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Name: Kuyler Stark

Age: 20
Father: Randall Cerwyn
Mother: Lyissa Stark
Grandmother: Sansa Stark
Brothers: Ulrick Stark, Benjen Stark
Sister: Kiara Stark

Fire merging from the arrows that pesky wildlings set flame upon the castle of Cerwyn
Shields bashing Swords clashing a battle occured at the keep of Castle Cerwyn
Kuylers father commanding for someone to ride to Winterfell to ask for aid
as the treat of the wildlings was to big to handle.
Father told his second brother to take Cora and the children to safety inside locking the
doors and not to come out no mather what untill help arrives
Kuyler the youngest brother took his little sister Kiara by her hand and not letting go untill the
treat was dealt with inside the room footsteps heard getting closer and closer where his older
brother Benjen saw 4 blades to protect themselfs given one to Kuyler himself even though
he could barely lift it Cora standing by the door opening it to kill a wildling while a second one
tries to charge onto her. her brave brother Benjen jumped inbetween to kill the other one
with the risk of taking a slash upon his arm.
He tried to hide it from us but i could see the damage it has done onto him.
as soon as Castle Cerwyn went into complete silence and the brothers and sisters walked
outside seeing numerous of dead body’s including their father and mother…
Ulrick already kneeled down before them the oldest of the siblings.
Upon their return to Winterfell Ulrick got summoned to Sansa Starks chambers with the
maester. After an hour he came back outside with the maester announcing
Ulrick Stark the heir of winterfell making the rest of the brothers and sister also Starks
A new king in the north. Years pass by as rumours attend that some of our bannerhouses
would turn against their king but wich ones? we dont know wether these rumours are true or
not. Years pass by after the incident as Kuyler decided to train himself spending countless of
hours at the forges making weapons of all types to see wich ones fits him the most
whenever he needs it. On his free time he joins in with the soldiers of Winterfell for some
training to know how to wield a sword and how to use a shield properly he lacks the skill but
he gets better every day. Kuyler decided to jump on his horse to ride to Castle Cerwyn sitting
up on a hill watching how the castle crumbled to the ground wich remains just a ruin. Many
hours pass by not noticing what time of the day it is. I must go back to Winterfell before my
brothers and sister get concerned.

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