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Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215

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Valorización sostenible de los subproductos del mar: Recuperación del colágeno y desarrollo de
nuevos ingredientes alimentarios funcionales a base de colágeno
Sustainable valorisation of seafood by-products: Recovery of collagen
and development of collagen-based novel functional food ingredients
Gaurav Kumar Pal, P.V. Suresh ⁎
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Meat and Marine Sciences Department, CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru 570020, India

Ecosistema marino; reserva sin explotar de compuestos bioactivos, que tienen un potencial
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a cpara
considerable t suministrar nuevos ingredientes para el desarrollo de productos alimenticios
funcionales comerciales.
Article history: Aquatic, especially marine ecosystem is still an untapped reservoir of bioactive compounds, which have consid-
Received 30 October 2015 erable potential to supply novel ingredients towards the development of commercial functional food products.
Received in revised form 8 March 2016 Seafood products are an important part of the diet in many nations. Moreover, as a source of protein, seafood
Accepted 30 March 2016
plays a significant role as functional components that are essential to human health. In industry or local seafood
Available online 9 April 2016
shops, processing of seafood generates a huge quantity (50–80%) of nonedible by-products, which are discarded
as waste or underutilised in several parts of the world. These seafood processing by-products are rich sources of
Seafood various novel and valuable biomolecules such as collagen and gelatin. In this review, scope of seafood by-
By-products products has been explored to recover the realistic collagen. The sustainable valorisation of seafood by-
Collagen products may lead towards the development of healthy and functional food ingredients/products. Furthermore,
Collagen hydrolysates the significant challenges towards the development of collagen-based functional food ingredients are also
Bioactive peptides discussed.
Functional food ingredients Industrial relevance: With the increasing amount of seafood processing by-products worldwide, the recent trend
towards the utilisation of collagen and their derived biomaterials to develop the various functional food and bev-
erages is gaining momentum. Seafood processing by-products are a rich source of bioactive collagen molecules
with potential nutraceutical/functional properties. Seafood processing industries are constantly trying to maxi-
mum utilisation of seafood by-products.
This review article puts forward an alternative use of seafood processing by-products which may help to acceler-
ate their business with significant benefits. The collagen-based novel functional food ingredient contains a nutri-
tional benefit, such as essential and non-essential amino acid to improve the quality of different food products. It
can also be used as natural antioxidants and texturing agents that will reduce the utilisation of chemical preser-
vatives and may be able to fulfil the consumer demands for safe and green food products.
In addition, the current status, challenges and the future directions in the development of seafood derived colla-
gen peptides as functional ingredients is also discussed. This review suggests a biological solution for the disposal
of the seafood processing by-products that creates an environmental pollution issues. This article reveals the op-
portunity to utilise the seafood by-products for the development of high value-added collagen-based functional
food ingredients.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction trade (Shahidi & Ambigaipalan, 2015; FAO, 2014, 2015; Menon & Lele,
2015; Watson et al., 2015).
According to food and agriculture organisation (FAO), the term sea- According to FAO, more than 158 million tons (MT) of seafood were
food includes a group of diverse edible animals consisting of freshwater landed by capture fisheries or produced by aquaculture in 2012 of
fish, molluscan, shellfish, crustaceans, saltwater finfish, and other forms which about 136 MT (81%) were used for direct human consumption
of aquatic animal life. Marine animals (such as frogs and turtles) and ed- (FAO, 2014). A large quantity of seafood harvested is processed in a dif-
ible seaweeds, which are served as food are also considered as seafood ferent way throughout the world owing to its highly perishable nature,
all over the world (FAO, 2015; Suresh, Nidheesh, & Pal, 2015). The sea- export potential, and demand for processed and ready-to-eat seafood
food (by capture fisheries and aquaculture) and its derived products are products (Suresh & Prabhu, 2013). In general, seafood processing re-
the most traded food commodities for global food security and food covers only 20–50% as edible portions and the remaining parts (80–
50%) are discarded as “nonedible” by-products /co-products/leftover
⁎ Corresponding author.
raw materials, with an average of 20 MT globally (Suresh & Prabhu,
E-mail addresses: (G.K. Pal),, 2013; Pangestuti & Kim, 2014). These seafood by-products are rich (P.V. Suresh). sources of various valuable components including collagen and gelatin,
1466-8564/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
202 G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215

protein and peptides, oil and lipids, chitin, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, oxidation processes. Meat shelf-life can be extended with the applica-
pigments, and flavours (Suresh & Prabhu, 2013; Pangestuti & Kim, 2014; tion of a surface coating of collagen (Antoniewski & Barringer, 2010).
Menon & Lele, 2015). However, a large quantity of non-edible by- Globally, the major ongoing research is addressed to improve the man-
products generated by the industrial processing of seafood is wasted agement of seafood by-products in terms of searching new bioactive
or underutilised in many parts of the world. Disposal of seafood by- collagen-based compounds and developing the new technologies that
products may be a costly process in some countries (e.g., in Australia allow a more cost-effective utilisation (Pangestuti & Kim, 2014;
up to US$150 per tons) (Yan & Chen, 2015). With recent developments Tahergorabi & Jaczynski, 2014).
in the biotechnology, there is a vast scope to make better utilisation of
seafood by-products as viable sources for nutraceuticals and other func- 3. Seafood by-products as potential source of collagen
tional ingredients for food and nutrition. The importance of seafood de-
rived functional foods, and functional ingredients have been well There is a huge controversy to define the seafood ‘non-edible’ mate-
documented to improve/enhance the quality of life and reduce health rials leftover after processing. Offal, viscera, waste and by-product terms
care costs (Plaza, Cifuentes, & Ibáñez, 2008; Shahidi, 2009). are frequently and interchangeably used in the seafood industry and sci-
This review focuses on the recovery of seafood-derived bioactive entific literature to describe the same resources. Therefore, to overcome
collagen and collagen peptides/hydrolysates reported from seafood the negative connotation and misleading, the seafood materials cannot
(both finfish and shellfish) and their processing by-products. Current be used for any application and should be disposed of is called as ‘offal’
methods for the extraction, characterisation and purification of or ‘waste’. However, by-products and co-products term suggest that
seafood-derived bioactive collagen and their peptides will be outlined. there may be some high-value components to be recovered if treated
Furthermore, most relevant existing knowledge of the collagen-based properly (Tahergorabi & Jaczynski, 2014).
functional food and realistic challenges towards the development of Collagen is the most abundant structural protein found in skin and
collagen-based functional food ingredients are briefly discussed. bones of all animals and constitutes ~30% of the total protein content.
Collagen is formed as a unique triple helix by three almost identical
2. Need of functional food ingredients from seafood by-products polypeptide amino acids chains. Collagen is the product of an almost
continuous repeating of the Gly-X-Y-sequence, where X is mostly pro-
The sense of happiness and good health maintenance are top prior- line and Y is hydroxyproline. Presently, genetically distinct 29 types of
ities for people all over the world. Food and its components may play a collagen (type I-XXIX) with right-handed triple helical conformation
dynamic role to achieve these needs. The development and utilisation of have been identified in animal tissue that differs considerably in its
seafood by-products as functional food ingredients have been accelerat- amino acid composition, sequence, structural and functional properties,
ed with growing health benefits knowledge of seafood diet/products more likely associated with specific genetic variants (Pal et al., 2015;
(Pangestuti & Kim, 2014). In recent years, the consumer interest in the Gómez-Guillén, Giménez, López-Caballero, & Montero, 2011). Collagen
relationship between seafood diet and health has increased significant- and hydrolysed form of collagen (gelatin) are presently used in various
ly. Seafood by-products can be consumed as a portion of food for human sectors such as food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, tissue engineering and
health maintenance (Menon & Lele, 2015). In developed countries, diets biomedical (Fig. 2) (Gómez-Guillén et al., 2011; Liang et al., 2014a;
are highly caloric, rich in the saturated fats and sugars. However, the Menon & Lele, 2015; Pangestuti & Kim, 2014; Pal et al., 2015). Currently,
consumption of complex carbohydrates and dietetic fibre is very low. the primary sources of commercial collagen are the skin, bones and
As well as, a decrease in physical exercise has given rise in an increase hides of land-based animals (bovine and porcine). In recent decades,
of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and hypertension problems (Plaza the production of land-based animal's collagen has been decreased in
et al., 2008). The seafood derived functional food ingredients may create part due to the concerns about outbreaks of bovine spongiform enceph-
a positive contribution to health and well-being. These days consumers alopathy (BSE), foot mouth disease (FMD) and other prions disease. In
preferred the foods that have a significant potential to improve health, addition, use of mammalian collagen is a hurdle in the development of
increase longevity, reduce the risk, or delay of the diseases (Harnedy kosher and halal products due to some religious factors (Wang et al.,
& FitzGerald, 2012). Consumption of seafood helps to protect against 2014a). Seafood by-products contain a remarkable amount of skin,
these lifestyle diseases that pose health challenges globally. The clinical scale, fins, bone, swim bladder, which have been recognised as a poten-
trials evidence support the health benefits of seafood and their products tial source of collagen and other biomaterials (Suresh & Prabhu, 2013;
consumption is mainly derived from epidemiological studies (Hu et al., Pal et al., 2015) (Fig. 1). The production of collagen from seafood by-
2002; Lavie, Milani, Mehra, & Ventura, 2009; Mozaffarian & Rimm, product is expected to attract the interest of the industry as a natural al-
2006). ternative source (Pal et al., 2015; Regenstein & Zhou, 2007;
Seafood by-product represents a leading valuable resource of bioac- Gómez-Guillén et al., 2011). Seafood derived collagens are grouped
tive materials. The seafood derived products have significant potential into three types: fish collagens, collagens of invertebrate origin (jelly-
for various applications in food and health sectors such as bioactive fish, sponges, mollusks), and marine mammal collagens (Ehrlich, 2015).
compounds, nutraceuticals, natural food additives, biodegradable pack- Further, collagen is the raw material for the preparation of gelatin.
aging, medicinal drugs, and as encapsulation materials (Menon & Lele, Gelatin is a heterogeneous mixture of water-soluble high molecular
2015). Bioactive substances such as collagen, gelatin, chitosan and weight protein that does not have existence in nature. Gelatin is the par-
their derived products from seafood by-products have been used in var- tially hydrolysed form of collagen. They are derived from the parent
ious biotechnological, nutritional, pharmaceutical, biomedical and other protein collagen. For the production of gelatin, the polypeptide chains
applications including food, cosmetics, drug delivery, and tissue engi- of collagen triple helix structure cross-linking are disrupted using a min-
neering (Pal, Nidheesh, & Suresh, 2015; Suresh et al., 2015; Nidheesh, imal level of polypeptide bond breakage. Heat denaturation efficiently
Kumar, & Suresh, 2015; Nidheesh, Pal, & Suresh, 2015). Seafood derived converts the high-value collagen into gelatin. Gelatin is an important in-
collagens are suitable and outstanding as ingredients of functional food dustrial biopolymer possesses the functional characteristics and gelling
due to their nutritive (presence of essential and non-essential amino properties including encapsulating, colloid stabilisation, crystallisation,
acids) and functional properties. In food legislations, there is no restric- thickening, whipping, water holding, film formation, texture enhancer
tion on the amount of collagen usage in food items. To complete the ad- and emulsification that make it useful for their potential application in
equate nutritionally, and well-balanced diets, functional foods with food, pharmaceutical, and other allied sectors (Regenstein & Zhou,
seafood collagen can be consumed to fulfil the collagen need (Bilek & 2007; Karim & Bhat, 2009; Kim, Mendis & Shahidi, 2007; Pangestuti &
Bayram, 2015; Pal et al., 2015). The antioxidant activity of collagen Kim, 2014). Seafood derived gelatin releases a kind of aroma, flavour
can improve the oxidative stability of food products by preventing and shows higher digestibility compare to animal gelatin. The functional
G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215 203



