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It's OKAY to be di!erent and unique
Challenge Season 5 than others
Week 3
andywong31 (58) in #life • 5 years ago
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Steem Venezuela We live in a world where society has pretty much conditioned each and
every one of us to act and behave the same way as everyone else. Being
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di!erent and unique than others is either sco!ed at or frowned upon.
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Whenever you try to break away from the status quo, you are either labeled
as a mis"t or an outcast.
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Whatever happened to being a unique individual? Of doing what you want
to do with your life without being judged and ridiculed for being di!erent
than others? Society has pretty much killed the true essence of the word
'individuality' that they might as well scratch that word out from the

Because of this...

A lot of people have their dreams crushed without even starting because
people say they won't make it as it's a path less taken.

A lot of voices and ideas are never expressed for fear of being rejected and
made fun of by their peers.

A lot of people are 'forced' to do things they don't like just so they can '"t' in
with the group.

A lot of people are not actually living their own identity just to please

Well, I say enough of this!

They don't own our life! We're not robots that they can just program to
behave like others! We're not living in a dictatorship country! And we
certainly don't owe them anything!

It's OKAY to not have good grades and excel in class just like the rest of your

It's OKAY to have di!erent hobbies and interests than your friends because
everyone has their own thing.

It's OKAY to not work on a boring 9 to 5 job and instead, you work for
yourself because you want to be your own boss.

It's OKAY to not be married at 27 years old like the rest of your buddies
because they say it's the 'right' age to do so.

It's OKAY to speak your mind and express your opinion that others might
"nd weird and funny.

It's OKAY to be yourself.

Life is too short to be living our lives the way others want us to live it. We
certainly don't need anyone's 'permission' to do what we want. We only get
to live in this world once so might as well make the best of it. So at the end
of the day, don't be afraid to be yourself, seize the day and you do you.

Do you have anything to share about an experience in your life where you
didn't just 'follow the herd' but you did something di!erent instead?

I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.

If you "nd this piece useful, don't forget to upvote and resteem.

Follow me @andywong31

Image source:
All images courtesy of Pixabay

#motivation #inspiration #unique #di!erent

5 years ago in #life by andywong31 (58) Reply 7

$ 1.15 29 votes

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bripbrap (52) 5 years ago [-]

woah woah woah, you powered up big time!!! LOL

$ 0.05 1 vote Reply

bripbrap (52) 5 years ago [-]

that is better, rest a bit and find your strength, study and practice then try again.

$ 0.00 Reply

andywong31 (58) 5 years ago [-]

hehe its all i can a!ord at the moment.. i always believe in the future of steemit hence the investment.. ;)

$ 0.00 Reply

lorilikes (53) 5 years ago [-]

Wow such a great message. I am impressed.

$ 0.03 1 vote Reply

andywong31 (58) 5 years ago [-]

Thanks lorilikes! Appreciate the compliment

$ 0.00 Reply

stelmar (50) 5 years ago [-]

My thoughts whenever someone asks me how my life is interesting, nice work mate :)

$ 0.03 1 vote Reply

andywong31 (58) 5 years ago [-]

thanks for dropping by stelmar! :) glad you like this post.. :)

$ 0.00 Reply

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