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Cabbage is a cool-season vegetable suited to both spring and fall. It belongs to the cole
crop family (Brassica oleracea), which includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower,
collards, kale, and kohlrabi. The trick to growing cabbage is steady, uninterrupted
growth. That means rich soil, plenty of water, and good fertilization.

Set out spring transplants early enough so that they can mature before the heat of
summer, about 4 weeks before the last frost. You can also plant through black plastic to
help warm the soil in spring. New transplants just out of a greenhouse need to be
protected from freezing weather. Plant autumn cabbage 6 to 8 weeks before the first
frost. Growing plants that have been exposed to cool weather become “hardened” and
are tolerant of frost. Cabbage that matures in cool weather is deliciously sweet. Like
most vegetables, cabbage needs at least 6 hours of full sun each day; more is better. It
also needs fertile, well-drained, moist soil with plenty of rich organic matter. The soil
pH should be between 6.5 and 6.8 for optimum growth.

Cabbage needs fertile soil and adequate moisture from the time you set out transplants.
Stunted plants don't recover.

In the absence of a soil test, add nitrogen-rich amendments such as blood meal, or
composted manure to the soil or loads of compost. The plants love the liquid feeding, a
good plant tea works wonders.

Cabbage is easy to transplant. Set plants deeply so that about half of the main stem is
buried. Space about 30 – 60 cm apart in a row, depending upon the variety and the size
of head it makes. For maximum size, be generous with the spacing.

Cabbage demands even moisture to produce good heads. Mulch with compost, finely
ground leaves, or finely ground bark to keep the soil cool and moist and to keep down
weeds. Water regularly, and let the water soak in well to your soil at least weekly in the
absence of rain of good rain, (10 mm of rain or more)

Fertilize plants again with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

The best way to avoid problems is to keep your cabbage healthy and keep your garden
clean. Also practice crop rotation.

Cabbage is ready to harvest when the head forms, right? No, sometimes they look
ready, but they aren’t. You can test the head’s solidity by squeezing it. A head that looks
solid and ready may still be flimsy and loose leafed on the inside. When it feels firm, cut
the head from the base of the plant. Some varieties hold well in the garden for weeks,
while others need to be cut soon after the heads are firm. If a head cracks, cut it right
away. If you want to experiment, you can leave the harvested plant in the garden. If the
weather is still cooperative, they develop loose little heads below the cut that are fun to
serve as mini cabbages. Heads keep for several weeks in the fridge.

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