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Disaster Risk Reduction

in Pakistan
Status Report 2019
Disaster Risk Reduction
in Pakistan
Status Report 2019

Cover photo: Asianet-Pakistan/

About this report

The Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) report provides a snapshot

of the latest DRR progress Pakistan has achieved under the
four priorities of the Sendai Framework. It also highlights
some of the key challenges surrounding the issue of creating
coherence among the key global frameworks at the country
level; and makes recommendations for strengthening the
overall Disaster Risk Management (DRM) governance by
government institutions and other stakeholders at national,
sub-national, and local levels in Pakistan.

The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Asian

Disaster Preparedness Center acknowledge the governments,
international organizations and stakeholder representatives who
provided their valuable contribution and feedback to this report.
It was made possible by the generous contribution made by
the Government of Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade, as part of the Partnership Framework with the UN Office
for Disaster Risk Reduction on ‘Supporting Implementation of
the Sendai Framework.’

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this

document do not necessarily reflect the views of UNDRR or of
the United Nations Secretariat, partners, and governments, and
are based on the inputs received during consultative meetings,
individual interviews, and the literature reviews conducted by
the research team. While every effort has been made to ensure
the accuracy of the information, the document remains open for any
corrections in facts, figures and visuals.

This publication may be freely quoted but acknowledgement of the source is requested.

UNDRR (2019). Disaster Risk Reduction in Pakistan: Status Report 2019. Bangkok, Thailand, United Nations Office for Disaster
Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Disaster Risk Reduction in Pakistan
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Total Population 207,774,520

Climate Risk Index

Urban Population 75,584,989 (36.3%)
Rank 8 / Very High Risk*
Population Density Per Km2 166.3
INFORM Risk Index
Rank 19 / High Risk**
Gross Domestic Product in 305 billion
Current $US

GDP Per Capita ($US) 1547

GDP Growth (Annual %) 5.28%

* Climate Risk Index of 2019 analyses the extent
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT to which countries have been affected by weather-
related losses between 1998-2017 (GermanWatch,
Human Development Index 0.562
** INFORM risk index is a global tool which measures
HDI Rank 150 the risk of humanitarian crises and disasters based
on 50 indicators assessing hazards, vulnerability and
Income Level Category Lower-Middle capacity (resources available to mitigate the impact)
income (INFORM, 2019)
Status Report 2019
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1. Introduction
Pakistan is located in South Asia, sharing borders with India, Iran, Afghanistan, and
China. The total land area covers 770,875 km2, which is divided into three major
geographicregions: the Balochistan Plateau, Indus River plains, as well as the northern
mountain ranges (the Himalayas, Karakorum, and the Hindukush). The climate varies
largely depending on the topography, but most of the country is covered by dry
deserts – 60 percent of the total land area is classified as arid, receiving less than
200 mm of rainfall annually (ADRC, 2016). Despite the arid to semi-arid conditions,
Pakistan encompasses a wide range of ecosystems, which are categorized into 12
vegetative zones from snowfields and cold deserts to swamps and mangrove forests at
the Indus River plains (Baig & Al-Subaiee, 2009).

In terms of hazards, Pakistan is among the most disaster-prone countries in South Asia,
having suffered an estimated US$ 18 billion in damages and losses during the past
decade (World Bank, 2017). For example, tectonic processes at the colliding boundaries
of the Indian and the Eurasian tectonic plates, driving the Himalayan orogeny, are
causing significant seismic instabilities in the region. Regular flooding also takes place
at the Indus river basin where major floods occur during the July-September monsoon
season as a result of the seasonal low depressions developing over the Arabian sea
or the Bay of Bengal (NDMI, NDMA, UNDP, 2007). Heatwaves in the early summer may
also cause flooding at various sites due to many rivers being snow-fed. Other hazards
include droughts, landslides, storms and cyclones, glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs),
avalanches and technological accidents (NDMI, NDMA, UNDP, 2007). Pakistan has also
been ranked highly in the Climate Vulnerability Index of 2019 - ranking 8th among the
10 most affected countries by extreme weather events between 1997 and 2016
(GermanWatch, 2019).

Despite the recurrent disasters, Pakistan has made significant progress in economic and
human development by reducing absolute poverty and increasing shared prosperity over
the past two decades. Between 1991 and 2011 the number of people with an income
less than US$ 1.25 a day was more than halved (World Bank, 2014), and the country
has a future potential for rapid growth similar to that of other South Asian nations.

1.1 Demographic Characteristics

The latest population census of Pakistan estimated the population at 207.77 million
people in 2017, of which 64 percent are residing in the rural areas, and 7 percent (over
14 million people) in the megacity of Karachi (Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, 2017).
38 percent of the population is under 15 years of age, and only about 4 percent of the
population is aged 65 and above (NIPS & ICF, 2019). Due to the large numbers of
youth, an estimated 3.1 million people are expected to enter the labor force during the
next four decades, indicating that increasing investments in education, health and
livelihood opportunities are needed to capture the upcoming demographic dividend
(UNFPA , 2017). When this growing youth “bulge” enter the work force with small
numbers of dependent populations, the economy could surge rapidly, but only if the
aforementioned challenges will be addressed in time.
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While the Human Development Index has increased to 0.562 in 2017, Pakistan is still
positioned at 150 out of 189 measured countries on the HDI (UNDP, 2018), and the
country is performing low on the Global Gender Gap Index (World Economic Forum,
2018). Despite such challenges, the national development is rapid; 95 percent of all
households have access to improved drinking water sources, 70 percent have improved
sanitation facilities, and 93 percent have electricity (NIPS & ICF, 2019). Social and
human health indicators have been on an ascending trend over the past two decades,
indicating that rapid future social and economic development is probable if adequate
investments are made to increase human capital and to protect development gains from
climate and disaster risks.