Vejiga natatoria
Fig. 1. Major seafood processing by-products sources for collagen extraction.

and biochemical properties of seafood derived gelatin are similar to an- Calcium or other inorganic materials were also found in bone and
imal gelatin (Regenstein & Zhou, 2007; Karim & Bhat, 2009; scale of the seafood species (Regenstein & Zhou, 2007). Alkaline pre-
Gómez-Guillén et al., 2011; Pangestuti & Kim, 2014). treatment with 0.1 M NaOH is a widely used method to remove the
noncollagenous proteins and pigments from the seafood by-products
4. Methods used for collagen extraction (Pal et al., 2015; Benjakul, Nalinanon, & Shahidi, 2012). The raw mate-
rials can be effectively demineralised to remove calcium or other inor-
Collagen extraction from seafood sources consists of two main steps, ganic materials using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
viz. pre-treatment of raw materials and extraction of collagen. Raw ma- (Benjakul et al., 2012; Regenstein & Zhou, 2007). Finally, the seafood
terials have been prepared by various steps such as cleaning, size reduc- raw materials devoid of non-collagenous proteins and minerals can be
tion, and pre-treatment, subsequent to extraction. The cleaning and size defatted with butyl alcohol treatment. Flow chart for the preparation
reduction of raw material is performed to facilitate the contaminant re- and pre-treatment of seafood raw materials are shown in Fig. 3.
moval and maximum collagen extraction. Before pre-treatments, the There are a number of methods reported for collagen extraction.
raw materials are separated from the group of different by-product ma- Based on the difference in extraction processes, collagen can be divided
terials such as skin, scale, bone, and swim bladder. The pre-treatment of into salt-soluble collagen (SSC), acid soluble collagen (ASC), pepsin sol-
seafood by-products might be applied before extraction of the collagen uble collagen (PSC) and ultrasound assist collagen (UAC) (Fig. 4). The
to remove impurities as well as to increase the quality of the final ex- extraction yield and properties of collagen are directly affected by the
tracted collagen. Commonly, the raw material used for collagen prepa- collagen extraction method. Therefore, all procedures must be per-
ration contains non-collagenous proteins, lipids, pigments, and so on. formed at low temperature (~4 °C) to avoid the degradation of collagen

Fig. 2. Potential applications of the seafood derived collagen in various sectors.

204 G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215

Fig. 4. Methods used for extraction of seafood derived collagen and their partial

repulsion among tropocollagen can be achieved which may be lead to

Fig. 3. Outline of a process for pre-treatment of seafood processing by-products. the increased solubilisation. Extraction of collagen from different sea-
food species has been successfully achieved using acetic acid (Liang
et al., 2014a, 2014b; Pal et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2014a, 2014b,
2014c). In addition to acetic acid, collagen can also be isolated with
(Regenstein & Zhou, 2007). The conditions used by several research other organic acids such as chloroacetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid or in-
groups for the extraction of collagen using salt, acid, enzyme and ultra- organic acid such as hydrochloric acid (Benjakul et al., 2012; Regenstein
sound from different sources are summarised in Table 1. & Zhou, 2007).
Various researchers reported the isolation/extraction of collagen
4.1. Salt solubilisation extraction using acetic acid from seafood derived by-products such as skin (Pal
et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2014a, 2014b, 2014c), scales (Chuaychan,
Collagen from seafood sources can be extracted using NaCl solution, Benjakul, & Kishimura, 2015; Matmaroh, Benjakul, Prodpran,
and the resultant collagen was referred as salt-solubilised collagen Encarnacion, & Kishimura, 2011), swim bladder (Wu et al., 2015), carti-
(SSC). However, the salt solubilisation method has been rarely used lage (Liang et al., 2014a, 2014b), bone (Duan, Zhang, Du, Yao, & Konno,
for collagen extraction. Extraction of SSC from skin and cartilage of 2009), fins (Mahboob, 2015), skeletal and head bone (Jeevithan, Wu,
Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii) have reported using 0.45 M NaCl Nanping, Lan, & Bao, 2014) etc. Some authors reported that yield of ex-
at the ratio of 1:100 (w/v) for 24 h with continuous gentle stirring tracted collagen depends on the several factors such as species, age and
(Liang et al., 2014b; Wang et al., 2014b). parameters used for the extraction include acid concentration, the ratio
of acid solution and raw materials, extraction temperature and time
4.2. Acid solubilisation extraction (Regenstein & Zhou, 2007; Pal et al., 2015). The seafood derived collagen
extraction was usually achieved at 4 °C for 24–48 h. Although an in-
The acid solubilisation method has been extensively used for the col- crease in concentration and proportion of acid, as well as extraction
lagen extraction from different seafood by-products. The collagen from temperature and time, can offer a higher yield of collagen. It may not
seafood by-products can be extracted using an acidic solution (most be desirable due to collagen degradation (Regenstein & Zhou, 2007;
commonly 0.5 M acetic acid), and the resultant collagen was referred Pal et al., 2015). Benjakul et al. (2012) stated that several sequential ex-
as acid-soluble collagen (ASC). In acidic conditions, collagen molecules tractions of collagen give better ASC yield as compared to extending the
have the dominance of positive charge. Therefore, the enhanced extraction time.
G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215 205

