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Wolters Kluwer


12h April 2022

Saksham Mathur

Dear Saksham,

Sub: Offer of Internship

We are pleased to extend to you an offer of internship with Wolters Kluwer India Pvt. Ltd. (the
Company) on the terms and conditions contained in this letter. This offer is subject to you:

(a) having satisfactory course results;

(b) giving the Company accurate information in the application for internship
(c) providing written acceptance of this offer within five (5) work days from the
of receipt of this letter, and
(d) acceptingan adhering to the terms and conditions outined below and the
Company policies and practices
If any declaration given or information furnished by you to the Company proves to be false. or
if you are found to have wilfully suppressed any material information, your internship with the
Company will, notwithstanding any provision of this letter, be forthwith terminated by the
Company without any notice or compensation whatsoeve.

This letter comprises the standard terms and conditions of your internship with the Company

1. Project & Location

Your project will be assigned to you by your manager in line with the education programme that
you are pursuing and the business requirements of the Company You will be based out of
the Company's office at East Tower, Marisoft li1, Survey No. 15, Kalyaninagar, 411014 Pune
India However, until futher advised you will need to work remotely due to the Covid
restrictions and the Company policy

2. Duration of internship

Your internship will commence on 21s April 2022 and will be for a period of 6 month(s). On
expiry of such period, we may, at our absolute discretion, extend the internship for a further
3. Working hours

Your hours of work will be 8 hours a day from 9 am until 5 pm Monday to Frday

YOu will recaive a faed stipend of iNR 25.000 per month, subject to the applicable income tax
deductions The same will be paid monthiy by direct bank deposit into yout norminated bank
account it s clarified that you will not be eligbie to receve or participate in any social security
insurance medicai or other weifare benefts to which the employees of the Company are


YO Wnot be eligibie or any kind of paid leaves during yout internship period apart rom the
weekly ofs and the naticnal and estivai holicays nctfied by the Company If you fall sick o
are herwiss unatie undertake any wort esated to he project assigned to you. you must
prompely notfy yout Manager about he same
Wolters Kluwer
6. Code of Business Ethics

The Company expects all interns to behave in a professional manner and comply with all the
workplace policies of the Company including the Company's Code of Business Ethics. You will
need to familiarize yourself with the same and seek formal advice from the Management or
Human Resources if you need any clarification.

7. Termination

Your internship may be terminated at any time by the Company, without assigning any cause
and without any notice or compensation to you.

You may terminate your internship early by giving the Company not less than two weeks
advance notice in writing.

8. Company Property

Upon termination of your internship by you or by the Company or on completion of your

internship period or if directed by the Company at any time during your internship period, you
need to return all Company property including but not limited to telephones, computers, books,
papers, access cards, memberships, fles, records and documentswhetherin hard copy orin
soft form, entrusted to you, in your possession or under your control during the course ofyour
internship with the Company. The Company may, at its sole discretion, deduct the value of any
Company property not returned by you from your final stipend.

9 Confidentiality
You may be exposed to confidential information throughout the course of your intemship with
the Company. "Confidential Information" means any information in respect of the business of
the Company which is not in the public domain and includes, but is not limited to any document,
book, account, process, patent, trade secret, specification, program, design or know-how which
comes to your notice during your internship with the Company, or which is generated by you in
the course of your duties. This information includes any marked "confidential" or information of
like nature irrespective whether marked"confidential or not' or which is received in confidence
from third parties.

You will not, whether during your internship and/or after cessation of your internship, for
whatever reason, use, disclose, divulge, publish or distribute to any person or entity, otherwise
than as necessary for the proper performance of your duties and responsibilities during your
internship, or as required by law, any confidential information, including but not limited to
messages, data, client lists, trade secrets, client details or pricing structures acquired by you in
the course of your internship with the Company.

In the event, you are required under law to disclose any confidential information, you must
provide the Company with prompt written notice thereof so that the Company may seek a
protective order, confidential treatment or other appropriate remedy.

If you are found to be in breach of this clause, the Company reserves the right to take
disciplinary action, including the right to terminate your internship with immediate effect.
Without prejudice to any other rights and remedies available to the Company under law, the
Company will have the right to seek damages from you if you are found to be in breach of this
clause during and after the term of your internship with the Company.

10. Data privacy

You acknowledge and consent that as an intern ofthe Company, your personal data, fori ormal
internship-related purposes, will be collected, processed, used, and may be transferred to the
group companies associated with the Company. The Company will take measures to keep your
personal information private and confidential as per the applicable law. To the extent that your
personal data is collected, processed, used and/or transferred within the VWolters Kluwer Group.
this transfer of data will be subject to the prevailing data privacy legislation of the internship

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Wolters Kluwer
jurisdiction At all times the information will remain confdential as outlined n the terms of this
letter By signing this letter you expicitly acknowledge that you have been given notice of the
above and that you consent to your personal information being collected. processed used and
transferred in the course of, and within the context of your internship with the Company