Figure 1. The composition of the GDP of Pakistan and largest contributing fields of industry in 2017 /18
(Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, 2018)

1.2 Economic Impact of Disasters

Several large-scale disasters have affected Pakistan and the development of the
country’s economy. As a disaster-prone country, with a high exposure to hydro-
meteorological, and geophysical hazards with reoccurring and seasonal characteristics,
damages caused by earthquakes, flooding, droughts, landslides and storms are not
uncommon (ADRC, 2016). Disasters have been found to have a profound impact on
economic growth, harming not only human capital but also infrastructure and assets
in a manner which has been established to have negative effects on the annual GDP
(Shahzad, 2014). In 1998-2001, a severe period of drought reduced the GDP growth by
50 percent (LEAD, 2015). This was followed by the Kashmir earthquake of 2005, the
flooding of 2010, earthquake in 2011, and another severe flooding in 2012. On average,
these reoccurring disasters have led to 1.16 percent reduction of the national GDP
annually, and have forced households to divert resources from productive sectors
towards rebuilding and recovery activities (LEAD, 2015).

In the case of the flooding in 2010, unprecedented monsoonal rains induced heavy
flooding of the Indus river, which spread through Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab,
Balochistan and Sindh, covering nearly one fifth of the total land area in water (DEC, 2011).
As a result, approximately 7 million people were left homeless during the rains which
continued for a week with only brief pauses (Gronewold, 2010). Between the year 2006
Status Report 2019
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and 2016, this flooding was the most destructive event to agriculture globally, causing
US$ 4.5 billion in overall agricultural damages and losses (FAO, 2018). The overall cost
of the flooding in terms of direct damage and indirect losses was estimated to reach
US$ 10.1 billion, with minimum additional costs for reconstruction estimated at US$
6.8 billion in the Preliminary Damage and Needs Assessment (ADB, World Bank & the
Government of Pakistan, 2010). According to the Fiscal Disaster Risk Assessment,
the economic impact of flooding alone has reached an estimated losses and annual
damages of up to US$ 1.8 billion, which is an equivalent of 0.5 percent of the annual
GDP (World Bank & GFDRR, 2015), and caused an estimated loss of 3-4 percent to the
annual federal budget (GFDRR, 2019).

Also, it should be noted that the impacts of these events often affect low-income
households the most. The agriculture sector is one of the most important contributors
to the household level economy of Pakistan, because almost 45 percent of the total
work force is engaged in agriculture (Usman, 2016). It contributed to nearly 19 percent
of the yearly GDP between 2017 and 2018 (figure 1), and has experienced a growth of
3.81 percent as the production of cash crops began ascending (Ministry of Finance,
2018). Rural livelihoods are increasingly exposed to the impacts of adverse impacts of
weather, and due to the lack of livelihood options and harsh conditions, many families
are becoming more and more vulnerable to hazards and climate change.

Figure 2. Poverty headcount by district (OPHI, 2017)

1.3 Social Impact of Disasters

Disasters have also had adverse impacts on human life. The flooding of 2010 affected
an estimated of 18 million people, caused 1984 casualties, displaced 150,000 families
and damaged or destroyed approximately 1.8 million houses across the 78 impacted
districts (WHO, 2011). Out of the 9,721 health facilities in the country, 515 were reported
damaged or destroyed. However, most severe impacts were caused by the disruption
on the delivery of health services as the lack of medical equipment, medication and
displaced staff were restricting the effectiveness of relief efforts. Also, displacement
persisted several months after the flood depending on the area.
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Monthly household incomes in some regions dropped by half, and livelihoods or income
generation took up to six months to recover in regions that had suffered severe impacts
of the flooding (Kirsch, et al., 2012). Also, in the studied households, it was established
that households headed by a person without formal education recovered at a slower rate
due to a generally lower socio-economic background (Kirsch, et al., 2012), indicating that
poor households were among the hardest hit.

By August 2010, almost half a million cases of dysentery and other diseases had
been reported as a result of the flooding, and approximately 3.5 million children were
estimated to be at risk of contracting diarrhea, cholera, and other water-borne diseases
(Looney, 2012). During the months following the flooding, cases of Crimean-Congo
hemorrhagic fever, dengue, cholera, malaria, measles, polio and diphtheria started
unfolding (Warraich, et al., 2011). Such health impacts and losses of livelihoods following
cascading disasters affect households due to the forced need to redirect resources to
recovery activities, and also the children of low-income backgrounds are forced to drop
out of education to seek employment opportunities to support their families (LEAD, 2015).

2. Disaster Risk Profile

2.1 Hazards and Climate Change
Pakistan is under stress from various hazards, including seismic activity originating in the
Himalayan region, along with numerous hydrometeorological hazards such as flooding,
cyclones and adverse weather. However, different parts of the country are exposed to
varying extent; coastal areas are prone to swell waves and cyclones, the low-lying plains
of Indus river are increasingly prone to flooding, and the northern regions are highly
vulnerable to landslides, snowstorms, avalanches and earthquakes (Ullah & Takaaki,
2016). These events occur regularly and at all scales, thus increasing vulnerabilities
and creating cycles of poverty as they erode the resilience of the most vulnerable
inhabiting highly exposed areas.

