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Name Rissa Fortunado Course, Year & Section BSED 1 Social Studies Educate

Contact No. 09777868213 Course Material No & Task CM1 Task 1

Address Tali Plains Talisay City Cebu GE Com5 Instructor: Mrs. Guia Castañ ares

Title of the Movie: SPANGLISH

Title of the Movie Review: A must-watch movie

Spanglish is a romantic comedy film directed by James L. Brooks released on December 17,2004 by Columbia
Pictures. It is a story that highlights how language barrier complicates the relationship of two families living in the
same house who speak different languages. Despite the complexity of the storyline, the movie's purpose was well
delivered by the superb performances of the actors, as well as its excellent and high-quality direction, that urge
viewers to watch the next scenes. I would give the film an A+ and will highly recommend it to others because the
issue tackled in the movie occurs in real life, and the best part is that it also depicts the solutions to that problem.

It depicts the struggle of a woman named Flor, who is compelled to continue living despite the difficulties in life, for
the sake of her child. It shows their journey as how they traveled to a foreign place to recover from the pain caused
by her husband and begin again. However, because they come from a different place, with a different culture and
language, it is more tested here to what extent and where individual's ability to interact with others. Flor
Moreno didn't expect that, when they move, she will able to see and meet John Clasky, a chef and the man who
possesses the abilities of his type of man, the one who always thinks and prioritizes the welfare of his son, and is
willing to put aside his personal wishes just to preserve their family. The film also depicts how gullible young
minds can be, as Cristina Moreno was easily influenced by Deborah Clasky's interests. Also in the film, we can also
see how pressure affects someone's growth and self-esteem, similar to how Deborah pushed her daughter Bernie
to be suited and befitted to the standard as a woman in which she believed. The best part for me was when Flor
told her daughter that they were leaving Clasky's house, but then being influenced and wanting to fit in with the
mainstream, just like Deborah made her feel, Cristina spite her mother, but Flor handled her very well, and in the
end, they still make up.

Prior to watching the film, the title piqued my interest and urge me to watch it, which I did not regret because the
issue addressed is still relevant today, and the cast who truly internalized their roles as the characters in the story.
But what I dislike about the film is that the production did not make an effort to include English subtitles every
time Flor and Cristina speak Spanish, which I dislike because it left me in the dark about what the characters were
talking about.

Honestly, I never thought that the movie will make me stay seated while watching it, its undoubtedly a must to
watch movie. This movie addressed not just one issue but a lot, it shows the importance of spending time with the
family to maintain the bond intact, establishing ground rules for children for them to develop the sense of respect,
especially to their parents and elders. Lastly, this movie is highly recommendable because it shows the significance
of learning things, not just to conform to the standard set in your social circle, but also for one’s personal growth.

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