11. Conflict of interest

You will not during the course of iternship. directly or indirectly. whether alone or as a partner
joint venture, officer, director, intern, consultant. agent, independent contractor or stockholder
of any company, business or other commercial enterprise
(a) engage in any business activity similar in nature to any business conducted or

planned by the Company, or

(b)compete in any way with products or services being developed. marketed
distributed or otherwise provided by the Company

You will not undertake, whether directly or indirectly. any other internship or operate a business
of any kind whatsoever, whilst in internship with the Company

During your internship, upon becoming aware of any potential or actual conflict between your
interests and those of the Company, you will immediately inform the Company about such
conflict. Where the Company is of the opinion that such a conflict does or could exist, it may
direct you to take appropriate action(s) to resolve such a conflict, and comply with such

Further during the course of your internship, you will not, either directly or indirectly, receive or
acaept for your own benefit or the benefit of any person or entity other than the Company any
gifts, emolument, or payment of any kind from any person having or intending to have any
business with the Company

To perform your duties towards the Company, you will have access to email, internet, Company
assets and other Company infrastructure. You will ensure that at all times your use of such
facilities meets the ethical and social standards of the workplace. Your use of such facilities
must not interfere with your duties and must not be illegal or contrary to the interests of the

12. Intellectual Property and Moral Rights

All inventions, discoveries, data produced, concepts and, without limitation, ideas,
improvements, reports, newsletters, proposals and works created, developed or acquired by
you will belong to the Company if it is in course of the performance of your duties ("Works")
conducted on the premises of the Company but related
during your internship, whether or not
to the business of the Company or being done on behalf of the Company

You agree to waive all moral rights which you may have or later acquire in all present and future
Works created by you in the course of your internship to the extent permitted by law. This waiver
extends to any licensees of or successors in title to the Works. You agree to execute any
document or do anything the Company may require to be done or signed at its expense to give
effect to this waiver during the course of your internship with the Company and following
termination of your internship.

13. Company Policies

You will be required to comply with all Company policies and acknowledge your responsibility
to adhere to their requirements. The Company reserves the right to amend or withdraw its
policies from time to time. If you are ever unclear about such policies, seek further advice from
management or Human Resources.

A breach of any of these policies, if established, would constitute a breach of the terms of this
letter. In the event of misconduct or breach, disciplinary measures may apply. including
termination of internship in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations, depending on the

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Wolters Kluwer
deision to change, within reason and vith nofice
You agree to cornply vith the Comparys
duties and responsibilities, the legal entity andlor the
pOstion ttle, reporting relstnships, ph
d indrvidual perfomance or the Companys business
jurisdiction frorn tirrne to tirne, on the bass to violate the terms of this letter o
such chany i l n De deemed
requirernerts krry for
constitute any basis constrwAive invduntar termination of internship, provided that your
stipend and level are not redued, resppnsbilties substantively changed unilaterally

14. Health and 8afety

You will carry out all work in accondance wth szfe practice and will not do or omit to do anything
risk of injury. You need to famifiarize yoursef
to expose yoursef or ary other person to which be amende
and practices, may
comply with the Company's heath and safety polices own personal health, safety
from time to tine. You will be solely responsible for your
15. Email and internet usage
business tool to be used for the Company's
Email and internet technology is a
material and ilegally downloading
purposes. Sending or downloading objetionable termination of
misconduct and may resut in immediate
content will be considered as serious such material
notice. Interns who recEve unsolicited emails containing
your internship without to any busines
forthrwith. The Company reserves the right
are required to delete them with the Company
interns at any time. You need to comply
emails, devices or documents of its
policies in relation to emails, internet and other technology usage

16. Severability
or illegal by a court of
In the event any clause or term of
this letter is found to be unenforceable
claUSEs of this letter wnilH be held to be enforceabie andd
competet jurisdiction, the remaining such clause or term so deemed to bee
not eist. However,
read as if such clause or term did effect
another dlause or term to give the same
llegal or unenforceable will be replaced by

17. Acceptance
and cornfirm that you
By signing this letter, you acknowledge
the terms and conditions of internship
(a) have read, and understood and accept
outlined in this letter
(and any post-internship restrictions)
acknowledge you will have access to and will read the Company's poicies
(located on the Company's intranet)
and procedures that may be
(C) undertake to comply with any Company policies
inconsistent with
such policies and procedures are
in place from time to time unless
in hich case
you acknowiedge that the
the terms and conditions outlined in this letter,
terms and conditions in this letter will prevail
advice regarding the
understand that you are entitled to seek independent
terms and conditions of this letter and that you have been given reasonable opportunity

to seek such advice.

Wolters Kluwer
To accept this letter please sign below and return to the sender via return email no later than
five (5) days from the date of receipt of this letter. Any questions about the terms and conditions
contained in this letter should be directed to Human Resources.

Yours sincerely
On behalf of Wolters Kluwer India Pvt. Ltd.

aha Ahuga
Esha Ganguly Ahuja
Director Human Resources

acknowledge that l have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions of
and I agree to undertake the internship program of the Company on the terms and conditions
outlined herein. I further confirm that I have read and understood the requirements of the
various Company policies on the Company's intranet.


Date 12o 2022

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