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G. SRIRAM 22nd November 2006 UG-AR-001 1.0

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Date 22-Nov-06 Author G. Sriram Version 1.00 Change Reference No previous Documents





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1 CREATING CUSTOMERS........................................................................................2 2 CREATING SALES INVOICE ..................................................................................8 2.1 CREATING DIRECT SALES INVOICE ....................................................................................8 2.2 IMPORTING TRANSACTION FROM ORDER MANAGEMENT................................................................18 2.3 CREATING TRANSACTION WITH ACCOUNTING RULE FOR DEFERRED REVENUE RECOGNITION...........................23 3 ENTERING CREDIT NOTES..................................................................................28 3.1 PASSING 3.2 PASSING
CREDIT NOTE FOR SINGLE TRANSACTION.....................................................................28 CREDIT NOTE FOR MULTIPLE INVOICES OF THE CUSTOMER....................................................31

4 ENTERING DEBIT NOTE......................................................................................37 5 ENTERING DEPOSIT TRANSACTION....................................................................38 5.1 ENTERING THE DEPOSIT TRANSACTION...............................................................................38 5.2 ADJUSTING THE DEPOSIT WITH SALES TRANSACTION.................................................................39 6 ENTERING COLLECTIONS FROM THE CUSTOMER................................................42 7 REMITTING COLLECTIONS TO THE BANK............................................................46 8 ENTERING MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT................................................................52 9 REVERSING RECEIPTS........................................................................................56 10 HANDLING FUND TRANSFER/CASH WITHDRAWAL ..........................................58 11 BILLS RECEIVABLE TRANSACTIONS.................................................................60 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 CREATING BILLS RECEIVABLE TRANSACTION........................................................................61 REMITTING BILLS RECEIVABLE TRANSACTION STANDARD REMITTANCE...........................................63 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................65 MATURITY AND RISK PROGRAMS....................................................................................67

12 REMITTING BILLS RECEIVABLE TRANSACTION FACTORED............................69 13 COLLECTION WORKBENCH...............................................................................75 14 TRACKING OF C FORM ISSUES..........................................................................80 15 CUSTOMER BALANCE ADJUSTMENT AND WRITE OFF........................................83 16 PERIOD CLOSING PROCEDURE.........................................................................86
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1 Creating Customers
Normally the person responsible for Order entry will be creating the customer. Creating of Customers Navigation: Oracle Receivables > Customers > Standard

Before creating a new customer you should ensure that the customer is not already exist. Enter the Name of the Customer to be created and click on Find.

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Click on New to create new customers.

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Save the form. Once the Form saved the system will assign the Customer Number.

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To create the site click on New button.

Enter the Address, Usage of the site. Normally Bill to usage is Mandatory. Check the Primary for the usage. Save the site information.
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After creating the customer you need to enter customer additional Information. Additional Information has to be entered in two level, one is at the header level ie. Without giving site name and another one is address level ie with site name. Navigation: India Local Receivables > Customers > Additional Information

Select the Customer Name and address should be blank for Header level. Enter available information for other blocks.

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Add another record with site address.

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2 Creating Sales Invoice
Sales Invoice will be created from the Factory after shipment by running Auto Invoice Program. 2.1 Creating Direct Sales Invoice

Entering transaction To enter a direct invoice for the customer you will have to navigate to the localized transaction screen. There you will select your organization and the location for, which you are transacting. Then you select the transaction source defined for entering the direct invoice for your location. The invoice type and the transaction type will default from the source. Select the customer and the location for which you are entering the invoice. Select the appropriate payment term. Navigation: Transactions-> Transactions Localized

Click on the Organization Field

Select the Organization for which you are Transacting

Click on Open

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Select the Organization and Location and click on open

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Once you enter the transaction form do not enter anything on the number field, as the number will be automatically generated by the system. Click on the source field and select the respective source for the transaction. Once you select the source the invoice type and the transaction type will default. Please do not change any default values.

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Select the Invoice Type

Click on the Name Select the customer GL date and to select the customer invoice date will default

Once the header information is complete the user can now navigate to the line items by clicking on the Line Items button.

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Click on Description

Select the memo line Enter the quantity rate

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In the line items you have to select the memo line by clicking on the description field, you will get multiple values there select the one required for the transaction. Enter the quantity of the item and the unit price the total will be calculated by the system. In one invoice there can be multiple lines as required. Save the transaction.

Before completing the transaction you can add any localization taxes in the Transaction Localized window.

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Query the transaction in the Enter transaction India Localization form

Click on Taxes to update the tax codes for the transaction

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Enter the Tax codes and click on Apply button and close the form.

