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The relationship between lipids and carbohydrates metabolism

Carbohydrates and lipids are two of the four important biomolecules.

They both are energy sources. However, carbohydrates are available as
immediate energy sources while lipids store energy for later use and
they release energy at a lower rate.
Acetyl Co-A is the primary link between these two metabolic pathways
So, as you can see on the figure shown on the right side of the
presentation. We can see the 2 pathways of Lipid and Carbohydrates
metabolism they both intercourse or linked because of the Acetyl Co-A
inside the mitochondrial membrane.
Acetyl Co-A is the starting material for the biosynthesis of fatty acids,
cholesterol and ketone bodies
And also Acetyl CoA is the product of oxidation of glucose, glycerol and
fatty acids
Carbohydrates offer a ready source of fuel to your cells, while lipids can
store energy in your fat tissue for later use. And also Lipids provide fat-
soluble vitamins and are a structural part of membranes and hormones.

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