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AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr.

Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics 1


AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics 2

Information about the course

Course Information

• Instructor: Dr. Bilal Erol Office-109

• Class Hours: Monday B025 09:00-11:50
• Class Location: UBF203
• Course Materials:
• E-mail:
• (only for sending HW, assignments…)
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics 3

Information about the course

Textbook and course Materials

• Main Text Book: N. S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 7th

edition, John Wiley & Sons, MA, 2011.
Copyright ©2015, 2011, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1999 John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. All rights reserved.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Information about the course

Textbooks, cont.’s
• N. S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 7th edition, John Wiley & Sons, MA, 2015.

• G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, and A. Emami-Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 6th

edition, Prentice Hall, NJ, 2010

• K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 5th edition, Prentice Hall, NJ, 2010

• C.L. Phillips and J. Parr, Feedback Control Systems, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2010.

• F. Golnaraghi and B. C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, 9th edition, John Wiley & Sons, NJ,
2010 (This book is available in Turkish by A. Bir, Literatür Yayıncılık)

• J. J. D'Azzo, C. H. Houpis, and S. N. Sheldon, Linear Control System Analysis and Design
with Matlab, 5th ed., M. Dekker, 2003

• K. J. Åström and R. M. Murray, Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and

Engineers, 2nd ed., 2019

AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Information about the course

• Thanks to Prof. Dr. Ş.N. ENGİN and Prof. Dr. A. DELİBAŞI for giving
opportunity to use their lecture notes.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics 6

Information about the course

Midterm Exam 1 40%
Homework 1 10%
Homework 2 10%
Final Exam 40%

Course Objectives
• The objective of the course is to teach the fundamental concepts and applications of the automatic
control systems to the students.

Assignments, HW,
Due dates will be specified and the students should submit their material on time.
The project will be uploaded,
The dates, the instructions, required electronic devices & parts for the Labs will be uploaded
When you are required to submit your HW via e-mail always zip it an name it like
AVE3101_YourName_YourNumber_HWNumber.{zip or rar}

When submitting a HW always put a subject title relevant to why you are sending it. You can use the name
of your zip file again.
Use only to send any HW.

Academic Honesty
• Any misconduct in this course is considered a serious offense and strong penalties will be the results of
such behaviors. It is cheating to copy others’ assignment.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Information about the course

What this course is about?

• Understand the basic concepts of automatic control,

• Design and analysis of linear control system with

• Time-domain analysis techniques,
• Root-locus analysis techniques,
• Frequency-domain analysis techniques

• Introduction to advance topics in modern control engineering

AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics 8

Information about the course

Week Subjects
1 Introduction to Feedback Control Systems
2 Modeling in the Frequency Domain (Laplace Tr., Transfer Fn.)
3 Modeling in the Frequency Domain (Electrical, Mechanical and Electromechanical Systems’ Tr. Fn.)
4 Modeling in the Time Domain (Intro. to State Variables)
5 Time Response for First-order & Second-order systems
6 Underdamped Systems, System Response with Additional Poles
7 Stability, Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion, Feedback and Block Diag.
8 Midterm I
9 Stability, Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion, Feedback and Block Diag.
10 Steady-State Error, Static Error Constants, System Type
11 Root Locus, sketching rules, refinement etc.
12 Root Locus, sketching rules, refinement etc.
13 Root Locus for P, PI, PD, PID, Controller Design and Implementation
Intro. to Frequency Response Techniques, Analytical Expressions, Plotting the Frequency Response (Bode Plots
& Nyquist Diagrams)
15 Final exam

• This plan may subject to modifications.

• Any changes will be announced in class and posted on the instructor’s website.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics 9

Information about the course

• The most important policy you should follow up;

Cell-phone use is prohibited during the class !!

AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics 10


Most of the contents are from the textbook:

N. S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 7th edition, John Wiley & Sons, MA, 2011.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics 11

1.1 What is a control system?

• A control system is a system that is used to realize a desired output or objective.

• A control system consisting of interconnected components is designed to achieve a

desired purpose.

• To understand the purpose of a control system, it is useful to examine examples of

control systems through the course of history. These early systems incorporated many
of the same ideas of feedback that are in use today.

• Control systems are everywhere

• They appear in our house, in cars, in industry
• Improving manufacturing processes (temp, press, rpm…),
• The efficiency of energy use (mass prod. saves time & en.),
• Advanced automobile control, high-speed trains, robotics, biomedical, economics,
social sciences, etc.
• Not only in engineering fields, it's also exist in economics, biology and medicine.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

What is a control system?

Control system
• An interconnection of components that provide a desired system

• Key enabling technology in all branches of engineering – very


• Used whenever some quantity (e.g., temperature, altitude, speed,

concentration, pH) must be made to behave in some desirable way
over time

• Often exploits feedback to help regulate or control the system

AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

What is a control system?

Control system
• Compares actual behavior with desired behavior

• Takes corrective action based on the difference

• Subsystems and processes (plants) are assembled for the purpose of

controlling the outputs of the process.

• Examples: Air Conditioner, elevator, antenna system, remote

controlled robot, and so on.

