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Miss Chart-a-roun Tunsoun ID.



A bilingual program in Western Australia

According to this parallel development program for Cambodian students and indigenous Australia students in Australia, the researchers are to emphasize 2 aims: to progress the development of writing and metalinguistic awareness between participating children in two languages; to look at carefully the childrens perceptions of their identity and their languages. The researchers want to analyze a Khmer-English language bilingual program in primary school, where Cambodian students backgrounds have been suffered from war-torn Cambodia since 1979, their trauma are influenced on knowledge, especially in languages, for they have the limited command of both spoken and written English or even Khmer language. As a result, the researcher team collaborates with the teacher in Khmer English bilingual program have children in total: 13 children in Years 1 and 2; 12 children in Years 3; 16 children in Years 4. Children followed and taught at school were based on the principles and strategies of First Steps (Education Department of Western Australia). Various tasks were given to children in program for developing writing and speaking skills. Each of tasks is to conduct students to transfer of text structure, concept, meaning and words between languages in 3 school terms gradually. In the meanwhile, research design used for this program is qualitative method by interviewing, observations, samples of children task in oral and written forms, portfolios, recording the childrens progress and also examining childrens perceptions. The researchers can collect information from children via portfolios that contain 60-90 samples of Khmer and English writing. So, they can analyze the participating childrens progress in their work. With respect to their assignments, the researchers can summarize the finding of Khmer-English bilingual program in a primary school that the younger children begin to master the mechanical skills of writing in both languages, concepts and convenient. The older children express themselves meaningful in both languages.

Miss Chart-a-roun Tunsoun ID. 53920919

As this research, children who achieved at different Khmer English language levels can fulfill them a sense of cultural identity, treat the trauma background, and improve the children self-esteem. At the end of the research, in my view, there is nothing to be more important for the refugees than accepting their identity. Intrapersonal relationship is very important for immigrants to start learning new things around them. Limited learning surroundings can impact their natural exposures on learning languages and may be affected on getting along well with others. In other words, I want to say that a bilingual program in Western Australia can be succeeded and fall the language learning obstacles down. Cultural identity accepts ones who can expose and understand each other; as a result, language is like a cultural bridge to link the differences to be understandable and acceptable.

Miss Chart-a-roun Tunsoun ID. 53920919

Summary Chapter 3: Oral Language Development in Second Language Acquisition In agreement with chapter 2, the theorists focus on acquiring a second language. They also consider on first language which is contained behaviorist, innatist, and interactionist theory. These of theories are based on classroom practices for English learners instruction. So, the researchers push the 3 interrelated instructional approaches: sheltered instruction or SDAIE (Specifically Designed Academic Instruction in English), collaborative instruction and thematic instruction for beginning and intermediate learners. Firstly, I will say that sheltered instruction is based on learning in an academic area, for instance, literature, a science experiment and ancient civilization. It means that teacher as a key major should select the theme in any subject depending on the core curriculum. Then, teacher should support learners to have English development in term of motivating or let them have the opportunities for participating in multicultural classroom. For me, the obvious points in sheltered instruction or SDAIE are to highlight grade appropriate, cognitively demanding core curriculum for English learners who have achieved an intermediate or advanced level of English language proficiency. In contrast to sheltered instruction, learners, who are nonnative speakers, will be faced with pushing themselves to get the objectives. However, it is the educators strategies to foster second language development by using the second language for instruction in the specific purposes. Second of all, not classroom practice for English learner instruction can be developed in sheltered instruction without collaborative group work, which students work collaboratively in small groups to achieve academic and social learning goals. Because of natural exposure to the new language both in and out school, learners are provided opportunities to interact with peers or even teacher especially English teacher inevitably. Moreover, learners who are at the same age, classroom, and group can be the important vehicles to activate them to practice by games, problem-solving activities. All of benefits can

Miss Chart-a-roun Tunsoun ID. 53920919

lead them to learn with low-anxiety environment. Even if learners who are from different background will not guarantee effective group, they have to get along phase, adapt themselves and develop relationship in the real world. Anyhow, the teacher can encourage learners by many ways. For example, each group member has their own area to complete. Then, they can share their achieved area to member. It is necessity to let them show their natural language learning on tasks and give the chances to negotiate, discuss, or debate. This way is called jigsaw method which is a cooperative technique. Each member has his own part of the task and unites in to a whole of completed assignments. The advantages of jigsaw are to develop the group autonomy, solve their own procedural and conceptual conflicts. So, they can improve the critical thinking and social skills. Last of all, many assignments given have to be clarified by learners. They can achieve the meaningful concept of their tasks because they have the comprehensibility of instruction completely. Understanding the theme or topic, the theorists name the term of this method is thematic instruction. Traditionally, only teacher can choose the topic or theme to learners which are called theme unit but teacher and student can now help to find out the theme or topic to be completed that is so called theme cycles. From my point, I have ever been taught by thematic instruction as I was at school age. Teacher gave me some articles or passages. Then, I read and wrote the key concept of the reading on the paper where the topic or theme is in the center. The problem that I experienced is my classmates can copy my task because we had the same topic. So, I as a teacher will assign learners to do the different topic but it is still under the specific area of core curriculum. Above all, teachers should assess the language learning skills among learners via informal and formal measures. Following up learners development, teachers can know how to help learners have more English language proficiency.

Miss Chart-a-roun Tunsoun ID. 53920919

Summary Chapter 4: Oral Language Development in Second Language Acquisition In accordance with oral language development in second language acquisition, the theorists say that the four language skills, which are speaking, reading, writing and listening, are interrelated in language development. Even if I have been taught by separated skills in old days, all skills also take place naturally together in learning events in school at all grade levels. So, the theorists stress on the integration of the four language processes is to think how they interrelate during severe abnormalities, become grammatically competent speakers. Thus, learners gain messages in listening and reading through ear and eye first called receptive uses. They can produce the writing and speaking skills later that is called productive uses. Learners use the receptive and productive uses for day in day out, using written and oral modes during communication in societies. As teachers, we want to assess learners oral proficiency by giving them situations to develop specific activities in your classroom. Because of applying in and out school students have to be faced with interaction among people. So, teachers use the social context to play an essential role in communication. The theories say that there are 2 forms of language uses: informal and formal uses. When you have a small talk or casual chat with friends, there is no one to look at your errors even if it occurs. In other words, informal uses are applied on your chatting. Formal uses, however, occur in the conventional situations that some can watch on your conversations or oral responses. Like job interview, or TV reporters, there are lots of watchers to assess your language usages in term of grammatical patterns, phonology, and vocabulary. As a result, teachers should set the hypothetical situation for encouraging learners to get ready to expose it. To help learners develop their English or target language, teachers can provide ways to motivate them by songs, drama, dramatizing poetry, show and tell, wordless book stories, choral reading, riddles and jokes. These of techniques can promote them to be familiar with language uses.

Miss Chart-a-roun Tunsoun ID. 53920919

To sum up, how do teacher know the learners progress? Definitely, they have to assess the students oral language progress. Otherwise, they dont know how to develop or fulfill their students to be more effective. So, the theorist can document through classroom observation using checklists, anecdotal observations, and a structures oral language observation instrument called the Students Oral Language Observation Matrix (SOLOM). This method highlights on your attention on five oral language traits: comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Teachers can use this method to observation day-to-day classroom activities which they can score for 5 traits each to get a final rating. As teacher should measure learners and find out the ways to put them greater efforts, learners also get feedbacks about their performance in order to reflect themselves on being the fullest as listeners and speakers, readers and writers.

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