Krishna's Farm

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Janaki devi dasi facilitated the Saturday morning session on the topic of glorifying,

praying for, and serving devotees. She presented quotes from Srila Prabhupada’s
books and led the participants in practical exercises. “I appreciated the wonderful
spiritual element it brought to the meeting and hope that everyone makes it part of
their regular daily sadhana,” commented Gopisa das, board member of ISKCON
New Vrindaban.

In a special session on Saturday afternoon, each board presented reports highlighting

completed or ongoing projects, challenges, and plans for the future. The Village Association
also facilitated a Zoom call with Jaya Nitai das of London from international Devotee Care,
and New Vrindaban devotee care staff fielded questions about expanding resources
available to the community. The presentations concluded with a question and answer period
between residents, board members, the NV Village Association, and devotee care staff.

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