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I.Rüt gon menh db quan hQ:

l. The man who is standing there is a clown.
.11.T, . .1.i.Ul$) ..
2. The student don't know how to do
! exercise which were given by the teacher yesterday
dc.i.l.å.. . (IOU'.I... .l{hc)l,v.. .4jg..
.41). . ,A.Q.. .clo.. •
3. The gentleman who lives next
door to me is a well-known oraflr.
. 'l (c.v.ucv?.. y.i.(!(l... .o.c,s l... HOI)".. -1.0...6.f.lC...13...61.LUCf.l.. . .C)åoLb.4........
4. I saw many houses that were
destroyed by the storm.
.-J, . ,s.Q4V...VNliJcq....
.l'lc.\.ucc ... l...
5. The street Which leads to the
school is very wide).
6. The system which is used here
is very successful.
.. .jn .. vo.c.d. e. IC.%c.
. O.. .
7. Mr.John, who teaches my son, iQmy neighbor.
a. t. f.\ll . JV.U\. .10 n..
8. Trains which leave rom this station take an hour to get to London.
. .. 5.029.$.m.)...
.f.l.i!}.. ox).. .1
. .1c.tY.c...
9. The candidateg who are sitting for the exam are all from Vietnam.
. . condC.AaVs. .. . . {JIP...C.SAO).... 6.Q&.q. . 9./.1/,.
10. We are driving on the road which was built in 1980.
. .ahc.. . on.... {fic...hQ0.cI....
I I. Customers who complain about the service should see the manager.
.l».hi.l.tqs... OKI.. .QbD.u.1 .. l.le... Lg.. 2.0.uJLL(cf.
.«c. .(Le..
12. The city which was déstroyed during the war has now been rebuilt.
. lt.fic. c.d\.... As. jlha.l.cel.. .61*}1".00).. .wa,h.
.11.1c. .(UUw...
13. My rother, who met you yesterday, works for a big firm.
['ha .11w.. .d%. . . .GbÄ91. .Q.
14. vegetable which are soMdin this shop are grown without chemicals.
Q.. v . .. .41duct..
2. Båi tip Toeic quoc te:
O nåy tro di, töi khöng rnuÖnem chi
khoanh dåp ån lå xong, Em can phåi vé biCu thi
y. cau trüc de nhin hieu dtrq•c sao
v,åicåu dé em biét cåch ve vå bieu em chon duvc nhtr viy, O töi sé låm måu
thi cau trüc. Neu em chi khoanh dåp ån thöi thi töi
guy ring em chua låm båi tap må chi khoanh
dåp ån d6i phö!
Vå dtrcng nhién lå can dich ngåm
trong dau vå tham khåo båi dich dé tién bé trong VÜng.
l. The effects of affordable housing in rural areas will be discussed at the conference.
(A) develops (B) developing
Voca:effect—ånh hubng; affordable— (C) development (D) developed /
giå cå phåi chäng; rural areas—khu nöng thön,
discuss:thåo Juan; conference: cuöc höi nghi.
LLnq.. .l.uo...fL1.. J"'.. ,plcå.. (ICJ..
2. Even if residents in the area have shown strong - to the project, the city government
may not be hesitant to proceed with it.
(A) resisting (B) resistant (C) resisted Lf)
/ CA) (D) resistance DI,V
Voca:Even if—ngay cå khi; resident—ctr dån; show thé hién; strong: menh me; city
government—chinh quyén thånh phö; hesitant to ngån ngqi; proceed with—tién hånh;
resistance—khång cv.

3. According to many of the industry, the majority of small-sized firms are hoping to
enter into lucrative businesses.
(A) survey (B) surveys (C) surveying c') (D) surveyed
Voca: according to (gi6i tir) theo nhu; industry: ngånh; majority phån 16T,firm—cöng ty;
enter into: tham gia våo; lucrative—Sinh Ivi; businesses—doanh nghiép; survey—khåo såt.

4. A detailed quotation on the ongoing -------will be provided for free any time upon request.
(A) maintaining maintenance (C) maintained Of) (D) maintains
Voca: detailed quotation—båo giå chi tiét; ongoing—dang dién ra; upon request—theo yéu
cåu, khi yéu cåu; maintenance: båo tri.

