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= aR g = € 3 = a g s 2 & 3 s seo gas BRS S238 3a 228. B52 «ite 3s gaz a3s ==a 78% aoe e533 22 RUTH BUT THE TRUT! 0 aT... ee SA enti yar Nani Most literature in Brunei is either written in Malay or in Englishsajak is a Malay freeform style (meaning “rhyme in English) that was full of nationalistic symbolism once used as a means of propaganda during the days when the Japanese occupied the island during WWII. There aren't a lot of Bruneian writers that are well-known outside of the region, but the most famous work that came out of Brunei is the epic poem called Sya'ir Awang Simawn, about a famous hero to their culture. However, there are a few books mentioned which use Brunei as its setting. One is a book called Armageddon by Dan Brown. Another is an Anthony Burgess novel called Devil of a State. The Language and Literature Bureau is the country’s main ministry in Sree mOC eet teiehl development of literature and folklore. Although a handful of local authors have become well known atm Clel ag world, Brunei is not very prolific. MYSTERY .*, FACT The Cambodian flag is the only flag in the world featuring a building. Made sD lee y eter Cl is Pre Ve A CO eee eae mec eT De SC) published outside of Brunei, with a strong bias towards: Bro Lol [esa eo meg. M aM Ua Ccaeo)ofel Mes vanaL Fal Nam UTC MCS) 8 Pete earn ner ia Ms leat aae nrc aie t Reel sd self-publishing and vanity publishing are no longer interchangeable concepts. Partly this has come from a changing business model, influenced by such factors as the Peco elena sa helo mR yee cs e))91-re ol MT cheap modes of production (ay eee name Meer Sette Reel Teas ere Moe Oe Meat eh Lac much older tradition than in English (although it is by no PEERS reciente] LU ay TT rT oo "Bendahara Menjadi Sultan” was published in 1951, followed 1 ee eee Pa ga LA ee) CLAW aes) eam ToL Lee alle Cg Xo Lee ale le Lda) Tete is ee ae ict PTY seo Brunei has, however, been the setting for a few modern novels by Deemer UM gear Gort ee comes emu ic nen Tenure ec lateinr ae et nce group of Islamic fundamentalists. Another famous story featuring Curae er a aac com arene Pn eee e amelie iar es tC nee eam aeel tcl cee ee 1 eh a toe Cembodie, @ country on the Indochinese meiniand of Southeast Asia. it is largely a land of plains and great rivers and lies amid important overland and river trade routes linking China to India and Southeast Asia. With their strong culture different literary pieces were evolve through the years. The classical literature of Cambodia works composed in verse and recorded between the ith and mid-19th century, much the cultural influence of of it reflects India MYSTERY FACT- King Ang Duong (184-1860) a Cambodian nobleman is known in Khmer Literature for being not only a king but a famous classical writer of ‘Ose. Fitade with Their literature can be classified according to three major genres which are the epic. verse novels and cbap or known as codes of conduct” Cambodia has a long literary tradition, based largely on Indian and Thai literary forms. Few people could read the indigenous literature, however, because historically only a small portion of the population was mDES OF CON Indonesian literatures, the poetry and prose writings in Javanese, Malay, Sundanese, and other languages 4. of the peoples of Indonesia. They include works 94 orally transmitted and then preserved in written < 1»: form by the Indonesian peoples, oral literature, ... = and the modern literatures that began to Ce emerge in the early 20th century as a stern influence. Mery of the Indonesian songs, or poems, that were orally tuensmitted by profassionel prest-singers embady traditions thet ‘have 2 religious function. Improvisation played s great part in this kind of poetry. and there is reason to believe thet in its present form much of fe is of no great age. Indonesian orely trensmitted prose forms are highly varied and include myths, animal stories ‘and “beast fables" fairy tales, lagends, puzzles end riddles, end anecdotes and adventure stories. The divine heroes. and epic ‘mimes of thase tales show the influence of inden literature and the written literatures of other neightouring cultures. Witten fiterature in Indonesia has: been preserved in the vious languages of Sumatra (Acehnese, Batak, Rejang, Lamgong, and Malay), in the languages of Java (Sundanese and Madurese as well a8 Javanese), in Ball and Lombok, and in the more Important languages of South Celebes (Makassarese and Buginese). By for ‘the mest impartant in both quantity and quality are the literatures Javanese and, DINDONESIA ep 5 2 = = ; "% o EF ‘Another lMterery plece of Indonesie are performing arts, in which Indonesian theatre is a type of at in the form af drama performances that re staged on 2 stege, with a distinct Indonesian nuance or background in ganeral, theatra is an art that emphasizes the performing arts that are displayed in front