Diagnostic Examination - Competency Appraisal 1

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Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question thoroughly and carefully. Choice the BEST answer.

1. Which is not true about abnormal psychology?

a) It is concerned with describing the abnormal and then coming up with psychodiagnosis.
b) It is concerned with developing new theories about the relationship of behavior and mind.
c) It is concerned with explaining human nature using different theoretical perspectives.
d) It is concerned with the future outcome of abnormal behavior.

 I think letter C is the correct answer because Abnormal psychology talks about
psychopathology and abnormal behavior. In a sense, it focused on identifying and
treating mental illness or impairment of an individual. On the other hand, letter C is
concerned about human nature using theoretical perspectives – meaning it may relate
to an approach of understanding human nature it can be a psychodynamic perspective,
developmental or humanistic perspective.

2. Which of the following is true about the multicultural perspectives of abnormality?

a) All normal behaviors but not abnormal behaviors originate from a cultural context.
b) It is reflected in the two cultural perspectives for explaining abnormality: cultural universality, and
cultural relativism.
c) All behaviors, both normal and abnormal, originate from cultural context.
d) Biological origins of behavior are given more importance than interpersonal factors

 Letter A is true because in cultural context, people’s beliefs, values, and norms can
greatly affect an individual’s perspective in terms of his personal thoughts and ideas.

3. Which of the following is not true regarding the causation of PTSD?

a) Social Theory states that PTSD is caused by fears acquired from the brutality of social catastrophes.
b) The behavioral model proposes that conditioning and avoidance learning play roles in the acquisition
and maintenance of PTSD.
c) Biological explanations of PTSD explain that a permanent impact on the nervous system occurs after a
life-threatening experience.
d) Cognitive-behavioral approaches believe that PTSD is caused by negative, maladaptive, and
pessimistic thoughts.

 PTSD can be develop through an exposure to traumatic experience or after a prolonged

distressing event.

4. Maggie’s third prominent symptom is the fact that she laughs when there is no reason to laugh and
cries when there is no reason to cry. What is this symptom?

Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

a) Inappropriate affect
b) Flattened affect
c) Blunted affect
d) Stupor

 Inappropriate affect means an individual’s reaction doesn’t match to the situation.

5. Which of the following is not true regarding the neurostructural basis of Schizophrenia?

a) Decrease in size of amygdala

b) Enlargement of lateral and third ventricles
c) Decrease in size in lateral and third ventricles
d) Decrease in size of parahippocampal gyrus

6. This disorder involves the symptoms of paranoia, in which the individual is distressful, suspicious,
guarded, and vigilant toward other people.

a) Paranoid Personality Disorder

b) Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder
c) Narcissistic Personality Disorder
d) Defiant Personality Disorder

 Paranoid Personality Disorder is the correct answer because are people with PPD are
hyper vigilant, wanting to believe others are continuously attempting to humiliate,
harm, or jeopardize them.

7. People with this condition are very theatrical, extroverted and enjoy being the center of attention.
They are also typically flirtatious, seductive, and vain.

a) Paranoid Personality Disorder

b) Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder
c) Narcissistic Personality Disorder
d) Histrionic Personality Disorder

 People with HPP tend to  attract attention, they  frequently engage in dramatic or
inappropriate behavior. The main difference between NPP and HPP is that individuals
with NPD have an exaggerated sense of themselves and anticipate people to view them
the same way, whereas people with HPD want the permission and recognition of other
individuals without necessarily wanting to believe they are befitting of it.

8. People with this disorder rely excessively on other people, and so they lack the skills and abilities to
handle problems and life tasks on their own.

Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

a) Paranoid Personality Disorder
b) Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder
c) Dependent Personality Disorder
d) Histrionic Personality Disorder

 People with DPD frequently feel helpless, demure, or incapable of having compassion for
themselves. They may struggle with making simple decisions.

9. People from this cluster of personality disorders are avoidant of social relationships, peculiar but not

a) Cluster A
b) Cluster B
c) Cluster C
d) Cluster D

 Cluster A includes paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder and

schizotypal personality disorder.

10. Which statement is true regarding the causation of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

a) The Biological perspective claims that there is a neurotransmitter overproduction.

b) Behavioral theory claims that it originates from a traumatic event during childhood.
c) Ego Psychology says that it stems from an overuse of defense mechanisms.
d) Psychodynamic theory claims that they have unresolved conflicts around sexuality

11. Which statement is true about the causation of Borderline Personality Disorder?

a) There is usually significant neglect and abuse during childhood.

b) Social theory claims that they grew up financially dependent from a distant relative.
c) Psychodynamic theory believes that there was a disturbance in the individual’s early attachment
patterns with caregivers.
d) They grew up in a politically chaotic community.