5. You should provide the requested when submitting advertising proposals since
incompleteones will not be accepted.
(A) information 01 (B) inform (C) informing co P) informed / adj D
Voca:request: yéu cåu; ubmit—nöp, giri; advertising proposal—dé xuat quång cåo; since vi,
ké titrkhi; incomplete: khöng dåy dü, chua xong; accept: chåp nh@n.

6. All of Molina Language Institute's ------- have three or more years of experience and a
valid teaching credential.
(A) (B) instruction (C) instructing (D) instructors
Voca: experience—kinh nghiem; credential—chüng chi; valid co hiéu Ivc; instruct: hu&ng

7 Much tht; expected rcVC,jiUC I(v-jalc.dto fax y,..t
rccejvc finaJ -
approved j) approval
Voca- Much of Jon; rcvcnucy - thu, c,xpcct: df,t
JJén quan dé•.n;hat ycl to: final: cnoj
quoc Ijöpj.

8. You shou Incjode wJJl( j)

your cvccy you send
them of whom they do
(A) sjgnjng With.
%/gncd (C') (l)) to I
Voca: include: bao
gÖrn; Jcttcr: tJ)tt; rcmjnd (jo LjtllJ (lo;llJjjJ

- for reconstruction can

generate contracLj hay,been %ljljcc over fljc years
enormously lucrative earn
(A) Competitively jngs.
(Il) CompctJtjon (C) ( i)ljjpcfltjyc
Voca: reconstructjonæ
xåy contract: cirrJ[', Jihåic;
generate -- tiff)ra; carnjngs—
thu enornjously jal C(tnh tranh

1(). When the for this new

nurnber ofcxperts were asked safC•lypolicy consj(lcratjonby the managers;, a
for their conjfijcnfs.
(A) proposing 0) (13)propose
Voca: qafety policy—chinh qåch (() proposes (I)) proposal /4, /
an fo;in; be under consj(lejation dang dtt(.ycxem xét•,a
number of + NW mot q); expert:
cljuyén gia; propovaJ— de xuat.

J J We are proud to announce thcjr upcoming

----- in an event whose purpose is to educate
attendees on e-rnaJJ njarjapcmcnt tools.
(A) participation (J (1B)participatedvar/a participating
Voca: proud- tv hao; announce: thöjngl)åo; upcoming—sap tÖi; (D) participate
participation:sv tharn gia;
purpose— rnuc dich; educate—giåo doc; attendee—ngtrOitham (Lr;
tool: cong cu.

12. I his letter IS to solicit of candidates to be considered for the vacant

positions in
sales that should be fllJcd right away.
(A) nominate (B) nominations (C) nominating (D) nominated
Voca: solicit—kéu gqi, thu hüt; vacant position—vi tri tr6ng; sales bé phan bån hång; fill:
låp day; right away: ngay Jüp tirc; nominate—de cu.

13. The newly launched cell phones were designed to deliver exceptional '
' various
(A) performing 0/9 performed / (C) perform (D) performance
Voca: cell phone; dien thoqi di döng; newly launched rn6i dtrqycra rnät; deliver—cung cåp;

, IR-TRIG —07
6677.6575 —Ho tén hoc vién:

buöi biéu
, to his
experience, was threlf
A) qualified IS(B)qualifies
Due to—do, boi vi;
top: hång dåu:
Impressive: gäy
qualifications- tucmg; experience—kinh nghiém; food:
bäng cap, thvc
trinh hoc

15. regularly monitor the

quality of products
(A) require (B) requiring and seröces in ordel to'm•eetstrict
Voca: regularly thu&ng (C) required I
xuyén; monitor— (D) requirements
theo döi; in order to: dé; meet—dåp frng•.strict—

16.The conference's keynote speaker

called this morning for ---s---„that everything has been
set for his presentation.
(A) confirm (B) confirmingad
voca: keynote speaker— dién giå (C) confirmation (D) confirtned €0
chinf; confirm: xåc nhän: set: thiét lap; presentation—båi

17.To demonstrate our appreciation to our l,alued --—-.we are offering free tickets to new
playswhich received outstanding revievs from critics.
(A) custom (B) customary (C) customers (D) customized
Voca: demonstrate— thé hién•, appreciation—sv dånh giå cao; valued—giå tri; play—vo kich;
outstanding reviews— dånh giå xuåt säc, töt; critic—nhå phé binh.

