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Work Activities

Excavation Work

Pre-start checks:
The pre-start checks must cover prior to commence the excavation works:-
1 Availability of plant and equipment to be used
- 2 nos of PC 200 Excavators
- 2 nos of dumpers truck

2 Ground Conditions
- The information for client, The excavation area is backfilled and no contaminated.
- No overhaed and undergound services at the excavation area.
- Pile group at excavation area.

Planning and co-ordination

1 Planning and co-ordination between those involves in the excavtion activities is essential to ensure
the safety of all members.

2. Site plans and drawing is refer, the depth of excavation is less than 6m.The dimension of the excavation
at the top is planned. This information need to pass to site foreman and machine operator.
Figure 1 shown the planned excavation area.

3. Planning the excavation work before work starts to ensure it can be carried out safely. Planning
involves as below:-
a Excavation Method - Open Cut
b Static and dynamic loads near the excavation area.
c Safe work method statements
e Procedures to deal with emergencies.
f Dewatering System
Functional Flowchart

A c tiv it y requiring the mov

ement of s oi l or ground or the
ins ertion of obj ec ts i nt o the

S pec if ic manufac tureri ns truc ti

D oes t he ac tiv it y Y ons or operati onal guides of pl ant
involv e any of the es us ed
follow ing ?
appli cable ) is t o be f ol low ed as w ell
any s ignage loc at ed i n the area

 diggi ng or mov ement of a k now n

material s tock pile , or
 diggi ng of rais ed garden beds w i th a k now n
abs enc e of underground s erv ic es , or
 diggi ng or cl eari ng of mat erial / s oi l
build up w it hi n culv erts , drains or s imil ar
loc at ions w i th
a k now n abs enc e of underground s erv ic es .


S pec if ic manufac tureri ns truc ti

The dept h of
Y ons or operati onal guides of pl ant
the exc avati on , diggi
ng ori ns erti on of es us ed
objec t i s
<150 mm (if
appli cable ), s ignage , etc to be foll ow
as w el l as any general
requirements of this C
orporate S tandard


C ompl et e an E xcavation & D igging C ontr ol Guide as part

of pre -w ork planning

U ndert ak e an underground
s ervi ces inv es ti gati on as per the C ont rol Guide requi rements
Implement c ontrol meas ures
as ident ifi ed w i thin the C
ont rol
Ident ify c ollapse and entry c ontrol s as rel ev ant to t he
exc avati on and ac ti vi ty requi red

Ident ify addi tional w ork s

pec ifi c c ontrol s relevant
t o the
exc avati on and ac ti vi ty requi red

Figure 2 : Planning Flowchart for Excavation

3.1 Mechanical Excavation - Open cut
a The area of excavated will be clearly marked on the ground serface using cements or sand

b The machine operators was informed the dimension of the excavation at the top and the final depth
of the excavation.

c The material from the exacavtion will be loaded into the dump truck and tipped away from the
working area so it does not apply a surcharge to the side of the excavation.

d The trained supervisor to assit in the safe operation of the plant and to observe the area being
excavated and to ensure there are no hit or damp to the piling for the foundation.

e The 300mm high earth berm at the top of the slope to avoid surface run off to the excavated area
after heavy rain.

f As the excavation increases in depth the side of slope should be battered and cover with canvas
to prevent collapse.

g Care needs to be taken to avoid over excavation. Frequent levelling is necessary to check the depth
of cut. Workers entering the excavated area to trim of the excavation is often required.

h Safety supervisor and the groundwork supervisor to check the safety of the excavation. The stability
on the surface have to checked when plants adjacent to an excavation area.

Cut Slope cover with plastic sheet 300mm earth berm

Timber Frame Barricade 1

( Horizontal & Vertical ) 1000mm working space

Cut Slope cover with plastic sheet 300mm earth berm

Pile cap excavation should allow approximately 1m ( Surrounding) working space

Timber Frame

Barricade ( Horizontal &

Vertical )

Figure 3 : Mechanical Excavation - Open Cut ( Benching & Battering )

3.2 Static and dynamic loads near the excavation area.
a The stability on the surface have to checked when plants and machineries adjacent to an excavation area.

b Precaution on the heavy load such as large equipment, heavy materials or large spoil pile can be
too heavy for the sol support, resulting in a cave-in.
The large spoil pile may hide the tension crack that would otherwise signal that a sliding soil failure

3.3 Safe work method statements

a All workers should wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E. ) such as safety boots
whilst working, safety helmet, high visibility during night work.

b All workers should attended a special Site Induction/ Tool Box Talk and knowledge of work safe practice
before access to the work area.

c Access/ egress for the workers entering an excavated area usually be a ladder or scaffolding stairway
The scaffolding stairway constructed and extend 1 meter above top of the excavation.

d All excavations will be a rigid barricade ( Timber frame ) and putting signage to protect the workers
from the hazard during the work hours and off hours.

e The slope have to inspected daily, it is important to watch for unsafe situations especially after
heavy rain.
3.4 Procedures to deal with emergencies.