• Why do we need to study control???

• Example from social sci.: student performance
• input = study time, output = grade !!!
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Basic Concepts
System – An interconnection of elements and devices for
a desired purpose.
Control System – An interconnection of components forming a
system configuration that will provide a desired response.

Process – The device, plant, or

System to be controlled
system under control. The
input and output relationship Input Plant Output
represents the cause-and-effect or
relationship of the process. Process
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

What is Feedback?
• (Miriam Webster) The return to the input of a part of
the output of a machine, system, or process (as for
producing changes in an electronic circuit that
improve performance or in an automatic control
device that provide self-corrective action) [1920]

• Feedback = mutual interconnection of two (or more)

• System 1 affects system 2
• System 2 affects system 1

• Feedback is everywhere in natural and engineered

AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Open – Loop (a) vs. Closed Loop (b)

AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Open – Loop (a) vs. Closed Loop (b)

O-L C-L Description

Cannot compensate for disturbances that
affect the plant
Higher accuracy and robustness to
X Commanded by the input
X Commanded by the error via feedback
X Relatively more complex and expensive
X Improved performance and stability
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Open-Loop Control Systems

utilize a controller or control
actuator to obtain the desired

Closed-Loop Control Systems

utilizes feedback to compare the
actual output to the desired
output response.


Multivariable Control
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Example Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Control Systems

Anti-lock braking system (ABS): ABS prevents the wheels from locking up, thus
avoiding uncontrolled skidding of the vehicle and decreases the distance travelled without
Major components of a typical ABS system
• Four speed sensors (one at each wheel): monitors the speed of each wheel and
determines the necessary acceleration and deceleration of the wheels.
• Electronic Control Unit (ECU):
ECU receives, amplifies and
filters the sensor signals for
calculating the wheel rotational
speed and acceleration. Then
controls the brake pressure, With ABS
according to the data that is
• Valves: Regulate the air
pressure to the brakes during the
ABS action.
• Hydraulic Control Unit: Gets
signals from the ECU to apply or Without ABS
release the brakes
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Example Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Control Systems-1

• Vehicle suspension system: a system that will absorb the energy of the vertically
accelerated wheel, allowing the frame and body to ride undisturbed while the wheels
follow bumps in the road.

Quarter-car suspension systems: (a) Passive Suspension System, (b)

Active Electromagnetic Suspension System and (c) Active Hydraulic
Suspension System.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Components of Computer-Controlled Systems

• The upper dashed box represents the process dynamics, which includes the sensors and
actuators in addition to the dynamical system being controlled.
• The controller is shown in the lower dashed box. It consists of analog-to-digital (A/D) and
digital-to-analog (D/A) converters and a computer that implements the control algorithm.
• A system clock controls the operation of the controller, synchronizing the A/D, D/A and
computing processes. The operator input is fed to the computer as an external input.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Example O-L and C-L control systems

Answer: B.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Examples from History

• Outstanding machines automated by means
of water power
• Designed and manufactured by Al-Jazari,
• Al-Jazari lived in Diyar-Bakir and Mardin (in
Turkey) during the late 12th to early 13th
century (1136 – 1206)
• The book, Knowledge of Ingenious
Mechanical Devices by Al-Jazari in 1206,
consisted of plans of the machines, was
presented to the Sultan of Artuqids (Artuklu)
• See -

The elephant clock invented

by Al-Jazari
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Examples from History…

• Al-Jazari built automated moving
peacocks driven by hydropower,
• invented the earliest known automatic
gates, which were driven by hydropower,
• created automatic doors as part of one of
his elaborate water clocks,
• invented water wheels with cams on their
axle used to operate automata,
• His example automated machines:
✓ Drink-serving waitress
✓ Hand-washing automaton with flush Diagram of a hydropowered
mechanism perpetual flute from The Book of
✓ Peacock fountain with automated Knowledge of Ingenious
servants Mechanical Devices by Al-Jazari in
1206. See:
✓ Musical robot band
✓ Clock 24
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Examples from History…

• Greece (BC) – Float regulator mechanism
• Holland (16th Century)– Temperature regulator
• Watt’s Fly-ball Governor (18th century, UK) (below left)
• Water-level float regulator (I. Polzunov, 1765, Russia) (below right)

Water-level float regulator

Watt’s fly-ball governor.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Examples from History…

AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Examples from History… flyball governor

• The amount of steam is adjusted according to the difference between the
desired and the actual engine speeds.

• If the speed of the engine increases above the desired value, then the
increase in the centrifugal force of the governor causes the control valve to
move downwards. This decreases the supply of steam, and the speed of the
engine decreases until the desired value is reached.