Most damaging events in the past have been cyclones, droughts, floods, and landslides;
75 percent of all disasters between 1980 and 2013 have been the result of
hydrometeorological hazards (GFDRR, 2019; Ullah & Takaaki, 2016). However, seismic
events are still a particular concern due to the vicinity of the Himalayan orogenic zone,
activity of which has triggered severe large-scale earthquakes. For example, the past
earthquake measured 7.2 on the moment magnitude scale resulted in catastrophic
losses in Kashmir in 2005. The Kashmir earthquake killed nearly 75 000 people and
destroyed 3 million homes partly due to massive-scale landslides (Naranjo, 2008).
Furthermore, the tectonic activity of the main plates may trigger the other complex
fault zones which have the potential for severe failures. For example, the earthquake of
2008 in Balochistan, where the strike-slip failure of the Chaman fault (driven by the
collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates which further interact with the Afghan block)
caused a main shock of Mw 6.4 which further cascaded into 1185 total recorded shocks
(Yadav, et al., 2012).
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Droughts are also frequently occurring events, especially in the Sindh and Balochistan
provinces which receive low annual rainfall (Ullah & Takaaki, 2016). They tend to be
complex socio-economic phenomena rather than just physical hazards, because in
these regions, prevalence of poverty is higher, and overexploitation of groundwater is
common due to lack of adaptive capacity. Thus, lack of options for irrigation and the
lack suitable land are correlating with drought-related crop losses (Ullah & Takaaki, 2016).
Flooding on the other hand, is common along the Indus River basin, which is extending
from India through Kashmir and Pakistan towards the Arabian Sea, and covering
approximately 25 percent or 977,000 km2 of the total land area of Pakistan (Shabir, 2013).

Finally, landslides are known to occur frequently, causing significant damage to

human activities, housing, roads, water supplies and communication systems.
Destroyed infrastructure in the aftermath of the Kashmir earthquake-induced landslides
were hindering the distribution of relief and aid, and slope failures are common in areas
where soil structure and vegetation have been lost on hillsides due to unmanaged
development and deforestation to obtain valuable timber (Tariq & Gomes, 2017).

Figure 3. Annual change in temperature in Islamabad (UN-Habitat, 2014)

Figure 4. Vulnerability assessment of Pakistan by district (Rafiq & Blaschke, 2012).

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Many of the impacts of these hazards are magnified by climate change; a general
warming trend has been identified in Pakistan, and the future projected trend has been
estimated to be higher than the global average (ADB, 2017) (figure 3). For example,
Karakoram Glaciers have indicated declining stability, and the risk of GLOFs is
increasing as a result of melting. 80 percent of the Hassanabad village has been found
to be highly exposed to large-scale flooding in the near future, and the low-lying areas of
Hunza River are susceptible to catastrophic damage as they are in the vicinity of the
Shishper glacier which has shown highly anomalous behavior due to melting between
2018-2019 (Shah, et al., 2019).

Climate change is also identified as one of potential drivers of domestic migration in

Pakistan. In a low-middle-income country, with income and wealth disparities apparent
especially in the rural regions (where poorest demographics are reliant on agriculture),
eroding livelihoods and dwindling food security following adverse impacts of weather
could significantly contribute to internal migration in the future as people are forced
to look alternative livelihood options (SDPI, 2016). Many are already leaving their jobs
and hometowns due to losing income and homes as a result of water shortages and
disasters (Malik, et al., 2018), and the issue is likely to become worse in the future.
Heatwaves have also been projected to increase. By 2030, annual heat accumulation
could increase up to 32 percent in Punjab and Sindh (Nasim, et al., 2018). Climate
change has been found to have adverse impacts on majority of the major food crops,
and the growing population has been suspected to face the problem of reduced food
security in the future (Ali, et al., 2017). 90 percent of the agricultural output comes from
irrigated land, and 50 to 80 percent of water running through the irrigation network is
sourced directly from the glaciers and snow melt in the Hindukush mountain ranges
(USAID, 2013). Thus, any change in the glacier mass could significantly decrease the
availability of water and affect the energy production as 33 percent of the energy supply
is hydropower driven (USAID, 2013).

2.2 Exposure
Millions of people in Pakistan are exposed to the environment by living in the vicinity of
flood plains, the ocean or in the northern regions prone to landslides and seismic
activity. However, a common denominator is shared by most of the population; one of
the crucial resources in Pakistan is water. Increasing temperature and lessened rainfall
as a result of climate change and changing rainfall patterns may increase the incidence
of droughts, and Pakistan has been categorized among the most water-stressed
countries; between 1947 and 2013, per capita water availability has decreased nearly
six-fold (Abid, et al., 2016). In rural regions, where farming is a lifeline of many, climate
change and decreasing water resources are a significant threat.

In terms of tectonic hazards, due to the complex web of active fault lines, earthquakes
are common and have a potential to cause massive-scale destruction mainly in the
northern mountainous regions. The remoteness also poses difficulties during the
phases of response; the Kashmir earthquake in 2005 buried entire towns by landslides,
disrupted infrastructure and communication networks and severely hampered the
provision of aid (Naranjo, 2008). Another 7.5 magnitude earthquake took place in 2015,
again affecting the Kashmir region.
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Also, flash flooding is causing significant damage to lives and livelihoods. Such events
are common especially in the mountain ranges due to steep topography and
unpredictable climate which increases the soil instability (Shabir, 2013). Forest
degradation has been suggested to be a contributor to the increased flood damages
along the Indus river basin, especially in regions where illegal felling and clearing of
riverine forests for farm land and settlements have reduced the natural buffer zones to
prevent inundation (White, 2011). Forest cover decline and environmental degradation
have been found to be prevalent in most of the regions (Baig & Al-Subaiee, 2009).

