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Name : Ma. Angela Kristine T. Valencia Course & Section: BSED 3-5

A. Matching Affective Targets and Affective Objectives

⚫ Identify specific affective targets.
⚫ Write one objective for each level of the affective taxonomy.

Level of Affective Objectives

Affective Target Specific Affective Receiving Respondi Valuing Organization Characterization
Target ng

Positive attitude Listen Obey Pursue Organize Internalize


Interest toward Art Attend Cooperate Accept Organize Verify


Moral Values Listen Discuss Defend Weight Internalize


Academic Self-Steem Develop Positive Develop Cooperate Pursue Display Verify

Academic Self-Esteem

Social Relationship Cooperation Accept Cooperate Devote Display Internalize

Classroom Environment Involvement Attend Cooperate Defend Weight Verify

B. Matching Affective Targets with the Assessment Tools

⚫ From activity A above, choose one (1) objective in any level.
⚫ Identify the level.
⚫ Determine the appropriate assessment method (teacher observation, self-reports: constructed-response, selected-response or peer
⚫ Specify the assessment tool (checklist, rating scale, semantic differential or sentence completion, etc.).

Affective Specific Affective Affective Learning Objective Level of the Assessment Assessment Tool
Target Target Affective Method

Attitude Positive Attitude The students to will listen to Receiving Structured teacher Checklist (Rating
toward learning the teacher observation Approach)

Interest Interest towards The student will attend her/ his Receiving Structured teacher Checklist (Frequency
Art Subject Art classes observation Approach)

Values Moral Values The student will defend his/her Valuing Student self-report Likerts Scale
own ideas about Moral Values

Academic Self- Develop Positive The student will cooperate to Responding Structured teacher Checklist (Rating
Steem self-esteem the teacher to improve self- observation Approach)

Social Cooperation The student will devote his/her Valuing Peer Rating Guess Who
Relationship effort to cooperative work Approach
Classroom Involvement The student will cooperate Responding Student self-report Semantic Differentia
Environment during class discussion

C. Construction of Assessment Tools


Checklist for Structured Observation of Positive Attitudes Towards Learning
Name: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________ Time: ______________
Behaviors Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

• Attend to class on time.

• Bring books and other essential things at
• Submits homeworks
• Participate actively in the discussion
• Interfere classmates work
• Help classmates that didn’t understand the
• Talk to seatmates too much
• Ask question to get more information
ATTACHMENT D. Checklist (Frequency Approach)
Checklist for Structured Observation of Interest toward Arts Subject
Name: ___________________________________________________________Date: _____________Time: ____________

Behaviors Frequency

• Asks teacher about the meaning of a certain artwork

• Talking to classmate with higher level of knowledge about arts.
• Express feeling about the class discussion
• Encourage classmates to be more artistic
• Reads book about arts

ATTACHMENT E. Rating Scale

Name: ___________________________________________________________Date: _____________Time: ____________

Direction: Use the scale below; rate how true the following as how important moral values are. Check the appropriate box.
3= Very true
2= Somewhat true
1= Not true
SCALE 1 2 3
1. Cheating during quizzes and exams are acceptable as long as you didn’t caught.
2. Everyone should respect one’s opinion inside or outside of classroom.
3. Talking to your seatmate during discussion shows respect for your teacher.
4. Saying thank you when you accept favor shows gratitude.
5. Telling your classmate the wrong information is acceptable because they also do the same

ATTACHMENT F. Rating Scale (Rating Approach)

Checklist for Structured Observation of Positive Academic Self-Esteem

Name: ___________________________________________________________Date: _____________Time: ____________


Think on the positive sides of things
Motivates others to do their assigned task
Believe in herself/himself and to others capabilities
Leads others to be productive
Do things that seems difficult


Guess-Who form for Assessing Students’ Cooperation

Name: ___________________________________________________________Date: _____________Time: ____________

Direction: Listed below are some descriptions about your classmates regarding who they are inside the classroom. Read the description
carefully and write the names of you classmate who best fit the description. Your choice will not be seen by other students. Give their first name
including their surname.
Write the names below each description

 Who is willing to help his/her classmate when they find thelesson difficult?
 Who is willing to share materials with the students’ who doesn’t have?
 Who enjoys leading during group activity?
 Who likes to frequently ask questions during discussion?
 Who is willing to share his/her ideas for a group project?

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