Table 1 2015; Jeevithan, Wu, Nanping, Lan, & Bao, 2014; Veeruraj,
Extraction conditions and yield of seafood derived collagens at low temperature (4 °C). Arumugam, & Balasubramanian, 2013; Tamilmozhi, Veeruraj, &
Raw materials Method Time Yield References Arumugam, 2013).
(h) (%) The extraction of collagen with the aid of limited amount of enzyme
Amur sturgeon cartilage SSC 24 × 5 2.18 Liang et al. (2014a, 2014b) (pepsin) is a potential method for several reasons: a) pepsin can hydro-
ASC 24 × 2 27.04 lyse the noncollagenous proteins, and the noncollagenous proteins hy-
PSC 48 55.92 drolysate can be easily removed using the salt precipitation and
Amur sturgeon Skin SSC 24 × 6 4.55 Wang et al. (2014a, 2014b,
dialysis to improve the purity of collagen; b) hydrolyse the telopeptides
ASC 24 × 2 37.42 2014c)
PSC 48 52.80 of the collagen to make it readily solubilise in the acid solution that may
Catla Skin ASC 72 63.40 Pal et al. (2015) be resulting in improvement of the extraction efficiency; c) pepsin di-
PSC 48 69.53 gestion may reduce the antigenicity caused by telopeptide in the colla-
Rohu Skin ASC 72 46.13 gen that serve a significant problem in food and pharmaceutical
PSC 48 64.94
Seabass scales ASC 48 0.38 Chuaychan et al. (2015)
applications (Duan, Zhang, Du, Yao, & Konno, 2009; Matmaroh,
PSC 48 1.06 Benjakul, Prodpran, Encarnacion, & Kishimura, 2011; Benjakul et al.,
Spotted golden ASC 48 0.46 Matmaroh et al. (2011) 2012; Wang et al., 2014a, 2014b, 2014c).
goatfish scale PSC 48 1.20
Carp skin ASC 72 41.3 Duan et al. (2009)
4.4. Ultrasound-assisted extraction
Carp scales ASC 96 1.35
Carp bone ASC 72 1.06
Catla skin ASC 24 5.8 ⁎Mahboob (2015) Ultrasonic treatments (20 kHz with amplitude of 20–80%) have used
PSC 48 7.2 to improve the yield of collagen from seafood by-products by few re-
Catla scales ASC 24 3.9 search groups (Kim, Kim, Park, & Lee, 2013; Ran & Wang, 2014; Yang,
PSC 48 5.6
Guo, Yu, & Li, 2013). In an ultrasound-assisted extraction process, pre-
Catla fins ASC 24 6.7
PSC 48 8.8 treated seafood by-product samples were soaked in acetic acid for
Mrigala skin ASC 24 4.7 12 h. Subsequently, the collagen was extracted using an ultrasonic pro-
PSC 48 6.5 cessor for ultrasonic treatment. It was reported that the yield of collagen
Mrigala scales ASC 24 3.2
depends on the amplitudes and duration of ultrasonic treatment. Kim,
PSC 48 5.1
Mrigala fins ASC 24 5.7
Kim, Park, and Lee (2013) reported improved yields of collagen from
PSC 48 7.7 sea bass skin as compared with the traditional extraction process. Fur-
Silvertip shark skeletal PSC 96 – Jeevithan et al. (2014) ther, it was reported that there were no changes in the main compo-
and head bone nents of collagen after the ultrasonic treatment. Therefore, the
Marine eel-fish skin PSC 72 80 Veeruraj et al. (2013)
ultrasonic-assisted method could offer promising practical applications
Sailfish skin ASC 72 5.76 Tamilmozhi et al. (2013)
PSC 72 2.11 in the industrial production of collagen (Kim et al., 2013; Ran & Wang,
Grass Carp skin ASC 72 25.5 Wang et al. (2014a, 2014b, 2014; Yang, Guo, Yu, & Li, 2013). More details of ultrasound-assisted ex-
PSC 72 19.8 2014c) traction are described in Section 9.
Grass Carp scale ASC 72 16.7
PSC 72 16.1
Grass Carp bone ASC 72 0.7
5. Recovery of seafood derived collagen
PSC 72 3.5
Seabass skins UAC 24 17.97 Kim et al. (2013) After extraction process, the collagen is usually recovered using the
Cattle tendon UAC 48 2.4 Ran and Wang (2014) salt precipitation, centrifugation, dialysis, and freeze-drying. Generally,
UPAC 45 2.7
collagen solution is precipitated using 2.6 M NaCl in the presence of
Yak bovine tendons UAC 24 31.04 Yang, Guo, Yu, and Li (2013)
tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane at pH 7.5. The NaCl concentrations
ASC = Acid soluble collagen; PSC = Pepsin soluble collagen; UAC = Ultrasound assist col-
used for collagen precipitation can be adjusted to maximise the collagen
lagen extraction; UPAC = Ultrasound-pepsin assist collagen extraction.
⁎ Wet weight basis. recovery and removal of impurities. Centrifugation (usually 10,000–
20,000 rpm; 4 °C; 60 min) is used to collect the precipitated collagen.
The resultant precipitate is dissolved in a minimal volume of acetic
4.3. Enzymatic solubilisation extraction acid with prior to dialysis against distilled water. The dialysate is finally
freeze-dried, and the obtain collagen powder was stored at 4 °C (Pal
Traditionally, collagen is extracted using an acidic (acetic acid) et al., 2015; Benjakul et al., 2012).
solution without the aid of an enzyme. However, the collagens
from the by-products of seafood species were not entirely dissolved 6. Physiochemical characteristics of seafood derived collagen
in acetic acid solution (Liang et al., 2014a, 2014b; Wang et al., 2014a,
2014b, 2014c; Pal et al., 2015). Due to the lower yield of extracted Collagens from different seafood sources have varying properties,
collagen obtained from the acidic process, the enzymatic extraction especially thermal denaturation susceptibility and cleavage by animal,
process has been developed to maximise the collagen yield, and re- plant and microbial proteases. It may affect the seafood derived colla-
sultant extracted collagen is called as enzymatically extracted colla- gens properties that directly affected collagen applications in food and
gen. Various enzymes such as trypsin, pepsin, and collagenase have other allied sectors (Pal et al., 2015). Collagen from the scale and bone
been used to maximise the yield of collagen (Benjakul et al., 2012; of seafood species showed the almost similar characteristics. Most of
Regenstein & Zhou, 2007). Pepsin is most widely used enzyme in the collagens reported from seafood by-products are types I collagen
the extraction of collagen from seafood derived materials. Pepsin and type V also reported in minor quantity based on its electrophoretic
can be used either in combination with an acetic acid or alone after mobility (Benjakul et al., 2012). Duan et al. (2009) stated that the mo-
initial extracting of collagen within acetic acid. The resultant pepsin lecular weight of collagen had some relations with the thermal stability.
extracted collagen was called as pepsin soluble collagen (PSC). The The collagen with higher molecular weight may have greater thermal
several researchers showed that use of limited pepsin to extract col- stability. The imino acid content also plays a significant role in thermo-
lagen from seafood by-products increased the yield of collagen stability of collagen. However, seafood derived collagens have the lower
(Liang et al., 2014a, 2014b; Wang et al., 2014a, 2014b, 2014c; Pal imino acid content. Therefore, these seafood by-product derived colla-
et al., 2015; Mahboob, 2015; Chuaychan, Benjakul, & Kishimura, gens are less stable compared to mammalian collagen. One of the
206 G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215