 I think the answer is letter A it’s because BPD has the strongest link to childhood
trauma. Letter b is the most obvious wrong answer because anyone can grow up
financially dependent from a distant relative. BPD may be caused by a combination of
factors. Letter C believes that BPD is caused by disturbance in the individual’s early
attachment patterns with caregivers which is not true. Children who have attachment
issues tend to fall under some attachment disorders such as reactive attachment
disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder. Finally, letter D is not true
because any child can grow in a politically chaotic community which can’t cause BPD.

12. Which statement is not true regarding the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder?

a) Treatment of BDP is difficult and challenging.

b) It includes changing the neurotransmitter concentration in the nervous system.

Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

c) There is debate about whether to focus more on confrontational or supportive approaches.
d) Most clinicians believe that therapy should focus on helping the client become more emotionally
stable and predictable.

 There’s no medication to treat BPD however, some doctors might give a patient some
medicine to treat some symptoms of other mental illness such as anxiety and
depression. Letter B is the answer. Although many people with BPD have something
wrong with the neurotransmitters in their brain, changing the neurotransmitter
concentration in the nervous system requires another

13. Kelly does not trust any person in her life. She is always vigilant and suspicious about the actions of
other people. She also often blames others for her own faults and shortcomings. What PD does Kelly
possibly have?

a) Dependent Personality Disorder

b) Schizotypal Personality Disorder
c) Paranoid Personality Disorder
d) Avoidant Personality Disorder

14. For the past 6 and a half months, Melinda has been hearing voices inside her head almost all day
every day. She also claims that ancestors from another galaxy are on their way to fetch her soon and
that she must be ready for a long travel ahead. What disorder does Melinda possibly have?

a) Schizoid
b) Schizophrenia
c) Schizophreniform
d) Schizotypal

15. In this condition there is physical malfunction without any physical or organic pathology, and it can
be accompanied by la belle indifference.

a) Conversion Disorder
b) Psychosomatic condition
c) Somatization disorder
d) Pain disorder

 The answer is letter A. Conversion disorder a condition in which a person has blindness,
paralysis, or other neurological symptoms that cannot be explained solely by a physical
illness or injury. Psychosomatic symptom is a psychological condition involving the
occurrence of physical symptoms, usually lacking a medical explanation.

Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

16. The predominant disturbance in this disorder is sudden unexpected travel away from home or one's
customary place of work with inability to recall one's past.

a) Dissociative Amnesia
b) Dissociative Fugue
c) Dissociative Identity Disorder
d) Depersonalization Disorder

 Dissociative fugue is a temporary state in which a person experiences memory loss

(amnesia) and finds themselves in an unexpected location. People suffering from this
symptom are unable to recall their identity or details about their past. Abuse or
participation in military combat are two examples. People with DA may not remember
information related to this traumatic period. One example is a victim of abuse who is
unable to recall details or information from the time the abuse occurred. Dissociative
amnesia is a complete memory loss. Although DID is caused by past trauma, a person
with DID may have multiple distinct personalities that can cause memory loss, delusions
and depression.

17. The predominant disturbance in this disorder is persistent or recurrent experiences of feeling
detached from, and as if one is an outside observer of one's mental processes or body.

a) Dissociative Amnesia
b) Dissociative Fugue
c) Dissociative Identity Disorder
d) Depersonalization Disorder

18. Which statement is true regarding the role of serotonin in Schizophrenia?

a) Elevated levels of serotonin contribute to the emergence of negative, but not positive, symptoms of
b) Elevated levels of serotonin contributes to the emergence of both negative and positive symptoms
of schizophrenia.
c) Decreased levels of serotonin contributes to the emergence of negative, but not positive, symptoms
of schizophrenia.
d) Decreased levels of serotonin contributes to the emergence of both negative and positive symptoms
of schizophrenia.

19. Gina is a 6-year-old boy who was observed to have no eye contact when being talked to. In fact he is
still not able to utter clear words at his age. He also has interesting preoccupations with the keyboards
of laptops playing with them for hours sometimes. What possible disorder does Lordy have?

b) Phonological Disorder
c) Autistic Disorder
d) Dementia

Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

20. What is true regarding the difference between Autistic Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome?

a) There are psychotic symptoms in Autistic Disorder but there is none in Asperger’s Syndrome.
b) There is language delay in Autistic Disorder but there is none in Asperger’s Syndrome.
c) There is impairment in social function in Autistic Disorder but there is none in Asperger’s Syndrome

 Most children with Asperger's syndrome have good language skills but may have
difficulty "fitting in" with their peers. They may have felt uneasy or awkward, but their
language skills were present. Children with autism, on the other hand, frequently
struggle with speech and communication. They may have difficulties comprehending
what others are trying to say to them, or they may be unable to pick up on nonverbal
cues such as hand gestures and facial expressions.