2.3 Socio-economic Vulnerability

Nearly 80 percent of the poor populations reside in rural regions and are heavily
dependent on agriculture and the availability of water for irrigation (Abid, et al., 2016).
Thus, rural farmers are disproportionately vulnerable to variations in the regional
weather patterns because they often do not have access to improved seeds or
advanced technologies which could lessen climatic risks (Abid, et al., 2016), and
because they may adopt negative coping mechanisms such as planting weather
resilient cotton which is more resilient to weather but requires increased irrigation – which
in turn contributes to lessened availability of water (Mustafa, et al., 2018). Thus, due to
lack of other options, climate change has forced households to adopt methods which
increase vulnerability to droughts as a trade-off for environmental resilience. In the
coastal communities, where low-income households are engaged with fishing or
agriculture, families tend to be disproportionally affected by climate change, especially if
they lack basic infrastructure, income diversification opportunities, and access to
education (Salik, et al., 2015)

The influence of feudal families adds to the difficulties farmers are facing in times of
adversity. An estimated 2 percent of Pakistani households control more than 45 percent
of the total land area – meaning that these powerful households hold the control over
water subsidies and agriculture (Looney, 2012). In the aftermath of the 2010 flooding,
landless farmers and peasants struggled to recover their livelihoods, lacked access to
shelter, were forced into debt cycles and were largely at the mercy of the good will of
private money lenders and feudal families – a situation which pushed low-income
demographics further into poverty (Looney, 2012).

Also, the poorest and landless tend to inhabit low-lying regions and on the peripheries
of villages, rendering them increasingly exposed to flooding impacts (Ullah & Takaaki,
2016). Highly vulnerable regions have been considered to have lowest income and
education levels, with limited access to clean water and infrastructure (Rafiq &
Blaschke, 2012). The issues of low quality housing for the poor are partly structural
and have roots in the structure of the economy; 68 percent of the population (lowest
income) have 1 percent of the available housing units within their buying reach (Siddiqui,
2014), indicating that the poorest are forced out of safer areas.
Disaster Risk Reduction in Pakistan
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2.4 Physical Vulnerability

It has also been established that in regions where poverty is high, increase in physical
vulnerability follows (figure 4). The landless and the poor tend to construct low-cost
houses with easily available materials, and such buildings are susceptible to damages
of disasters due to lack of engineering (Ullah & Takaaki, 2016). According to a risk
assessment conducted by Rafiq & Blaschke, well developed areas and major hubs of
economic activities have a very low risk ranking, whereas low-income districts with
high numbers of vulnerable populations in the south-west (including Gawadar, Turbat,
Khuzdar, Awaran and Bolan) and some areas in the north have a very high risk of
flooding, earthquakes, droughts or cyclones (Rafiq & Blaschke, 2012).

Rapid unplanned urbanization is yet another contributing factor to increasing disaster

risks in Pakistan. Karachi is growing at an annual rate of 5 percent, and vulnerabilities
to disasters are increasing; inadequate housing being developed on marginal land is
more prone to flood and earthquake damages (Ali, et al., 2015) and environmental
degradation often follows such unmanaged urban growth. Urban expansion in Lahore
Metropolitan region has been found to be affecting the ground water quality due to
industrial pollution and municipal waste (Batool, et al., 2019), and environmental
degradation not only contributes to risks, but also has the potential to impact
economic development negatively due to lessened availability of local resources for
domestic production (Azam & Khan, 2016). The agricultural sector is already facing
challenges of erosion, salinity and waterlogging, and these processes are most likely to
contribute in increased food insecurity due to unmanaged land-use following population
growth, and due to impacts of climate change (Qasim, et al., 2016).

2.5 Future of Disaster Risks in Pakistan

Future prospects for disasters are dire. Hydro-meteorological hazards are likely to
increase in severity and frequency; water is becoming increasingly scarce and growing
populations in large cities require increasing amounts of resources and services in a
country which is losing significant amounts of its annual GDP and federal funding to
disasters. The Climate Risk Index places Pakistan as 8th out of the 10 worst affected
countries by climate change globally. For example, in the case of farmer households,
Ahmad, et. al. (2015) estimated that 69-89 percent of families would be made vulnerable
to climate change by mid-century. Lessened availability of water will be a key challenge;
as a highly water-stressed country, the projected frequency and severity of droughts
could be detrimental to livelihoods of thousands. Most of the hydrometeorological
hazards (including GLOFs) are likely to increase in frequency and severity, and climate
change may also threaten the coastal communities. 10 percent of the population and
40 percent of all industry reside at or in the vicinity of the coast of the Arabian Sea, on an
area which is becoming increasingly vulnerable to storm swells, cyclones and rising
sea-levels (Rabbani, et al., 2014). Even a slight sea level rise threatens storm barriers
and salt water intrusion could affect fresh water resources along the coastal belt – not to
mention the Indus Delta plains, 7 500 km2 of which could become submerged in a
severe climate scenario (Rabbani, et al., 2014). Increase in flooding and storm intensity
also increases coastal erosion, and with the declining natural buffer zones (such as the
mangrove forests) exposure to hydro-meteorological hazards is rapidly increasing.
Status Report 2019
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3. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate

Action Interventions
While the Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 is thought to have promoted DRM advancement
in affected countries such as Sri Lanka, Maldives and Thailand, the Kashmir Earthquake
in October, 2005, created a sense of urgency for establishing a proactive and
comprehensive DRR system in Pakistan. The major flood event in 2010 has expedited
further actions to drive DRR momentum into full implementation. The following
chapters capture highlights of the legacy of past attempts and current status in DRR,
as well as looks into the implementation challenges and priorities for the future.

