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Project 1D: Force a Card

It’s time to practice card forces!

In the last lesson, you watched some of the different ways David
forces a card and how he reveals his forces.

In this project, you’ll work on a trick of your own that uses a

force. Remember, you can prepare and create any revelation that you
want ahead of time so take this opportunity to be a step ahead of
your audience!

What to do
● First, brainstorm revelations and plan out your trick.
○ Brainstorm different revelations and plan what kind of
trick and ending you want to perform.
■ You could use one of the revelations outlined in the
Forces lesson, refer back to the Key Card lesson for
additional reveals, or create a new reveal of your
own! The most important thing is to try to be
creative with how to end your trick and reveal the
forced card.
■ If you’re using the FriXion pen revelation, please
exercise extreme safety and precaution while using a
● Next, practice and prepare your trick.
○ Once you have the plan and ending of your trick in place,
try and practice a few of the different types of forces
that they discussed in the lesson.
■ If you’re a beginner, you may want to try starting
with a force that requires less sleight-of-hand like
the Criss Cross Force or the Cut Deeper Force.
■ If you’re more experienced, try a force like the
Under-the-Spread Force.
○ After trying some out, pick your favorite force then
practice that force further. As Asi explained, every
force suits a different situation so choose a force that
works best for you and your trick.
○ Make sure to also practice your entire performance and
prepare anything you need to create for your trick or
revelation ahead of time if needed.
● Once you feel good about your trick, perform your trick in
front of other people.
○ If you have an extra person present, ask them to record
your performance for you so you can focus on the trick.
● Finally, share your performance with your peer group.
○ Upload a recording of your performance.
■ If you didn’t record your performance in front of an
audience, you can upload a video of yourself
explaining your trick and demonstrating your force
and revelation.
○ Instead of a video, you can also submit a post that
discusses your trick and how you revealed the forced
card. In the description, make sure to explain to your
peer group which force method you used, how you presented
the trick, and what was your audience’s reaction.

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