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Season 1 Lord of the Role Play

Orc Application Sor'Rul Doomfang

Sor'Rul Doomfang a male Orc, son of Kal’Rul Doomfang born and raised in
Largashbur. He ran away from home at the young age of 16, because he could not
stand watching his father being treated the way he was. He joined a group of bandits
in Falkreath Hold and was captured by the humans. They wanted to execute him in
Helgen, but he managed to escape. During his time away from other Orcs he
realized why his father was disrespected, he was weak and not a leader, but Sor’Rul
was. He decided to go back to Largashbur.
He heard the sounds of battle as he came back and saw his home being attacked by
humans. Wielding his mighty weapon he slayed the humans, but was not recognized
by the inhabitants of Largashbur. Not even his father could figure out who he was.
Sor’Rul decided to play along, gathering some supplies for the camp, so they might
be able to regain lost strength.
Upon his return, he was contacted by Zas’Gan a god among the Orcs. He ordered
him to kill all Humans in Largashbur, facing them together with his father Kal’Rul,
who was only a shadow of what he was. Sor’Rul revealed his indentity to his father,
who was surprised to see his one and only son alive after such a long time.
After a long and hard fight against the humans, they cleaned the village, but Sor’Rul
realized his father wasn't able to secure the tribes survival, because of his weakness.
When Zas’Gan contacted and ordered him to murder his own father, he agreed,
because he knew this was the only way he would be able to secure the survival of
their tribe.
The fight against his father was short, two hits with his mighty greatsword and
Kal’Rul was no more. He returned to Largashbur, making up a cover story of his
fathers demise, saying he died honorably while fighting the humans. The camp was
now under the protection of Zas’Gan again, but Sor’Rul couldn't stay. It reminded
him too much of his father, which he had slain. He took Volendrung, Zas’Gan
greatsword and is now travelling through Mordor to slay every human that comes
in his path.

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