18.Please review the for new safety procedures, and add your comments.
(A) proposing co (B) propose (C) proposes (D) proposal
Voca: review: xem xét, dånh giå; safety procedure—quy trinh an toån; add: bö sung, thém
proposal—dé xuåt.
19.Our monthly production capability is expected to grow significantly, owing to the
of our own factories in China.
(B) expands (C) expansion (D) expansive
(A) expand
be expected to —duqc du kién;
Voca:capability khå näng, sirc chüa; monthly: hång thång;
grow:täng; significantly— dång ké; owing to—do,

company also won a two-million-dollar-------for maintenance of the

20.At the same time, the
trainsfor the next seven years. contracted (D) contracting adoOf)
(B) contracts thäng, giånh duqc; maintenance—viéc båo
döng th&i; win:
Voca:At the same time—cüng lüc,
f, tri; contract— hop döng.

conmcs actatle€

Ith dl dl kéni
conec pha Phd,

o eek s after the compan,

Natashi not only rctn.uncd but cd a -------just tvs
reduced bv 10 percent
(A) promotion (D) pronu»tlnu
( B) promotes •) prornotcd
lat; - thing
Voca: not onlv ... but (also) klu;ng nhümg—m.i con , rcrn,iln
c,hvc, <tafY Vien

2.Ä.The Silo I louse Restaurant v,all also but anyone to eat

be open this
there should make to ensure a
(A) reservng (B) rewrsältjons reserve reserved
Voca: reservations— dåt phöng, dit Cho;ensure dam bao: seat: ch€;ngol.

24. Mr. Sasaki in the personnel department has ads Isedelnployces,to become more familiar
xvith company regulations.
(A) safely (B) safe O, (D) safety
Voca: personnel department—béph€-tnnhån s!r•,ads Ise: khuyén nhu; become more familiar
with—tronén quen thuöc hon regulations- quy d!nh.

25. Dr. Chan's groundbreaking research on hospital services ha.seffectively redefined the
basic - of patient care.
(A) conceptualrzc (B) conceptuallyAq(C) concept (D) conceptual
Voca: groundbreaking rewarch- nghién ciru dét phå; h0M)ltalservice—dichvu bénh vién;
redefine—xåc dinh loi•.basic co ban; patient bénh nhån; care: chäm soc; concept—khåi

26. This courw• provides students 'Mth the tools for thinking about ways to enhance
among races, ethnic groups and social classes.
(A) collaborative (B) collaborate (C) collaborated (D) collaboration
Voca: course: khÖa hoc; enhance—nång cao; way: cåch; collaboration: sv hqyptåc;
Chung töc; ethmc groups—cåc nhdjmdån töc; social classes—cåe tång IOpxi höi.

27. The Sharp has decided to a shuttle - - to the beach every day from 8
a.m. to 9 p.m., leaving every hour,
(A) service (B) serve (C) Will serve (D) servings
Voca: shuttle: xe dua d6n; servjngs—suat An,c;ng boc cåp.
07 6677
ten vién.
The Calgary Inn attaches
reasonable prices. importance to the
.oice at of its rooms and always offers good
clean (B) cleanliness
attach importance to
cleanliness: reasonable cå hvp

sve are known for our outstanding

our products. to customer service and the unsurpassed quality
(N)commitment (B) commit
oca:be known for durgcbiét
den; outstanding-
tröi. xuåt säc; commit: cam két; unsumassed

30.Following are some specific

factors that should be
ofthe company's financial-------- consideredfor a better understanding
(X)conditionally. (B) condition (C) conditioned
following: nhüng cåi sau dåy;
specific— thé; understanding—viéc hiéu; factor—nhån
to;financial:thuöc vé tåi chinh


of the annual conference will reach an
all-time high this year, with more than I ,000
peopleplanning to attend.
(A)attendant (B) attendance (C) attended (D) attendee
Voca:reach—dot, lén t6i; all-time moi thöi doi; more than: ho-n;plan: dy dinh•, attendant—
nhånvién; attendance—sv tham gia; attendee— nguöi tham gia.

