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Introduction children, and earning extra money for their

One of economics' most well-known
principles deals with demand and supply. In The other side of the coin, however,
a free market, prices are established by their reveals that street vending has its fair share of
interaction. If demand exceeds supply under significant disadvantages. According to
certain circumstances, the immediate result is Vupru and Choppy, social insecurity, health
a shortage, which drives prices higher. These issues, economic and working instability,
conditions encourage profit seekers to fill the discrimination, a lack of knowledge about
gap and produce the necessary items, thereby legal rights etc. are the key issues met by the
fixing the market flaw. Conversely, if supply street vendors.
exceeds demand, a surplus exists and prices
fall. These unseen market forces apply even In Ormoc City, street vendors are
in the workforce. Massive unemployment regarded by some pedestrians as “threats” to
happens if the quantity of potential workers the city’s aesthetics and “nuisances” to the
increases but demand remains steady, or walkway spaces of the city. Sidewalks in
worse, regresses. Ormoc City, have lost their sense from the
standpoint of the pedestrians. Apparently,
In the Philippines, the unemployment sidewalks should be an entrance point for
rate has remained high because of rapid individuals who sought to save time and
population growth and increased labor force avoid road traffic by walking. Instead, the
participation. This situation compelled sidewalks were turned into a makeshift
people to join the informal sector – a segment market. Pedestrians are forced to walk
of a country's economy that is not recognized sideways or walk on the road, exposing
as a normal source of income – to survive in themselves to greater danger and adding to
a competitive world. It includes street traffic jam.
vendors, market vendors, tricycle and
pedicab drivers, small construction workers, Moreover, several researchers
and home-based industries and services. determined that street vendors work in
Certainly, the informal sector plays a major difficult environments and confront daily
role in job creation, income generation, and impositions from all sides, including
production (Recchi, 2020). pedestrians, civic authorities’, and money
lenders. But despite this, not many academic
One of the most accessible ways for studies have focused on addressing the
the unemployed to earn money is through discrimination that vendors receive due to the
street vending: the selling of things to the informality of their employment. Hence, this
general public without having a permanent paper will attempt to understand the
built-up structure from which to do so, as it vulnerabilities of street vendors in Ormoc
requires minor capital, no training, no City, particularly with their status of
license, and, most significantly, the street conducting an unauthorized business. This
becomes their largest field. In fact, in paper will further examine the following: (i)
Malazarte’s research, it was discovered that experiences of discrimination and; (ii)
street vending has a crucial part in the policies and regulations of the LGU.
socioeconomic lives of street vendors in
Cebu City. Some of the benefits of street RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
vending include payment of rent and Research Design
household expenses, education of their
This study will use random sampling Additionally, concerned LGU personnel who
selection wherein each member of the occupy the positions of AA1
population is given an equal opportunity to Procurement/Purchasing, AA1-Record and
become part of the sample. It is the simplest Property and AA1 Cleanliness and Sanitation
form of probability sampling which is done Officer will also be asked about the current
using lottery or raffle method of determining implementations in their area of
the representative sample. It uses individual responsibility.
interviews for target participants: street
vendors, to get a comprehensive summary of Gathering Data
their difficulties, sentimentalities, and In order to conduct their research and
struggles in street vending. Additionally, a gather information about street vending in
schedule of interviews is being created for the Ormoc City Plaza and Ormoc City Public
employees of the Local Government Unit Market at Ebony St., District 2, Ormoc, 6541
who occupy the positions of Administrative Leyte, the researchers of this study will
Aide 1 Procurement/Purchasing, prepare a letter of consent to be given to the
Administrative Aide 1-Record and Property, LGU Personnel. The research adviser will
and Administrative Aide 1 Cleanliness and verify and approve the letter of consent in
Sanitation Officer. The key informants' advance. The researchers will only proceed
information will be recorded and organized with conducting their interviews if all sides
so that it will be presented in the most agree to the schedule and accept the letter of
pertinent way possible. The desired number consent that has been submitted to them. To
of respondents in this study is 60 street gather information about how street vending
vendors from the Ormoc City Public Market functions in Ormoc City Public Market, the
at Ebony St., District 2, Ormoc, 6541 Leyte, researchers will then visit the offices of the
as well as three (3) LGU employees will LGU employees who hold the positions of
participate in this survey as respondents. AA1 Procurement/Purchasing, handled by
Research Locale Mrs. Marites M. Laguitan, AA1- Record and
Property, handled by Mrs. Evelyn Escape,
The study shall be conducted within the city and AA1 Cleanliness and Sanitation Officer,
of Ormoc, specifically within the vicinity of handled by Mr. Romeo Daffon. These offices
Ormoc City Plaza and Ormoc City Public are located at Ebony St., District 2, Ormoc,
Market located at Ebony St., District 2, 6541 Leyte. The three (3) concerned LGU
Ormoc, 6541 Leyte. personnel as well as the desired 60 street
vendors who are selected through random
Research Instrument sampling are the participants of the study.