3.1 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

Priority 1. Understanding Disaster Risk. The National Hazard and Risk Assessment,
conducted in 2011, is the nation-wide mechanism serving as a key baseline document
for risk sensitive development planning at the national, provincial and local
levels (ADB, 2015). However, more work is needed to develop a thorough understanding
of hazard and disaster risks in Pakistan. Also, lack of essential risk information, such
as baseline data and risk profiles for different geographic areas, is considered as a
missing link required for risk-informed holistic DRM policy development (World Bank,

Multi-hazard vulnerability and risk assessment (MHVRA) is one of main focus areas
indicated in the Implementation Roadmap 2016-2030 of Pakistan’s National Disaster
Management Plan. While a nation-wide scale MHVRA is still to be developed, detailed
and location specific assessments have been carried out, providing comprehensive risk
information for Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMAs) and concerned
agencies in DRM and development planning. Recently conducted MHVRA includes
Multi Hazards & Risk Assessment Studies of five districts in Punjab (Multan, Jhang,
Bahawalpur, R.Y.Khan & Khanewal) covering complete spectrum of hazards and
vulnerabilities, while another similar assessment has been piloted to cover Sindh
Province on a micro-level scale with focus on five selected districts (Thatta, Badin, Tando
Mohammad Khan, Tando Allah Yar and Mir Pur Khas) (ADRC&NDMA, 2017).

To support risk-informed decision-making for sectoral development, sector specific risk

assessments have been conducted in the past. Some include considerations for multi-
dimensional vulnerabilities by adopting Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI) as a
proxy for vulnerability to food security. Some other examples include the Sindh Drought
Needs Assessment in August 2016 to understand drought risk and its impacts on
livelihoods, food security, nutrition, health, water, and sanitation sector, and the Child-
Centered Risk Assessment (2017) in three focused District of Balochistan (Quetta,
Jaffarabad and Naseerabad), by UNICEF.

At the local level, risk assessment exercises have been carried out in small cities and
districts as pilot versions, and for other purposes such as for zoning reconstruction
areas to enable the estimation of seismic risks and related phenomena commissioned
by the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) for 2005 Earthquake reconstruction
program (Zimmerman & Issa, 2009).
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While recognizing the need to consolidate risk assessments, National Working Group
(NWG) has been established by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
to provide strategic guidance and coordinate all activities related to vulnerability and
risk assessments for guaranteeing uniformity of data, information and the utilization of
standard methodologies (NDMA, 2015). For enhancing uniformity in risk assessment
methodologies, guidelines for conducting MHVRA have been launched by NDMA
(NDMA, 2016). Pakistan Shared Platform for Disaster Resilience Information is under
development, led by NDMA with support of World Bank, to serve as a one-stop online
hub of risk information.

Priority 2. Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk. Pakistan

has developed a robust institutional structure for DRM. After the 2005 Kashmir
earthquake, Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) was
established as a central coordinating body to assume the responsibility over earthquake
recovery and post-earthquake development work inclusive of disaster risk reduction
considerations. To strengthen DRM system, the National Disaster Management (NDM)
Act 2010 was enacted to set up institutional arrangements of DRM in Pakistan with
decentralized responsibility under the three-tier governance level: federal, provincial and
district level, with authorized DRM bodies: the National Disaster Management Authority
(NDMA), Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMAs) and District Disaster
Management Authorities (DDMAs).

Pakistan’s DRM policy and plans have evolved over the years with the National Disaster
Risk Management Framework (NDRMF) 2007-2012 outlining a comprehensive DRR
agenda and a successive plan (National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) 2012-2022),
as a mechanism to manage the complete spectrum of disasters by developing disaster
risk reduction policies, strategies, measures and actions in partnership with all
stakeholders, having highlighted priority actions and costs for the ten-year period. The
NDMP comprises the Master Plan, Human Resource Development Plan on Disaster
Management, Multi-Hazard Early Warning System Plan and Instructors’ Guidelines on
Community Based Disaster Risk Management, which is a tested model for CBDRM for
possible replication (NDMA, 2012). Hazard specific preparedness plan, contingency
plans, and standard operating procedures are all in place to be used as a reference for
all concerned agencies.

Also, Institutional capacity strengthening has taken place by National Institute of

Disaster Management (NIDM) acting as a technical and training institute of NDMA, with
funding support from international donors. Major programs include capacity building of
disaster management bodies at the federal, provincial and district levels.

At the federal level, the National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC), headed by
the Prime Minister, is the main policy making body, with NDMA performing the
functions of its secretariat with the overall responsibility in coordinating DRM
implementation. This structure is replicated at provincial level with Provincial Disaster
Management Commissions (PDMCs) as decision-making bodies headed by the
respective Chief Minister of the Province, with Provincial/Regional Disaster Management
Authorities as secretariat and operational arms. At district level, District Disaster
Management Authorities (DDMAs) have been established to be responsible for the whole
spectrum of DRM in their jurisdiction (NDMA, 2015)
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However, overlapping functions of DRM agencies and operators remain a challenge

from national to sub-national level, resulting in lack of clarity over the chain of command.
While the policy framework and institutional mandates strive towards holistic DRM,
government interventions are still responsive rather than preparedness and risk reduction


To guide the state’s action

GOVERNMENT OF The Calamities Act
National during emergencies with a
focus on response and relief

To rehabilitate the affected

EARTHQUAKE ERRA Act 2011 regions and to establish an
RECONSTRUCTION (enforced as an ex-post institutional framework for
AND REHABILITATION facto law from July 1st, undertaking reconstruction
AUTHORITY (ERRA) 2007) and development work after
the 2005 earthquake.

To lay down a
comprehensive framework
National, Provincial, for DRM, covering all phases
MANAGEMENT Management Act
Districts of the disaster management
cycle (replacing the DM
ordinance of 2009)

National Disaster
NATIONAL DISASTER Intended to identify guiding
Risk Management National, Provincial,
MANAGEMENT principles and priorities for
Framework (2007- Districts
AUTHORITY disaster risk reduction

To guide and mainstream

NATIONAL DISASTER National Disaster institutional and technical
National, Provincial,
MANAGEMENT Management Plan DRM priorities, in
COMMISSION (2012-2022) recognition of the needs of
pre-disaster phases.

