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CAMASO, Noemi A.

Junior Intern - Prime C’1


Due to COVID-19 certain precautions are employed to ensure the safety of both the practitioner
and the patients. There are also modifications in the usual ENT physical examination including:

● Full PPE is recommended

○ Before pandemic, wearing of full PPE by otolaryngologists was not strictly
implemented. However, because of the nature of work, otolaryngologists are very
much exposed to droplets and aerosols, which are the mode of transmission of
COVID-19. Thus, it is now recommended that they were Full PPE which includes
the surgical cap, goggles and/or face shield, N95 mask, waterproof gown, clean
gloves, and shoe cover.

● Patients are examined separately

○ Now, additional barriers such as plastic curtains, acrylic boxes, booths, etc., are
now required to maintain a safer working environment. This will minimize the
possible transmission of the virus to the other staff and patients. Before the
pandemic, this was not employed.

● Limited Personnel
○ Before the pandemic, companions are allowed to go with the patient in the
examination room. However, this is not advised now because of the possible
exposure of the companions to the patient’s droplets or aerosol. However, there
are some exceptions for this. If allowed, the companion is also recommended to
wear the same full PPE the doctor is wearing.

● Focused ENT examination

○ Before the pandemic, a thorough ENT examination is employed wherein the
ears, nose, and throat are all examined. However, because of the increased risk
of exposure to droplets and aerosol, a focused ENT examination is now
practiced. For example, if the patient presented to the OPD with only hearing loss
as his/her complaint, then only the ears are examined. The nose and mouth will
not be examined to minimize risk of transmission.

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