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Notes of YF message on 13 Mar 2021 – “Times of Refreshing Shall Come”

Text: Acts 3:12-21 Speaker: Bro David Chew

Notetaker: Amalthea Wong
People of this world seek to be refreshed so that they can labour more, until the next period of
trouble, or await death. It’s never permanent and cannot provide true peace. Only through the
Lord Jesus Christ can we have a spiritual and permanent refreshment, amidst any difficulty.
We need Christ because we are sinners (v12-18)
V12-15: Jesus came down to suffer and die for our sins as the perfect man. He was sinless
because He is God and could escape all the suffering inflicted by man, but He died out of
love for us, to save us from spiritual death. Yet, the Jews denied Christ's Kingship, as the
Holy One and the Just. They regarded Jesus as a sinner and crucified Him (cf. John 19:14-
16). We have denied Christ the same way when we turn away from Him or His Gospel. We
face the same judgement after death- eternal suffering in hell. (cf. Hebrews 9:27).
V17-18: The people sinned in ignorance. Likewise, we may not have known that living our
lives however we want was denying Christ. But just as the people heard the Gospel from
God’s prophets, we now know the Gospel through God’s Word. We cannot ignore Christ any
How can we be refreshed? (v16, 19)
1. Repent of our sins (v19). Change our view of sin- it’s not about what we think is right. Sin
is when we go against God’s Word and God will judge us as He is righteous. We must accept
that we have sinned against God and seek His forgiveness.
2. Be converted (v19). Not only turn 180° away from sin, but also turn to God. On our own,
we can only pay for our sins in eternal hellfire. It's only through Christ that we can make
payment for our sins, for He has purchased our salvation through His death.
3. Believe (v16). Repetition of “his name”: Names describes a person so it's only through
faith in the person of Christ that we can be saved. Through His blood shed on the cross, our
sins will be removed forever (v19). When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we are freed
from the bondage of sin and condemnation.
As Christians, we have our heavenly Father to lead and guide us. Have you experienced the
leading hand of God in your life? It’s not simply about church attendance. Search your hearts.
Repent and believe in Christ while we still can, before death or Christ’s return.
Eternal refreshment in the hope of Christ’s return (v20-21)
V20-21: The Bible promises that Christ will come again. If we believe in Christ, His coming
will not be of condemnation but of hope in refreshment. We no longer live life aimlessly but
now have a purpose to glorify Christ and have hope in Christ's promise of eternity in heaven,
living with continual peace in our hearts, knowing that the Lord is with us.
If we do not heed God's Word, there is only one end (v23). Accept Christ as your personal
Lord and Saviour today. He is the answer to eternal refreshment, free from the condemnation
of sin.

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