• Conversely, if the engine speed is too low, the centrifugal force will be lower
and the weights will be closer to the drive shaft and the sliding ring will ride
higher on the drive shaft.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

History - milestones
18th Century James Watt’s centrifugal governor for the speed control of a steam
1920s Minorsky worked on automatic controllers for steering ships.
1930s H. Nyquist developed a method for analyzing the stability of controlled
systems, developed a relatively simple procedure to determine stability from a
graphical plot of the loop-frequency response.
1940s H. W. Bode, Frequency response methods made it possible to design linear
closed-loop control systems
1950s Root-locus method due to Evans was fully developed
1960s State space methods, optimal control, adaptive control and
1980s Learning controls are begun to investigated and developed.
Present and on-going research fields. Recent application of modern control theory
includes such non-engineering systems such as biological, biomedical, economic and
socio-economic systems. Digitalization in Factories, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things…
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Examples of Modern Control Systems

Automobile steering
control system.
The driver uses the
difference between the
actual and the desired
direction of travel to
generate a controlled
adjustment of the
steering wheel.
Typical direction-of-
travel response.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Military aerospace systems

(a) The F-18 aircraft is one of the first production military fighters to use
“fly-by-wire” technology.
(b) The X-45 (UCAV) unmanned aerial vehicle is capable of autonomous
flight, using inertial measurement sensors and the global positioning
system (GPS) to monitor its position relative to a desired trajectory.
Photographs courtesy of NASA Dryden Flight Research Center.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Examples of Modern
Control Systems

ASIMO is a bipedal humanoid robot Honda has been

developing with a goal to develop robots that will
coexist with and be useful to people. The first
version of ASIMO was introduced in November 2000.
The latest version of ASIMO, introduced in The UNI-CUB β is a new personal mobility
November 2011, features not only high physical device that features Honda's proprietary
capability that allows it to make not only various balance control technology which
moves such as running, going up and down stairs originates from Honda research into
and kicking a ball, but also an ability to recognize humanoid robots and the omnidirectional
faces/voices of people and take action accordingly driving wheel system (Honda Omni
and autonomous behavior control such as avoiding Traction Drive System: Multiple small-
diameter wheels are connected in-line to
obstacles depending on the situation of the
form one large-diameter wheel, which
surroundings. makes it possible to move forward,
backward, laterally and diagonally).
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Example of a Manual Control System

Human-in-the-loop control: A manual control system for regulating the level of

fluid in a tank by adjusting the output valve. The operator views the level of fluid
through a port in the side of the tank.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

1. Establish the control goals

Control System Design
2. Identify the variable to control

3. Write the specifications for the variables

4. Establish the system configuration

5. Obtain a model of the process, the actuator,

and the sensor

6. Describe a controller and select key

parameters to be adjusted

7. Optimize the parameters and analyze the performance

If the performance does not meet the If the performance meets the
specifications, then iterate the configuration specifications, then finalize the design.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Antenna Azimuth Position Control

AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Design Stages for the Antenna

The block diagram shows the design process step by step
Step 1: Determine the specifications such as transient response, steady- state error.
Step 2: Draw a functional block diagram and show interconnections of components
Step 3: Create a schematic and transform physical system to a schematic diagram
Step 4: Develop a mathematical model. Once schematic is drawn, designer uses
physical laws, such as Kirchoff’s laws for electrical network, Newton’s for mech. sys.
Step 5: Reduce the block diagram to avoid unnecessary calculations
Step 6: Analyze and design the system.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

The same block diagram presented below to see the design process step by step,
• After accomplishing the design steps, the Control Engineer analyzes the system
to see if the response specifications and performance requirements can be met by
simple adjustments of the system parameters.
• Iforder
specification cannot be met, the engineer then designs additional hardware in
to assure a desired performance.
• The engineer usually selects standard test inputs to analyze the system

Step 1: Transform Requirements into a Physical System
Begin by transforming the requirements into a physical system.
For example, in the azimuth position control system, the requirements would be
• the desire to position the antenna from a remote location and
• describe such features as weight and physical dimensions.
Using the requirements, design specifications, such as desired transient response
and steady-state accuracy, are determined.

Control Systems Slides, Dr. Şeref Naci Engin, YTÜ, Fall 2020
Control Systems Slides, Dr. Şeref Naci Engin, YTÜ, Fall 2020
Control Systems Slides, Dr. Şeref Naci Engin, YTÜ, Fall 2020
Step 2: Draw a Functional Block Diagram
The designer translates a qualitative description of the system into
a functional block diagram that describes the component parts of
the system (that is, function and/or hardware) and shows their

Control Systems Slides, Dr. Şeref Naci Engin, YTÜ, Fall 2020
Step-3: Draw Schematic
Antenna Azimuth System - Schematic

Control Systems Slides, Dr. Şeref Naci Engin, YTÜ, Fall 2020
Step-4: Draw Block Diagram
Antenna Azimuth System – Functional Block Diagram

Control Systems Slides, Dr. Şeref Naci Engin, YTÜ, Fall 2020
Control Systems Slides, Dr. Şeref Naci Engin, YTÜ, Fall 2020
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics


• A feedback system for controlling the speed of vehicle

• Objectives of control;
• Stability: system maintains desired operating point,
• Performance: system responds rapidly to changes,
• Robustness: system tolerates perturbations in dynamics

Del Vecchio, Domitilla, and Richard M. Murray. Biomolecular Feedback Systems. Princeton University Press, 2014.
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Cruise Control
AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics

Cruise Control Cont.

AVE3101 Automatic Control Systems Dr. Bilal Erol Aviation Electronics


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