primary and simplest ways to analyse the extracted seafood derived col- sequence and composition (Menon & Lele, 2015; Pangestuti & Kim,
lagen is the wave scan of the collagen sample from 200 to 400 nm (Pal 2014). Several bioactive collagen peptides can be released from differ-
et al., 2015; Duan et al., 2009). However, triple helical collagen has the ent seafood derived collagen and gelatin during degradation/hydrolysis
maximum absorbance peak at 230–235 nm (Pal et al., 2015). Most sea- using exogenous and/or endogenous enzymes, food processing or dur-
food by-product derived collagens exhibited a maximum absorbance ing microbial fermentation, as well as during gastrointestinal digestion
peak at 230–240 nm with a little absorption peak at 280 nm. The absor- of seafood derived proteins (Suresh & Prabhu, 2013; Samaranayaka &
bance at 280 nm is mainly because of tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylal- Li-Chan, 2011; Kim & Wijesekara, 2010; Liu, Nikoo, Boran, Zhou, &
anine. The FTIR spectra of extracted collagen from the by-products of Regenstein, 2015). However, commercially available collagen derived
seafood species exhibited a characteristic peak of amide I, II, III and hydrolysates/peptides are produced mainly by chemical (acid-alkaline
Amide A, B. The presence of these amide bonds confirming that collagen hydrolysis) and enzymatic hydrolysis of collagen or gelatin (Fig. 5).
has well maintained triple helical structures. These are the major spectral
peak locations of collagen. Thermal stability of collagen mainly linked 7.1. Chemical methods
with pyrrolidine rings of both proline and hydroxyproline and partially
with hydrogen bonding of hydroxyl group of hydroxyproline (Pal et al., Chemical methods of collagen hydrolysis are classified into two
2015; Matmaroh et al., 2011). Collagen containing small concentrations groups: acid and alkali hydrolysis methods. Acid-alkaline hydrolysis
of both imino acids have denatured at a lower temperature compare to methods are cost effective and simple operative. They have short hydro-
those with the larger concentrations. The high content of imino acid need- lysis time and are applicable to industrial processes. However, the uses
ed for stabilisation of collagen (Benjakul et al., 2012; Pal et al., 2015). Fur- of strong acids or strong base make the hydrolysis process ecologically
thermore, the thermal stability of collagen not only depends on the imino unacceptable and reduce the nutritional qualities of the products
acid content but is also directly correlated with body temperatures of fish (Anal, Noomhorm, & Vongsawasdi, 2013).
species and their habitat temperatures (Matmaroh et al., 2011; Duan Acid hydrolysis process is usually carried out with hydrochloric acid
et al., 2009; Minh Thuy, Okazaki, & Osako, 2014). (HCl) under high-temperature conditions (at 110–120 °C) and over a
Some factors have been known to influence the collagen properties. long period (18–48 h). 6 M concentration of HCl is frequently used to in-
pH and salt concentration were reported to affect water binding capac- creases the rate of peptide bond cleavage. Hydrolysate product pre-
ity, viscosity, and emulsifying properties of collagen from seafood mus- pared by this process has a highly acceptable sensory profile (Anal,
cle and skin connective tissues (Benjakul et al., 2012). The solubility Noomhorm, & Vongsawasdi, 2013). Alkaline hydrolysis process uses a
characteristics of collagens with changes in pH and NaCl concentrations strong alkali (sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide) in water at
may play a crucial role in their extraction and application in various sec- high temperatures (130–180 °C). However, this process may destroy
tors (Pal et al., 2015; Duan et al., 2009; Matmaroh et al., 2011; Veeruraj, some of the amino acids such as serine, cysteine, histidine and threonine
Arumugam, & Balasubramanian, 2013; Tamilmozhi, Veeruraj, & (Anal et al., 2013).
Arumugam, 2013). Pal et al. (2015) reported that maximum solubility
of collagen from Indian major carp's catla and rohu were observed in 7.2. Biological methods
the presence of 0.4 M NaCl concentrations. Freeze-drying may cause
the reduction in solubility and emulsifying capacity (Benjakul et al., Bioactive collagen peptides/hydrolysate can be released from hydro-
2012). lysis of seafood derived collagen using exogenous and/or endogenous
enzymes, food processing or during microbial fermentation, as well as
7. Development of the seafood derived collagen peptides and during gastrointestinal digestion (Suresh & Prabhu, 2013;
hydrolysate Samaranayaka & Li-Chan, 2011; Kim & Wijesekara, 2010; Anal et al.,
2013; Liu, Nikoo, Boran, Zhou, & Regenstein, 2015). However, most
Seafood sources have gained much attention as potential bioactive commonly used commercial method is an enzymatic hydrolysis
collagen hydrolysate/peptides. It is mostly due to the abundance of (Samaranayaka & Li-Chan, 2011; Anal et al., 2013).
underutilised seafood processing species and by-products as raw mate- Enzymatic hydrolysis is widely used to improve the functional and
rials (Suresh & Prabhu, 2013; Samaranayaka & Li-Chan, 2011; Kim & nutritional properties of seafood derived proteins (Liu et al., 2015;
Wijesekara, 2010). Seafood by-product derived collagen peptides, and Kim & Wijesekara, 2010). Enzymatic hydrolysis has been the leading
essential amino acids are specific protein fragments that play a signifi- process for the production of bioactive collagen hydrolysate/peptides
cant role to maintain health, immune systems and to prevent the car- from seafood derived collagen (Samaranayaka & Li-Chan, 2011; Kim &
diovascular, nervous diseases. These collagen peptides are inactive Wijesekara, 2010). During enzymatic hydrolysis of seafood derived col-
within the parent collagen polypeptide sequences. They become active lagen and gelatin, the α and β polypeptides chains are gradually degrad-
upon release from the parent sequences. They usually contain 3–20 ed into smaller peptides (molecular weight range of 1–4 kDa) with a
amino acid residues, and their activities are based on their amino acid higher degree of hydrolysis (Liu et al., 2015).

Fig. 5. Chemical and biological methods used for collagen peptide generations.
G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215 207

Commercial proteolytic enzymes from microbes such as food-grade degree of hydrolysis is over, the hydrolysed product was submitted to
(alcalase, flavourzyme, protamex, etc.) and non-food grade (collagenase, partial purification and fractionation through various filtration/chro-
proteinase K, metalloproteases, serine-protease), plants (papain, brome- matographic methods (Mora, Reig & Toldra, 2014). Collagen hydrolysis
lain, ficin) and animal (α-chymotrypsin, neutrase, trypsin, etc.) have reaction with specific commercial proteases is usually carried out in
been widely used for the hydrolysis process of seafood derived collagen batch-fed or continuous reactors. After hydrolysis, it is necessary to frac-
to produce collagen peptides/hydrolysate (Kim & Wijesekara, 2010; Liu tionate and purify the mixture of peptides for bioactive peptides isola-
et al., 2015; Samaranayaka & Li-Chan, 2011; Mora, Reig & Toldra, 2014; tion. The most common methods used for peptide purification include
Lafarga & Hayes, 2014). Use of exogenous enzymes was preferred due ultrafiltration, gel filtration chromatography, reversed-phase chroma-
to better control of hydrolysis and shorter time required to obtain the op- tography, ion exchange chromatography, and size exclusion chroma-
timum degree of hydrolysis with more consistent molecular weight pro- tography (Fig. 6). Ultrafiltration method is one of the most preferred
files of collagen peptides (Samaranayaka & Li-Chan, 2011). For the method for efficient recovery and purification of seafood derived colla-
preparation of seafood derived collagen peptides with desirable function- gen hydrolysis products (Cheung, Ng, & Wong, 2015). Membrane filtra-
al and bioactive properties, careful choice of a suitable enzyme and tion method can be used to concentrate and separate according to the
physiochemical conditions of enzymatic reaction such as protein solution different molecular weights of collagen hydrolysate or peptides. The
pH, temperature, hydrolysis time and enzyme concentration used should molecular weight distribution of the desired peptide can be controlled
be optimise for the maximum activity (Kim & Wijesekaraa, 2010; using an appropriate ultrafiltration membrane (Kim & Wijesekara,
Samaranayaka & Li-Chan, 2011). The molecular weight of bioactive pep- 2010). Recently, membrane bioreactor equipped with ultrafiltration
tide is one of the most important factor to produce bioactive peptides membranes is emerging technology for the development of seafood de-
with desired functional properties. A suitable method is required to obtain rived bioactive peptides/compounds. It is considered as a potential
the bioactive seafood derived collagen peptides with a desired molecular method to utilise the seafood proteins as a value-added functional
size and functional properties (Kim & Wijesekaraa, 2010; Liu et al., 2015; food ingredients/nutraceuticals (Kim & Wijesekara, 2010).
Samaranayaka & Li-Chan, 2011). The molecular weight distribution of the Reversed-phase-high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-
collagen hydrolysates/peptides depends on collagen sources, enzyme HPLC) has been extensively used in the characterisation of seafood de-
types, and hydrolysis conditions (Liu et al., 2015). rived collagen peptides. However, liquid chromatography (LC)-mass
spectrometry (MS) has simplified and advanced the identification of
8. Separation and purification of collagen hydrolysate/peptides peptides separated by HPLC and is now one of the preferred character-
isation methods (Lafarga & Hayes, 2014). Electrospray ionisation (ESI)
A large number of bioactive peptides are generated during the enzy- and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) mass spectros-
matic hydrolysis of collagen, but only a few have a positive health pro- copies are the most common methods used for peptide and protein
moting and functional properties. When the desirable and optimum identification. However, these methods can be economically prohibitive

