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(a) “Absolute rationality in decision making is an

illusion". Critically examine the with examples. Explain steps involved in the
rational decision-making process?
started to show up at 10.00 AM only. Antara cannot understand what has happened but
at the same time feels that she can't do much because the people are volunteers and
she can't force them to come for the meetings on time.
to patients quickly, lack of staff and an upcoming accreditation visit. Tara did
not find time to complete the staffs annual performance evaluations. However, all
nurses got a 6 percent salary increase. Tara was happy that they were adequately
compensated for the increased workload and stress level.
In terms of reinforcement theory, explain what is happening here and what advice
would you give Antara to do to get the meetings started on
(b) Explain the factors influencing the perception?
What are the biases which can affect perception? Examine with suitable
organizational examples how a sound knowledge of perception helps a manager to
manage people and situations.
Seema had been performing very well and very few patient errors but for the past
three months Tara had been noticing Seema's performance levels going down. She has
been the one attending to patients and running around the most but now she has
started arguing with her fellow nurses and physicians too. She is constantly
complaining about being paid less and feels her opinions being ignored in
organizing the nursing operations. How will you explain Seema's behavior in context
of the process theories of motivation?
(a) “Tara Sharma is the director of nursing services
in a 300 bed private hospital. Seema a staff nurse had joined the hospital three
years ago. She is married and has two children.
(b) Write short notes on any two:
(i) Big 5 model
The hospital has been seeing immense increase in patient traffic because a nearby
hospital closed down. Tension on the nursing floors has been high due to the huge
influx of patients, need to attend
(ii) Bases of power
(iii) Transformational vs Transactional
(iv) Transactional
[This question paper contains 10 printed pages.]
Your Roll No...
Sr. No. of Question Paper : 1911
Unique Paper Code
: 61011104
Name of the Paper
• Statistics for Business Decisions
Name of the Course
: Bachelor of
Studies (BMS), 2018 (CBCS)
: I
; 3 Hours
Maximum Marks
: 75
Instructions for Candidates
Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
2. Attempt any Five questions.
3. Use of simple calculator is allowed.
(a) An examination of 13 applicants for the post of
Sales Executive was taken by a firm. From the marks obtained by the applicants in
Sales Aptitude and Product Knowledge modules, compute the Spearman's Rank
Correlation and interpret it:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sales Aptitude Test Score 23 20 19 21 18 2018 2018 Product
Knowledge Test Score 24 19 22 18 20 22 20 22 20
10 11 12 13 17 23 16 19 23 20 17
(b) The Shareholders Research Centre of India has
recently conducted a -study on price behaviour of 3 leading industrial shares A, B
and C for the period 2009 to 2015, the results of which are published as follows in
a Quarterly Journal :
2. (a) The General Sales of an enterprise
dealing in the sale of certain product is toying with the idea of increasing his
sales to Rs. 80,000. On checking the records of sales during the last ten years, it
was found that the annual sale proceeds and advertisement expenditure were highly
correlated to the extent of 0.8. It was further noted that the annual average sale
has been Rs. 45,000 and annual average advertisement expenditure Rs. 30,000, with a
variance of Rs. 1,600 and Rs. 625 in sale and advertisement expenditure
respectively. How much expenditure on advertisement would you suggest the General
Sales Manager of the enterprise to incur to meet his target of sales?
Average Price
S.D. (in Rs)
(in Rs)
Current Selling Price
(in Rs) 36.00

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