PublicPolicy Assignment

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Public Policy- Assignment

Question set-A [For odd roll no.]

[The following variables are increasing environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission in
Bangladesh. This means you got these variables that are harmful to the environment. You are a
policy maker/ researcher/ environmentalist. Suggest public policy about these variables to
maintain sustainable growth/ secure environment/ sustainability]
1. Discuss why GDP increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission.
Suggest public policy for GDP.


2. Discuss why population increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission.

Suggest public policy for population control.


One of the top priorities is to lessen the population's vulnerability to natural disasters and
climate change by executing the Delta Plan 2100. (BDP2100). The BDP2100 includes
important policies, investment programs, and institutional reforms that, if properly
accepted and executed, will address the root causes of long-term climate change
vulnerability, lessening the negative effects of climate change on the population.
Managing air and water pollution: In order to improve environmental management,
Bangladesh must follow two fundamental concepts in fiscal policy: 1) the beneficiary
pays principle and 2) the polluter pays principle. Clean air and water are becoming
increasingly scarce environmental services in Bangladesh, mainly due to restricted
availability but also to user degradation. In addition to legislation, the polluter pays
principle must be implemented to reduce air and water pollution.

3. Discuss why urbanization increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2

emission. Suggest public policy for urbanization.

Policy According to Rahman and Alam, Urbanization has a negative impact on the
environment since it generates various infrastructure developments. In this regard, the
government of Bangladesh should adopt an appropriate urbanization strategy (e.g.,
decentralization of public administration and industrialization) as well as urban
development activities. All types of individuals in Bangladesh should come forward to
help the government develop a proper urbanization policy.

4. Discuss why industrialization increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2

emission. Suggest public policy for industrialization.

Policy Bangladesh has implemented policies to reduce air pollution from brick production
kilns. Policies to control emissions from other harmful industries are also required. The
country has established air quality regulations, however monitoring by industrial units is
difficult due to a lack of testing equipment and a database. Once data and monitoring
devices are in place, an air pollution tax scheme might be implemented to incentivize
industries to embrace clean technologies.
Water contamination caused by improper human and industrial waste disposal is arguably
one of Bangladesh's most urgent environmental challenges. Aside from laws and
regulations establishing preventative measures, the polluter pays principle must be
utilized to create a strong deterrent against illegal disposal of industrial, commercial, and
home trash in surface water bodies. Simultaneously, immediate action is required to
initiate a surface water clean-up campaign, including plans to treat drainage/sewerage
water before it reaches public water bodies. This effort should be maintained until the
goal of 100% compliance is met.

5. Discuss why export increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission.

Suggest public policy for export.

6. Discuss why FDI increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission. Suggest
public policy for FDI.

7. Discuss why trade increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission.

Suggest public policy for trade openness.
8. Discuss why tourism increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission.
Suggest public policy for tourism.

9. Discuss why fossil fuels increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission.
Suggest public policy for fossil fuels.


Policy Reforming fossil fuel subsidies can help climate change policy and goals. Because
reform can both lower emissions and free up resources to invest in sustainable energy
systems, it can be recognized as part of a package of measures to implement Intended
Nationally Determined Contributions.

10. Discuss why globalization increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2

emission. Suggest public policy for globalization.


1. Mohammad Mafizur Rahman and Khosrul Alam ‘Clean energy, population density, urbanization
and environmental pollution nexus: Evidence from Bangladesh’ dio:

Sample Answer
1. Discuss why Industrialization increase environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission. Suggest
public policy for Industrialization.

Discussion: In a similar vein, industrialization in Bangladesh is booming without any regard for the
region's delicate ecosystem. At present, Bangladesh has established export-driven manufacturing
sectors. Industries such as textile and apparel, transportation, food retail, shipbreaking, and cement
production are booming in these nations. All of these industries harm the environment in some way.
Bangladesh should implement policies for sustainable urbanization and industrialization to ensure that
neither the economy nor the environment is harmed by these processes.
Policy: A major contributor to Bangladesh's rising CO2 emissions is the country's burgeoning
industrial sector. Most current industrialization is unguided and unsustainable because it lacks both
environmental regulations and sustainable planning. To avoid damaging the natural environment and
causing deforestation, it is crucial to carefully select the location of industrial facilities. For
Bangladesh's industrialization to succeed, the country must prioritize recycling, proper treatment of
industrial waste, and resource cleaning. In this context, having stringent industrial laws and making
sure they are enforced is very important. It is crucial to tactically modify the industrial structure as
industrialization is significantly responsible for increasing CO2 emissions. Industries should adopt
clean technology for proper waste management. The governments can provide subsidies to the industry
for adopting clean technology and can impose taxes on the usage of fossil-fuel energy in industrial

2. Discuss why urbanization increases environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission in

Bangladesh. Suggest public policy for urbanization.

Discussion: The rising GDP, industrialization, and urbanization all hurt the environment in
Bangladesh. Unchecked urbanization and industrialization may be necessary for a country's economic
development, but they have serious ecological consequences if allowed to continue unchecked. This
unplanned urbanization in these Bangladesh is particularly worrying. Trees are being cut down, the
number of vehicles on the road is growing, and more roads and highways are being built in these urban
areas, all of which contribute to the increase in CO2 emissions.
Policy: As urbanization significantly raises CO2 emissions, this article recommends the government of
Bangladesh provides more attention to lowering it to protect environmental quality by implementing
effective policies and strategies. Government organizations as well as private organizations should
decentralize to reduce pressure in urban areas. Besides, governments can take initiatives for green
urbanization. Emissions arising from transportation systems in urban areas are one of the key
contributors to the deterioration of the environment. The governments of Bangladesh should take
proper steps in developing energy-efficient transportation systems. More and more tree plantations on
the highways and railways of cities can help to absorb carbon emissions.

3. Discuss why renewable energy minimizes environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission in
Bangladesh. Suggest public policy for renewable energy.

Discussion: Renewables generate more energy than is used in their production, and produce fewer
emissions than other power sources over their lifetime. Renewable resources are advantageous over
fossil fuels because they do not emit greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. Renewable resources like
hydropower, solar, and wind do not produce any gaseous by-products. Renewable resources are thus
more environmentally friendly.
Policy- As our findings can show the harmful influence of energy consumption from fossil fuels on the
environment where environmental quality in Bangladesh is improved by the use of renewable energy
sources, these countries should enhance the proportion of green and renewable energy usage in their
aggregate mix of energy. Alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power, can help reduce
carbon emissions by displacing traditional fossil fuels. To satisfy the increased energy requirements,
the government should get ready to implement and support solar energy initiatives. Government
should impose some restrictions on the use of fossil fuel energy.

4. Discuss why education expenditure minimizes environmental degradation/ pollution/ CO2 emission in
Bangladesh. Suggest public policy for education expenditure.

Discussion: Education can encourage people to change their attitudes and behavior; it also helps them
to make informed decisions. In the classroom, young people can be taught the impact of global
warming and learn how to adapt to climate change. Education helps students understand how their
decisions and actions affect the environment, builds knowledge and skills necessary to address
complex environmental issues, as well as ways we can take action to keep our environment healthy
and sustainable for the future
Policy: Education spending has the greatest potential of any independent variable to reduce ecological
degradation. Because an informed citizen can recognize the importance of addressing sustainability,
environmental diversity, and pollution challenges. To maintain a healthy and sustainable environment,
a generation must be educated to the point where they can comprehend environmental policies and act
swiftly. Thus, Bangladesh needs to boost its investment in education and literacy.

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