Fig. 6. Isolation, characterisation and biological activity assays of collagen peptides from seafood processing by-products.
208 G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215

as scale-up costs are expensive (Lafarga & Hayes, 2014). Individual col- 9.2. Pressurised liquid extraction
lagen peptide fractions can be identified using the combined techniques
of mass spectrometry and protein. Pressurised liquid extraction is also known as high-pressure solvent
extraction, pressurised fluid extraction, accelerated solvent extraction,
and enhanced solvent extraction. This procedure is based on the use
9. Emerging methodologies in the isolation/extraction and of solvents at high temperatures and pressure (50–200 °C and 3.5–
purification of seafood collagen and collagen derivatives 20 MPa). During the extraction process, extracted solvents are main-
tained in the liquid form. Sometimes, water is used as an extraction sol-
Utilisation of conventional methods for isolation/extraction and vent; then this method is called as subcritical water extraction,
purification of bioactive polymers/molecules are often restricted by superheated water extraction, pressurised hot-water extraction
several problems that are difficult to overcome. In recent years, iso- (Kadam et al., 2013; Herrero, del Pilar Sánchez-Camargo, Cifuentes, &
lation and purification methodologies have been continuously Ibáñez, 2015; Marcet, Álvarez, Paredes, & Díaz, 2016). This is a faster
established towards reducing solvent/reagent consumption, short- process that requires a low amount of solvent compared to traditional
ening processing times, and increasing isolation efficiency, with an extraction methods. Pressurised liquid applications for the extraction,
objective of reducing expenses and environmental hazards (Huang, identification and delivery of food proteins and bioactive peptides
Hsu, Yang, & Wang, 2013). Many approaches are already under ac- reviewed recently (Herrero et al., 2015; Marcet et al., 2016).
tive investigation, including ultrasonic extraction, supercritical Gomez-Guillen et al. (2005) reported that extraction of gelatin from
fluid extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, and high-pressure the fish skin by high pressure is a useful alternative to conventional pro-
extraction (Mustafa & Turner, 2011). Most of these methods require cedures. This method was able to drastically reducing the longest part
some degree of heating, which could easily lead to thermo-sensitive process duration and also producing a high-quality gelatin. However
ingredients for losing their biological activities or transforming/ there in no report so far the extraction of the collagen using these
degrading into other substances (Huang, Hsu, Yang, & Wang, technologies. It may be due to the high temperature and pressure
2013). In addition, many of these methods are not suitable for use employed in these technologies. The higher temperature used during
with heat-sensitive seafood origin bioactive collagen and collagen these extraction process could lead to the transformation of collagen
peptides. Few works reported by some research group Gomez- into gelatin.
Guillen, Gimenez, & Montero (2005) and Kim, Kim, Kim, Park, &
Lee (2012), on this direction briefly described below. 10. Biological potential of seafood derived collagen

The seafood derived collagen has various applications in food, phar-

9.1. Ultrasound-assisted extraction maceutical, biomedical, leather, biomaterials and cosmetic industries.
Further, seafood derived collagen is the most favourable biomaterial
Ultrasounds are the high-frequency sound waves (20 kHz) that for tissue engineering purpose due to its excellent biocompatibility, bio-
exceed the frequency hearing capacity of the human ear. Ultrasound degradability, high cell adhesion properties and weak antigenicity
waves principally act by generating bubble cavitation in biological (Bilek & Bayram, 2015; Pal et al., 2015; Yamada, Yamamoto, Ikeda,
medium and efficient alternative to traditional methods (Kadam, Yanagiguchi, & Hayashi, 2014). In food, seafood derived collagen is
Tiwari, & O′Donnell, 2013; Kadam, Tiwari, Alvarez, & O′Donnell, used as a functional as well as nutritional ingredients towards the devel-
2015). Ultrasound is a novel, simple, green, safe, rapid and econom- opment of health promotion foods. In recent years, the demand for food
ically viable technology that is suitable for scale up, extraction, pro- enriched with seafood derived collagen is growing due to the improve-
tein digestion, production and drug delivery of seafood derived ment in the nutritive and functional properties of the foodstuffs and
bioactive peptides (Galanakis, 2012; Kadam, Tiwari, & O'Donnell, their health benefits (Bilek & Bayram, 2015). Collagen is required for
2013). It facilitates the extraction of heat sensitive compounds with the health development. In the older human body, synthesis of collagen
minimal damage and higher yield. Equipment costs are lower than will decrease. The best alternative to gain collagen is through collagen
other emerging methodologies. However the sound wave amplitude containing food products. Seafood derived collagen supplements are
controlling with distance is a difficult task (Kadam et al., 2013). The proposed to complete the collagen requirement of the body. Therefore,
applications of ultrasound for the extraction, production and deliv- seafood collagens have been used in a variety of foodstuffs and bever-
ery of bioactive seafood based proteins and peptides were recently ages products. Seafood-derived collagen was suggested for applications
reviewed (Kadam et al., 2013; Kadam, Tiwari, Álvarez, & O'Donnell, in functional food, drink and beverage, dietary supplements, and con-
2015). Ultrasound-assisted encapsulation of peptide-based drugs fectionery (Antoniewski & Barringer, 2010; Bilek & Bayram, 2015;
with biodegradable polymers (eg. chitosan, gelatin) can improve sta- Hashim, Ridzwan, Bakar, & Hashim, 2015; Regenstein & Zhou, 2007).
bility and bioavailability. Moreover, in sonophoresis applications, Seafood collagen-containing drinks are a trend in the global market
low-frequency ultrasound can be used to transport high molecular (Bilek & Bayram, 2015; Regenstein & Zhou, 2007).
weight peptide drugs (Kadam et al., 2015). Ultrasound extensively Collagen can be used to produce edible sausage casing. Seafood de-
reported for extraction of bioactive compounds from natural prod- rived collagens are also used as food additives to improve the rheologi-
ucts (Kadam et al., 2013; Kadam et al., 2015). cal properties of sausages. Seafood derived collagen films have the
Kim, Kim, Kim, Park, and Lee (2012) were investigated the effects of ability of water and oxygen barrier that helps to protect against the mi-
ultrasonic treatment on acid soluble collagen extraction yield from gration of oxygen, moisture and providing structural integrity to food
seabass (Lateolabrax japonicas) skins. It was reported that the yield of items. Collagen films or coatings could function as carriers of active sub-
collagen increased rapidly at higher amplitudes of ultrasonic treatment stances. Moreover, edible seafood derived collagen surface coating can
(Kim et al., 2012). The ultrasonic method of collagen extraction requires be used to extend the shelf life of meat food products. Collagen coatings
a less amount of acid and a short time for extraction (Kim et al., 2013). are used as a barrier in meat products to reduce purge, aroma deteriora-
However, these studies confirmed the structural stability of extracted tion, colour deterioration, spoilage, improve sensory scores, and can act
collagen on the basis of SDS-PAGE analysis. The digestion patterns of as an antioxidant (Antoniewski & Barringer, 2010; Gómez-Guillén et al.,
collagen with pepsin enzyme could not be able to confirm the stability 2011; Olsen, Toppe, & Karunasagar, 2014).
of the collagen. Therefore, ultrasonic treatment may be lead to the struc- Different types of seafood derived collagen-based biomaterials such
tural damage of extracted collagen. It may also be converted in the de- as gels, scaffolds, sponges, films, membranes, and composites is fre-
nature form of collagen. quently used in medical and pharmaceutical industries as a carrier for
G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215 209

