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Has he done the laundry yet

Yes, he’s already done the laundry

Has he cleaned the floor yet Has he cleaned the window yet
Yes, he’s already cleaned the floor No, he hasn’t cleaned the window yet

Has he done the ironing yet Has he cleaned his desk yet
No, he hasn’t done the ironing yet No, he hasn’t cleaned his desk yet

has he taken out the trash Has he set the table yet
No, he’s already taken out the trash yet Yes, he’s already set the table

Has he done the shopping yet Has he made his bed yet
Yes, he’s already done the shopping No, he hasn’t made his bed yet

He’s been on vacation d

She’s msde breakfast a

We’ve already had lunch f

He’s bought a ring c

She’s washed her hair e

She has a lot of prizes her novels

I have flown in a helicopter Have you ever lost a credit card

Has she ever been late for work I have never worked in a store or a restaurant

He has not bought any expensive clothes Have you ever sold something on eBay

She has met a lot of famous people He has fallen of his bike five times

We have never seen a Smike Lee movie I haven’t read any oh The Lord of the Rings books

have Have gone

Have bought
have bought
have paid

Have wom

Have ever heard


have seen

Has been
Have liked



Have liked anything

anywhere anybody

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