While closing it will ask you save the taxes.

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Open the transaction and complete the same.

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Account code combination

Account code description

Accounting Date

Accounting entry: Receivable a/c Dr.

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Status of GL Transfer

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Revenue a/c Cr Tax a/c (if any) Cr. 2.2 Importing Transaction from Order Management

Navigation : Interfaces > AutoInvoice

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Select the Invoice Source and Default Date and click on OK Button.

Optionally you can select the Sales Order Number and you can query the transaction using the same number in the Reference Field

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Submit the concurrent program.

Check the concurrent request from the request manager screen.

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Check the output to find out the number of invoice processed.

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You can also query the processed transaction in the Transaction Summary Workbench.

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The imported invoice will be in complete stage. 2.3 Creating Transaction with Accounting rule for Deferred Revenue Recognition

Navigation: Transactions > Transactions (Localized)

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Before going to the Line Record you have to select the Invoicing Rule. Select In Advance to bill the customer in Advance.

Select the Memo line and enter the amount. After entering the amount click on Rules.

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Select the Accounting Rule and save & complete the transaction.

For revenue recognition attached invoices you will not get the accounting entries immediately after completing the transaction. If you want to see the Accounting Entry you need to run the revenue recognition Program, otherwise the same request will be fired at the time of transferring the entries to GL.
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After completing the request you can query the same transaction and see the transaction accounting.

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After running the revenue recognition program the system will pass the following entry. On the transaction Date Receivable Account Dr. To Unearned Revenue Unearned Revenue Dr. To Revenue A/c. 12000 Cr Cr. 1000 12000 1000

On next same date of next month Unearned Revenue Dr. To Revenue A/c. 1000 Cr. 1000

Like above entry the system will pass entries for the remaining periods till the unearned Revenue becomes nil.

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3 Entering credit notes
Stand-alone credit notes can be issued to the customer for passing write off or any other business reason. The procedure is as explained below; 3.1 Passing credit note for single transaction

Credit notes will be entered only by the authorized person. You can pass a credit note for a single transaction. This can be done by querying the invoice and then select credit transactions from the tools menu. You can credit the whole invoice by selecting invoice as the parameter for crediting the transaction or partially by selecting the line item/tax amount/freight as the parameter for passing the credit as the case may be. Query the Transaction

On query you will get the invoice as above.

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Click on tools

Select Credit

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Credit Memo Number

Enter the reason for crediting the by which the Transaction

Enter the credit percentage transaction is to be credited

Once this is complete the credit memo gets passed against the invoice and the invoice in the customer account gets adjusted.

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3.2 Passing credit note for multiple invoices of the customer

You can also pass a consolidated credit memo in the customer account and then apply it against multiple invoice of the customer. For this create a credit memo type of transaction. Once that is done query the transaction in the transaction summary window and then go to the applications window, there you will get the customer invoices in a list of value you can now select the invoices against, which the credit memo is to be applied. Enter the Credit Memo Transaction in same Transaction Work Bench

Navigation > Transactions > Transactions (Localized)

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Select the Customer and click on line Items.

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Select the Memo Line and enter the amount in negative.

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After Entering line level information complete the transaction.

Click on Actions

Click on applications

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Select the invoices to be credited

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Multiple invoices can be selected. Invoices can be adjusted at any time by querying the particular credit note and applying the balance to any particular transactions. Save the transaction.

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4 Entering Debit Note
Navigation: Transactions > Transactions (Localized)

Enter the header information and the class should be Debit Memo and select the respective Transaction Type.

Select the Description from memo line, enter the amount and save & complete the transaction. After completion it will update the customer balance.
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5 Entering Deposit transaction
5.1 Entering the Deposit Transaction

Navigation: Transactions > Transactions (Localized)

Select the class as Deposit and enter other required details.

Enter the amount and Select the Memo line and enter the description. Once Deposit is completed it will become available in the receipts like sales transaction and you can receive the same.
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5.2 Adjusting the Deposit with Sales Transaction Adjusting the deposit at the time of entering the Transaction Enter the normal Sales/Service Invoice and select the Deposit number in the Commitment Field. Once the commitment is attached the transaction amount automatically adjusted with deposit amount only the balance if any will be shown as outstanding.

Save the Transaction. Complete the transaction. You can see the details in the Balance Due Form.

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Adjusting the deposit after entering the Transaction Query the transaction in which you want to apply the deposit

Click on Actions > Apply Deposit

Save the transaction

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After applying the deposit requery the transaction

You can see how much applied to deposit in the detail window.
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6 Entering Collections from the Customer
Enter the receipt in receipt Workbench Navigation : Receipts : Receipts

Select the Payment Method, ie. The Bank in which you are going to deposit the collection. Enter the Cheque Number of customer in the Receipt Number. Select the Receipt Type as Standard. Enter Receipt Date, Receipt Amount and GL date will be by default Receipt Date. Select the Customer from whom the amount is received.