The population of the study include 60 There will be two types of respondents used
street vendors. The selection will follow no in this study. The first category includes
statistical method since the Local street vendors, who can be either men or
Government Unit where such respondents women. The total desired number of
belong has no data pertaining to their exact respondents within this category is 60. The
number. Instead, the researchers will visit the respondents will be interviewed individually.
sites where these vendors normally conduct The second group will be made up of three
their trade. In line with this, an unstructured (3) LGU personnel who are in charge of the
interview will be used to know the relevant public market in Ormoc City. The researchers
experiences of the participants at the Ormoc decide to interview three (3) employees to
City Plaza Ormoc City Public Market. fully analyze and get the data needed
regarding the conditions of the street vendors. crucial.
They will be interviewed to provide a better
understanding of the subject matter according
to the mandates of their office. Thus, the data Suharto's (2004) study in Indonesia's
that the researchers will gather will allow Bandung Metropolitan Region demonstrated
them to provide a detailed description of the that, while street vendors were found in a
dynamics and conditions of the street vendors variety of locales, their locations consistently
in Ormoc City Plaza and Ormoc City Public represented their reliance on economic
Market at Ebony St., District 2, Ormoc, 6541 activity located on, or influenced by, the
Leyte. street. Dewar and Watson (1990) emphasized
the sensitivity of market locations to
pedestrian traffic concentrations, and they
advocate an intervention policy that
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE recognizes that markets work best around
Nature of Street Vending public transportation terminals, commercial
districts, or other regions with substantial
Republic Act 8425 (1997), commonly pedestrian flows.
known as the Social Reform and Poverty
Alleviation Act, defined "Workers in the Issues Concerning the Informal Vendors and
informal sector” as poor individuals who the use of Streets
operate businesses that are very small in scale There are now two significant complications.
and are not registered with any national The first is how the presence of street vendors
government agency, and to the workers in affects traffic flow and pedestrian mobility.
such enterprises who sell their services in The flow of vehicles and pedestrians is
exchange for subsistence level wages or other slowed down, if not completely obstructed,
forms of compensation. by certain unorganized hawkers who occupy
According to Sekar (2010), the roadways. Another key problem is poor
street vendors constitute a significant environmental sanitation, mostly arising
component of the informal sector who rely on from littering of the streets and throwing
vending for a living. They have flexible away of garbage in open drains. Ynkson
vending hours, which ensures the city's Street Vending in the Philippines
economic viability and dynamism. It also
generates employment, which alleviates the A study by Mahar Mangahas found
difficulties associated with occupation. that 70% of the informal sectors of the
economy in the Philippines are engaged in
Locational Decisions of Street Vendors curbside vending and selling, 50% operate
Yankson's (2000) research of Accra variety stores, and 25% sell raw and cooked
discovered that a number of factors food.
influenced the operators' choice of sites. Furthermore, Bhowmik discovered in
Customers' attraction was regarded as the his research that in nearly all Asian countries,
most influential aspect in site selection. This including the Philippines, street vendors have
was followed by the unavailability of a no legal standing to conduct their business
suitable alternate location and the availability and are regularly hounded by the police
of an access road. The site assigned by the authorities. Nonetheless, they are popular
municipal administration was the least because they provide much-needed services
to the urban population that neither
municipalities nor larger retailing
establishments can supply. Ordinance No. 45 Series of 2007,
also known as an Ordinance
A qualitative research on street Requiring the Registration of
vendors in the Metro Manila region's Hawkers and Providing for the
Caloocan city area revealed that despite the Regularization Thereof and Other
prevalence of street sellers in urban areas, Purposes, was passed in the City
people still struggle with a number of related of Taguig in 2007 and was
problems. Three issues facing street sellers approved by the City
were discussed in this study: physical and Council. Hawkers, as defined by
spatial issues, socioeconomic issues, and the Bill, are traders who sell their
legal issues. Concerns about sellers slowing products on streets, sidewalks,
down traffic and pedestrian movement and other public spaces. The
through the streets were raised in relation to purpose of this ordinance is to
spatial difficulties. combat poverty and to improve
Legal Basis and Policies in Relation to Street the citizens' quality of lif. The
Vending legislation recognizes hawkers as
an essential factor of the City's
i. International economy, producing their own
job, providing affordable items to
India is the first nation to adopt a large number of consumers,
progressive, centralized assisting in the increase of local
legislation relating to street investments, and having the
vending. Several protections for ability to contribute significantly
livelihood, social security, and to local government budgets.
human rights are included in the
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