of a large cravd. In other ‘words, theater is a form of visualisation of a drema that is steged on the stage and watched by the audience. indonesten theatre includes: the performing arts of traditional theater and modem theatre located in the toritory of Indonesia (olso celled Nusantara). Some examples of Indonesian theater are Aja, Wayang, Weyang wong, Lenong, Ludruk, Janger and others. Theatre in Indonesia can also be referred to as regional or ethnic thestre, beceuse It originates end develops from 1.200 ethnic. cultures i Indonesia “The Wayang Wong was2 deree dam that eignated in Java, where this i denen ot Inspiration fom various themes end tales which became the most well-known dance drama in Bali." BEe-IeI aCe) Felon i simi ee we ee WEE ver é Ute | MVSTERY FACT Laos is the most bombed place in the world MALAYSIA THE TALES OF MALAY freon a Nae Ser Pe ae | Malays Pe In addition the early Malay literature was influenced by Indian epics, such es thea Mehebherata and the Ramayana, which leter included other traditions that now form the Malay literary heritage, such as the Hikeyat Mara Karma, Hikeyat Panca Tanderan and Hikeyat Gul Bekewali. Malay romantic teles were also sourced from the Panji cycle of Hindu Java. There were also several forms of Malay pony, which still remain populer until today. By the 18th century, oral literature on the Malay peninsula was superseded by written literature. This wes attributed largely in part to the introduction of Islam to the Peninsula by the 15th century and the adoption of the Jawi script. This tradition was enced both by earlier oral traditions and Islamic literature from the Middle East. Works during this time ranged from theological litereture and legal digests, to romances, moral anecdotes, populer tales of Islamic prophets end evan animal tales, which were written in a number of styles ranging from religious to the Hikeyat form. Tee ae ae MYSTERY FACT Malaysia has the world's largest cave chamber in the pmlc Made: eee See) RICAL BALLADS MYANMAR Burmese literature, the body of writings in the Burmese language produced in Myanmar (Burma). The stone inscription is the oldest form of Burmese literature; the data of the earliest extant specimen is 1113, During the next 260 years, mare than 500 dedicatory inscriptions similar in pattem but more developed in style were engraved on stone. Many of these inscriptions contain eloquent prayers and poems composed by royel ladies. Imaginetive literature scratched on a palm leaf with a stylus or written on folded paper in steatite pencil originated under the auspices of Buddhist monarchs in mar and fl Myant pee first ana LAE 2 acaptetion ot lok flourished from the 14th century until after printing became wander Humes prevalent in the 19th century. | Peon ee soll iteratae te flowery ig, difficult sentences ‘and 3s poncem ac a “Supematural magical, | Present-day literature is. still dominsted Vy by religious works, although there are T Gilstad es MYSTERY FAC works, and works on culture, art, and oronenerosts uesy eames | IN Myanmar, presented annually. Many well-known writers are retired govemment st some of whom have worked or are working Men Wear writers have job and write ‘ pe Bele ape tn "Skirts” Dhlppne Harare withstood tine end periods and hes raved ‘through generations. For every period that passed, diffe 8 appeared, and these literary works rooted from feplons reflecting their culture, society and mercies 7 stapes of Filipino Literatura consist of the Pre-Spanish pe the, Spenish period and ths Propaganda and. Revolutionary Periods In ths Pre-Spanish period, fiterstura was In oralform a5 technology of printing wasn't available yet. Works such as epics, legends, oko, salami, bugtong, cawikin,congs suc'as the Oyayl or s5ad_0n from generations generations end they are st i boing teh in eevole, Pipe Utertre changed dang the Spanish Period. !t wes centered on Civistian ‘faith. Pre-Spanish iterery types continued to develop; however, the Wes & gradual shift of Interest=ftom nature and natural nenomens fo the les of tha seins, hymns, miecles end invocations based on ths teachings of the Catholic Chorch. Tha works during this tims)are imitative of the Spanish theme, forms, and traditions Thes.carido, awit, dalit, cenacuio, more-moro, dupla and kara the said characteristics. novenas ond prayer bonk, lograpties ofthe saints, ales end hovel. he Flips wore abc etain ther nets trations thd poems inthe fold of poatyvetected as zal fokcongs and riddles. Some examples of songs are Bshay Kubo, kundiman, end ‘tepat. Francisca Baltazar also was popular durhg this time because of his “Florente et Laure’. 21st century literature 8 r se, is anything het wee watten end published fe you 00s. tt is @ bit too early to give a seine and riers Sesenti " of the st century literature in lippines and the. the wa d. It is possible, Lome to spprosch, contemporary Htersture. 