To outline priorities
and directions for risk
National Disaster Risk National, Provincial, reduction from a proactive
Reduction Policy (2013) Districts perspective, with a special
emphasis on prevention,
mitigation and preparedness

Sets up priority activities

for the period of 2016-2030,
National Disaster
NATIONAL DISASTER with a focus on multi-hazard
Management Plan National, Provincial,
MANAGEMENT risk assessments, capacity
Implementation Road Districts
AUTHORITY building, community
Map (2016-2030)
resilience and raising

Outlines the framework for

NATIONAL DISASTER disaster response based
The national Disaster National, Provincial,
MANAGEMENT on identified roles and
Response Plan (2019) Districts
AUTHORITY responsibilities of various

Table 1. National disaster and climate risk reduction policies, plans and legislation in Pakistan
Disaster Risk Reduction in Pakistan
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Priority 3. Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience. To improve risk

financing capacity and establish secured funding to actualize planned DRR
interventions, the National Disaster Management Act of 2010 sets up a National
Disaster Management Fund managed by the federal government, while separate disaster
management funds are to be established by each of the provincial governments and
district administration. At sub-national level, PDMAs and DDMAs have varying financial
capacity and have faced budget constraints for DRM activities. Due to the fact that
the country has suffered recurrent flooding and other large-scale events which have
caused accumulating financial impacts, international agencies have played a crucial role
in strengthening financial resource for DRM including a US$ 200 million loan approved
by the ADB in 2016 to support the establishment of a National Disaster Risk
Management Fund, and support by the World Bank on the establishment of disaster risk
financing strategies and DRM funds at the provincial level (ADB, 2019).

Addressing socio-economic vulnerabilities would entail reducing economic disparities,

in which social safety nets play a crucial role to cushion acute disaster and financial
shocks, and, for a broader purpose, to ensure minimum income support for the poor.
Pakistan has initiated social safety net schemes for labor force and non-labor forces
including Workers Welfare Fund, the Employees Old-Age Benefits Institution, the Zakat
Fund, the Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, and the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP).
Established in 2008, BISP helps reduce social and economic vulnerabilities by covering
more than 7.7 million households (ADB, 2019). The National Socio-Economic Registry
(NSER), established under BISP, hosts a database of more than 27 million households
(approx. 167 million people), which is utilized by the federal and provincial social sector
programs to improve targeted pro-poor performance. (World Bank, 2015).

Risk-sensitive DRR investment has also become compulsory in development planning.

It has been made mandatory for government agencies to complete disaster risk
screening using DRR checklist as part of official procedures by the Planning Commission
(ADPC, 2018), hence ensuring the mainstreaming of DRR into public sector development
projects before their approval by the highest planning forum for implementation (NDMA,
2015). Mainstreaming DRR into provincial planning and development departments has
started in some provinces including Punjab, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(NDMA, 2015).

In terms of sectoral DRR mainstreaming, agriculture is one of the highly vulnerable

sectors given that the economy and livelihoods are largely dependent on agriculture. Key
impediments, including high costs of adaptation measures in semi-arid rural areas and
the farmers’ lack of knowledge about hazards, have to be overcome (Qaisrani, et al., 2018).
Investment in irrigation development schemes has been conducted, with Flood Control
Commission (FFC) and provincial irrigation departments as key executing parties, to
expand irrigated areas for local farming and increase capacity for flood protection.
However, besides the structural interventions, more investments in experimenting cost-
effective and locally-viable adaptation options, financing necessary provisions to enable
local adaptation, and increased capacity building on adaptation for farmers should be
prioritized to enhance the resilience of the agricultural sector.
Status Report 2019
Pages // 18

Priority 4. Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response to “Build Back

Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction. Attempts to strengthen
emergency response and coordinating mechanism for crisis management include the National
Disaster Response Plan (NDRP-2019), an updated version of NDRP-2010, the Host
Nation Support Guidelines for Foreign Assistance to Pakistan During Disasters (2018)
and National Monsoon Contingency Response Directive. Updated and issued annually
before monsoon period, the National Monsoon Contingency Response Directive presents
the outlook of the monsoon situation for the upcoming year, visualizes monsoon
contingencies, and provides response guidelines for three tiers of response level:
Local Emergency Response by DDMAs, Provincial level and National level led by the
NDMA. The directive guides phased actions and assign tasks for concerned agencies
for hydro-met hazards including cyclone, flashfloods, GLOFs, landslides and avalanches
(NDMA, 2018).

Recognizing specific needs and vulnerability of women and children, the Gender and
Child Cell (GCC) was established in 2010 under NDMA. Responsible for integrating
the understanding of the needs of women, children and other vulnerable segments of
population during humanitarian response, emergency management and DRR, the Gender
and Child Cell reflects the country’s attempt to fulfil its legal obligations in protecting
fundamental rights as articulated in the Constitution, aligned with international
conventions and treaties on the rights of children, women and marginalized populations.
Policy guidelines, standards and tools have been developed to be adopted in
emergency response including National Policy Guidelines on Vulnerable Groups in
Disasters (2014), Minimum Standards for Protective Spaces for Children (2013), and
Guidelines for Minimum Standards of Relief in Camp (2017).

With prior experience in post-disaster recovery, Pakistan has introduced ad hoc recovery
management bodies with plans devised for early recovery and recovery interventions.
Special agencies established for, and guiding recovery framework include the Earthquake
Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) for post-Earthquake 2005 recovery,
a Strategic Early Recovery Action Plan (SERAP) and Flood Relief and Early Recovery
Response Plan (PFRERRP) for 2010 Floods (UNDP, 2012).