2.Youcan reach us either by phone or e-mail when you need technical or have any
questionsabout the product you purchased.
(A)supported ü$laöJb0
(B) supporter (C) supporting (D) support
Voca:reach lién he; either A or B h04c lå A hoac lå B; technical: thuöc ve ky thuat; have:
co;purchase— mua.

3.A questionnaire asked ----to evaluate the appearanceand the overall brightness of the
(C) to shop (D) shopper
(A)shoppinga,Åjc» (B) shoppers
yéu cåu; evaluate—dånh giå; appearance—vé be
Voca:questionnaire—bång cåu höi; ask: merchandise: hång h6a.
I ngoåi;brightness—dö sång; overall: tong thé;

ten hoc

a cotnplinwntary lunch at the

raatwt',alpark ill Fe
(D) visiting mfr
(C) Nistters
complimentary lice tnien phi; lunch: bira
deo. ét

of a few differing Opinions

signed an the acquisition in spite
(B) acrees (D) agreed
viéc mua loi; in spite
thesathuän. hgp déng; acquisition—

6. Tanaka decided to resign. because a significant drop in customer satisfaction has had
Impact on sales
(B) grow (D) growth Ol'
Voca: res:g-n— ch&c: drop—
sut giåm; significant: dång ké cust01ner satisfaction— håi
khåch hånz: ad',ærse impact ånh huröngxåu; growth: su t'äng trur&ng.

The head of the lezal department is have a lot of experience

searching for experts
CA)negotiates (B) negotiator (C) negotiations (D) negotiable
Voca: legal department—bö phan phåp IS';search:
tim kiém; expert—chuyén gia; a lot of:
n. Iiéu; nezotiator— ngu&i dåm phån; negotiation—viéc dim

8. All work '"ill be discussed in detail before a written -- is given to any client.
(A) estimate (B) estimates Ad
(C) estimated •qiU jUV
) (D) estimating
Voca: in detail—chi tiét: vvritten: bäng vän bån; estimate (v,N) troc tinh, bån croc tinh.

9. DSC believes that we ---- -to our customers, to the communities where we work
and where we do business.
(A) responsibly— u (B) responsible•aA) (C) responsibility$ü (D) responsibilities
Voca: believe: tin ti-rcjng;responsibility: tråch nhiém; community: cong döng; do business—
kinh doanh.

10. The GSX offers exceptional while still achieving a fuel efficiency rating better
than that of most other vehicles in its class.
(A) performing'7J 4 (B) performed performer Ill (D) performance
Voca: exceptional: dat biet; still: van; achieve—co dtrgc; rating—sv dånh giå; fuel—nhién
lieu; efficiency hiéu quå; class—loei, hongs

Office are ordered through the central purchasing department and are typically
delivered the next business day.
supplies vå vién:
(B) supplied
: supply: do dung; through- Cc
delis.ry: giao; thong qua; purchasing
business day: department phån mua hång;
ngåy låm
Slalaysia Airlines is offering
tickets from next -------ofup to 60%
month until on online bookings for one million
July 31 next
up to- lén t0i; online
booking- vé tuyén., nöi until: Choden.
The Catering & Event
Department enjoys
a solidreputatiol flr extraordinary
( A) server (B) service
voca: co dupe; solid reputation
-danh tieng extraordinary- biét, khåc

14.Customers must contact the

z-a-;-directly for all warranty and repair issues.
(A)manufacturer (B) manufacturing
contact: lién he; manufacture: (C) manufactures 'v (D) manufactured adj 4i)
sån xuät; directly: truc tiép; warranty—båo hånh; issue

15.At the end of the fiscal year, all

employees must schedule a one-on-one meeting with
• ---- -for their yearend re\iew.
(A) supervise (B) supervisor N (C) supervising (D) supervision
Voca: fiscal year—näm tåi chinh; schedule: lén lich; one-on-one meeting—cuöcgap gö mot
döi möt; supervise: giåm sat; yearend—cuöi näm.

16.If the person you are trying to reach does not answer the telephone, please dial "O" to
speakto the -------.
(A) operator (B) operatingaaj (C) operate (D) operation
Voca:try: cö gäng; reach lién loc; dial—quay sö; operator: töng dåi vién.