proteins, genes, and drugs (Lee, Singla, & Lee, 2001; Ehrlich, 2015). Sea- radicals, hydroxyl radicals, and non-free radical species (hydrogen perox-
food collagen is promising drug carrier for cancer treatment (Kim & ide and singlet oxygen radicals) (Najafian & Babji, 2012). Oxygen radicals
Mendis, 2006). The main clinical and experimental applications of colla- are a reactive molecule that can react with every cellular component and
gen include wound healing, treatment and prophylaxis of bone and soft give rise to functional and morphological disturbances in cells. It is evi-
tissue infections. Collagen is used as efficient drug carriers for controlled dent that oxygen radicals are significant pathological mediators in various
release of drug concentration at target sites. In addition, collagen film human diseases and ageing processes, such as skin ageing, osteoarthritis,
may be used as gene delivery agents promoting cartilage and bone for- osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hair and nail damage and others
mation. It has also been reported that collagen plays a role in the forma- (Najafian & Babji, 2012; Liang et al., 2014a, 2014b). Antioxidants are
tion of tissues, organs and cell expression (Ehrlich, 2015; Kim & Mendis, widely used to reduce the risk associated with oxidation reaction.
2006; Lee, Singla, & Lee, 2001). Collagen also contributes to the promo- Food deterioration has been linked to the oxidation of lipids and the
tion of cell growth and differentiation and the regulation of various cell formation of undesirable secondary lipid peroxidation products. Antiox-
functions (Yamada, Yamamoto, Ikeda, Yanagiguchi, & Hayashi, 2014). idants are widely used in food to reduce the deterioration due to oxida-
tion of lipids. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), tert-butyl hydroquinone
11. Biological potential of seafood derived collagen hydrolysates/ (TBHQ), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and propyl gallate (PG) are
peptides the mostly used synthetic antioxidants in food and pharmaceutical in-
dustries. However, the use of synthetic antioxidants is limited due to po-
Research findings are indicating an array of the biological activities tential health issues. Hence, there is an increasing attention to the
for seafood derived collagen hydrolysates/peptides (Fig. 7). They have replacement of synthetic antioxidants with natural antioxidants
several biological activities such as antihypertensive, immunomodula- (Najafian & Babji, 2012). Recently, the antioxidant activity of seafood
tory, neuroactive, antimicrobial, mineral and hormonal regulating prop- derived collagen peptides has been widely demonstrated in different
erties (Liang et al., 2014a, 2014b; Gómez-Guillén et al., 2011; Wang oxidative systems (Gómez-Guillén et al., 2011). The collagen peptides
et al., 2013; Chi et al., 2014; Guo, Hong & Yi, 2015a; Zhuang et al., isolated from Jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum), exhibited the antioxi-
2009a, 2009b; Zhuang, Zhao & Li, 2009b). Clinical investigations suggest dant activity in a linoleic acid emulsion system (Zhuang et al., 2009a,
that ingestion of collagen hydrolysates reduces pain in osteoarthritis 2009b; Liang et al., 2014a, 2014b). Collagen peptides obtained by hydro-
suffering patients. Hydrolysed collagen has also been involved in carti- lysis of acid soluble collagen from the scales of croceine croaker
lage matrix synthesis (Kim & Mendis, 2006). (Pseudosciaena crocea) showed strong scavenging activities on hydrox-
yl, DPPH, superoxide and ABTS radicals scavenging activity. These colla-
11.1. Antioxidant activity gen peptides were also effective in lipid peroxidation model system
(Wang et al., 2013). Acid and pepsin soluble collagens derived from
Oxidation is a vital process, particularly in vertebrates and humans. the scale and swim bladder of Indian major carp catla and rohu have
This process leads to the formation of free radicals. The reactive oxygen the antioxidant activities (unpublished Data). Numbers of studies
species (ROS) formation is an unavoidable consequence of the body's have shown that seafood derived collagen hydrolysate/peptides act as
normal use of oxygen during respiration. It includes superoxide anion potential antioxidants (Table 2).

Fig. 7. Biological activities of the seafood derived collagen peptides.

210 G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215

11.2. Metal chelating ability abnormal pigmentations, and age spots (Zhuang et al., 2009a, 2009b).
Moreover, fruits and vegetables browning are related to tyrosinase in
Dietary mineral (calcium, zinc and iron) deficiencies can lead to nu- plant tissues. Therefore, tyrosinase inhibitors have recently attracted
merous diseases that have adverse effects on health (Guo et al., 2015a, more and more attention (Zhuang et al., 2009a, 2009b). However,
2015b, 2015c). Iron and calcium deficiency are the most concerning de- many potent tyrosinase inhibitors (sulfite and kojic acid) have side ef-
ficiency problems in the world. Iron deficiency can induce microcytic fects such as high cells toxicity and low oxygen and water stability. Sea-
hypochromic anaemia, impaired physical activity and endurance in food derived collagen peptides were reported as a natural inhibitor of
adults and cognitive impairment in children. An adequate amount of tyrosinase activity (Nakchum & Kim, 2016; Zhuang et al., 2009a,
calcium was required for the development of a child's bones and 2009b). Jellyfish umbrella collagen hydrolysate was able to inhibit ty-
teeth. Insufficient calcium intake may increase the risk of osteoporosis rosinase activity due to their Cu2 +-chelating ability (Zhuang et al.,
(Guo, Harnedy, Zhang, et al., 2015c; Huang, Wu, Yang, Li, & Kuo, 2009a, 2009b).
2015). For health considerations and dietary preferences, nutritional
scientists encourage consumers to choose metal elements enriched 11.4. Neuroprotective activity
foods rich in their daily nutritional supplement diets. Seafood derived
collagen peptides could be easier to absorb directly into human body Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in neurodegenerative diseases.
due to lower molecular weight. These collagen peptides showed the sig- Oxidative stress resulting from an imbalance of antioxidant homeostasis
nificant capacity in incorporating with divalent ions (calcium, iron leads to the generation of ROS, which causes extensive damage to pro-
ions). The chelating complex chelated between collagen peptides, and teins, lipids, and DNA (Cai et al., 2014; Nidheesh, Salim, Rajini &
calcium ion can promote calcium absorption in the human body, there- Suresh, 2016). Seafood derived peptides can be used to suppress the de-
fore, improve the bioavailability of divalent ions (Guo et al., 2015a, velopment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease,
2015b, 2015c). Mineral chelating collagen peptides have been Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis. Direct interaction of
recognised as potential functional food ingredients to improve mineral absorbed marine/seafood derived collagen peptides with a variety of
bioavailability (Guo, Harnedy, O'Keeffe, et al., 2015b; Guo, Harnedy, cellular and molecular targets, enzyme/ion channels brought the neuro-
Zhang, et al., 2015c). Guo et al. (2015a, 2015b, 2015c) reported the cal- protective activities (Cheung et al., 2015; Cai et al., 2014). It was demon-
cium chelation ability of collagen peptides derived fynodontidae fish strated that neuroprotective effect of marine collagen peptides can
scales and its potential as a calcium supplement. Collagen peptides iso- facilitate long-term learning and memory in male rats by reducing oxi-
lated from Jellyfish (R. esculentum) exhibited the copper-chelating abil- dative damage and acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain (Pei et al.,
ity (Zhuang et al., 2009a; Zhuang et al., 2009b). Collagen hydrolysates 2010; Xu, Dong, Zhao, & Xu, 2015). It is suggested that dietary interven-
from squid skin have the ferrous chelating ability in a dose-dependent tion may prevent such neurodegenerative disease. Therefore, undoubt-
manner (Nakchum & Kim, 2016). Huang, Wu, Yang, Li, & Kuo, (2015) re- edly collagen peptides could be a suitable candidate for functional food
ported a high iron (II)-binding activity of Chanos chanos collagen pep- ingredients or drugs to manage/reduce memory deficits associated with
tides as compared to other fish collagen peptides. Collagen peptides ageing (Pei et al., 2010).
from Alaska pollock skin collagen showed the iron and copper chelating
activity (Guo, Harnedy, Zhang, et al., 2015c). Therefore, it is suggested 11.5. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity
that collagen peptides can be used as functional food ingredients in
the management of mineral deficiencies. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE, EC is a multifunc-
tional zinc-containing enzyme that converts the inactive angiotensin I
11.3. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity to angiotensin II. It is a part of the renin-angiotensin system, which
plays a key physiological role to maintain blood pressure homeostasis
Melanin biosynthesis proceeds through chains of complex enzymat- and fluid and salt balance as well as local tissue growth, remodelling
ic and oxidative reactions. A copper-containing compound, tyrosinase is and inflammation (Young et al., 2013; Liu, Chen, Su, & Zeng, 2011;
a key enzyme in melanin synthesis and widely distributed in microor- Zhuang, Sun & Li, 2012a). Currently, hypertension is considered as one
ganisms, plants, and animals. It is catalysing the hydroxylation of tyro- of the most serious chronic illnesses. It is one of the major controllable
sine to 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and the oxidation of risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD has be-
DOPA to dopaquinone (Zhuang et al., 2009a, 2009b). Although, melanin come an increasingly serious medical and public health issue (Cheung,
plays an essential role to protect skin against ultraviolet injury, Nakayama, Hsu, Samaranayaka, & Li-Chan, 2009; Guo, Harnedy,