Post-disaster needs assessments (PDNAs) consider damages by sector and cross-

cutting themes have been conducted with support from GFDRR and different technical
agencies following the 2010 and 2011 flooding to assist the government in determining
socioeconomic impacts and formulating recovery strategies for sustainable
reconstruction. Recovery needs assessment (R&A) was conducted for 2014 Floods
by NDMA, jointly with UNDP and other partners to inform estimated cost for recovery
and reconstruction. Enhancing build-back-better started in 2010 with the Guidelines
for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Early Recovery of Floods, developed to
guide disaster risk-sensitive recovery across 8 clusters: community physical
infrastructure, governance, water and sanitation, education, health, housing, agriculture
and food security, and nonfarm livelihoods.
Disaster Risk Reduction in Pakistan
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4. Coherence with Sustainable

Development Goals & the Paris Climate
Building synergies between climate change, disaster risk reduction and sustainable
development are well articulated in different policy and planning frameworks, and they
are reflected in the institutional arrangement. The Parliamentary SDGs Secretariat
is formed based at the National Assembly to steer the SDGs localization and
mainstreaming process and a dedicated SDGs Section is housed under the federal
Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform (MoPDR) for SDGs monitoring and national

Federal budget for country SDGs implementation has also been put in place. MoPDR
with support from UNDP Pakistan has started National Initiative for Sustainable
Development Goals to institutionalize 2030 Agenda that will look at a broad spectrum
of interventions to fully operationalize SDGs encompassing financial resources,
mainstreaming SDGs into plans, policies and resource allocation, establishing
a robust SDGs monitoring system, and innovative approach for accelerating the
implementation (Federal SDGs Support Unit, 2018).

Pakistan 2025: One Nation – One Vision, fully aligned with the SDGs (Ministry of Planning
Development and Reform, 2018) is a blueprint for future-oriented and growth-centric
development for Pakistan, taking into account climate change challenges as a priority
for government action. The Vision 2025 states that the key interests include inclusive
growth, security of energy, water and food, regional connectivity, and private-sector and
entrepreneurship-led growth. Aspects with DRR-linkages are well noted as part of water
security including water resource management and water related disaster resilience.
From the climate change domain, the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) 2012
provides an overarching framework for addressing threats of change climate and
recognizes the importance of sectoral-wise adaptation and mitigation measures. NCCP
is not taken as a standalone policy but is motivated by its contribution to achieve c
ountry’s economic growth (ADB, 2017).

Similarly, the framework for implementation of the National Climate Change Policy for
the period 2014-2030 provides strategic guide to integrate adaptation actions and
mitigation measures across development sectors, hence promoting climate-friendly
national and economic planning (Government of Pakistan, 2017). With the enactment
of the Climate Change Act 2017, Pakistan Climate Change Council was established
as an apex policy formulation and decision-making agency on climate change, chaired
by the Prime Minister.
Status Report 2019
Pages // 20

Policies with Linkages

Policies with Linkages Policies with Linkages to
to the Paris Climate
Sectoral Aim to Sendai Framework for Sustainable Development
Agreement or
Disaster Risk Reduction Goals
The Framework for
Economic Growth (2011) Climate Change Act 2017
National Disaster Vision 2025 (2014)
National Management Plan Implementation
Development Implementation Road Map Adoption of the Sustainable Framework for the
(2016-2030) Development Goals as National Climate Change
the National Development Policy (2014-2030)

National Environmental National Forest Policy

Policy (2005) 2015
Environmental National Environmental
Protection Policy (2005)
National Forest Policy National Climate Change
(2015) Policy (2012)

National Disaster
Management Plan (2012-
Disaster and Nationally Determined
Climate Risk National Disaster Risk Climate Change Act 2017 Contribution for the Paris
Reduction Reduction Policy (2013) Agreement (2016)

National Flood Protection

Plan (2015-2025)

Benazir Income Support National Climate Change

The National Action Plan for Program (BISP) Policy (2016)
Vulnerability the Implementation of the
Reduction Bangkok Principles on Health
Aspects of the SFDRR (2017) National Adaptation Plan
National Action Plan on
and the sub-national
Responsible Consumption
integrated development
and Production (2017)
plans of action (LAPAs)

National Disaster Risk

Reduction Policy (mentions
Urban the need for improved, risk- 11th Five-year Plan 11th Five-year Plan
Development informed land-use planning

Table 2. Synergies between the national policies, plans and frameworks by sector
Disaster Risk Reduction in Pakistan
Pages // 21

5. Issues in Implementation of the DRR

and Climate Policy
With increased frequency and intensity of disaster events, emergency response capacity
and more amplified preparedness interventions have to be strengthened, especially for
floods as recurrent hazards. Moreover, for disaster risk reduction, actions should be
emphasized by establishing coherent plans, with the division of functions and roles
between multi-tiered DRM structures and concerned agencies at different levels (Fayaz
& Bussell, 2017). Revisiting DRM institutional arrangements and mandates at all levels
should be prioritized to clarify the division of tasks and chain of incident command.

While each district has formulated a District Disaster Risk Mitigation (DRM) Plan,
putting the plan into action has been hampered in part by lack of resources (NDMA,
2015). Thus, addressing financial challenges is another critical area. Direct allocation
from federal level for provincial and district DRR activities is not in tune with the current
budget system, and PDMAs and DDMAs themselves have faced serious impediment in
mobilizing locally-generated funds for DRR, amidst various competing demands. Alignment
of donor priorities with national strategies and more effective resource allocation from
donor-funded schemes should be explored (ADPC, 2018) to channel financial resource,
and thus realizing planning into materialized actions. Disaster risk finance strategy is
compulsory for Pakistan to address the significant financial and fiscal costs arising from
disasters and climate change.