NOTIFICATION FORM (Witness / Supervisor Incharge To Inform)

KC CONTRACT Person In Charge

MR.C.W LAM - H/P 012-7848832


H/P: 012-474 2878 H/P 016-405 4001

H/P : 012-432 8385

(Lost Time Injury / FATALITY / SERIOUS
Dangerous AFFECTED

Hospital Sultanah Aminah Bomba Tmn U

Send Victim Tenaga
Tel : 07 - 223 1666 / 999 Tel : 07- 5203129
To Clinic / Nasional
Hospital TEL: 07-521 6800
Send Victim To
Send Body / Victim To Malaysia
Send Victim To Clinic
Hospital For Post Mortem (Tel : 100)
/ Hospital (if any)


Syarikat Air
a) Project Director

b) SR.Project Manager (Tel : 07-
c) Construction Manager 2224222)
d) Consultants
e) Safety Officer

To Review & Investigate The Accident and Identify The Cause(s) Of The
Accident & Corrective Action(s) To Be Taken


a) Managing Director
b) Related Government Bodies
c) Project Director / Manager
d) Head Of Department / Sub Contractor Concerned

Figure 4 : Emergencies Plan

3.5 Dewatering System

a During construction, the water may accumulate from a number of sources such as high ground
water table seeping into the excavation area and surface run off after heavy rain.

b The well point or sump is constructed and the submersible pump is located to the pump sump
and well piont pipes are connected by piping or hose to the adjacent drainage.

Figure 5 : Dewatering System - Pump Sump

Tanks Construction

1 The Commercial & Sprinkle Tanks is contruct according to C & S Construction Drawing No :
BP 1226/17/WT/1-2 and BP 1226/17/WT/2.

2 The R.C. Works Method Statement is refer to our Letter Ref : NAB/SCTEX/KC/S6/L05 dated on
15 March 2013.

3 The R.C. Works Method Statement is refer to our Letter Ref : NAB/SCTEX/KC/S6/L05 dated on

Waterproofing of the Tanks

1 Prevent water leakage on the construction joint, the 200mm wide supercast PVC waterstop is installed.

2 The waterstop is located and fixed at centre of the all round of the tanks wall while the concrete
is being placed. The waterstop will prevent loss of the water from within the tnak and will prevent
ingress of the groundwater whenthe tank is drained down.

Figure 6 : 200mm wide Supercast PVC Waterstop.

3 Concrete must be fully compacted or vibrated around the waterstops to ensure that no voids or
porous areas remain.
4 300mm high of Concrete Wall Kicker must be construct in order the waterstops are securely
held in their correct position.

200mm wide Supercast



Figure 7 : 300mm high concrete kicker and waterstops

5 After the construction of the tanks was completed, apply 3 coats of the Shell Flintkote 3 Bituminous
Waterproofing System to passive surface of tanks wall.

6 The Waterproofing System Method Statement is refer to our Letter Ref : NAB/SCTEX/KC/S6/L23 dated on
19 April 2013.

7 Cover with the plastic sheets immediately when the waterproofing system completed. This is to
protect damaged to the waterproofing system.

8 Cementitious Waterproofing system is apply to internal wall prior to construct of the top concrete slab.
Protection of internal waterproofing by cover a layer of plastic sheet.

9 Water Ponding Test was carry on to ensure is watertight. If any leaking after apply waterproofing
then remedial work is necessary such as P.U Grouting.

Backfilling Works
1 After the construction of the pilecap was completed, backfilling to fill the gap of working space by
using River Sand.

2 Backfill the excavation after placement of the permanent structure such as Reinforced Concrete
Tank and the 3 days cube results reach the required strength.

3 Backfill area free from stone large enough to interface with compactionand construction debris such
as wood and other extraneous materials.

4 The backfill material was haul from the stock pile area by using dumper trucks.

5 Compact each layer ( 600mm per layer ) to meet the density requirements by the 1 ton roller compactor.

6 Avoid wedging sction of backfill against structures, the precaution must be taken such as place
backfilling uniformly around the structures.

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