Review of Related Literature

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Review of Related Literature and Studies

One of the major concerns in the workplace is communication. Effective workplace

communication entails the creation and maintenance of a positive work environment. Workplace
communication is essential for improving internal communication. Maintaining effective
communication ensures that management and the various offices beneath them are all on the
same tract.

Related Literature

Foreign Studies

Despite a large body of literature on the nature of organizational communications and

government communications at the federal, state, and provincial levels, little research has been
conducted on government communications at the local or municipal level. Investigating how
much local governments value and use excellent public relations to build relationships with their
constituents is critical to the field's advancement and scholarship. According to Grunig and
Grunig, "perhaps the most important variables to be included in the Excellence factor" are
demonstrating value and communications performance (2002: 314). 

Local governments publish essential data on a host of issues such as community development,
community health, education, recreation, crime, and interesting stories about its citizens. Despite
the efforts of most local governments to get news out to their communities, public trust continues
to decline. According to Pew Research, less than 20% of Americans trust their government to 'do
what is right.' This statistic is an indication of the importance of communication in local

Strong communication in local government fosters citizen trust. This trust, it is hoped, will
inspire citizens to become involved in their communities. Citizens will come to realize that their
concerns matter as the relationship between governments and citizens strengthens over time.
Citizens are kept informed about projects that affect their taxes and their lives through
community engagement. Citizens gain confidence that their local government is prepared to deal
with emergencies.

Fortunately, technology gives local governments a multitude of ways to communicate. Print,

television, radio, online media, social media, text, and e-alerts are all communication channels
for local governments to consider using.

In moving forward, it will help local government staff and officials to remember the basics of
good communication. Communication has three parts the sender, the message, and the receiver.
Messages can easily be distorted or changed when noise interferes with them. The challenge for
local governments is how to cut through the noise and get clear, effective messages across to the

In light of technology, good practices for communication are still evolving. As they continue to

take shape, citizens still want communication that's available, honest, responsive, and genuine.
Local Studies

The importance of communication in governance reforms can be explained in a simple way.

Governance reforms, according to Odugbemi and Jacobson (2008), are technocratic solutions
accompanied by strategies to analyze and solve reform obstacles. Communication within and
among networks within and outside of government, civil society organizations, and citizens in
the public domain is typically at the heart of these solutions. In this regard, communication
promotes an appropriate and efficient flow or exchange of information between citizens,
government levels, and other institutions, which helps to strengthen public governance.

Organizational communication, according to (Riel and Fombrun 2007a), is a set of activities

involved in managing and organizing all internal and external communications aimed at creating
favorable starting points with stakeholders on whom the organization depends. It also addresses
how an organization communicates the same message to all of its stakeholders in order to
transmit coherence, credibility, and ethics, thereby building a trusted reputation in public

Baker (2002) asserts that good communication strengthens our democratic system of government
by fostering partnerships, informing policy development and improving service delivery,
anticipating issues and managing expectations, and increasing community participation in
government. Communication in the public sector ensures that stakeholders such as citizens,
leaders, and institutions are kept up to date on programs, services, and issues affecting their
benefits, rights, and obligations. According to the Government Communication and Information
System, it is critical to improve democracy and promote a better life for citizens.  In government,
the communication function is regarded as an essential component of governance and service

According to Balmer (1997), in order for organizations to maintain a positive image and
reputation, they must understand and manage their identity. Communication is critical to this
identity "knowing" and "managing process." Dolphin sees communication, particularly corporate
communication, as playing an important role in giving life and form to an organization's
function, character, and identity, as well as disseminating information to various audiences.
Local governments create an adequate and efficient flow of information for informed policy
development and improved service delivery through communication. It also improves elected
officials' accountability and transparency, and it promotes unity by shifting community biases.
These communication effects help to build positive public opinion.



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