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Communication is one of the most important levers
management that a company can implement to create teams
and achieve valuable performances. Communication and
management are complementary disciplines and strong
business elements for success. Managerial skills are essential
in business, but all equally important are those relating to the
rules for communication and the way a manager can
communicate with his employees. Being a manager is not just
about being in control business, but mostly means being able
to coordinate a team, management skills and above all to
It is necessary for any type of organization that wishes to
operate in full harmony with the society in which it exists to
start working on the basis of a predetermined plan, a
management strategy carefully designed, because
management is a fundamental aspect of the functioning of the
organizational and social system, especially in conditions
modern times, marked by the increasing complexity of
technological and information products, radical
transformation at the level of social structure, trends of
globalization of the economy and especially product changes
at the organizational level. In this context, we consider the
intervention of management structures that adapt to all
organizational changes to be necessary.

Internal Corporate Communication Process:

Management should consider people first. The main objective
of their involvement in the tasks they have accepted is the
efficiency with which they are carried out, because this is a
very important parameter, especially considering that it
requires teamwork from the management. Management deals
with the coordination of its activities, planning, organization
and coordination of predetermined goals, levels, budget
management and control and evaluation, as a result of the
work done. These managerial functions, which support the
work within the organization, bring a touch of its dynamism.
The individuals of the organization, namely the workforce,
will be the first to benefit from the results of the strategy or
not, because they are the ones who perform the tasks assigned
to achieve the goals. Therefore, a manager who is entrusted
with the performance of management functions will always
use communication processes so that it is understandable to
coordinate their business activities, make decisions and
implement them, conclude partnership and cooperation
agreements, etc. From the point of view of management,
communication is a process by which people are informed and
driven to achieve the best results. Communicating effectively
means not only organizing your thoughts and presenting them
in an accessible way, but also expressing them in a way that
grabs the recipient's attention. Communication enables
interaction between members of the work team.
A manager should be the first to build bridges between
organizational members through careful and effective
communication. Through communication, the organization
moves in the right direction. A good manager will use
communication to make it understandable to convey his
message exactly as we think he will get the expected feedback
at the moment the communication process begins. All these
elements form the basis of the communication processes
through which the individuals of the organization will be able
to establish the interpersonal ties that are the basis of good
management, both internally and externally.
Managerial communication must work taking into account a
number of conditions :-
 concise and precise formulation the message to be
understood easily and fully;
 fast message transfer;
 fluency and certainty reversibility of communication;
 using a common language transmitter and receiver;
 simplification of communication channels;
 ensuring the flexibility and adaptability of the
communication system for use in any situation.
Only effective communication can enable the successful
fulfillment of these requirements, which are necessary for the
management of the organization of the tool. According to
some authors, communication management is a form of
interpersonal leadership, a tool with which a manager can
exercise specific powers: forecasting, training, organization,
coordination, control, evaluation. According to these
boundaries of communication management, a manager can
organize tasks more effectively, communicate more easily
with employees, have a starting point for decision-making,
and a well-developed plan.
Communication Process Management:
Motivated and dedicated employees are every employer's
dream, as they increase the company's productivity, maintain
a positive work environment and are loyal to a company based
on cooperation and teamwork. In short, they are the ones who
ensure the long-term success of the organization. However,
motivating employees is not easy. From a psychological point
of view, motivation is the basis of every individual's
behaviour, both in the personal and professional spheres. If
we talk about the behavior of an employee at work,
motivation strictly refers to the way in which he perceives his
role in the organization, the way in which his work is
appreciated, both in terms of value (that he receives a salary
for his work), social aspect ( the way in which his work is
perceived by others), but also with human relationships
established in the professional field. In addition to personnel
policies that are implemented in every organization in terms
of financial packages, career plans, training programs and
professional development, internal communication programs
play a very important role in increasing employee motivation.
The explanation is simple: numerous studies have shown that
At the international level, great emphasis is placed on non-
financial factors such as: the relationship between
professional and private life and quality relationships with
colleagues. Internal communication programs increasingly
include such non-financial motivation factors. Internal
professional communication has been challenged in the last
decade and is gradually moving from internal communication
programs designed solely to disseminate information within
the organization, whether one-way or two-way, to employee
engagement and motivation programs.

Generally speaking, communication within the company:

 creates job satisfaction: organizations that support the
distribution of information between seniors and
subordinates as well as among employees of the same
departments; good feedback brings only benefits,
motivates employees to do better work and makes them
feel that they are valuable to the company; open
communication prevents the emergence of conflicts and
facilitates their faster resolution. When resolving conflict
through discussions, employees develop mutual respect,
which leads to their professional and personal

 productivity increases; effective communication in the

workplace is an important issue for the success or failure
of the organization; managers must define, thoroughly
explain the objectives to be achieved, communicate to
employees the responsibilities and duties they must
 to be fulfilled; if the line is clear in front of us,
employees will know exactly what to do and how to
focus on it, which will lead to increased productivity;
 uses resources more effectively: when problems, crises
and conflicts arise in the organization due to scarcity
communication between employees, there are
unnecessary delays in the daily routine; it is a drain on
resources and ends up reducing overall productivity.
Organizational Culture and Communication:
A culture of trust created by highly erect people (who do
promises to them and others and to keep is), mature
(balances courage and self-esteem are able to express their
thoughts and feelings with courage, balanced by it respect
for the ideas and feelings of others) and with an abundance
mentality (we let's assume there are enough resources for
that everyone we deeply appreciate it other people and
consider solving it represent third alternative have an
unlimited potential). They are characterful people free
interaction with true synergy and creativity and therefore
they can comfortably penetrate cultures where there is low
trust. In order for team members must function they have
basic communication skills (ability to understand
thoroughly others and be understood by them) a
organization (ability to plan, act and do) and in synergistic
problem solving ( the ability to arrive at solutions that
represent a third alternative). The manager can provide
strategic direction and vision, can motivate and build a
team based on mutual respect, which complement each
other, whether we talk more about efficiency than
performance, 0 direction and results rather than methods,
systems and procedures.
Communication is an asset that every organization has at its
disposal and it must be used to achieve the set goals, which
are very important. This asset is perceived on the one hand
as a series of products, services, brands and performance,
part of respecting the goals of the organization, and on the
other hand even as a personality. Constant contact with a
developing organization creates connections: whether you
are with your customers, suppliers, competitors, employees
or other audiences, all of these cannot exist without
communication potential. Organizational communication
can be divided into two directions: internal communication
and external communication. Internal communication
proposes that the transfer of information triggers the
fulfillment of these activities by employees and at the same
time ensures the stimulation of employees to their
adherence to the organization's goals. External
communication means contacts that have a business object
through connections with suppliers, distributors,
consumers, public opinion along with the promotion of
these ties.

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