6. Stakeholder Analysis
Pakistan has hands-on extensive experience in multi-stakeholder collaboration on the
reconstruction work after the 2005 earthquake. The Earthquake Reconstruction and
Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) partnered with local NGOs possessing prior experience
in reconstruction and through the partnership, social mobilization and community
capacity building on seismic-resistance reconstruction through cascading training was
made possible (World Bank, 2013). Community led bodies, e.g. Village Reconstruction
Committees were formed for implementation of people-centered housing reconstruction
with training provided to local masons, artisans and craftsmen on earthquake-resistant

Various local, national and international NGOs have been instrumental in providing aid and
humanitarian services. Pakistan Humanitarian Forum (PHF), representing 63 international
aid organizations, has been active since 2003 to address humanitarian and development
needs for vulnerable populations in Pakistan. In remote areas, local NGOs have supported
monitoring the progress of shelter reconstruction by different partners, feeding back to
shelter cluster and provincial authorities, for coherent recovery effort. NGOs have a
pivotal role in providing a wide range of health and education and other services to
millions of people in poverty in remote parts of the country (Mohmand, 2019).
Status Report 2019
Pages // 22

However, roles of NGOs, CBOs and people-organized groups are still peripheral in DRM
domain and limited mostly to relief distribution. While platforms are established for
coordination and joint initiatives such as through Disaster Risk Reduction Forum, a
network of INGOs and NGOs, their engagement in mitigation and preparedness is not
strong enough to advocate for policy change nor trigger responsive acts from the
government (Fayaz, 2017). Potential of these actors have to be optimized through various
coordinating platforms and mechanisms that enhance synergies and complementary of
state and non-state actors.

7. Future Challenges and Priority Issues

7.1 Challenges
Challenges related to water security have reached their critical threshold. Various factors
are acknowledged to be contributing to the situation; poor water data and information
for water resource monitoring and management, weak processes for water resources
planning and allocation, absence of environmentally sustainable water utilization,
widespread pollution, and low water productivity in agriculture (World Bank, 2019).
Coupled with increasing flood and drought risks, sustainable water management by
adopting multi-disciplinary solutions, with basin-scale multi-stakeholder water planning,
will be crucial.

Risk-sensitive spatial planning is still hindered by the lack of technical capacity,

comprehensive disaster and climate risk information, and due to complex governance
and urban development systems. However the plethora of government agencies
involved in DRM and DRR at federal, provincial and district level as well as non-state
actors provided both, opportunities as well as challenges. From DRR perspective, there
is a lack of long-term planning for flood risk reduction and activities remain extremely
centralized (Imran, et al., 2016).

7.2 Priority Issues

Increasing the understanding of disaster and climate impacts in Pakistan is among the
highest priorities due to lack of availabile baseline data, SADD and contextualized
information stored in comprehensive and updated disaster information management
systems. Furthermore, information should be made easily available to all sub-national
level development planners and the private sector to mainstream the implementation of
DRR and CR in all sectoral development. However, lack of technical capacity and resources
are limiting the collection, analysis and management of disaster information at the lower
levels of government.

Characterized by climatic and topographic diversity, all provinces and regions in Pakistan
are facing a range of disaster and climate change threats. This reaffirms the hypothesis
that on-going efforts to decentralize DRR is necessary. However, addressing the non-
availability of local expertise and professionals in DRR is compulsory for the country to
fully roll out the National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) 2012-2022 into actions that
address specific problems and needs of each locality. Also, building technical competency
Disaster Risk Reduction in Pakistan
Pages // 23

in conducting risk assessments, and capacity building on DRR, must be extended down
to sectoral planners, local planning authorities, town planners, and data and statistics
management agencies especially at provincial and district level.

DRM architecture in Pakistan has improved in terms of scale and quality. However,
participatory approaches and work modality with non-state actors must be further
enhanced. Continued awareness-raising and promotion of people-centric DRR should be
mainstreamed in all DRR and climate interventions. More up-scaled actions are required
to empower people in inclusive disaster preparedness and mitigation, enhance coping
capacity and livelihood diversifications, and to promote the application of climate change
adaptation among vulnerable populations. In this regard, concerned government agencies
will be a key driver of the process by providing necessary provision and imparting
technical know-how to the communities, alongside building ownership and trust among
diverse population groups, based on mutual DRR benefits.

With an increased investment in irrigation systems and flood mitigation structures, one
of the priorities is to look at connectivity of developed irrigation structures of different
scales, efficacy of the system as a whole, and improved soft-interventions, essentially on
water situation analysis and management, that requires interdisciplinary knowledge and
skills. Degradation of Indus River Basin, (said to be a result of poorly managed irrigation
system), and other river basins suffering deterioration require long term strategies and
solutions that explore options for managing water-resources and ecosystems in a holistic

Establishment of national disaster management fund has filled financial resource gaps
and promoted resilient investments into all development projects related to DRR (ADPC,
2018). Investment in DRR is envisaged to achieve greater scale of operation in the
years to come. Systematic mechanism is essential at this point for Pakistan to track
benefit and overall impacts of spent funds for medium and long term DRR policies
and investment. A robust monitoring system for progress tracking feeding into SFDRR
monitoring is also an important instrument to build a strong case of comparative benefits
of DRR investments for sustainable growth, aligned with the SDGs.

Finally, given the fast expansion of urban areas and growing cities, Pakistan requires rapid
risk reduction initiatives conducted in the urban context. Enforcing existing building
codes and improving the drainage capacity are among key aspects to mitigate the flood
and seismic risks. Furthermore, social safety net schemes and funds, including the
Zakat fund, could be further utilized to supplement financial assistance to low-income
households and those vulnerable to poverty. In this context, measures focused on
poverty reduction are increasingly important given the fact that livelihoods dependent
on the environment are increasingly threatened by hazards associated with climate
change, including flooding and droughts which may severely endanger crop output, and
thus wellbeing of people.
Status Report 2019
Pages // 24

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