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| Select the Customer form the List of Values. After Selecting Customer Click on Application. After saving the Form the Receipt Number ie., Document will be automatically generated by the system. It will be in more Tab.

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Select the respective Sales invoices included in this Collection.

Ensure that Unapplied applied amount should be zero. If you are not sure about a particular Invoice Number to applied, then the balance amount can be taken to On account and once you get details then update it to the correct invoice.

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Now the status of Receipt is confirmed

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7 Remitting Collections to the Bank
Remitting the collections Navigation : Receipts : Remittance

Select the Bank, Branch, and Account Number and also select the Receipt Class, Payment Method and click on Manual Create.

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Select the View and Find All to query the receipts pending for remittance.
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Select the Receipts to be remitted and click on Approve.

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Now the Status is Started Approval. Again query the same batch.
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Now the Status is Completed Approval

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Now the Status of Receipts is Remitted and once it cleared in Cash Management then the status will be cleared.

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8 Entering miscellaneous receipt
Miscellaneous receipt can be entered in the system for which no invoices has been raised. The procedure is as explained below; Enter the Receipt Workbench Navigation: Receipts > Receipts

Select the Receipt Type as Miscellaneous Select the Payment Method, receipt date, GL Date, and enter the receipt number and amount.

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Select the receivable activity. Click on Distribution to view the account code combination of the credit. The receivable Activity will contain the account to be credited in this Receipt. New Receivable activities can be created in Setup> Receipts > Receivable Activities. Select the receivable activity for miscellaneous Transaction In this transaction the receivable activity for miscellaneous cash can be mapped to the GL account code, where the credit is to come. The accounting entry is Bank / Cash a/c Dr. Miscellaneous Income a/c Cr.

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Miscellaneous Receipts can be Negative and you can use for Bank Charges Payment.

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Optionally you can change the distribution account code combination.

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9 Reversing Receipts
Query the receipts that need to be reversed Navigation: Receipts > Receipts

Click on Reverse Button

Select the Category and Reason and click on Reverse Button.

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Now the status of receipts is reversed.

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10 Handling Fund Transfer/Cash Withdrawal
Enter miscellaneous Receipts and select respective Cash / Bank Payment Method Select Fund Transfer Receivable Activity which will default Fund Transfer / Contra Clearing and knocked off in General Ledger with Payable Entries.

Navigation: Receipts > Receipts

Receipt Number will be the Instrument Number of Receipt Select Receipt Type as Misc. Select the respective Cash / Bank in Payment Method. Select Fund Transfer Receivable Activity.

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The receivable Activity will credit the Contra / fund Transfer Clearing account.

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11 Bills Receivable Transactions
In order to create a bills receivable for any particular customer first, the sites Business purpose also should be assigned to Drawee. Steps in Bills Receivable Assigned Drawee in the Business purpose level of the Customer Site Create Bills Receivables Transaction Remitting the Bills Receivable Transaction Normally two type of Remittance one is Standard ie sending the bills for normal clearance and second one is Factoring ie. Remitting the Bills for Discounting. Running maturity and Risk Program Portfolio Management Restoring the eliminated Risk

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11.1 Creating Bills Receivable Transaction
Navigator: Bills Receivable> Transactions

Enter the Maturity Date of the Bills Select the BR Type and enter the Issue Date. Maturity Date should be on or after the Issue Date. Select the Customer Name and click on assignments

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Select the appropriate Invoices for which you want to convert in to bills

After saving the BR Transaction complete the same.

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Now the status of BR is Pending Remittance. 11.2 Remitting Bills Receivable Transaction Standard Remittance

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Select the Bills you want to remit and click on Action. Select Create and Approve for confirm the remittance.

Now status of the Remittance Batch is Started Approval and query the batch to see the completed approval.
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Now the status of the Remittance Batch is Completed Approval. 11.3 Portfolio Management You can see the Status of BR in the Port folio Management workbench.

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11.4 Maturity and Risk Programs On maturity date run this program. This will automatically create the receipt. After submitting the requests check the request manager for successful completion of request.

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You can check the status in the Portfolio manager.

Click the details to view the receipts.

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12 Remitting Bills Receivable Transaction Factored
The following bills are going to be discounted in the bank, so we need to select factored Remittance.

The Remittance Method should Factoring for discounted Bills

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Viewing the status in the Portfolio Management workbench.