3G 3 feection to, ond, dialogue with existing ‘of expressive culture. As we engags: in technology more end mare, we orate and digcarer more existing, forms expressive culture as. well. We have a through th : ee, tea oper to | The Philippines is the ie, ly Ging ant ropssie the ‘their i tougtis aniy county. me ct axampl world whose flag is yal rc aad scone vue head opeade dow when the country is at war. nce of and interest i Sing ue, anthologie focus on the toplc of urban space, ci Ie, and the rapid. transton various irwentive and expe acral i ae eae eet ec eC cee met can be found on the Intemet, such as the rec g ee mt ues es ee Pre LE Various es eee ee mci eter eae Co eee tice eer a ce eT era Competition, the Singapore Writers Festival PM eee atc) cre ee ee er Ce Ger CMR St nr ‘Thal Literature was traditionally heavy Influenced by ndien cutur. Tall national epic ie ‘orton ofthe Ramayana called the Ransklen. A number of verlon of the epc were lst nthe sdestrcton of hytthaya in 1787. Thee versions curanty exit: cna of theee wat prepared ‘andar the superdaae end pty Varten by) King Ras | Ha sn, Rama, reaeote soma parts ‘ora ere. Th mat iterencae fom the erga se an artandad role fr te morc god Hanusen sv! the aden of ak Baggy ending Moving Ito the made oge about 2900 onward, most ofthe Thal readers are well scquarted ‘with the wotk of Dokrsiod wiaee real name Ie ML, Boobghe Himmanhaerindha, She was = velat nthe plonering age Hat baat Aran werk ware fer axle, Phy Ol Mung Ke Roh, Nt. Chelehans Khong Lueng Nanda, ete Many of her works hove baba sesigned 38 banks fot ; C"bopusr werk is: Phu Ch Sip Th, 8 ot pane is ena Sip Thi, & Burmese ryal cout, whic has been adopted by many scriptuniters for t efakn tama 9s" wall ss. stoge. crama sxjoed by nationwide ences. Sri raphe, a popular novelist, whose real nae as Kua Sei Ss xs a om oa "1 lave story entitied Khang Lat oF literal Bohind Bee oorralt vier Ts contonprany port Naowerat PHongpsiboon, writes ine traditional style although Wis topics ere curent. His odas to such emotions as love, despair, and hope are faced with 9 besutifl ic, He has won both the SEAWRITE Award and the National Artist status. His mast famous work, entitled Khian Phaendin, is the fruit of his joumey to all comers ot Thalland tom where Re recerded the beauty end admiration of loca landscapes in words and wins a the Thais. Sunthorn Phu. is the most Important poet in Thal Literature, whois best known forhis romantic adventure story Phra Aphal Mani end for rine travel places called Nirats. ‘At the turn of the new millannium, @ literary group ie known ae “Six Faced Cirela” emorg Inthe southern capital of Ha Chi Minh City, attracting recognition from leading Vietnamese Heo oe CE one aan) nn On es (1979), khuc Duy (1876) and Nguyen Quan(1877) ~ formed the “Open Mouth underground poetry favemen. i ect yor tis group a bed roger pot ange nd it work has become increasingly linked with onary di performance art: Over the pest quate-contury te Viet Nam Whters Assocation, the He Not Writers Association, the Ho Chi Minh City Writers Association and several other literary orgenizations have continued to promate the development of creative writing through their annual awards for the best prase, poetry, theory and oriticism and translated works, There hhas also been corresponding development in the field of literary criticism and literary research. Mention should also be made of the Nguyen Du School of Writing, Ha Noi, ‘modelled on the Pushkin Institute in Mascovy, which wes established in 1961 by the Ha Noi University of Culture with the aim of training writers in the two key areas of prose end Vietnarf is referred to as The King Of Cashews’ ‘Made with VIETNAM fletnamese literature is literature, both oral and written, xeated largely by Vietnamase-speaking people, although Vietnamese and English-speaking Vietnamese authors in Austrelia andthe Counted by many critics as part of the ‘ational tradition. Far a_rilienniuen before the 21th century Somipaad by China and aa resut, rch of the written work during this eee ee re characters, created around the 10th century, allowed writers 12 compose in Vietnamese using modified Chinese Characters. Although regarded as inferior to Chinese, it gradually grow in prestige Viet Nam's first home-grown novel was Hoang Ta “The Unjust Suffering of Hoang To Anh’, written by Tran Chanh Chieu ‘and ublished in Sai Gan in 2820. Other ‘works quickdy followed, including “Wha Can Do t?', 1919° and “The Playing of the Wind, 1926" by Ho Bleu Chanh, "Pure Hear, 1925" by Hoang Neoo Phaci (1896-1979), ‘Watermelon’ by Nguyen Trong Thuat and several short stories by Nguyen Ba Hoc and Pham Duy TonThe beginnings of modem Vietwamesa poetry may be traced back to the early years of the twentieth century when poet Tan Oa (1888-1938) began ta ‘experiment with irregular verse lengths, signalling the fist serious attempt ta baal: away trom the elassical madal

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