17.Mark Jan •la, a junior employee, proposed an innovative project that has been funded by
oneof the organization's biggest-------.
(A) sponsor (B) sponsors (C) sponsoredünu/ (D) sponsoring
dé xuåt; innovative—sång too; fund: cap tien;
Voca:junior— cap dtr&i, it thåm nién; propose—
oneofNs: mét trong nhüng; sponsor—nhå tåi

include food aircraft

18,Major industries in this district
manufactures (C) manufactured (D) manufacture
(A)manufactureOL€(B) nghiép; district: quan; processing: ché bién;
ngånh cong
Voca:major: chinh; industry:
måy bay.
07.6677.6575 1IQvå ton hoc
101;IC M R.TRU


tested various methods to measure ffO t'yma

| 9. cc rhe ycajs, businesses have developed and
(D) performance
(B) performs (C) performedVf)nH) test: nghi#rn;
Vocat er the years—trongnhÜrngnäm qua; business—doanh nghiép;
giå, do ltrbng.
-vkhåc nhau; method: phtrcyngphåp; measure dånh
Of h0SPitaI functio
20. Whitcornb Jlospital's new efficiency program aims to reduce the workload propr
etnployees•while it still improves patient -------. appro
(A) care (B) cared vxvi (C) careful (D) carefully
cåi avol
Voca: aim to—nhämmuc dich; reduce: giåm; workload—khöi cong viéc; improve: s) yen;
thién; patient bénh nhån.

21. Gyeong Designs recently changed its marketing strategy to target hotel and restaurant 'jle box
(A) to own (B) owned (C) owners (D) own purch
Voca: recently: gån dåy; marketing strategy chién Kroctiép thi; recently gan dåy; target cap;char
—nhämtdyi;owner: chü so hÜru.

22. Yakubu Logistics will expand the warehouse loading area in preparation for an in Thefirst
shipping activity. "O ourtopic.
(A) increased (B) increase (C) increases (D) increasingly informati
Voca: expand: mo röng; warehouse: kho hång; loading area—khu vuc chåt hång; in step: bl
reparation for—dé chuan bi Cho; activity: hoqt déng.




076677.6675 vå hoc vién:
is advisable to keep
Tui ciJA
and updated for ---- -computer
(N) optitnal (B) optimize
N'oca:advisable—non; keep A updated (C) optilnally (D) optimization
elfovmance hiéu suat; security: cap nh(it A; operating system: hé dléu hånh;
an ninh, båo

2. The manager said that it is to test emergency

malfunction. equipment frequently to avoid any
(A) appropriate (B) appropriateness
Voca:appropriate: Phd hop; emergency (C) (D) most appropriately €-
suyén;avoid: trånh; malfunction— equipment thiét bi khån cap: frequently—thuOng
sv co,

3. customers who purchase

more than 500 dollars
cablebox at no -charge. worth of items can request an HDTV
(A) additional (B) addition
Voca•.purchase mua; worth (C) adding (D) additionally adv
of giå tri cüa cåc mat hång•,request: yéu cåu; cable—
dåycåp; charge: tién phi.

4. The first step in preparing a fairly ----

presentationis to do your research thoroughly on
your topic.
(A) informative (B) inform (C) information (D) informer
Voca: step: btr6c•, fairly khå; presentation—båi thuyét trinh; thoroughly ky ltröng•,topic:
chil dé.

5. While smokers are highly of the ban on smoking in workplaces, most nonsmokers
support the ban.
(A) critic (B) critically (C) critical (D) criticism
Voca:smoker: nguöi håt thuöc; highly: rat, hét st'rc;critic—nhå phé binh; ban l#nh cam;
workplace—noilåm viéc; support ung hö.

6. Online Ticket Shop gives you the chance to buy your tickets at a ------- rate
(A) reduction 01 (B) reduces (C) reduce (D) reduced
Voca:chance co höi; rate mt'rcgiå.

7. Many on-line retailers state that it is -------than they expected to set prices that attract more
customerswhile boosting their profit margins.
(A) difficult (B) difficulty (C) more difficult N (D) much difficult N
Voca:on-line retailer—nhåbån lé truc tuyen; state—n6i; expect: doån; mong doi; set
Prices— thiét lap giå; attract: thu hilt; boost—täng; profit margins—ty suåt Ivi nhuan.


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