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Incase bouncing of Bill you can restore the risk from Portfolio work bench.

After restoring you can also cancel the Bills Receivable transaction by clicking Cancel button. Once you cancel automatically Receivable transaction will be open.

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13 Collection Workbench
Collection workbench user to review the customer balance, ageing, Transaction balances and account overview of any customers. Navigation: Oracle Receivables > Collections > Account Details

Select the Open to see only open transaction or select null to see all the transactions and click on Find.

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It will list all the Open transactions, Original transaction amount, balance amount etc. You can see the transactions details from the same workbench.

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You can see aging the detail online.

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You can see the account details for the range of customer

You can see all the enquiries in this window.

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14 Tracking of C Form Issues
Generating Records for Sales Tax Forms Receipts Tracking Invoice Details required for receiving Sales Tax Forms would be generated by submitting India ST Forms Receipts Processing concurrent program. This request would check for all Sales Invoices that have Sales Tax with concessional Form applicability. The Invoice would be considered for Processing only if it was not processed earlier. Navigation: Oracle Receivables > Reports > Other

After submitting the request you can record/View the sales tax declaration submission information.

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Navigation : India Local Receivables > Customers > Receipt ST Forms Select the Supplier Name & Site and Form Type

To record the receipts of the forms select Issue/ Receive Forms.

Enter the Form Number, Fin Year, Form and Transaction Date and apportion the form amount to the respective Invoices and save the transaction.
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You can review the issued forms from the same screen by clicking the view Forms

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15 Customer Balance adjustment and Write off
To reduce the balance of customer you can optionally do the adjustment also. Prerequisites to do the adjustment are you need to have adjustment approval limit and Receivable activities with type of adjustment. Navigation: Transactions > Transactions (Localized) Query the Transaction you want to adjust and click on Action & Adjust

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Select the Activity (relevant account Code is attached) to do the adjustment. Select the type of Adjustment. If the enter balance amount of transaction is to be written off or adjusted then select the type as Invoice else you can select Line. Enter the Adjustment date and GL Date and save the transaction

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You can view the accounting entries of the adjustment. Click the Tools View Accounting from the Adjustment lines.

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16 Period Closing Procedure
Before running the AR Reconciliation Report Run Unapplied Receipts Register and review the report carefully. If you found any unapplied transaction then apply the transaction properly to the respective transaction. Still if you are not able to find out the correct transaction then transfer the unapplied amount to on account. To complete the closing process in Receivables: 1. Run Incomplete Invoices Report 2. Run the AR Reconciliation Report Report Parameter : GL Date Low GL Date High : Starting Date of the Month : End Date of the Month

3. Run the Transaction Register Parameter : GL Date Low GL Date High : Starting Date of the Month : End Date of the Month

Review the report, check the potable amount and tally with Reconciliation Report. 4. Run the Applied Receipts Register Report Parameter : GL Date Low GL Date High : Starting Date of the Month : End Date of the Month

Review the report and tally with Reconciliation Report. 5. Unapplied Receipts Register Parameter : GL Date Low GL Date High : Starting Date of the Month : End Date of the Month

Review the report and tally with Reconciliation Report. Normally there should not be any amount in the unapplied register. If you found any unapplied amount apply the amount to the transaction or transfer to on account if not possible to apply in the same month itself.

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6. Run the Adjustment Register Parameter : GL Date Low GL Date High : Starting Date of the Month : End Date of the Month

Review the report and tally with Reconciliation Report. If any other invoice exception etc. is there in the AR Reconciliation run and review those reports. 7. General Ledger Transfer 1. 2. 3. 4. Navigate to the Run General Ledger Interface window. Choose a Posting Detail as Summary/Detail. Enter the GL Posted Date last date of the month Enter the range of GL Dates for your submission. The dates must be closing month start date and end date. 5. Choose Run Journal Import to YES 6. Submit the request. After saving check the Request window and whether the reports are running properly and take the output printouts. 8. After following the above steps individually for all the Sites, then go to Control: Accounting: Open/Close Periods. Select Closed in the Status. Store the output of the above report for the further reference. Navigation : Interfaces: General Ledger The GL Transfer program has to be done for each and each and every operating unit and Period closing will be for a set of Book.

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After Submit check the request window and whether the entire requests are completing properly.

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Review the unposted Items Report to check whether all the transactions are posted to GL. In case of any unposted transaction, try to rectify the mistakes if any and then transfer the same to GL. If any unposted Item exists then the system will not allow you to close the period.

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Closing of Period Navigation: Control > Accounting > Open/Close Periods To open next Period click on Open Next Period.

To close a Particular Period select Closed from the list of values.

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Thank you

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