot require Anthony to account sold at the foreclosure sale) after the redemption
for all the fruits he has received from the period had expired and after the mortgagee had
property. consolidated its ownership, and a new title had
The New Civil Code provides that a possessor in been issued in its name, there was no longer
good faith is entitled to the fruits received before any co-ownership to speak of. When the heirs
the possession is legally interrupted. allowed the one-year period of redemption to
expire without redeeming their parents' former
Since Anthony is a possessor in good faith, he property and permitted the consolidation of
cannot be required to account for the fruits he ownership and issuance of a new title, the co-
gathered before he was served with summons. ownership was extinguished.
The possession of a co-owner cannot ripen into
ownership for the reason that the possession
was merely in the concept of a trustee for the
other co-owners. Thus, in order that a co
owner's possession may be deemed adverse to
the cestui que trust or the other co-owners, the
following elements must occur: (1) that he has
performed unequivocal acts of repudiation
amounting to an ouster of the cestui que trust or
the other co owners; (2) that such positive acts
of repudiation have been made known to the
cestui que trust or the other co-owners; and (3)
that the evidence thereon must be clear and

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