Table 2
Seafood derived antioxidant collagen peptides, sources, molecular weight, and enzyme used for hydrolysis.

Source Enzyme used Purification methods Degree of Molecular References

organism hydrolysis (%) weight

Jellyfish Trypsin, properase E Ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography 27.8 400–1200 Da Zhuang et al. (2009a, 2009b)
Croceine croaker Trypsin, pepsin Ultrafiltration, gel chromatography, RP-HPLC 25.11 1–3 kDa Wang et al. (2013)
Jellyfish umbrella Trypsin High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) – 1–3 kDa Zhuang, Zhao & Li (2009b)
Spanish mackerel Pepsin Gel filtration chromatography – 5–47 kDa Chi et al. (2014)
Whale shark Thermolysin Ultrafiltration 8.37 37 kDa Jeevithan, Bao, Zhang, Hong, & Wu
Sea cucumber Trypsin – – 5–25 kDa Abedin et al. (2014)
Squid Alcalase Ultrafiltration – 1–10 kDa Nakchum & Kim (2016)
Jumbo squid fin Trypsin, chymotrypsin, peptidase – ~20–40 20–77 kDa Cuevas-Acuña, Robles-Sanchez,
Marquez-Rios, & Ezquerra-Brauer
Jellyfish Protamex – – – Ding et al. (2011)
Ribbon jellyfish Trypsin, alcalase, protamex – ~25–48 677–1351 Da Barzideh, Latiff, Gan, Benjakul, &
Karim, (2014)
Alaska pollock Trypsin RP-HPLC, gel permeation 2.5–12.9 o.5–5 kDa Guo, Harnedy, Zhang, et al.
chromatography (GPC-HPLC) (2015c)
G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215 211

Zhang, et al., 2015c; Kong et al., 2011). Although, synthetic ACE inhibi- derived antifreeze collagen peptides has restricted their application in
tors are effective as anti-hypertensive drugs, cause several adverse food industry.
side effects. Development of seafood protein-derived ACE-inhibitory
peptides is thought to be a safer alternative to commercial ACE- 11.7. Wound healing activity
inhibitory medicines (Liu, Chen, Su, & Zeng, 2011). Seafood derived col-
lagen peptides and hydrolysates generated from enzymatic hydrolysis Wound healing is a systematic process that completed in three clas-
are a potential source of ACE inhibitors (Kong et al., 2011; Guo, Guo, sic phases: inflammation, proliferation, and maturation (Wang et al.,
Harnedy, Zhang, et al., 2015c). Peptides generated from enzymatic hy- 2015a, 2015b). Collagen deposition is an important event in wound
drolysis of the Alaska pollock skin collagen (Guo, Harnedy, Zhang, healing. Collagen peptides and hydrolysates are chemotactic and pro-
et al., 2015c) and giant red sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) mote cellular proliferation and differentiation (Wang et al., 2015a,
collagen hydrolysates (Liu et al., 2011) exhibited ACE-inhibitory activi- 2015b; Zhang, Wang, Ding, Dai, & Li, 2011). Collagen-based biomaterials
ty. The production of collagen peptides ACE-inhibitory activity from (gel, sponge, and dressing), have been reported to have beneficial bio-
giant red sea cucumber collagen have optimised by central composite logical functions on wound healing (Wang et al., 2015a, 2015b). Wang
rotatable design modelling (Liu et al., 2011). The systolic and diastolic et al. (2015a, 2015b) reported that oral administration of chum salmon
blood pressure of the renovascular hypertension rats were significantly (Oncorhynchus keta) collagen peptides improves wound healing. The re-
reduced with administration of jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum) colla- sults of several studies confirm the significant role of collagen peptides
gen peptides, compared with model control (Zhuang, Sun, Zhang & to accelerating the healing process and justify their possible utilisation
Liu, 2012b). These studies pointing that seafood derived collagen pep- as a functional food ingredient or pharmaceutical agent (Zhang, Wang,
tides may offer protection against diabetes and hypertension by affect- Ding, Dai, & Li, 2011; Banerjee, Suguna, & Shanthi, 2015).
ing molecules involved in these diseases. Further study could be lead to
the development of new antihypertensive drugs based on bioactive col- 11.8. Cell proliferation activity
lagen peptides from seafood sources. A list of the source of collagen pep-
tides and hydrolysates and their ACE inhibitory activity were shown in Collagen peptides derived from tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) scale colla-
Table 3. gen have the ability to stimulate fibroblast cells proliferation, collagen
synthesis and procollagen synthesis in a dose and time-dependent
manner (Chai et al., 2010). Liu et al. (2014) demonstrated that collagen
11.6. Antifreeze activity peptides have the ability to increased osteoblast proliferation and differ-
entiation and mineralised bone matrix formation. Ohara et al. (2010)
Antifreeze proteins/peptides have characteristics to inhibit the studied the effect of collagen peptides on dermal extracellular matrix
growth and recrystallisation of ice. Inhibition of ice growth reduces components and cell proliferation using human dermal fibroblasts cul-
the freezing point without altering the melting point. Due to ice ture. They suggest that cells and skin of extracellular membrane matrix
recrystallisation inhibition, antifreeze proteins can preserve the struc- were modulated by oral ingestion of collagen peptides (Ohara et al.,
ture, texture and quality of frozen foods, protect crops from freeze– 2010).
thaw cycle; improve the storage of blood, oranges, and tissues;
minimising or preventing damage to cells and tissues (Cao et al., 11.9. Treatment of bones and joints diseases and anti-ageing activity
2016; Wang, Zhao, Chen, Zhou & Wu, 2014c). Recently, Cao et al.
(2016) isolated and characterised collagen peptides (GLLGPLGPRGLL) A lot of evidence demonstrates that collagen hydrolysate and colla-
of molecular weight 1162.8 Da were able to inhibit recrystallisation. gen peptides may provide beneficial effects on bone tissue, including
Wang et al. (2014a, 2014b, 2014c) reported the preparation and isola- stimulation of bone forming cells, improvement of calcium absorption
tion of specific antifreeze collagen peptides (GAIGPAGPLGP) with a mo- capacities, without obvious undesirable effects (Antoniewski &
lecular weight of 906 Da from shark skin. The antifreeze collagen Barringer, 2010; Guillerminet et al., 2012). The collagen hydrolysate
peptides showed a significantly cryoprotective effect on freeze-dried plays a significant role in the management of bone, joint disorders and
Streptococcus thermophiles. It significantly improves the viability and in- osteoarthritis. Potential utilisation of collagen peptides in the preven-
tracellular enzyme activities of S. thermophiles after freeze drying, which tion and treatment of osteoporosis is reported (Guillerminet et al.,
specifies that it could be able to protect the cell membranes (Wang, 2012; Ficai et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2014). In Japan, collagen and collagen
Chen, Wu & Wang, 2015b). It was suggested that possible protective peptide have been marketed as functional food for treatment of joint
mechanism of antifreeze collagen peptides might be through the inter- problems and maintenance of bone integrity (Wu, Fujioka, Sugimoto,
action with phospholipids membrane (Wang et al., 2015a, 2015b). Col- Mu, & Ishimi, 2004). The anti-ageing effect of collagen hydrolysates
lagen peptides which exhibit strong ice-binding activity could be might be related to their antioxidant activities. Therefore, it is suggested
potentially developed as a new and beneficial probiotics or other proc- that the collagen hydrolysate and peptides exhibited anti-ageing activ-
essed foods (require low-temperature storage) cryoprotectant in the ity and might be used as nutraceutical ingredients in functional food,
food industry (Wang et al., 2014a, 2014b, 2014c; Wang et al., 2015a, cosmetics and another health care purpose (Liu, Peng, Yang, Li, & Li,
2015b). However, the limited availability of hyperactive seafood 2010).