21. George does not like social interactions with anyone. He likes doing things alone and he also seems
to show no emotion. He also does not enjoy any activity or hobby. What PD does George possibly have?
a) Dependent Personality Disorder
b) Schizotypal Personality Disorder
c) Schizoid Personality Disorder
d) Avoidant Personality Disorder
 In social situations, people with schizoid personality disorder rarely react (for example,
by smiling or nodding) or show emotion. Even when provoked, they have difficulty
expressing their anger. They do not respond appropriately to major life events and may
appear passive in the face of changes in circumstances.
 DPD They will be submissive if necessary to avoid being abandoned.
 People with STPD have distorted views of reality, superstitions and unusual behaviors.
Their relationships are usually hindered by their symptoms
 People with avoidant personality disorder experience persistent feelings of unworthiness
and are extremely sensitive to negative judgment from others.

22. Which of the following is not true regarding the causation or age of onset of OCD?

a) Cognitive-behavioral theory explains that OCD is a learned association between anxiety causing
thoughts and the anxiety-relieving acts.
b) Strong evidence supports a biological explanation of the disorder, associating it to an excess of
c) OCD is found to be due to an excessive usage of one’s executive functions at a very early age.
d) The onset of the disorder is usually during childhood or adolescence.

 In CBT, The therapist gradually exposes the person to situations that trigger his or her
obsessions and compulsions during these sessions. Over time, the person learns to
respond differently to these triggers, resulting in a decrease in the frequency and
intensity of compulsions and obsessions.

Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

23. It is characterized by developmentally inappropriate and excessive anxiety concerning separation
from home or from those to whom the child is attached.

a) Social Anxiety Disorder

b) Separation Anxiety Disorder
c) Selective Anxiety Disorder
d) Selective Mutism

 SAD people with this disorder have difficulty conversing with others, meeting new
people, and attending social gatherings. They are concerned about being judged or
scrutinized by others.
 A person suffering from separation anxiety disorder is excessively afraid or anxious
about being separated from those to whom he or she is attached.

24. It is characterized by a consistent failure to speak in specific social situations despite speaking in
other situations.

a) Social Anxiety Disorder

b) Separation Anxiety Disorder
c) Selective Anxiety Disorder
d) Selective Mutism

 Selective mutism is a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in

certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they do not see
very often.
 Walang selective anxiety disorder lols

25. This disorder may be manifested by marked delays in achieving motor milestones, dropping things,
clumsiness, poor performance in sports, or poor handwriting.

a) Motor Skills Disorder

b) Motor Ability Disorder
c) Mental Retardation
d) Separation Retardation

 Motor skills disorder is characterized by a developmental delay in movement and

posture, leaving children with coordination that is significantly lower than that of others
their age and intelligence level.
 Walang motor ability disorder
 Mental retardation is defined by below-average intelligence or mental ability as well as
a lack of skills required for daily living. People with intellectual disabilities can and do
learn new skills, albeit at a slower pace.
 Walang separation retardation

Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

26. This condition is characterized by the presence of a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological
symptoms indicating the individual’s continuous use of the substance despite significant substance-
related problems.

a) Substance intoxication
b) Substance Withdrawal
c) Substance Dependence
d) Substance Use

 The sentence does not refer to intoxication or withdrawal symptoms, but rather to the
substance's use. However, it also mentioned continued use of the substance despite
significant substance-related problems, implying that even though there was already a
negative effect, the individual continued to use the substance, implying a dependent

27. Kevin has recently stopped drinking alcohol like he used to. However he has worsen is very anxious
at the same time that he is vomiting often and having difficulty falling asleep. What is the possible
condition that Kevin has?

a) Alcohol Intoxication
b) Alcohol Dependence
c) Alcohol Abuse
d) Alcohol Withdrawal

28. This is the type of amnesia wherein the person cannot remember past events.

a) Retrograde amnesia
b) Anterograde amnesia
c) Organic Amnesia
d) Apraxia

29. Robert, a67- year-old male patient, was recently diagnosed with dementia. What specific feature of
his case indicates that it is a vascular dementia?

a) Amnesia
b) Agnosia
c) His age
d) Weakness in his arms

30. Which is not known as a neurostructural basis of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

a) Enlarged frontal lobe
b) Flattened cortical sulci
c) Enlarged cerebral ventricles
d) Diffuse atrophy in parietal and temporal lobes

Prepared by: Mr. Hans Christian F. Delos Reyes, RPm, MP

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