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LEED BD+C: New Construction v4.1 - LEED v4.1

Integrative Analysis of Building

Pilot credits
MRpc103 | Possible 1 Points
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To encourage the use of products and materials for which life cycle information is available and that have
environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life-cycle impacts. To inform decision-making by
project teams by rewarding building material manufacturers that share life cycle health, safety and
environmental information about their products.

Use at least three different permanently installed products that have a documented qualitative analysis of the
potential health, safety and environmental impacts of the product in five stages of the product’s life cycle
(product assembly/manufacturing, building product installation, product use product maintenance, end of
product life/reuse).
Analyze and consider:
Intended and reasonably anticipated uses of the product,
Potential hazardous exposures,
Product service life,
Waste generation and/or materials reuse,
Contributions to health, safety and the environment, including improvements to occu-pant safety, air
quality, water quality, materials reuse, energy efficiency, and carbon mitigation.

Taking into consideration the factors above, impacts in the following areas, at a minimum, must be
catalogued, if applicable, as a result of the qualitative analysis. Potential human health impacts:
Reproductive & Developmental Toxicity
Acute Toxicity
Eye and Skin Irritation
Aspiration hazard
Chronic toxicity Skin & Respiratory Sensitization
Systemic Toxicity and Organ effects
Air purification/filtration or positive impacts to indoor air quality affecting human health

Potential occupant safety impacts:

Passive survivability during natural disasters
Functionality, including access/egress, during emergencies

Potential environmental impacts:

Air pollution abatement
Acute and chronic aquatic toxicity
Water use
Energy use
GHG emissions
Solid waste generation/closed loop process
Biodiversity, habitat and ecosystem

Documentation Requirements


Participate in the LEEDuser pilot credit forum

Complete the feedback survey:


Credit Specific

Complete the documentation template found on the resources tab

Where verified quantitative information is available (e.g. EPDs, LCAs, ecolabels, standards), please
include that information.
If quantitative information is not available, qualitatively describe potential impacts.
Note where information was not available and document the sources checked. If an impact isn’t
present at a specific life cycle phase, indicate it as non-applicable and briefly explain why that is the

Transparency and life cycle thinking have always been central to the market transformation LEED is seeking
related to materials and is foundational to the future development of LEED. This pilot credit is designed to
give LEED users the ability to provide feedback on the kind of information currently available related to
building products and materials across their life cy-cles, and also inform USGBC of what further information
is needed to be able to make com-plex trade-off decisions.

Survey Questions
1. Why did you select the three products you documented for this credit?
2. When making decisions about the sustainability attributes of products, did the re-quirements of this
credit aggregate the kind of information needed to understand the various positive and negative
impacts of the product across its life cycle?
3. If not, what additional information would be helpful?
4. Of the products you submitted, which one had the format was the most useful format for analyzing this
5. At what point in the design process would this information be most useful?
6. Did the information documented for this credit enable a constructive dialogue with product
manufacturers? If so, please provide an example.

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