Table 3
ACE inhibitory activity of collagen peptides and hydrolysates.

Sources Enzyme Purification MW References

Jellyfish Alcalase Ultrafiltration, ion-exchange and gel filtration 200–600 Da Zhuang et al. (2012a, 2012b)
Marine fish Mixed proteases Ultra-filtration 100–860 Da Cui-Feng et al. (2010)
– Pepsin with Papain, trypsin, papain, – – Kong et al. (2011)
and protease M
Squid skins Pepsin-pancreatin Reverse-phase high-performance liquid 1000–10,000 Da Alemán, Gómez-Guillén,
chromatography & Montero (2013)
Jellyfish Alcalase Ultrafiltration, ion-exchange and gel filtration 200–600 Da Zhuang, Sun & Li (2012a)
212 G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215

12. Hurdles and challenges: commercialisation of seafood collagen towards the development of functional food or nutraceutical products.
and collagen peptides A summary of recent patents on the extraction of bioactive seafood de-
rived collagen and their applications in the food industry are described
It would be expected that research on bioactive collagen/collagen in Table 4.
peptides would be succeeded by the development of seafood collagen-
based functional food products for consumer health. However, it was 14. Challenges associated with seafood collagen and their hydroly-
observed that translation of seafood derived collagen-based food prod- sate/peptides
ucts in health promotion has been faced many hurdles. The seafood de-
rived functional food sector seems to be one of the fastest growing food Collagen peptide as a functional food ingredient is a new and rapidly
sectors all over the world. However, the launching of novel seafood de- growing sector. It is a scientific discipline that focuses on the seafood
rived functional foods onto the market is not an easy task and certainly sources for the production of novel collagen peptides and their func-
not always a success (Grasso, Brunton, Lyng, Lalor, & Monahan, 2014; tional activities. The isolation of collagen from sea animals may create
Udenigwe, 2014). The challenges that might be responsible for delay an opportunity for the sustainable utilisation of seafood derived by-
the commercialisation of seafood collagen-based functional foods products. A few major challenges such as technical, conceptual and in-
includes: tellectual prevent a complete isolation of collagen peptides and under-
standing of their functional bioactivities at present. Therefore, it is
12.1. Sustainability of the seafood by-product resources clear that there is an urgent need for additional knowledge on seafood
derived collagen and its hydrolysate/peptides. The exploration of func-
The sufficient quantities of the seafood processing by-products tional activities of collagen peptides is limited due to the several
should be available without supply disruptions regularly. It should challenges.
allow the continuous manufacturing of seafood derived collagen so
that it can be used as food ingredients (Silva et al., 2014). i. Isolation and preparation of specific collagen peptides with max-
imum yield.
12.2. Consumer acceptance ii. To deliver an effective dosage of collagen peptides for a specific
health benefit.
Seafood collagen and collagen peptides may have the amino acid iii. The impact of collagen peptides on taste and aroma of the final
residues (Phe and Pro) results in a bitter taste and potentially affect con- food product.
sumer acceptability of seafood collagen-based functional food products. iv. To prevent the undesirable interactions of the collagen peptides
It was thought that consumers may compromise taste towards the with other food components of the matrix.
health effects of bitter functional foods (Udenigwe, 2014). However, it v. Should be suitable for industrial processing.
was proven that consumer does not like to compromise with taste for vi. Should not contain impurities residues, toxic compounds and
health benefits. For example, Novartis withdrew a range of functional chemical and biological pathogens.
food products most markets of European countries due to low sales vii. Collagen peptides should not be degraded when it is incorporat-
(Grasso, Brunton, Lyng, Lalor, & Monahan, 2014). Taste seems to be a ed into foodstuffs.
key factor for the successful commercialisation of seafood collagen- viii. It should not lose the functional activities during processing.
based functional food. Still, besides the taste, some other parameters ix. It should ensure food-grade nature of the final functional food-
such as health claims through clinical studies, approval from regulatory stuff.
authorities, etc. should be considered while launching a new functional x. Safety profiles and cost aspects.
food product (Grasso et al., 2014). xi. Complications in methodology for quality assurance of collagen
12.3. Safety profile xii. Inadequate clinical evidence of bioefficacy.
xiii. Collagen peptides should not contain the bitter taste.
The seafood derived collagens should be as safe. The animal derived xiv. Reproducibility of seafood derived collagen peptides batches.
collagens have the concerns about the transmission of the prions dis- xv. Economically viable at industrial scales.
eases. They should present acceptable safety and toxicological profiles. xvi. Collagen peptides containing food products should provide the
The seafood derived collagen should be free from the pathogens/resi- intended health benefit after ingestion.
dues that potentially harmful to humans (Silva et al., 2014).

12.4. The cost of products 15. Conclusions

The cost is the major factor for commercialisation of collagen-based The agro-food industrial by-products have attracted the interest of
functional food products. The price of the innovative functional food various researchers, regulatory bodies, industry, and consumers. To
product must be accessible for consumers to purchase these products this direction, recent scientific findings provide opportunities for effec-
(Grasso et al., 2014). tive reuse of seafood derived by-products and waste leading to the de-
velopment of high economic importance innovative and functional
12.5. Reproducibility and the economic viability of collagen food items. Identification of the functional food ingredients and nutra-
ceutical from seafood by-products is a growing field. It is a novel ap-
Seafood collagen must be designed and recover in such a way as to proach to developing more commercial functional food and
guaranteeing the identity, purity, characteristics and performances. nutraceutical ingredients. In conclusion, seafood is highly nutritious.
The recovery of seafood collagen should be shown the batch-to-batch Therefore, consumption of adequate quantities of seafood derived colla-
quality and yield consistency (Silva et al., 2014). gen and its hydrolysate/peptides can significantly help to improve the
health. Based on evidence of potential biological activities and health
13. Patents on seafood collagen and its derived products benefits, seafood derived collagen peptides have promising applications
as a nutraceutical and natural functional food ingredients. The interac-
Limited numbers of the patent are available in the development of tion between collagen peptides and other components of the foods
seafood processing by-product collagen as well as their applications needs to be understood. These interactions can affect the bioavailability
G.K. Pal, P.V. Suresh / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 37 (2016) 201–215 213

Table 4
A summary of recent patents on the collagen and their applications in food industry.

Patent no. Name of patent Country of patent Grant date

260,909 Collagen peptide composition and food or beverage containing the same India 28/05/2014
248,497 A method of producing collagen or fibrillar collagen India 20/07/2011
US 20130252899A1 Collagen hydrolysate for use to improve the health of human skin, hair and/or nails US 26/09/2013
CN105123983A Kind of fish collagen whole bean curd and its preparation method China 09/12/2015
CN105039479A Method for preparing fish collagen peptide complexes China 11/11/2015
CN102697136A Preparation method of collagen drink China 03/10/2012
CN101946961A Collagen beverage formula China 19/01/2011
CN101926472A Fish sausage containing trophic factors and preparation method thereof China 29/12/2010
JP2016005477A Masking method of unpleasant taste with collagen Japan 14/01/2016
JP2013126391A Food or beverage product containing fish-derived collagen and derivative thereof Japan 27/06/2013

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(DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi, India for the award of a Research Fel- igin (pp. 321–341). New York: Springer.
lowship. Authors thank Director, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysuru for his encourage- FAO (2014). The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2014. Food and agriculture orga-
nization of the United Nations, Rome (, Accessed on
ment and permission to publish this work. The authors would like to
24 September 2015).
thank anonymous reviewers for the valuable comments provided to im- FAO (2015). Fisheries and aquaculture topics. Seafood products. Food and agriculture orga-
prove the manuscript. nization of the United Nations, Rome (,
Accessed on 23 September 2015).
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